Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 223 Freshmen

Chapter 223 Freshmen
When Murphy woke up again, he was already in a very inconspicuous room.

Turning his head to look behind him, there is a closed door behind him, judging from the size and material, it is the door that he pushed open just now when he came in.

Standing up and patting the dirt on his body, Mo Fei didn't even need to think about it, the door behind him probably couldn't be opened.But thinking about it, I still have to try it.

Turning around and pushing the door, the door didn't move at all. It wasn't that Mo Fei didn't want to open the door, but that there was no place for her to do it.

Turning around giving up, Murphy looked at the room.

This room is not big, and the ceiling is not high, just like a half-empty warehouse.

"No way, is it possible that I'm trapped here?" Murphy pushed around and muttered in disappointment.

Feeling a little hungry, I raised my wrist to check the time. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening. I drank some water in the afternoon before. It's no wonder I'm hungry after such a long time.

Fortunately, he had a storage talisman. Murphy first took out a chair from the storage talisman, and then dug out food and water.

After eating and drinking enough, Murphy searched carefully again, but there was still no exit here, but what made Murphy puzzled was where the air came from, but he held his breath and felt it carefully, but there was no exit. Spot any vents.

"Finally, I can't starve to death for the time being, but I don't know how long it can last." Mo Fei sighed, why did he come here?
Now that he had finished eating, he stayed still, so Mo Fei simply sat cross-legged, let himself relax, and mobilized the qi in his body.

The breath has only circled around the body, and the surroundings of Murphy have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original black lacquered earth wall turned into a resplendent glazed wall, and the ground also appeared the kind of cloud-patterned carved bricks when it came in.

It's just that Murphy didn't know it at this time, because her whole body had entered a strange state at this time.

Murphy never knew that Qi training was such a painful thing.In the past, when I practiced my own Qi, I always felt comfortable physically, but this time I practiced Qi, which made Mo Fei feel oppressed.

Originally I wanted to stop the breath, but the breath circulated alternately in the body as if I couldn't control it at all.

But the only reason why Murphy felt that all this was a little bit worth bearing was that she was surprised to find that the aura in her body was constantly growing.

Although the growing aura kept hitting his body and made Murphy feel like dying, but as the aura grew stronger and hit his body continuously, his body became stronger and stronger.

Maybe this is an opportunity, Murphy, you have to hold back.After Murphy discovered that this change was in a good direction, he kept admonishing himself in his heart.

What's more, even if she wants to give up now, it seems difficult, because Murphy feels that the huge pressure has been chasing her limit, and once she gives up, she seems to be squeezed to death by the pressure on her face.Then simply bear with it, maybe there will be surprises in the past.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei gritted his teeth, cold sweat dripping down his cheeks, but as the sweat came out of his body more and more, a black, smelly, mud-like thing also came along with the sweat. The beads flowed out together.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Murphy only feels that he has survived a century.Finally, the oppressive feeling gradually disappeared, but Murphy also exhausted his physical strength, and the final confrontation was all with the spirit, so when the pressure was relieved, Murphy also fell directly from the chair to the ground.

Inside the star base, three people were standing in front of a handsome man with their heads bowed. The man had a pair of slender winking eyes.If those eyes smile at you, both men and women will probably be intoxicated by it.

However, at this time, the owner of the winking pair was extremely angry.

"The three of you, you can't even keep an eye on one person. Is our special operations team so easy to mess with? Starting today, the three of you will be removed from the core circle and relegated to the combat readiness circle."

"Okay, fifth, don't be angry. It's not that you don't know her skills. It's not easy for her car to get rid of them?" A gentle man with glasses walked over, and at the same time walked towards the other three. The individual winked.

The three understood, saluted the speaker, turned and left the room.

Seeing those three people leaving, the gentleman wearing glasses continued to speak: "Don't worry about it, besides, there is still a satellite linker, if it doesn't work, you can call and ask, it will definitely be fine."

"Who said I didn't call? I reported back from the three of them that I didn't keep up with the call. I have been calling for five days, but I still can't get through." The winking man wanted to stand up anxiously, but his legs There was an injury and he could only pat the armrest of the sofa vigorously.

This person is none other than Xiao Minyu.

On the day Mo Fei left, Xiao Minyu sent three people to follow Mo Fei, trying to secretly protect Mo Fei on the road.Unexpectedly, Mo Fei mistook him for a bad guy and got rid of him.The three of them couldn't find Murphy and had to go back home.

However, it has been five days since those three people came back, and he hasn't got through to Murphy's satellite contact, nor has Murphy contacted him.That's why Xiao Minyu called those three people over again today to ask about the previous situation.

Man Chengbin pushed his glasses: "I don't think it's that serious, and it's not before the apocalypse. The signal after the apocalypse is not very good, and it is often interrupted. This time, the place where Murphy went is relatively remote, so the signal will continue. Can't connect."

Xiao Minyu didn't answer Cheng Bin's words, and after a while of silence on the sofa, he picked up the satellite communicator again.

"Crack, click..." There was a sound, like the sound of an eggshell cracking.

In a resplendent room, a clay egg is breaking apart.As the mud shell shattered, a white arm protruded from it.

As the arm grasped the edge of the eggshell, a head came out of it.

The moment the head came out, it was breathing the air outside, as if a drowning person had just climbed onto the shore.

"Huh... finally came out!" The person who was panting finally spoke her first words after "breaking the shell".

This person is none other than Murphy who fell down before.

After practicing qi, his body changed, and Murphy fell to the ground due to exhaustion.

But when Murphy woke up, he realized that something was wrapped around his body.After struggling for a while, I found that this thing is very sticky and difficult to get rid of.

Murphy struggled for a long time, even using his breastfeeding strength, and found that his body was gradually able to move.

When his body was fully able to move, Mo Fei discovered something even weirder, because he seemed to be surrounded by something, and the shell was quite hard after pushing hard.

Murphy originally wanted to use the hammer in the storage talisman to knock the outer layer open, but he didn't expect to get anything at all.

So Murphy could only aim at a point bit by bit and chisel vigorously with both hands until his hands became soft, and then kicked again, finally breaking such a gap.

Sticking his head out of the gap, Murphy looked around. Why hasn't he been here before?

The surrounding area is as bright as day, could it be that he returned to the ground?After going through a series of strange things, Murphy felt that he was much calmer now.

However, Murphy immediately lost the idea.

Because after getting out of this strange place, Murphy realized that he was completely naked except for the viscous liquid when he was inside.

At first, he didn't feel it because he was surrounded by these things, but now that he came out, the liquid flowed down his body to the ground, and Mo Fei realized that his clothes were gone.

One of the things I was wearing was gone.

He hurriedly touched the storage talisman on his wrist, and the contents inside were ready to be taken again.Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he realized this.If you can't even use the storage talisman, you don't have to be naked all the time.

After rinsing his body with water, Murphy wiped it clean with a previously used towel before changing into another suit.

Turning her head to look at the place where she crawled out, it was simply an egg made of mud, but this egg was bigger and could accommodate a person like her.

After walking around the mud egg, Mo Fei realized that his watch, clothes, shoes, and even the dagger in his shoes were all covered in this layer of mud.

Taking out some tools, Murphy pried out his watch and dagger.

After pressing the wrist watch, it can still be used, and the dagger is wiped clean and the mud is easily stuffed into the side of the newly worn boots.

Mo Fei didn't move forward until there was nothing else left, and the whole person came to a magnificent hall.

The surrounding buildings looked very old, very similar to the buildings in more ancient cultures that Mo Fei saw in the class of ancient studies.

There are nine beams in the whole hall, and the top wall and the supporting cover are made of metal.The entire hall is decorated with carved beams and painted buildings, shining golden light.

Mo Fei moved his gaze to the center of the hall, where there was a niche.Inside the niche is a golden seated statue with a phoenix crown and a rosy beard with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

Although it was just a statue, Murphy felt a sense of awe.Although the whole sitting statue is golden, it is not vulgar at all, but looks serene and dignified.

Looking up, there is a wooden plaque on the top of the shrine: Yuxia Palace.

Mo Fei suddenly thought of the description he saw at the gate that he knew the meaning but couldn't read: Yuxia Yuanjun, protects all living beings, controls the gods, and observes good and evil.

It seems that the goddess in the shrine should be the person called Yuxia Yuanjun, but I don't know where the characters that are the same as those on the talisman come from.

While Murphy was thinking, a dusty paper book in the corner caught Murphy's attention.

Fumbling towards the paper book, Murphy gently picked it up.

The outer cover of this paper book is cyan, but nothing is written on it.

Curiously, Mo Fei opened the cover of the paper book, and the content on the first page caught Mo Fei's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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