Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 224 Finding a New Method

Chapter 224 Finding a New Method

Mo Fei walked around in this hall that seemed to have nothing to do with him. It was similar to those temples that were protected before the end of the world.

It is estimated that the only difference is that this hall is built underground, and it is such a gorgeous hall.

After searching back and forth and finding nothing else, Murphy sat down on a futon in the corner.

Taking out the paper book in his arms, Mo Fei read the first page of the paper book again.

Probably the only thing that can attract her in this hall is this book. Although the glittering gold is very attractive, Mo Fei doesn't want to destroy this magical hall, so he doesn't care about the inlaid gold. .

Opening the book, the content in this book is not only recorded in the same words as the talisman, but more importantly, this book records a set of mental methods that complement each other with the qi training in the talisman.

This is what surprised Mo Fei the most after he opened the book just now.

It can be said that if the method of exercising Qi and breathing introduced in my talisman is to lay the foundation, then what is recorded in this paper book is the way to take myself to the next level.

With this understanding, Mo Fei sat in a corner and carefully studied the paper book in his hand.

After watching Chapter 1, Mo Fei realized that before, he only knew how to let the breath flow in order every day, so the speed of his Qi training was so slow, and he just broke through the basic layer after so long.You must know that the first three levels are considered as the foundation, which is basically a very easy state to reach.

But I actually spent a lot of time practicing qi but just broke through from the lowest level.The most important reason is that Murphy's previous method of training Qi was wrong.

Simply push the breath forward instead of gradually introducing the surrounding breath into the body, and can only let the surrounding breath flow in between breaths, so my own progress is so slow.

Mo Fei also understood the reason why Qi training was faster in the valley before, because the air in the valley is purer, or it can be said that the spiritual energy is more abundant, so there are fewer useless waste gas impurities between breaths, which also speeds up. The process of practicing Qi.

And the air in the urban area is inherently dirty, which also allows the body to absorb the surrounding breath only by breathing, and then remove the excess impurities to allow a very small breath to flow in, so there is no progress.

Knowing this, Murphy followed what the book said, after relaxing his body, he was not in a hurry to activate the breath in his body, but started to close his eyes to let his body feel the surroundings.

When Murphy did this, he felt a different breath flow around his body than in his body.

In fact, when Mo Fei drew talismans before, because when Yuan Fu was made into a complete talisman, he also had to introduce the surrounding Qi, so Murphy was no stranger to doing this, but he didn't know that it was also applicable to him at the time.

Adjust your breathing, the pace of breathing gradually synchronizes with the flow of the surrounding breath, and the surrounding breath seems to be integrated with yourself.

After seeing the result, Murphy mobilized the breath in his body to slowly connect with the outside breath, and the outside breath also joined in with Murphy's breath one by one, and then became stronger and stronger through the circulation of the body. The more refined.

This was the first time for Mo Fei to practice Qi like this, and the feeling was very wonderful, as if he had entered a space that could be suspended, and he and his surroundings were completely integrated into one.

Murphy only circulated his breath slowly, but he clearly felt that this circle was dozens or even hundreds of times better than his previous Qi training.

"Huh..." Murphy let out a long breath and opened her eyes. It wasn't that she was satisfied with her qi training, but after just training, Murphy found that her aura was several times wider than before.

Quickly flipping through the records in the talisman, he has actually broken through the stable layer and entered the breakthrough layer, and it is on the edge of the breakthrough layer.

There is no record in the talisman, but Mo Fei knew that it was written in the book she got newly. When she crossed the breakthrough level, she would really have a qualitative leap.

In the next few days, Murphy kept practicing Qi according to the method in the book, and his breath increased very rapidly.However, Murphy didn't practice Qi all the time, he had just undergone such a big change, and now he couldn't improve quickly, and Murphy still knew the story of counterproductive growth.

So Murphy only practiced Qi laps three times a day with three meals, and spent the rest of the time learning new talismans.

Because he had broken through the stable layer, there were new talismans for him to learn, and to Murphy's surprise, there were attack talismans among the talismans this time.

Murphy didn't look at the other items. After all, high-level talismans are very cumbersome.So Mo Fei only chose one of the attack-type talismans for the time being: the ice element talisman.

It wasn't because Yulin Zengjin's ice-type attack was beautiful, but because Mo Fei had to go through many layers of considerations before finally choosing the ice-type elemental talisman as the first talisman he learned.

Murphy chose the ice element symbol as the first attack type symbol he learned out of four considerations.

The first is the practicality of the ice ability: let's talk about Murphy's going out, what is the way to climb up and down when it is inconvenient for others to find her flying talisman?Of course, use the ice you make to solve this problem.

Second, the ice ability can freeze the enemy and have a buffering effect. Sometimes it is a very good choice to block.

Furthermore, there is the problem of water. There are more opportunities for Murphy to come out alone, so it is really difficult for Murphy to take a bath without water-type abilities. Although he can use the water stored in the storage talisman, he has been using Drinking water is too wasteful, and if you use bottled river water, you may accidentally drink it in your stomach, so the best way is to have special water for bathing.

Where did the water come from?After the ice melts, there will naturally be water. The energy heater itself has it, but the problem of water is not easy to solve, otherwise it will not be able to wash the body thoroughly for so long.

The last and most important point is that there are relatively few ice-type abilities, and they are inferior to water-type abilities in terms of practicality, and inferior to fire-type abilities in terms of attack power. Such an unobtrusive low-key ability, Murphy It couldn't be better.

It's just that the idea is quite good, but this attack-type meta-tale is really too difficult to draw, many times more difficult than the speed talisman that I thought was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, after Mo Fei crawled out of the mud egg this time, besides seeing much better, his memory also improved a lot.So in the case of Murphy's continuous practice, she actually got her to draw the ice-type elemental talisman within a few days.

Putting the ice-type Yuanfu on his body, Mo Fei tried the power a little bit, probably because his ability is not enough, this ice-type Yuanfu was only drawn as a first-level Yuanfu, so the power is not too strong, but even so It also made Murphy excited for a long time.

Holding the two books in his arms like a baby, Mo Fei smiled and his eyes were shining.Although I wasted a lot of time here these days and suffered a lot, it was all worth it.

Raising his wrist to look at the watch that was still working, Mo Fei realized that he had been underground for more than ten days.

Five or six days had passed since I first crawled out of the mud egg, and I was delayed for a few days because of the relationship between Qi training and ice-type Yuanfu. It seemed that it was time for me to go out.

After tidying up his things, Mo Fei walked to Yuxia Yuanjun's shrine and bowed to the statue in the shrine.I have benefited a lot here, and I have to express it.

Originally, Mo Fei planned to leave the hall after saluting to find a way out.However, what Mo Fei didn't expect was that after he saluted the statue, the entire shrine moved back, and a big hole appeared under the shrine.

Murphy looked down, and there was a flight of steps leading into the cave.

Because his single sword seemed to be buried deep in the mud egg, Murphy had to take out the energy gun.

Holding the energy gun, Murphy carefully walked down the stairs.

Replace the headlights, the previous headlights are no longer working, this is Murphy's new headlight.After turning on the headlights, Murphy walked forward along the aisle.After only a few steps, the hole exposed by the shrine behind was closed.

Murphy turned his head when he heard the sound, and couldn't help muttering, "I knew it would be like this." Then he continued to walk forward.

Contrary to going down by yourself before, this road is an upward ladder after reaching the end.

Climbing up the stairs, after resting a few times in the middle, Mo Fei finally reached the end of the stairs.

It's just that there is a wall at the end here, making Mo Fei wonder if he should cut the wall open.

Recalling the way he opened the door from entering, Murphy simply sat on the steps, and then the breath around his body gathered, and the breath in Murphy's body also mobilized.

Murphy's breath resonated with the book in the storage talisman that was brought out from the hall below. The book seemed to be struggling to jump out of the storage talisman.

Feeling this, Mo Fei calmed down, and then reached out to take out the mental method from the storage talisman.

The moment the book came out, a ray of light hit the wall, and the surrounding area shook for a while, and the mountain wall split in two.In the middle, a passageway wider than one person was exposed.

Murphy blocked the light with one hand and waited for the door to open before opening his eyes.Seeing the exit in front of him, Murphy stepped outside and walked out.

After walking out of the mountain wall, Murphy looked back, as if nothing had happened behind him.And he looked around, and there were still temples around.

The difference is that this temple is outside, because the light outside the temple has already shone in, and the breeze brings the cold taste in the fresh air.

Murphy rushed out of the door in three steps at a time. There were rolling mountains outside the door, and he was standing on the top of the highest mountain among the mountains.That kind of momentum came from the bottom of Mo Fei's heart, and he couldn't help shouting into the distance: "I'm finally out!"

(End of this chapter)

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