Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 225 Upside Down

Chapter 225 Upside Down

Mo Fei has walked around the top of the mountain several times since he came out. This is the innermost circle of the temple, and tourists are not allowed to pass through.

And there are several floors in the outer circle of this inner hall, including the main hall and various side halls of the temple.

Through Mo Fei's back and forth understanding, this place is actually the temple of Goddess Stepping Mountain.

This place should be very popular before the end of the world, so now there are no zombies in the hall where Mo Fei came out because it is closed to the public, and the outer hall is full of zombies.

Originally, Murphy wanted to find a way to go down the mountain, but unfortunately after turning around a few times, he realized that there were only two ways down the mountain. Looking down from the top, there seemed to be a lot of zombies on each road.It can almost be described by the word rubbing shoulders.

Mo Fei didn't care what efficacies this temple had before, but now it really blocked his way down the mountain.

Fortunately, because of the improvement in ability, all the talismans that Murphy had learned before had been upgraded.So the flying talisman and the speed talisman no longer have the original limit on the number of times, but it is still a bit difficult for Murphy to rush from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain among the zombies who don't have much space.

Bypassing the passable roads on both sides of the front and side, Mo Fei carefully studied the terrain of the entire mountain. It can be said that the mountain is high and steep, and it is delusional to use climbing ropes to go down from the side.

However, after careful observation, Murphy finally found a shortcut.

There is a section of platform down from the top of the mountain, which is a cableway for viewing cars. I saw this cableway when I went up the mountain before, and it happened not far from where I parked.

Since I can use the flying talisman and speed talisman, or I don't need to take the usual path, it will be faster to go down the cableway.

Thinking of this, Murphy simply climbed over the wall at the top of the mountain and came to the platform.

There are also many zombies here, and there are even zombies trapped in the stagnant cable car.However, they were all in the cabin of the cable car, which did not affect Murphy going down the cableway.

After cleaning up the zombies on the platform, Murphy jumped onto the disc bearing used for cableway transportation.

Looking down from here is really scary, especially when the cold wind blows from the heights, even the whole cableway is trembling slightly.However, Murphy got used to it and felt that he could still handle it, so he stepped on the cableway and turned on the flight and speed symbols to slide down.

It is said to be taxiing, but in fact Murphy is flying with the cableway as the baseline.The flying symbol acts on the point of the cableway.

After wrapping up his clothes and fastening the extra straps, Murphy ran forward in one go.

The moment his body rushed out from the position of the rotating disk of the cableway, Mo Fei felt the air around him drop a few degrees instantly, and then his eyes opened up.

Flying forward along the cableway, because the force point of the cableway is very narrow, giving Mo Fei the illusion that he is really flying in the sky.

For such a long time, my flying talismans have been used as an auxiliary function, and most of them are used to jump from relatively high places, but I have never tried flying forward from a high place like this.

"Haha, it's really fun." From being cautious at the beginning to being familiar with it later, Murphy felt that his choice of going down the mountain was really right.

Enjoying the thrill of flying while running down, Murphy got down one-third of the way before he knew it.

Although there is no limit to the number of times the flight talisman can be activated due to the improvement of the talisman, the maximum time to open it is still only one hour, which is a limit of two hours, so Murphy had to stop after running for two hours to wait for the flight talisman to cool down. .

Fortunately, the cooling time has been greatly reduced now, and it can be used again without waiting long.

While resting, Murphy suddenly felt an unusual wind noise coming from behind him.

He quickly turned his head to look, and a large group of birds behind him rushed towards him.

Seeing that a large group of birds flew towards him, who were not friendly, Murphy quickly let his body roll down the cableway, and hid his body behind the cable car that he chose to stop just now.

However, the inside of this cable car was not very flat, the glass of the cable car was covered with blood, and a C1 zombie in the car was violently slapping on the window because of Murphy's sudden appearance.

Seeing that the sound attracted a large flock of birds flying over, Murphy squatted down.

The large flock of birds flew over the carriage because they lost their target, so Murphy looked up.Those birds looked very strange, but they should not be zombie birds, because their appearance did not show the characteristics of zombies, and Lin Yixun also said that birds and insects did not seem to be affected by this sunny plan.

However, not being affected just means that there was no mutation into a zombie, but the mutation was still found.

"Phew, it's so hanging. I heard that mutated birds are quite ferocious." Mo Fei blinked, seeing that the group of mutated birds flew away, and the cooling time of his flying talisman had passed, so Murphy turned on the flying talisman , jumped onto the roof of the carriage.

When the flying talisman was about to end just now, fortunately I chose to rest on the roof of a carriage, otherwise it would be really difficult to avoid the group of mutated birds.

Murphy stood firm on the carriage, ready to continue down.At this moment, the carriage shook violently.I just jumped down to avoid the mutated bird, but woke up the unconscious C1 zombie, so at this moment, the C1 zombie was violently hitting the carriage, as if it wanted to come out.

At this time, the glass of the impacted compartment had begun to shatter.

Murphy quickly turned on the speed talisman and flew down the cableway quickly.

After flying a certain distance, Mo Fei turned his head and took a look. The C1 zombie actually knocked out of the cable car.

However, the C1 zombie was not very lucky. The moment it hit it, it was thrown out of the car before it had time to grab the door of the cable car, and fell into the forest below.But at this height, even if the zombie didn't hit its head, at least it's not a threat to a person who can run and jump.

Murphy turned his head and continued to run forward, but Murphy, who just turned his head, didn't look very good.Because the group of mutated birds appeared in front of him again, but now Murphy happened to be between the two carriages, and there was nowhere to hide.

If it was on the ground, Murphy could still summon the mecha to deal with it, but at this time Murphy was in the sky, so he could walk from here or rely entirely on the flying talisman.

Just when Murphy was at a loss, she suddenly thought of the results of her recent practice in the underground palace.

"That's right! How could I have forgotten this?" Mo Fei slapped his thigh as if waking up from a dream. The reason why she came out after so many days in the ground is not just because of her improved ability, but because she learned a new talisman. .

"Okay, you are my first test subjects." While talking to himself, Mo Fei activated the Ice Element Talisman.

The coldness in his hands was getting stronger, and Murphy's whole demeanor became much colder.

The mutated birds swarmed towards Murphy, and Murphy drew a huge circle with both hands, and immediately formed a round ice sheet in front of Murphy, blocking those who were like glass. The first attack of the mutated bird.

As the group of flying birds turned around again to launch the next round of attacks, Murphy's hands also formed ice arrows.Frost arrows shot towards the mutant bird one by one along Murphy's hand.Those mutated birds that were hit by the ice arrows fell down with a scream, while those that were not shot also flew away towards the distance.

"Ha, it's done!" Mo Fei excitedly watched his first battle using the ice-type elemental talisman, and jumped up happily.However, she completely forgot that she was still on the cableway, and she had wasted a lot of time here just now. The flight talisman passed an hour quickly, and now it was invalid, and at the same time, it made Murphy lose his center of gravity and fell off the cableway.

Feeling bad in his heart, Murphy fell down the ropeway towards the dense forest below.

Murphy immediately turned off the speed symbol, and if he accelerated at this time, he would be courting death.The wind whistled past his ears, and Murphy was counting the seconds in his heart.

Time passed by second by second, and Mo Fei was about to fall to the bottom.

"Time's up!" Murphy suddenly said, and then activated his flying talisman.The whole person touched the ground and flew up again.

It was too dangerous. Fortunately, I was standing at a higher place, otherwise I would fall to my death before the cooldown was over.Murphy was grateful, but fell to the ground and stopped.

Looking up at the location of the cableway, I can't fly up to such a high altitude. It seems that I can only choose another road, but I really don't know how to get there because there are forests here.

Murphy let himself fly higher and stood on the tree to look into the distance. Fortunately, he could see the foot of the mountain from here, but the direction was a bit different from the one he was walking now.

I took out the multi-function watch I bought from the deer father and son from the storage amulet, and after setting the direction, I turned on the speed amulet and ran forward along the direction.

When the flying talisman had cooled down again, Murphy jumped up and looked into the distance: "Eh? The direction is correct, why are you still going the wrong way?" But the cooling of the flying talisman was over, and Murphy decided to fly directly to the lower floor along this side. .

The whole person jumped up, turned over the forest, and flew down the top of the tree. After flying for a long time, the flying talisman came to the cooling time again.

Stopping, Mo Fei sat down on a branch of a tree, took out food and water from the storage talisman, and stuffed it into his mouth.

As soon as he finished eating, Mo Fei noticed something in the distance shuttling through the woods, and quickly ran over here.

Mo Fei hurriedly hid in the canopy of the tree and looked out through the gaps in the leaves.

The fast-moving figure arrived under the tree where Murphy was not long after. Only then did Murphy see clearly that the one running below was actually a zombie that looked like C zombie.

Ok?A C zombie?Still running so fast?

Just when Murphy was very curious, another figure ran up from behind. What surprised Murphy even more was that the one chasing after him was actually a person.

(End of this chapter)

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