Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 227 Unexpectedly Discovered Group Photo

Chapter 227 Unexpectedly Discovered Group Photo

This is the second time Murphy has gone home after the apocalypse, it's a bit funny to think about it.

When I left at the beginning, I still thought that I might not be able to come back in this life, but now that what happened one after another made her always have to rush back. Fortunately, I inherited the talisman and have more self-protection ability, so I can also go smoothly. go home.

Lock the courtyard door. Although the zombies outside were basically cleaned up by Mo Fei, it is still necessary to be just in case.

After locking the courtyard door, Murphy opened the garage door with the key, and then drove the car in.

After closing the garage again, Murphy went upstairs along the elevator leading from the garage to the lobby. In the upstairs room, there was nothing but a little more dust.

Throwing away the knife, Murphy sat down on the sofa he had carefully selected.

"It's still the most comfortable at home." Murphy sat up for a while before getting up, threw the clothes on his body to the gate, and got up by himself to take a shower carefully.Because there was no supply for a long time, there was no water in the water pipe. Murphy filled the big basin with ice cubes, and then slowly heated it up.

After the water heated up, Mo Fei entered the bathroom with a large basin full of water.

After falling into the underground palace before, he couldn't take a bath again, but what made Mo Fei feel a little strange was that although he hadn't bathed for almost a month, he didn't have any peculiar smell on his body.This situation has only been like this since he got out of that mud egg.

Murphy couldn't figure out how the mud egg wrapped him up, but what Murphy understood was that his body had improved by more than one level because of this.

After taking a shower and changing into dry clothes, Murphy tried to start the washing machine, but the washing machine was still working, and it seemed that the solar battery was not broken.Murphy melted some more ice water, poured it in along the spout, and then activated the button.

It's all done, and I ate something casually.After checking the doors and windows, Murphy walked back to his bedroom.Tonight, I can have a good rest in my own home, in my own bed.

The next morning, Murphy got up early, not for anything else, because she was going to turn her house upside down starting today.

After eating something in the morning, Murphy went straight to his father's study.

It was also here that he found the talisman last time, but Mo Fei's goal today is something else, which is why he came back.

After digging out all the things in his father's study, Murphy sat on the floor and checked them one by one.

"Huh? There's a photo album." After flipping through a dozen books, Mo Fei found an unremarkable photo album under the books.If you don't flip through each book, such a photo album with the same spine can easily be confused with a book.

Murphy pulled the photo album out from under the book and opened it. It seemed to be his father's photo album from a long time ago.

The first page seemed to be full of fifteen or sixteen-year-old students. It took Murphy a long time to recognize his father.

"Haha, it turns out that Dad's hairstyle was so silly when he was a child!" Murphy sat on the ground and laughed while watching.

Continue to scroll back, and soon came to a photo of a bigger time, which should be after graduating from an orthodox education, about one or two years older than Murphy is now.

"It's mom! It turns out that my parents met when they graduated from orthodox education." Mo Fei had heard that his parents fell in love at the research institute, so they had known each other since they graduated from orthodox education.

Murphy was about to continue flipping back, when he suddenly found a familiar figure among the people taking photos with his parents. Murphy had just flipped through the album, as if realizing something, Murphy quickly flipped the album over again.

The photo that was almost overlooked in the album was five people smiling very happily holding slender graduation electronic encoders. Two of them, Mo Fei, recognized at a glance that they were his parents, and among the other three, Mo Fei Fei actually saw Dr. Wan Qiang Wan.It was the doctor who was holding his father's notebook in Lin Yixun's laboratory, and it was the one who Murphy wondered why that man had his father's notebook.

"It's him?" My parents knew this Dr. Wan before, but I had never heard of it, but the notebook that my father carried with him before his death was in the hands of this person. What's going on?

Murphy continued to scroll back, and there were two more photos of his parents and Dr. Wan in the album, and then there were only the photos of his parents, and then there was the family photo of his grandfather and his parents, and then he added his own photo family portrait.

Murphy turned the album to the original photo again, and clicked on Dr. Wan. Now it can be proved that Dr. Wan knew his parents before, but it is not known why the notebook is in the hands of Dr. Wan.

In fact, this photo album was discovered by accident. What Murphy was looking for was his father's diary.Probably because I have done a lot of scientific research, I am used to keeping records of everything, so my father has the habit of keeping a diary.

However, when Mo Fei was a child, he never cared about where his father would keep his diary. What he could roughly remember was that his father had the habit of writing a diary in the study every time very late.

Put all the flipped books back on top, except for the photo album that I accidentally discovered just now.Mo Fei sat down at the desk his father had used before with his chin in his hands: Why not?I searched all over my study room, but found nothing except this photo album.

He tilted his head back. He had been reading with his head down just now, and his neck was sore.

After Murphy raised his head, his eyes fixed on the hanging scroll behind him.Rolling his eyes, Mo Fei seemed to remember something, as if his father used to get up first when writing a diary, as if...

Murphy stood up, recalling his father's actions while turning to look at the hanging scroll on the wall behind him.

After taking off the scroll, Mo Fei stretched out his left hand and touched the cabinet next to it. In a crack of the cabinet on the left, Mo Fei felt a small bump.Pressing down hard, a crack appeared on the originally smooth wall.

Mo Fei let go, and pushed the wall with both hands, and a hidden pavilion appeared in front of Mo Fei's eyes.However, there is a password on the pavilion. After thinking about it, Mo Fei slid out the birthday combination of his parents and himself on the sliding password of the pavilion.

After trying three times, it finally opened. The password was thought up by myself at the beginning, but because it was a combination of changes, there are more than a dozen combinations. Fortunately, Mo Fei knew his father's habits better, so he opened it after only three attempts.

Of course, if you haven't opened it three times, you can only wait until tomorrow to try again.

Sure enough, when the door of the pavilion opened, the hidden bookshelf inside was revealed.

found it!
Murphy looked along the bookshelf, most of which were some of the more important research reports of his father, and then in the lower left corner, an electronic diary appeared in Murphy's eyes.

This is the diary that my father keeps in his daily life.

When Murphy took out the diary, Murphy also took out the research reports that were originally on the shelf.Then press the button, and it becomes the original hanging scroll again.

Putting both the research report and the diary on the table, Murphy lightly stroked the cover of the diary.Although it was placed in the attic, since his parents passed away, Mo Fei hadn't touched anything in this study.However, in this study room, the bookshelves, tables and chairs outside were often wiped by the cleaners who came to clean it before, so it is not dirty, but there is still some dust in this cabinet although it is hidden.

Mo Fei took out a cloth to wipe off the floating dirt on the electronic diary and other materials, and pushed the push port on the side of the electronic notebook.

Electronic diaries remain in the dark, though.

Mo Fei tapped his head with his hand: "Look at my brain, it hasn't been turned on for many years, how could there be electricity?"

Turning out the electric light and putting it on the table, Murphy put the electronic diary under the light.

But there is no response, it seems that this electronic notebook is not light energy.Because ordinary electronic notebooks are charged with light energy, this notebook should be old-fashioned.Murphy turned the electronic notebook over and over in his hand, and finally saw a rubber cover on the side.

Remove the cover to reveal the charging port inside.Pushing the interface out from the side, Murphy looked around, and there was a row of power sockets on the ground under the desk.

Plugging the electronic notebook into it, Murphy picked up the research reports left by his father.

It is also electronic data, but this is obviously a new type of energy charging.Murphy put all these materials under the lamp, and waited for the electronic data book to be fully charged.

After tidying up the study, Murphy took the photo album and walked towards the bedroom where his parents used to live.Because Mo Fei remembered that her mother used to read some certificates in the bedroom with her childhood self, which seemed to be some information from her parents.

If we can find some things from the past and correspond to these photos, there may be new discoveries.

Coming to the bedroom where his parents used to live, Murphy opened the door with a key.After the accident here, Murphy never came here again, nor did he let anyone in.

At the same time as the door was opened, the dust in the house flew up with the wind coming in from the door, which also made Murphy's mind soar.

This place has been dusty for so long, and this is the first time I have walked in.

Looking at the dusty room, Mo Fei suddenly blamed himself. After so many years, he should at least keep the room clean. This is the room his parents like best.I have refused to enter my parents' room for so long, they must know that they still have no way to face this matter, so how can they feel at ease?
Murphy turned around and went to the cleaning room to get a vacuum cleaner, at least he wanted to make it tidy.What's more, if you want to find something here for a while, it will be inconvenient if you don't clean it up.

Take the vacuum cleaner and put it on the ground, and the disc-sized vacuum cleaner will automatically rotate on the ground by pressing the button.After cleaning up the dust for a while, Murphy walked straight towards the big wardrobe.Murphy remembered clearly that the third drawer under the side door of the large wardrobe was where these things were placed.

(End of this chapter)

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