Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 228 Goods

Chapter 228 Department Store
Gently opening the drawer, Mo Fei found those things that he often missed with his mother when he was a child in the third drawer.

Carrying all these things onto the bed covered with a sheet, Mo Fei opened a corner and sat down.

Just as he was about to flip through these things, suddenly, Mo Fei heard a loud "thump, boom, boom" sound outside, and even the ground trembled slightly.

Murphy quickly put the things into the storage talisman, and then ran towards the front hall.

Through the window in the front hall, Murphy saw a giant zombie lying on the ground not far away, which should be a C2 zombie.It's just that I have checked here before, and there is no giant C2 zombie, so where did this C2 zombie come from?

Murphy looked around, and there seemed to be nothing but the body of a C2 zombie.But this is getting weirder.

Boldly, Murphy opened the locked door and walked out cautiously.

Until Murphy moved to the corpse of the C2 zombie, Murphy didn't see anything else.

Pulling out the hunting recorder, Murphy stuck the needle into C2's body, and the hunting recorder showed the merit value that C2 zombies should have.

Murphy tilted her head, she really didn't know why this C2 died here, but it also made her understand that it might not be so safe here.

After a few steps back home, Murphy no longer browsed slowly.Because of the increase in the level, the storage talisman has also expanded, and it is not limited by the size of the object. Murphy rummaged through everything he could bring into the storage talisman, and then put it into grandpa's cold arsenal. They are all stored in their own storage symbols.

Because the racks that lined up weapons were all taken away, the cold armory looked extraordinarily empty.Mo Fei looked around, and suddenly found a black wooden box with a delicate lock on the corner of the shelf where cold weapons were originally placed.

Murphy walked over, bent down and picked up the black but dust-free wooden box.

After fiddling with it for a while, Mo Fei saw a line of small words engraved on the bottom of the box.

It is also similar to the character of the talisman, but this paragraph should be engraved by the ancestors, because there are many typos on it.

Putting this small wooden box of unknown purpose into the storage talisman, he looked again at the cold armory that had been emptied by himself, and Murphy turned and left.

Walking out along the sun room, along the way, Mo Fei basically put everything useful that he saw in the storage room, and when he received it upstairs, he had almost wiped out everything.

After looking at other places in the house, Murphy nodded: It seems that I can return tomorrow.

After getting himself something to eat, Mo Fei went straight back to his room.Because the things have been moved, I am afraid this time is really the last time to come back.

Without Qi training, Murphy lay on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Murphy got up, changed his clothes and went straight to the garage.In the past two days at home, I washed all the big clothes before.After thinking about it, Murphy finally put the washing machine into the storage talisman.

Returning to the garage along the elevator, Murphy drove back and forth.

After driving for a whole day, Murphy didn't encounter any danger, so he drove very quickly. In the evening, Murphy had already passed Nanshi, where Cangji was originally located, and entered a small town.

There was a tall building that was easily recognizable in this small town. Murphy looked around and chose that building.Because it is a large department store, and I still need some daily necessities.

Thinking of this, Murphy drove towards the building.

Stopping under that building, Murphy glanced at the tall building in front of him.The surrounding area was actually empty, and no zombies were found.But it's not the best, it's definitely going to stay overnight, there are too many zombies, and I have to clean it up a little bit by myself.

Murphy drove the car to an inconspicuous place at the back, bolted the front door again, and then looked up at the building. Most of the windows in this building were closed, but strangely, there Except for the first and second floors, there seemed to be one or two rooms with open windows on each floor.

Murphy chose the location on the third floor, and climbed to the third floor along the side wall with his bare hands.The window here was not closed, but after climbing up, Mo Fei found that the room with the open window was full of zombies.

Who gathered so many zombies?Murphy thought to himself, those zombies also found Murphy, this fresh food, and rushed towards the window roaring.

Murphy was not in a hurry, first crawled a few steps sideways, and then blasted the energy guns in his hand at the heads of the zombies one by one. After the zombies were shot, they all piled up on the window. The corpses of the zombies were used as cover, and they climbed up for a while, and the energy guns fired towards the inside.

When Murphy got into the house, a small number of these zombies were still at the door because they were far away, and now they rushed over.

Mo Fei activated the ice element talisman in his hand, and the cold air splashed in his hand. A piece of crystal clear ice that could faintly emit blue cold air spread along the floor to the feet of the rushing zombies.Most of the C zombies were frozen in place, but the C1 zombies were still able to move forward slowly.

Mo Fei sighed. He had only learned the ice-type Yuan Talisman himself, and the power of the drawn Talisman seemed to be able to completely deal with C zombies.

However, there was an obstacle that slowed down the rushing zombies, and Murphy quickly took the opportunity to fly towards the heads of those C1 zombies with ice arrows.

It's just that because of the lack of proficiency in using it, many of the Frost Arrows pointed to the one that missed, but because the zombies were relatively dense, it didn't waste a few of them, and they all stuck into the heads of the zombies on the back or side.

It's not that Murphy's accuracy is not good, but because launching the Frostbolt needs to mobilize the ice element symbol itself and the air in the air, and Murphy's coordination is not smooth enough.

Seeing that the C1 zombies in the front row were about to approach, Murphy quickly turned out the energy gun that was originally put away, and shot towards the head of the approaching zombies.The C1 zombies in the front row were finally killed by the energy gun.

After picking up the rest of the zombies, Mo Fei, who was holding the hunting recorder, took a look at his achievements while collecting the merit points and Mo Jing. It seemed that he still needed to find a chance to practice his use of attack charms.

After the merit points and Mo Jing were put away, Mo Fei closed the window, then broke the lock and walked out the door.

It was much quieter outside. Murphy walked out to take a look. This is a comprehensive shopping mall. According to the shopping guide, the second floor and the first floor are parking lots. The first floor should be cosmetics, jewelry and other items. Layer is footwear.The third floor, that is, the first floor and the fourth floor where Murphy is now, both of which are women's clothing.

The fifth floor is men's clothing, the sixth floor is sportswear, the seventh floor is sports equipment and home appliances, the eighth floor is a video game city and a place where toys are sold, the ninth floor is bedding and home visits, the tenth floor is a food court, and the eleventh floor It's a theater.Mo Fei glanced at it. There should be twelve floors, and the twelve floors should be offices or something.

Murphy was short of some clothes, and the floor he was on happened to be women's clothing.

Walking along the edge of the shop, Murphy walked forward with the energy gun in one hand, unexpectedly, there were no zombies along the way.Thinking of the room full of zombies just now, Murphy guessed that someone had cleaned it up.

In the store, Mo Fei flipped through the clothes, and put all the good-looking clothes she could wear into the storage amulet. Of course, she didn't forget to take out an extra backpack, which is usually her own number and stuffed it items into the backpack, and the rest of the inventory goes into the stash.

After collecting the women's clothing section on the third floor, Murphy turned his attention to the fourth floor.Going up the stairs, Murphy also collected a lot of things when he reached the fourth floor.

Turning his head to look at the sign, the hall on the first floor is for jewelry, so there should be gold.Murphy smacked his lips. Gold is just currency to others, but to him it is used to repair and upgrade the mecha.

Thinking of this, Murphy turned to go to the stairwell.It was just that when passing the elevator, Murphy noticed that the box-type elevator was still displaying numbers, indicating that the elevator was still running.

Murphy pressed the elevator, and the elevator went up from the first floor.Taking the elevator, Murphy walked to the first floor.

Most of the gold jewelry counters here were smashed, but the people who came to grab them and ran away were not so careful, and a lot of them fell inside the counters, and some were because the salespersons in the counters turned into zombies. I caught the zombies but didn't have time to get the things.

Murphy cleaned up the rest and put them into the storage talisman.

I looked at the shopping guide, and now I just need to pack some quilts and pillows, not to mention that I can sleep in the home visit area if I want to stay tonight.After making up his mind, Murphy got on the elevator, pressed the ninth floor, and the elevator went up to the bedding and home visit area on the ninth floor.

But the elevator had only reached the eighth and a half floor, and before the elevator door opened, Murphy heard voices coming from outside.

Ok?Someone here?Although looking at the zombies that were concerned, Murphy reckoned that this place had been cleaned up before, but he hadn't found half of them after looking around for so long. no food.

Because he was not proficient in using the ice element talisman, Mo Fei took out the energy gun from the storage talisman that had been put away because he hadn't used it just now, and prepared to deal with the situation after the elevator door opened.

As the elevator reached the ninth floor with a "ding", the elevator door gradually opened.

And the original people on the ninth floor also raised their vigilance because of this crisp voice. Most of them are on this floor and no one left. So who will come up here?One by one, they watched the moment when the elevator doors opened.


The moment Murphy saw the opponent, the opponent also saw Murphy.

Seeing that Mo Fei was the only one, and she was still a little girl, the people in the hall who looked at the elevator were slightly relieved, and one of the men also asked Mo Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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