Chapter 229
Seeing that the person who opened the door didn't do anything, he just looked at himself warily.

Murphy stepped out of the elevator with the muzzle of the energy gun facing the ground: "Sorry, I didn't know there were people in this department store. I was passing by. I originally wanted to collect some clothes and quilts and stay overnight. "Murphy unloaded the huge backpack from his shoulders. He really didn't expect that he just stuffed so many single items.

The person who asked Mo Fei looked Mo Fei up and down, then raised his head to the person beside him.The two people next to him walked towards Murphy, one of them opened the backpack and looked through it, and then looked at the person who had just ordered: "Boss, it's true that they are all from the mall."

The man nodded and looked at Mo Fei: "How did the girl get here?"

"Oh, I came here by car. From here, this building is the tallest. I saw the sign for a department store, so I walked in."

"Then how did you get in?" the leader continued to ask.

Murphy rolled his eyes: "I climbed in through the window on the third floor."

"Third floor? The girl is very skilled!"

Mo Fei scratched his head and replied with a smile: "Hey, to tell you the truth, I am an auxiliary type of ice-type ability user, I can use ice to attach to the wall, but it doesn't last long, but the third floor is still a piece of cake. "

The person who asked the question nodded in understanding: "However, I remember that the people with us closed the windows of all the rooms, except for the zombie's room."

"That's right, I came in from the room where the zombies were. I attracted those zombies to the window and shot them to death with this gun." Murphy shook the gun in his hand as if he was afraid that the person would not know. energy gun.

The man raised his eyebrows and wanted to ask again, but suddenly a cry interrupted the man's questioning.


Murphy heard the familiar voice, turned his head to look over, and saw a dozen people running from a distance.

"Zhu Zhu, why are you?" Murphy also replied in surprise.

The man who asked the question asked suspiciously: "What? Do you know each other?"

Zhu Zhu nodded hurriedly: "I know each other, we are very familiar, I will explain to you in detail later." Then she dragged Murphy and ran back.

The few people following Zhu Zhu were Li Suna, Zhen Shunli and Liang Tang, but they were missing many familiar faces.

Li Suna and Zhen Shunli also surrounded her, pulling Mo Fei to look and look: "It's great that you're alive, Feifei, we all thought you..."

"That's right, Feifei, how did you escape after being chased by that zombie beast? We waited for a long time in Cangji and didn't see you back. We thought you were dead, so we left without waiting for you." Zhu Zhu Asked Murphy.

"Don't mention it, I thought I must be doomed at the time. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to fall into a deep pit. Although I escaped the zombie beast, I couldn't get up. Later, someone found out after doing a task. Escaped. But after I went back to Cang Base to inquire about you, I heard that you had already left." Murphy replied to the former roommates in front of him.

"Feifei, I met an ex-neighbor at the time. He said he wanted to go to the Star Base, because the Star Base is closer to our home. Maybe family and friends are there, and you haven't come back. , we thought you might be gone, and it was sad to stay in Cangji, so we left Cangji together. I really didn’t mean to leave you alone." Li Suna held Murphy's hand a little apologetically Said.

"That's right, Feifei, we really didn't mean to abandon you." Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli also said.

"It's nothing, and I don't blame you. The world doesn't know who will die one day, so it's normal for you to think that I haven't been back for so long." Murphy said with a smile to the three sisters in front of him, and then said Asked suspiciously: "However, why are you still here, aren't you going to the star base?"

Zhu Zhu, Li Suna, and Zhen Shunli looked at each other, and Zhu Zhu said, "Feifei, don't you know that there are only a few people left in our team?"

Mo Fei nodded. She had discovered just now that there were only eight or nine familiar faces left.

Then Zhu Zhu and the others told Murphy about their situation these days.

It turned out that they hadn't returned to the base since Murphy disappeared last time, and they searched around after the battle, but there was no trace of Murphy.Thinking of the power of that huge zombie beast, several people decided that Murphy might have fallen into the mouth of the zombie beast.

Later, Li Suna met a fellow villager and learned that the location of the star base was very close to her hometown, because Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli's home was closer to the star base than the Cang base, so they unanimously decided to go to the star base.

So a group of people discussed it, and most of them were willing to go with them, so they left Cang base.

Unexpectedly, someone in the midway team fell ill, so they found a place to stay.It was also at that time that the team encountered the C3 zombie. The people who had gone to the hospital to find medicine escaped and led the C3 zombie to their residence. Then their car was destroyed and there were heavy casualties.

Later, they picked up the car from the road and continued on their way, but someone in the team was scratched by the zombies but did not report it. It is conceivable that because they were not prepared, more than half of the people in that car were injured or killed, and finally stumbled and fled to this place. There were only a dozen or so of them here.

And lost a few more people on the way to escape, so now there are only a few of them left.After that, they hid in this department store. Fortunately, they met this group of people and they survived.Later, the two groups merged into one, and under the leadership of this group, they would often go out to find food during the day and fight against zombies at night.Also because their number was too small, they didn't have the courage to go to the star base again, so they stayed here.

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhu patted Mo Fei on the shoulder: "You are very lucky, Fei Fei, you just came when we came back from going out, if you were later, I'm afraid you would be besieged by zombies."

This sentence made Murphy a little confused: "Do zombies still have day and night? Didn't I find any zombies when I came here?"

"You don't know, Feifei. The zombies here are divided into day and night. Although they can act day and night, their attack power is actually different during the day and night. During the day, it may be a normal attack, but at night, it's like fighting. Like a stimulant."

As soon as Li Suna finished speaking, the group of people yelled in this direction: "Haven't you finished chatting? It's time to work, and I've prepared everything. Besides, we don't accept idlers. If you want to stay overnight, you have to work." .”

Zhu Zhu grabbed Mo Fei: "Come on, Fei Fei, let us show you the crazy zombies, and let you see how powerful we are now."

Murphy followed Zhu Zhu and the others to the second floor.Then so many people were divided into several groups, and each group entered a room.

It was only after entering the room that Mo Fei understood why the windows on the second floor were tightly closed and reinforced.

There are some special equipments in these rooms, so that even if zombies attack, they have the ability to deal with it.

"The place we are here is just the preparatory stage. In fact, the main focus is on the fourth floor. However, we are not capable enough, so we can only stay on the second floor. Although it is more dangerous, it is the absolute best position when we eliminate it." Zhu Zhuyi She said to Mo Fei proudly, and she could see that she should improve a lot during this time.

"Okay Zhuzhu, get ready, the sun is going to set soon." Li Suna reminded from the side.

But Zhen Shunli on the other side started to have problems again: "Na, come and help me, my hair is caught."

"Oh, you fool, why do you do this every day?" Li Suna scolded, but still walked over.

Murphy looked at several former roommates, they were still the same, nothing changed from what he remembered.

"Feifei, look, it's going to be dark soon, you just need to stand next to me and watch." Zhu Zhu reminded Mo Fei in a low voice after getting ready.In her impression, Murphy was a good melee fighter with a long spear, but being so tall was not Murphy's forte.

Murphy didn't say much, but squeezed the energy gun in his hand.

"Come on, don't talk anymore." Li Suna spoke in a low voice suddenly, creating a tense atmosphere in the slightly dark room.

Murphy's eyes were also fixed on the window, looking out through the reinforced iron railings.Far away, zombies rushed towards this side with their dilapidated bodies dangling one after another, and some zombie beasts were even mixed among them.

"It's broken, there is a wave of beasts today, Lily, please go upstairs and notify." Li Suna stared at the distance and quickly pushed Zhen Shunli beside her.

Mo Fei looked at Li Suna, it seems that Suna should be a visual mutant, otherwise, from such a distance, most people can only see some shadows, and there is no way to distinguish whether it is a zombie or something else.I can see clearly because I have improved my physique through Qi training, but Li Suna can also see clearly, which means that she should be a visual mutant.

Before Murphy could finish thinking, Zhen Shunli had already rushed out of the room, which made Murphy stunned, but the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously: No wonder Li Suna asked Zhen Shunli to notify, it seems that Shunli has become a speed mutant, that is, I don't know what kind of changes Zhu Zhu has made yet, but no matter what it is, it means that they have all improved.

Not long after, Zhen Shunli ran back again: "Na, I've already notified you, and they're starting to prepare."

Li Suna nodded and looked at Zhu Zhu: "Zhuzhu, it will be up to you in a while."

Hearing Li Suna's arrangement, Zhu Zhu raised her chest towards Li Suna: "No problem, just look at mine!"

Zhu Zhu's tone and confidence made Murphy even more curious: what kind of ability will Zhu Zhu have?

Just thinking about it, the zombies gradually approached the department store.

 There have been no votes, and it looks so lonely and pitiful, can you add some color to it?

(End of this chapter)

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