Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 230 Defensive Wall

Chapter 230 Defensive Wall

As the zombies got closer, Murphy was also a little surprised.

There are quite a few of these zombies, and the number is almost as large as a siege of a sea base.

But this is exaggerated. After all, the department store is only as big as the sea base.However, according to the ratio of the size of the department store to the number of zombies, it is almost the same.

But the sea base has five main city walls, and several hidden ultimate defense walls, but it seems that there are only those self-welded protective fences here.

However, Murphy glanced at the few friends beside him. Although they were engrossed in watching the movement of the zombies, they were not afraid.

Murphy didn't say much, and quietly stood beside Zhu Zhu watching their next move.

The first batch of relatively fast C1 zombies and some zombie beasts were already a little closer to the department store at this moment, and Li Suna at the side suddenly stuck out a flag from the window and waved it.

With the waving of the flag, the battle officially came to an end.

From upstairs, and from other windows, there were sounds of attacks.Whether it was a gun attack or an ability attack, they kept attacking the zombies shaking from a distance.

Murphy glanced at Zhen Shunli and Li Suna, and the two of them also took aim at the zombies with their guns on the window.Only Zhu Zhu didn't move, still standing at the window and looking out.

Seeing Zhu Zhu's serious expression, Murphy became more and more curious.

However, before Mo Fei could study it carefully, the surviving zombies outside had rushed to the door of the department store area.Murphy's heart couldn't help but pick up. Once the zombies broke through the gate, this is a shopping mall, and it can be said that it will be a matter of driving straight in.

"Zhuzhu." In the quiet room, Li Suna suddenly opened her mouth and shouted towards this side.

"Understood, let's see mine!" Zhu Zhu had a confident smile on his face after receiving the prompt, and then moved the ability in his hands.

Looking at Zhu Zhu's posture, Mo Fei knew that Zhu Zhu was already a supernatural being, but she didn't know what was special about her supernatural being, because there were many supernatural attacks in the attack just now, but only Zhu Zhu Pearl is still watching.

Following the activation of the supernatural power in Zhu Zhu's hand, the ground trembled, and then an earth wall appeared in front of the department store without any shelter.Those zombies and zombie beasts who wanted to rush over were blocked behind the earth wall.

Mo Fei nodded: It turns out that Zhu Zhu is a supernatural being of the earth system, and he is also a defense system.

There are many kinds of earth-type supernatural powers. Among them, the offensive-type soil supernatural powers can only attack with the help of the soil around and on the ground. Although the range is wide, it is still not as good as the fire-type and thunder-type offensive supernatural powers. The ability itself has strong attack power.

As for the auxiliary earth-type superpowers, generally speaking, they can only strengthen the walls, but they are not as strong as the metal-type auxiliary superpowers.

But only defense, which is beyond the reach of other abilities, because of the vastness of the earth element, and because of its thick structure, it is the most reliable as a defense.

So when Zhu Zhu used the ability to unearth the wall, Murphy laughed.

"That's right, Zhu Zhu, it's actually the strongest defensive type among the earth-type supernatural beings." Murphy couldn't help but praise Zhu Zhu.

"Of course." Hearing Murphy's praise, Zhu Zhu puffed up her chest even more.

"Okay, let me help too." Murphy picked up the energy gun, left the window occupied by Zhu Zhu, and walked to another window next to it.Put the energy gun on the edge of the window and shoot it outside.

Compared with the attacks of other guns, Murphy's shots can be described as very powerful.One is because of Murphy's high accuracy, and the other is because the energy gun in Murphy's hand is not an ordinary energy gun. It was specially issued to Lin Yixun to protect Lin Yixun, but later because they didn't come back together, and There were various other reasons why they were not confiscated.

Naturally, this energy gun cannot be compared with other ordinary energy guns outside, so Murphy can almost kill a zombie with a gun. If you master it well, you can harvest two or three zombies at a time.

As soon as Murphy made a move, Li Suna, who had been concentrating on attacking, stopped and took a look at Murphy. Every time Murphy met, he would bring a different side to them.

Li Suna always felt that she had a better grasp of precision than others due to the visual mutation, but she didn't expect that Murphy seemed to be better.

Feeling Li Suna looking at him, Murphy looked back at her and smiled.

"Feifei, why are you so good at everything?" Li Suna couldn't help blurting out when she saw that Mo Fei found herself looking at her.

"What's so great about it? You've done a lot of tasks outside, and you hold your life in your hands every day. If you don't pay attention, you may lose your life from your hands. Of course, you don't dare to be sloppy in doing these things." Murphy continued While turning his head to attack out of the window, he replied.

The sky is getting darker and darker, but the zombies outside are fighting more and more courageously. Because they dare not light up the lights blatantly, it is becoming more and more difficult to attack the zombies outside.

Zhu Zhu, who had been clinging to the earthen wall because of the repeated zombie attacks, was sweating profusely, and his physical strength was getting worse and worse.

"Zhuzhu, take a break, you will overdraw." Mo Fei said, looking at Zhu Zhu, whose face was getting paler and paler.

"Yes, Zhuzhu, sit down and eat something and drink some water." Li Suna quickly brought over the chair.Afterwards, Li Suna also raised her hand to wipe her sweat: "Today's attack is really strong, I haven't encountered such a powerful attack for a long time."

"That's right, the last attack was due to the aftermath of zombies from Cang Base." Zhen Shunli, who was still at the window, replied along.

Zhu Zhu sat down, ate something and stood up again: "No, if I don't strengthen it often, it will cost more to build another one. I can't let it fall down."

Murphy raised his eyebrows and glanced at the earthen wall outside.With her eyesight, she could still see the situation outside after careful observation.

Just as a flame flew down, Murphy looked again by the light of the flame, and there were indeed some cracks in the outer wall.A secret thought in his heart activated the Ice Element Talisman, and then the vain cold air climbed up the wall, and the ice blocks froze the cracked places. However, because the cracks were so small, Murphy's movements were small, and it was so dark. No one noticed the change outside.

"It's all right. I just looked at it by the firelight. The outside wall is very strong. You rest for a while, and I will help you watch it. If there is any problem, I will let you know." Murphy patted Zhu Zhu on the shoulder, and immediately He leaned over to the window again, and carefully reinforced the outer wall while attacking with an energy gun.

It wasn't until the cracks in the outer wall grew a little that they might be discovered if they were filled with ice, did Mo Fei turn to look at Zhu Zhu: "Zhuzhu, there's a crack in the outer wall, come quickly and fix it."

"Come on, thank you Feifei." Zhu Zhu seems to have recovered a lot at this moment, and quickly returned to the window, and while strengthening the outer earth wall, he muttered: "It seems that my ability has improved again, and I have persisted for so long today. hey-hey."

The battle lasted until zero o'clock, just like Cinderella's magic would disappear after zero o'clock, those zombies also evacuated the department store, leaving only zombie corpses all over the floor.

"It's over, it's over! Go back to sleep." Zhu Zhu didn't know if it was because he had made great achievements again today, and although his face was a little tired, he shouted to several people with joy.

After leaving the room, go to the third floor. Every time they gather at the end of the battle, they will choose a location between the second floor and the fourth floor.

"Everyone performed well today, especially Su Na. Today's attack is ruthless and accurate, very strong. Next time, come to the fourth floor." The person who asked Mo Fei before stood in the middle and concluded, it seems that it should be The leader of the gang.

Li Suna waved her hand quickly: "Boss, it's not me. My level is still the same as usual. The person with strong attack power you mentioned should be our friend." Li Suna waved her hand, and then pushed Murphy who was standing behind her. come out.

"Oh? I didn't expect this girl to be so powerful." The leader looked Mo Fei up and down.

"Actually, it's not that I'm good. It's that the energy gun in my hand is special." Murphy smiled at the leader and replied calmly.

The person in charge also looked at the energy gun in Murphy's hand at the moment. It looks like an ordinary energy gun in appearance, but a knowledgeable person can understand the energy gun after seeing the workmanship and the energy compressor. s difference.

The leading man didn't doubt it either, but he was very interested in the energy gun in Murphy's hand: "Where did you get this gun, girl? How about I give you food in exchange?"

"I'm really sorry, this gun is official, I only got it when I came out to do a mission, not to mention that without this gun, I can't go back to the base." Murphy replied calmly, calmly letting the leader The man squinted his eyes.

"Base? Which base does the girl belong to?"

"Star base."

"Star base?" Hearing Murphy's answer, Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli on the side exclaimed in unison.

"Feifei, did you come from the star base?" Zhu Zhu asked quickly, speaking quickly.

Murphy nodded: "Yes, the war started before I finished talking just now, so I didn't tell you well."

After hearing Mo Fei's answer, the person in charge looked at Mo Fei thoughtfully, then waved his hand: "Everyone, let's leave. We have to get up early tomorrow morning to clean up the zombies outside. Let's talk tomorrow if we have anything to do."

Seeing that the leader had broken up, everyone ran towards the place they had allocated to sleep.And Zhu Zhu also pulled Mo Fei towards the place where they lived.

When he arrived at the place, Mo Fei found out that it was a shop for home visits. There were several beds in it, and they were divided by boards in the middle. Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli lived in one room, Li Suna and Liang Tang lived in one room, and the rest Murphy is not very familiar with him. In short, the former team still lived together.

Pulling Mo Fei to the room where Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli lived, Zhu Zhu approached Mo Fei and said, "Fei Fei, tell us about the Star Base."

(End of this chapter)

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