Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 231 The Yearning Heart

Chapter 231 The Yearning Heart
Being dragged into their living place by Zhu Zhu, Mo Fei was surrounded by four people.

Not only Zhu Zhu, but even Li Suna, who was always calm, and Liang Tang, who was once the team leader, watched Murphy eagerly.

Murphy had no choice but to briefly explain his affairs to a few people.

Since they left, the Cang Base has undergone tremendous changes, and then how I escaped from the Cang Base with other people's teams, and then went all the way to the Star Base, and told me about my situation in the Star Base.

"What? I even met that scumbag Gu Huaiyuan." Zhu Zhu couldn't hold back his words, but now he shouted angrily.

"Hush, keep your voice down." Li Suna held Zhu Zhu back and prevented her from speaking.

Zhu Zhu quickly shut up, and then asked in a low voice: "Then Feifei, we also want to go to the star base, can we go together?"

"It's possible, but the road is dangerous." Murphy reminded.

"No matter what, we are all supernatural beings and mutants now." Zhu Zhu seemed very proud of her supernatural status.But that's right, from being a protected person in the previous team to being a main force, I definitely feel different in my heart.

"Yes, Feifei, you can come out so far to do the mission alone, we are not dragged down now, there should be no problem!" Li Suna also spoke at this time, after all, they really want to go to the star base, because that There may be their relatives beside them.

Seeing their sincerity, Mo Fei had no choice but to nod: "But to be honest, this journey is not so easy. I walk by myself and the goal is actually small. It is easy to hide in many places, but the goal is big when there are too many people. So we have to be more prepared if we want to leave."

"Okay! What are you going to prepare?" Seeing that Mo Fei agreed, Zhu Zhu regained his energy and asked as if he was going to prepare soon.

"The thing to prepare now is to sleep. If you don't replenish your energy, how many good sleeps do you think you can get on the road?" Murphy looked at Zhu Zhu and asked with a smile.

"Haha, I'm so happy, let's go to sleep." Zhu Zhu stuck out her tongue and fell on the bed first.But within two seconds, he got up again: "By the way, I haven't arranged a place for Feifei yet."

Seeing Zhu Zhu busy, several people laughed.

A corner was arranged for Mo Fei. Fortunately, this is a shopping mall. Although there are no more beds, there are quite a few desks in the cabinets. Two long tables were moved here and put together, and a lot of quilts and clothes were added. Murphy lay on it to rest.

Because there are people on duty in the middle of the night, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

As soon as it was dawn, someone came over with a pot and knocked with something to wake everyone up.

Zhu Zhu rubbed her eyes: "It's dawn already? Get up and collect the corpse."

Everyone around got out of bed, and then went down the elevator to the lobby on the first floor.

A lot of people had already gathered in the hall on the first floor. After everyone was assembled, the person in charge said a few more words, then opened the door of the department store and let everyone go out.

The people who went out were all collecting the ink crystals in the heads of the zombies, only the people brought by Liang Tang were collecting merit points in addition to the ink crystals.It seems that the people who were here have never been to the base at all, so there is no hunting recorder.

Zhu Zhu leaned over and whispered to Mo Fei: "Feifei, let me tell you, the merit points in our hunting recorders are very high, because usually they only need Mo Jing, and these merit points are all ours. You can collect merit points as you like, but Mo Jing has to turn them in, but if you meet a good one, you will not be discovered if you secretly keep a piece or two."

"Understood." Mo Fei nodded, and then quietly took out the hunting recorder while collecting the ink crystal and merit points.

Because of the large number of people, Mo Jing was collected soon, but Mo Fei collected a lot of first-order Mo Jing into the storage talisman, and also collected a lot of merit points.

Returning to the lobby of the department store with the bag, and handing the bag to the leader, Mo Fei turned around and was about to return to where Zhu Zhu was, but was stopped by the leader: "Girl, wait a moment and come to the twelfth floor." Come on, I have something to tell you."

Murphy took a look at the leader. She guessed that there were only two possibilities for the leader to find her, so she nodded and went back to look for Zhu Zhu.

After a while, Murphy found a reason to come out and went directly to the twelfth floor along the elevator.

There was someone standing guard at the elevator entrance on the twelfth floor. Seeing that it was Mo Fei who had come, the person in the lead should have greeted her, so Mo Fei was let to go to the office area without stopping her.

When he came to the room of the leader, the door was not closed. Murphy walked to the door and knocked on the open door symbolically twice.The chief came out of the inner room when he heard the sound.

"Come on, please sit down."

Murphy looked around and saw that there was a sofa in the room, so he chose a seat and sat down.He wondered whether the leader wanted his own energy gun, or asked the base.

Before Mo Fei could ask, the leader said straight to the point what he wanted Mo Fei to come.

"What's your surname, girl? In fact, I called you to ask about the Star Base."

Murphy nodded, sure enough, he guessed right.

"My name is Murphy, what do you want to know?"

The leader nodded: "I don't like beating around the bush, let's just talk about it, I want to take my people to the star base, don't know if the star base can accommodate it?"

Hearing this person's question, Murphy couldn't help but smile: This person really doesn't have any idea about the base. Even though they have a lot of people here, there are only two or three hundred people at the top, yet they actually ask such a question.

But since someone asked, Murphy had to answer it properly.

"I think, you must have never heard of the base before?"

The leader was stunned for a moment, but then shook his head: "Most of us are residents of this town. Before the end of the world, there happened to be an event gathering together. Later, when the end of the world came, we fought together and found such a base."

Afterwards, the person at the head told them about their situation here.

Originally, they had double the number of people when they first came, but they lost a lot of people because they had to clean up the zombies in this department store, and they have been guarding here since then.It's just that he didn't expect that the siege of zombies was getting more and more serious, so he also thought about leaving here.

"But we don't know what's going on outside. Most of the people who fled here said that the outside was scary and they didn't want to leave. The only people who have been to the base are your friends, but I heard that Cang base was destroyed. , and the star base is too far away, we thought that the solid Cang base was destroyed, so we didn't move it again."

"It turns out that's the case. In fact, the security of the base is a hundred times stronger than yours. The Cang base is due to an accident. It's just that I can't take you to the star base alone. You know, the bigger the target, the more dangerous it is." Murphy replied. It wasn't that she didn't want to help, she could still do it if she took care of Zhu Zhu and the four of them alone, but taking care of so many hundreds of people, Mo Fei felt that it would be a thankless job if she agreed.

You want to!With so many people, not to mention the hard work of taking care of them on the road, what happened to the lack of security during such a long journey, it will not all be blamed on me.

Seeing the hesitant look on Murphy's face, the leader also thought of something. Although he lacked knowledge of the last days, he was the leader of hundreds of people with a lot of experience after all.

"Miss Mo, I know you must have some scruples, but you have also seen the battle yesterday, we really need to leave, this wave of attacks is getting stronger and stronger, we really don't know how long we can last, since you It is fate to be able to come here, as long as you lead the way, I will bear all the consequences on the way." The leader looked at Murphy's expression and continued.

Everyone mentioned this, and Murphy really couldn't shirk it, and nodded to the team leader: "However, there are a lot of things to prepare for such a large group of people going together, we can't just leave, you call your team People should also prepare well.”

"Okay, I'll hold a meeting in a while." The leader smiled and stood up.

After saying goodbye, Mo Fei went down the elevator and returned to the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived.At this moment, Zhu Zhu was already catching up on sleep, but Li Suna was sitting at the door, and when she saw Murphy coming back, she hurried over.

"Feifei, did you go to the boss just now?"

"Yes!" Murphy nodded.

"Does he want your gun?" Li Suna continued to chase Murphy and asked.

"No, they also want to go to the star base."

"What? He also..." Li Suna exclaimed suddenly, realizing that she was agitated, Li Suna quickly covered her mouth and asked in a low voice: "Then how did you answer him? Did you agree to bring them together?"

Mo Fei spread his hands helplessly: "What can I do? He said that as long as I lead the way, he will be responsible for other things that happen on the way. It's all about this. Can I still say that I can't be determined?"

"Oh, if I knew it back then, I would have admitted that my attack ability had improved, otherwise I wouldn't have involved so many things." Li Suna looked at Murphy with a sorry face.

"What are you talking about? It's okay. Besides, it's good to have so many of them walking with me. At least I can ensure the safety of you guys now." Mo Fei smiled at Li Suna, reassuring her not to worry.

But Li Suna shook her head after hearing what Mo Fei said: "Fei Fei, you don't know, it's not easy for that person to sit here as the leader, do you think it's really so simple for him to take care of everything by himself? "

Hearing that there was something in Li Suna's words, Murphy asked in a low voice: "Could it be that there is something else about him?"

Speaking of this, Li Suna looked around, and she was sure that there was no one around who came to Murphy's ear: "Feifei, do you think we are so willing to stay and be at his mercy? Actually, there is a reason for this."

(End of this chapter)

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