Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 235 Trying

Chapter 235 Trying
As for Silver Wing, Murphy was very impressed with this mech that had saved him several times.

But the reason why Mo Fei didn't recognize the mecha before was that although it was also a flying mecha, its appearance was different from that of Silver Wing.

Otherwise, relying on Murphy's familiarity with the Silver Wing, it is impossible not to recognize that the mecha that blocks the giant zombies is driven by Lei Sen.

Speaking of this, Lei Sen smiled mysteriously at Murphy.

It turned out that this mecha was really Silver Wing.However, because the giant zombies are becoming more and more powerful now, the original mechs are no longer able to deal with the huge threat of giant zombies.

So this time the Earth Alliance is going to reassemble a new batch of battle mechs.

It's just that it's easy to say, but in fact, it needs experimentation to reform the new mecha.

This time, the silver wing itself was modified, but this test did not completely remove the original components of the silver wing, but only added new components.

In this way, the Silver Wing is equivalent to having two systems, and Lei Sen is driving the new Silver Wing to test this time.

"I am currently switching between the two systems. If there is a problem when using the new system, I will switch to the familiar system. However, because of the newly added things, the silver wing is much heavier, so the flying wing has been widened. "Lei Sen replied briefly to Murphy.

"No wonder I feel that this mecha has the shadow of silver wings but it is different. I thought that because it is a mecha, it looks the same. It turns out that it was transformed with silver wings." Murphy smiled, looking at the earth. The Alliance has finally started to take action against giant zombies.

In fact, the Earth Alliance has long been preparing to manufacture new types of mechs, but now they are facing more difficulties.

There is a shortage of armor makers, and there is also the problem of training personnel to operate the mechs.The most important thing is the material used to make mechas. Now the production is basically stopped, and a lot of manpower and material resources are needed to carry out these things.

Therefore, the development of the new mecha will be tested on the original basis.

Lei Sen drove the modified Silver Wing to the sea base this time with some data, which was actually a long-distance test on the modified Silver Wing.

"However, I found that the modified Silver Wing had some problems, and it didn't end smoothly after the battle with the giant mecha." Lei Sen unknowingly told Murphy about the defects of the new Silver Wing.

"The end?" Murphy nodded after recalling the situation during today's battle: "Indeed, the giant zombie was thrown out at the end. If there were other people around at that time, it might have been affected."

"This is not the first time. I also encountered a C2 zombie two days ago when I was in a villa area hundreds of kilometers away from Cangji. In the end, I threw the zombie out and smashed a villa. Fortunately, it is the end of the world, are there no people in those houses, otherwise the consequences..."

Speaking of this, Murphy suddenly realized that it was Lei Sen who killed the C2 zombie and smashed up the nearby villa that day.

Seeing Mo Fei laughing suddenly, Lei Sen didn't understand why he said, "What are you laughing at?"

"That day, if you were a little bit out of position, you would hit me." Murphy replied with a smile and rolled his eyes.

"What? Isn't your house over there?"

Murphy nodded: "Yes, when I heard the voice and went out to look, I saw a dead C2 zombie. I even took the merit points."

"That's really dangerous. It seems that this issue should really be taken seriously."

When the two were talking happily, Wang Xin, who had finished moving things in the distance but couldn't coax Li Suna well, had already turned around to look for her.

Seeing Murphy and Leisen laughing and chatting from a distance, he hurriedly waved his hands and shouted: "You two, why are you chatting here? It's so hard to stand. I have a reception room. You can sit and chat. Tea and snacks are also prepared."

Because of Wang Xin's arrival, Murphy stopped talking, with an intriguing expression on his face.

Lei Sen glanced at Murphy's expression and turned around: "No need, besides, where are they living?"

"It's been arranged, it's been arranged, everything has been arranged, where can we go so late, let's go together tomorrow morning, it's not too late." Seeing that Lei Sen looked at Mo Fei without speaking, Wang Xin quickly turned to Mo Fei: "Miss Xiao Mo, it's not safe to go out at night. Xiao Li also hopes that Miss Mo can persuade her more."

Murphy glanced at the already dark outside, thought for a while, he could still run if he encountered anything, but Li Suna, Zhu Zhu and the others still had to take care of them, and then nodded: "Okay, leader Wang, I really can't go so late Where, you go back to rest, we will go to rest after talking for a while."

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, it was not appropriate for him to find an excuse to stay here, so Wang Xin walked back with a smile on his face.The moment Wang Xin turned his head, the expression on his face suddenly turned cold, why did he carry his back like this?

Seeing that Wang Xin was leaving, Murphy turned to Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, you should also go to bed early. I want to leave early tomorrow morning. The situation of the zombie attack here is not optimistic. Stay longer to avoid changes. Let's leave early. It's true, besides, I think your silver wings feel a little strange when flying, so I'd better go back to the base early to check."

"You are really sharp. There is indeed a problem with the silver wing flying. It should be because of the addition of things this time and the increase in the size of the flying wing." Lei Sen was surprised that Murphy found the problem after just looking at it.

Knowing that Lei Sen was curious, Murphy smiled: "Don't forget what my cousin does. Although I don't understand it very well, I should know more than ordinary people."

"By the way, speaking of your cousin, I found him, do you want to meet him?"

"No need, they probably don't know that I'm still alive, so there's no need to meet, not to mention that the relationship wasn't very good in the first place, and meeting was just embarrassing." Murphy quickly declined Lei Sen's proposal.

Lei Sen seemed to want to say something, but Murphy spoke first: "If he disagrees, you can show him some relevant data of your Silver Wing. Even if you don't join him, you can still give some opinions. Okay, Go to bed now, I'm sleepy too."

Murphy said good night to Leisen, then turned and walked to the elevator in the lobby on the first floor.

At this time, Zhu Zhu and the others were waiting for Mo Fei over there. Although they heard Wang Xin say the resting place and Mo Fei agreed to leave tomorrow morning, they still chose to wait for Mo Fei to come and confirm in person. .

Wang Xin couldn't hold back a few people, so he took the elevator and left alone.

"Feifei, are we staying one more night?" Seeing Murphy approaching, Zhu Zhu ran over and asked.

Mo Fei nodded: "Well, it's risky to go at night after all. Let's stay another night. Besides, we have to get up very early tomorrow. Let's all go to rest!"

"Well, Wang Xin just arranged a place for us, let's go up!"

Several people got on the elevator and went up to the ninth floor.

After a good night's rest, Mo Fei got up very early the next day, sat up and shook Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli who were sleeping beside him, and the three got up first to wash up.

The movement of the three of them also woke up Li Suna and Liang Tang, and they came to the elevator after finishing tidying up.

Several people were already standing at the elevator entrance, and they all seemed to have woken up early in the morning.

Soon the elevator reached the ninth floor, and several people entered the elevator one by one and descended towards the lobby on the first floor.

After reaching the lobby on the first floor, Murphy discovered that there were people who got up earlier than them, and they had already gathered in the lobby on the first floor.

Mo Fei glanced at the people who kept coming down from the elevator, and pulled Zhu Zhu and the others: "Let's leave now."

"Don't wait for the mecha to escort us?" Zhu Zhu was a little surprised. It seemed that Murphy knew the man who drove the mecha. He thought that he was going to go with them after staying overnight. Why did he have to go first?

"It's inconvenient for so many people to move together. It's too easy to become a target. Let's go first. It's best if we don't encounter danger. In case of danger, it's not good to have support behind us." Murphy smiled at Zhu Zhu replied.

"Oh..." Zhu Zhu suddenly realized with a smirk: "I didn't realize that our Feifei is so black-bellied. Well, let's go."

The five people slipped out while others were not paying attention, but Murphy himself had a car, so he didn't sit with the others.

"Feifei, don't you really want to come to our big car? This car is very strong." Zhu Zhu looked at Murphy's aerodynamic car. A solid and solid car is a good car.

"Don't worry, this car is fine, otherwise, how do you think I came here from the star base alone?"

"Okay, then you should be careful." Zhu Zhu said uneasy.

"No problem, you will follow up in a while. If you lose track, don't look for me. Follow the route and I will try to find you." Murphy had told several people the route several times before. Er Lin set off and reminded him again.

After confirming that there was no problem, Murphy started the car and drove to the road outside.

In the hall, Wang Xin, who heard the sound of the car, looked outside quickly, and saw a low white energy car and a modified mini station wagon driving out along the gate.

He recognized the modified minivan, it was the one prepared by Liang Tang and the others, but he had never seen the car that drove out before, but he didn't need to guess and knew it belonged to Murphy.

"No, Mo Fei and the others left, the mecha..." Wang Xin quickly looked at the open space of the parking lot on the side, the mecha was still parked in place, so he felt more at ease.

Lei Sen came downstairs after eating the breakfast Wang Xin had prepared for him. He looked around in the crowd but he didn't see Murphy.

Seeing Lei Sen looking left and right as soon as he got here, Wang Xin hurried over: "You have finished your breakfast, can we go then?"

"What about Murphy and the others?"

"This...Murphy and the others are leaving first. They said they have to go to another place to let us go first, and they will chase after them." Wang Xin rolled his eyes and hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, she will take you away." The few people in the group are all capable users and mutants, and there will be no danger."

Although he didn't really believe what the person in front of him said, Lei Sen still didn't say anything. After all, Murphy had already left. He nodded to Wang Xin, and Lei Sen walked towards the mecha outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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