Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 236 Different Encounters

Chapter 236 Different Encounters
Mo Fei drove Zhu Zhu and the others for two days, and the two days were very peaceful.

Except for the fact that I accidentally chose a place full of C1 zombies when I was choosing a residence last night, and ended up resisting most of the zombies for the whole night, everything else went relatively smoothly.

Since the road was smooth, Murphy and the others had already arrived in Jina City in two days, and it seemed that they would be able to reach the star base in one or two days.

However, Mo Fei was more cautious when entering this area. She remembered it clearly. It used to be a place where C2-S speedrunners haunted, and once they encountered it, it would be very troublesome.

So before entering the outskirts of Jina ahead of schedule, Murphy had already warned several people in the other car.

"I didn't expect this journey to be so smooth. It seems that after the end of the world, the zombies were cleaned up very quickly. Alas, if I knew we would have escaped earlier, I worked for that Wang Xin for a long time for nothing!" In another car, Zhu Zhu couldn't help but sigh with emotion because of what he saw in the past few days.

When the few people were resting at night, they heard Mo Fei talk a lot about the base. Star Base paid better than Cang Base, and there were more zombie missions like this. That's why Zhu Zhu lamented that he had done a lot of work for Wang Xin. Son.

"Why do you think so much? Anyway, we can really go to the star base this time, and we will work harder to make more money in the future. We have an advantage over Wang Xin and those people. The merits of those zombies are not all earned by us. Let's use these meritorious deeds to live a good life, and maybe we can find our relatives at the star base." Li Suna is quite optimistic at the moment, thinking that she may be able to find her relatives soon and is happy.

Several people were chatting, when suddenly, Li Suna's eyes changed slightly when she looked outside: "Look, those zombies running super fast outside."

The rest of the people also looked outside, but without Li Suna's good eyesight, they could only see some billowing dust in the distance.

"Oh, this is the speedrunner that Feifei mentioned, right?" Zhen Shunli looked at the speed of the dust that was probably faster than her speed mutant, and could not help but think of what Murphy had said before.

"It should be, this is bad. Liang Tang, speed up and drive forward, ask Feifei what to do?" Li Suna patted Liang Tang in the front cab.

Before Liang Tang switched to manual mode to catch up, Murphy had already slowed down the speed and approached.

Putting down the car window, Li Suna looked at Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, there are a group of fast-running zombies ahead, they may be the speedrunner you mentioned."

Mo Fei nodded in acquiescence to Li Su Na's statement. Although Li Su Na was a little surprised that Mo Fei could be so sure, she thought it was Mo Fei's judgment based on experience, so she didn't think much about it.

"Then what do we do now?"

"In a while, you drive to the branch road, and I will lure the group of speedsters away. We will gather in the urban area ahead. I just searched the map. There is a water tower in front. We will gather near there then." While talking, he asked Liang Tang to adjust the map to look at.

"Then what are you going to do, Feifei?" Zhu Zhu hurriedly asked from the sidelines, asking Mo Fei to distract her every time. It was because of this that they were separated for so long last time.

"Don't worry, you don't know that the speed-up device of my car was modified later, otherwise, how do you think I made the long journey from the star base with my own ability?" Murphy waved his hand: "Okay, there is a fork in the road ahead , Wait until I run far away before you come out."

According to Murphy's instructions, Liang Tang drove Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli to the branch road, while Murphy drove straight ahead.

Seeing that the C2-S speedrunner was getting closer and closer to him, Murphy turned on the acceleration device.

Murphy didn't dare to drive too fast, because the speedrunners would change direction or target once they felt that it was impossible for them to catch up. Murphy didn't want Zhu Zhu who followed behind to meet the group of speedrunners.

After finally finding a side road, Murphy drove the car out along the side road.The group of speedrunners also ran over.

Murphy drove straight in and found a small village not far away. After entering the village with the speedrunners, Murphy circled around a few times and finally got rid of the group of speedrunners. At the same time, he accelerated to the high gear. Murphy It disappeared in front of this small village in a flash.

However, the sound of Murphy's car still alarmed the original speedrunners. After Murphy left, they ran towards the road again.

It was only nine o'clock in the morning when we parted, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when we rejoined the car driven by Liang Tang.

Following the route instructions, Mo Fei found Zhu Zhu and the others hiding near the water tower.

"Feifei, you're here. We've been waiting for you for a long time. You must be hungry. Nana cooked delicious food." Zhu Zhu hurriedly greeted Mofei when she saw her.

After going to a house next to the water tower, Mo Fei discovered that there was a large pot of meat stewed in the pot, and some meat with bones was being roasted on the stove, and the whole room was filled with aroma.

"This is?" Murphy pointed to the pot and asked.

"Haha, you don't know, after we went down the side road, we didn't expect to find a sheep that hadn't turned into a zombie or mutated, and let Lily run after it, and when it got a little tired, I used an earthen wall to block it In the end, Liang Tang solved it with a fireball." Zhu Zhu happily replied.

"Yes, yes, we think one way of eating is too simple, so we stew some of them, and let's roast some of them."

"Great, I have mutton to eat. By the way, I have cumin seasoning here, I'll sprinkle some on later." Murphy smiled and went downstairs to the car, actually taking out a bag of cumin from the storage talisman. natural powder.

In the evening, several people feasted on it. It has been a long time since the few people who ate meat like this ate their stomachs round.

"No, I've eaten too much meat. I need to digest it properly." Zhu Zhu started walking around the room with his stomach in his hands. Even Murphy, who was not short of mouth, ate a lot.It has to be said that the freshly slaughtered meat is fresh and tender, and Li Suna's craftsmanship is really worth mentioning.

"Haha, we still have a lot left after eating like this." Zhu Zhu walked up to the pot and took a look. It seemed that the meat was enough for them to eat for at least another day, and they could eat it for a few days if they saved it, but they were worried about keeping it for a few days. If you let it go bad, you will lose more than you gain.

"Put these aside, bring them tomorrow." Li Suna said and put the pot aside.

"I just checked the electronic map. It will take us at most two days to get from here to the star base, so tomorrow we will try to drive as much as possible so that we can rest closer to the star base. You know, The closer to the base, the safer it is, because people who come out to do missions at the base usually choose to clean up from the nearest place first." Murphy showed several points on the electronic map to Liang Tang who was in charge of another vehicle.

"Understood." Liang Tang nodded, roughly memorized the location, and set it on the driving device tomorrow morning.

"No, I'm too full today, let's chat for a while before going to sleep!" Seeing that Murphy had finished his business, Zhen Shunli pulled the other two people over and said.

While a few people were eating, drinking and chatting, there was a battle on the road.

The two sides fighting were Wang Xin's group who left behind Murphy and the others, and the group of C2-S speedrunner zombies who rushed back after being lured away by Murphy.

Because the speedrunners were too fast, even with the help of Lei Sen's mecha, those extremely fast speedrunner zombies would still find the right gaps to attack, especially with the large number of teams led by Wang Xin, so casualties were inevitable.

And some of the dead people quickly turned into zombies to join the attack. As a result, there were fewer and fewer players around, but more and more zombies.

Lei Sen's mecha has no problem against large zombies, but it will definitely slip through the net when dealing with such a large number of small zombies. Wang Xin quickly asked his team members to follow suit, resulting in a melee.

Just as Leisen's mecha was fighting, it was getting dark. Because he couldn't see, he could only turn on the headlights. As a result, the surrounding zombies were attracted by the lights, and after Leisen wiped out the last Speedrunner zombie, Wang Xin's team had suffered heavy losses.

"Okay, everyone check it out, we have to get out of here quickly." Lei Sen walked from the cabin of the mecha to the platform where the mecha protruded and said to the people below.

Wang Xin didn't have time to count the number of people, so he called the rest of the people to get on the bus quickly, and the group continued to move forward.

Lei Sen flew up with Silver Wings, found a village not far from a branch road, and drove towards the village with Wang Xin and others.

The village is empty and does not look like it is inhabited.Wang Xin sent people to search a few more houses before deciding on the two sets of farmhouses where they settled.

Wang Xin checked the number of people at dinner time.Originally there were more than 300 people in the team, but now there are less than [-] left, which means that almost half of the people have been lost.

But it's come to this point, Wang Xin can't think about anything else, let everyone go to rest early after dinner.

"Team Lei, you don't think this is the way to go. Do we have a safer route?" After arranging for his subordinates to rest, Wang Xin approached Lei Sen.

"There's only so much I can do. The road to the end of the world is so dangerous. Otherwise, everyone would go to the base, and who is still worried outside." Lei Sen said so many things to outsiders for the first time. Because they had to be escorted for the next two days, and there were too many casualties today, Lei Sen still patiently answered the team's captain's question.

Seeing that Lei Sen had no other choice, Wang Xin could only go back to his room to rest, but thinking about how difficult it is to live in the last days, as long as he is alive, there must be a way to gather people in the future, so he is relieved.

After Lei Sen waited for Wang Xin to go out, he stood up and walked to the window.Looking at the bright moon falling softly outside the window, Lei Sen thought to himself: Murphy, where have you been going now?Why haven't you caught up with the team yet?

(End of this chapter)

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