Chapter 237
Lei Sen led Wang Xin's team to settle in a small village in a state of embarrassment, while Mo Fei and the others comfortably boiled water for a bath.

Because it is a water tower and powered by energy, it is not difficult to take a bath.

Zhu Zhu, Li Suna, and Zhen Shunli are girls who love cleanliness. Although there are people with water abilities in the department store, the supply of water is still limited, and they dare not use it for bathing if they drink it alone.

So if you want to take a bath, you have to find an opportunity to go out. Now that you can take a bath here, of course you are very happy.

"Haha, I'm so happy today. I have meat to eat, sleep to sleep, and I can take a bath." Zhu Zhu chanted to Li Suna, Murphy and Zhen Shunli who were cleaning the bathtub while boiling water.

"When you get to the base, you can do it every day. Although you have to pay a fee, I think the fee is quite reasonable." Murphy replied with a smile seeing Zhu Zhu's happy face.

"We should have gone to the base a long time ago. Hey, if I hadn't left early, I would have met you back, and then we could have gone to the star base together."

Li Suna couldn't help feeling emotional when she heard Murphy's description, the world is really unpredictable.

"After brushing, rinse with water, and we'll take turns washing in a while." Murphy interrupted the topic and changed the topic to taking a shower.

"You guys wash first, I'll soak for a while, and I'll just soak off a layer of skin." Zhu Zhu stood up as if swearing an oath, and scrubbed her body towards the three of Mo Fei.

"Then I'll wash first, I take a shower faster." Li Suna washed away the foam from scrubbing the bathtub with water, then plugged the plug and said to several people.

"Then let's go out." Seeing that Li Suna was going to take a shower first, Mo Fei pulled Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli out of the bathroom together.

Soon it was Zhen Shunli's turn to take a bath, followed by Murphy, because Zhu Zhu asked to be the last one to take a bath, so Murphy was in third place.

After washing up, Mo Fei came out wrapped in a bath towel, and patted Zhu Zhu who was dazed by the window: "Zhuzhu, it's your turn, what are you looking at?"

"Feifei, you said that the moon is so round now. This is something we have been looking forward to. At that time, being able to see the moon at night was considered an astronomical phenomenon. But now that the moon is so round and bright in the sky, why is it so bright on the ground?" In such a mess?"

"You think too much. It's not because of the Qingming plan. It was not because of the flaws. It improved the environment, but unfortunately it has an impact on human beings." Murphy replied with his elbows beside Zhu Zhu. , looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

"Hey, when the flaws in the sunny plan are filled, will we be able to return to normal life?"

Although Zhu Zhu's words just blurted out for a while, Mo Fei's heart moved.I often go to scientific research institutes, maybe I can talk to Lin Yixun about whether I can research in this area.

"Zhuzhu, maybe it's really possible."

"I hope! Then I'm going to take a shower! Don't worry about me, I have to wash off a layer of skin before I come out." Zhu Zhu's face returned to the original innocent smile.

Mo Fei smiled and pushed Zhu Zhu: "Go, don't be too late, I'll go to bed first."

Zhu Zhu took a lot of time in this bath, and it was only when Mo Fei was about to fall asleep that he felt Zhu Zhu come back.

It was another quiet night here, but on the other side, Wang Xin's place was very lively.

Not long after falling asleep, Wang Xin was yelled in panic: "Boss, it's bad, someone in Li Si's room turned into a zombie, and everyone in that room..."

Wang Xin suddenly lost his sleepiness and jumped out of bed: "Hurry up and yell everyone, let's get the situation under control first."

When Wang Xin left her room, the outside was already a mess.Probably the accident occurred in the room where someone didn't know who opened the door before dying, and now all the people who died and turned into zombies ran out of the room.

People with supernatural powers are attacking zombies, while those without supernatural powers run around in panic.As a result, the ability user was unable to aim and caused more casualties.

At this time, Lei Sen also came out of the house, glanced at the situation in front of him and shouted down: "Run out of the house, lure the zombies out to me."

With this sound, the people below had a backbone, and the few people who reacted quickly led the zombies to the door, opened the door and ran out.

Seeing this, the rest of the people also ran towards the gate.And Lei Sen himself turned out along the window, he wanted to open the mecha before the zombies went out.

After the zombies were lured out, Lei Sen drove the mecha to eliminate them, and things finally calmed down. Someone dragged the corpses out of the house and dealt with them along with the zombie corpses.

Only now did Wang Xin stand up: "Everyone check each other, and isolate the injured. This kind of thing can't happen again." Looking at the piles of burning corpses, Wang Xin's heart was about to bleed up.I have struggled for so long in the apocalypse, not because of the large number of subordinates, but now I see my chess pieces are decreasing one by one, but there is nothing I can do.

"Boss, there are seventeen injured people and thirty or so brothers who died. Now we have less than 150 uninjured people left." The subordinate who had just been dispatched by Wang Xin to count the number of people ran away. Report to Wang Xin.

"Less than one hundred and five?" Wang Xin was a little dumbfounded. He brought out nearly 400 people!Weakly waved his hand: "Understood, arrange the injured people to the yard next to them, and let the rest rest!"

Early the next morning, Mo Fei and the others woke up energetically, and after eating some breakfast, they drove away from the house next to the water tower in Jina City.

Along the way, several people were talking and laughing, and because the road was empty, even Mo Fei simply went parallel to the car that Zhu Zhu and the others were riding in.

"It's so quiet today, why can't you see even a few scattered zombies?" Zhu Zhu looked outside, and when he was on his way, he could occasionally see half a zombie, but today there was none.

"Isn't it good if there is none? It would be great if all the zombies in the world disappeared."

"Wait, slow down, there seems to be something in front." Li Suna, whose vision has changed, smiled, and suddenly pushed Liang Tang in front.

Hearing the sound, Murphy hurriedly looked forward, and saw that he was about to pass through the mountains in the distance, and there seemed to be many cars parked in the middle of the road on the side of the mountain, and the cars blocked the road section, making it impossible for several people to continue walking forward .

"I don't know who they are. You stay here. I'll go and have a look. If I'm rushing over in a while, you can run. If I'm coming slowly, you can drive forward." Murphy ordered and then switched Put the car in manual mode and drive the car forward.

Liang Tang stopped the car and let Li Suna stare at Murphy's car in front of him to wait and see what happened.

Murphy drove to the front and found that it turned out to be several cargo vehicles, one of which had overturned, and the people inside had turned into zombies.

I roughly estimated the situation. It should be that someone mutated on the way to deliver the goods and caused the car to roll over. The people in the two cars behind thought it was just a simple accident, so they came down to check, but they all suffered.There should be other cars, because Murphy clearly saw that the obvious scratches on the body of the car on the far left were new.

There may be transport vehicles behind these three vehicles, and they fled when they saw the accident ahead.

After killing the zombies with an energy gun, Murphy got out of the car and rolled over to the back of the truck.

The things transported inside are some commonly used items, and there are even a lot of medicines.

I was really lucky, Murphy thought to himself and used the storage talisman to collect a lot of usable things before jumping out of the car.A brightly colored bed sheet was found in the car, and Murphy waved it vigorously at several people.

"It's Feifei. She's waving the bed sheet this way. It should be fine. Let's go!" Li Suna stared at the front, and suddenly saw a brightly colored sheet waving. The car drove over.

The car stopped at the accident scene of several trucks, and Zhu Zhu and others jumped out of the cars.

"Feifei, what's going on?"

Murphy pointed to the three trucks: "It's a cargo truck, but the people inside were killed. I wiped out the zombies just now, but I just took a look at the things, except for the overturned truck. The things are damaged, most of the packaging is intact, there are many things that can be used, and we can still take the rest to the market to trade."

"Great, let's move it!" Zhu Zhu suddenly became energetic when he heard that there was something good.

"What are you moving? Our car can't hold so many things." Li Suna patted Zhu Zhu's head and said.

"But you can't drive the car back directly. I checked and found that there are scratches on this car, which should be from cars of the same height. That means that there were more than these three trucks transporting goods at that time, but for some reason the truck behind We escaped, and we drove directly to the base, what if someone has the cheek to ask for it? Moreover, I am mainly afraid that these are official, and if you don’t give them to the official, we will be doing other people’s work.” Mo Fei analyzed.

"Then what should we do? This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either." Zhu Zhu asked rhetorically after listening to Li Suna and Murphy's analysis.

At this time, Zhen Shunli jumped out suddenly: "I see, we picked out the things on the overturned car and moved them into the car, and Zhu Zhu and I drove the other two cars, and when we were about to arrive at the base Hide the two cars first, and then transport the things back."

"I think so too." Murphy nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, move the overturned truck first!" Zhu Zhu jumped towards the overturned truck.

Mo Fei helped carry and put some items into the storage talisman. Even so, the small station wagon that Liang Tang was driving was stuffed to the brim.Even Murphy's trunk, back seat, and even the co-pilot were stuffed with stuff.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's go!" Seeing that the overturned truck had been emptied, Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli jumped into a truck respectively, and they continued on their way.

And at the same time as several people were moving forward, a group of people was rushing here from the star base.

(End of this chapter)

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