Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 238 Scapegoat

Chapter 238 Scapegoat
In the evening, the car drove into Shijia City, which is only about [-] kilometers away from the star base, and there is absolutely no problem in arriving at the star base tomorrow.

I found a remote waterside leisure room in Shijia City. This area should be some kind of resort, so the environment is very nice and quiet. Except that I spent a lot of effort to deal with the two very vicious zombie dogs when I came in. All went well.

"Feifei, I think we should leave the car here when we leave tomorrow. This place is remote and only a few hours away from the star base." Li Suna suggested after looking at the surrounding environment.

"That's fine, when the time comes, lock this side, park the car at the back, and cover it with some leaves, it shouldn't be a problem." Murphy looked at the surrounding environment, and they chose a location closer to the inside, usually for In an unexpected situation, if it is convenient to escape, they will choose the middle position.

In this way, it should be no problem to add some cover up around it.

After deciding, Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli drove the car to the backyard, and then found something to hide the two trucks.This makes it hard to spot from a distance.

After everything was ready, a few people entered the house, heated up the mutton cooked last night, and found some instant noodles from the two cars to cook.

"It smells so good." After the water boiled, Mo Fei poured in all the seasonings and noodles, and Zhu Zhu ran over after smelling the smell.

"It's ready to eat right away, you go and bring the mutton pot up."

Several people finished eating the last mutton, and then snorted and ate the steaming noodles.

"I'm sweating from what I've eaten, and I've eaten more in the last two days than any other day after the end of the world."

After dinner, Zhen Shunli and Zhu Zhu went to wash the dishes, while Li Suna and Murphy rummaged in the equipment warehouse of the leisure room.

"Feifei, here is a large piece of canvas, let's use it to build a car, and then cover it with some bricks and leaves, what do you think?" Li Suna pulled a large piece of canvas from a corner and looked at Mo Fei said.

Mo Fei looked at the size of the canvas and nodded: "Okay, let's cover it with this. The color is closer to the color of the wall, and it can also prevent rain."

After the decision was made, the two left the warehouse with the canvas.

After covering the car tightly and finding something to hold it down, several people went back to the room to rest.

After a good night's sleep, Mo Fei was called up by Li Su Na early in the morning: "Fei Fei, there is the sound of a car outside, get up quickly."

When I opened my eyes and looked at my watch, it was only after five o'clock in the morning.

"Who is it so early?"

"Get up and have a look, I'll wake up Zhuzhu and Lily too." Seeing that Murphy woke up, Li Suna turned and ran towards the next room.

Murphy got up quickly, and looked out the window. He lived in the backyard where he couldn't see anything from the window, so he hurried out and ran to the opposite door.

On the opposite side was the room where Li Suna and Liang Tang lived. Right now, Liang Tang was looking out of the window, when he saw Mo Fei coming in, he immediately waved to Mo Fei.

Leaning to the window, Murphy saw a few cars coming from a distance, all parked in front of a residential area, and then many people got off there and walked towards the leisure houses in the middle.

"It looks like he's passing by, maybe he's taking a rest here because he's been on the road overnight." Liang Tang said in a low voice.

"Then don't worry about it, we can leave ours early in the morning." Mo Fei looked at those people, although Liang Tang was just guessing, but Mo Fei could see clearly that there was a trace of fatigue on the faces of those people, indeed It's like driving at night.

"Feifei, Liangtang, what's going on outside?" Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli also got up at this moment, and they all gathered in this room.

"It's nothing, it should be passing by here at night, I guess it should be on a mission nearby." Murphy turned to look at some sleepy-eyed sisters and replied.

"Then sleep a little longer, I'm still sleepy." Zhu Zhu yawned and muttered.

"You guys can sleep a little longer, I don't need to drive, I'll watch." Li Suna leaned against the window and carefully looked into the distance, roughly confirming what Murphy said.

Mo Fei looked at the time, and it was indeed too early to leave now: "Then let's sleep a little longer, and I'll get up and make breakfast later."

"Go, go." Li Suna waved her hand.

Murphy returned to the opposite room where he was resting, lay down and squinted for a while, and then got up.He went to the kitchen to warm up some things prepared in advance yesterday for today's breakfast, and after a while several other people also left the room.

"Let's leave after eating. We will probably be able to arrive at the star base after noon today. However, you may have to be quarantined for the first time, and we will enter the base separately. After you check out, find a place to live. I will Come to see you." Mo Fei arranged for Zhu Zhu and the others before leaving the house.

"Well, but the base is so big, how did you find us? Where do you live? How about we find you?" Zhu Zhu asked when he heard that the base was going to separate from Murphy.

"I left the house before because I didn't know how long it would take. Don't worry, I have a way to find you." Mo Fei replied with a smile. Because he was leaving before, and he didn't want to wait for Li Jiao to make trouble, So Murphy returned the place where he originally lived, and planned to rent another place when he came back.

"Okay then, let's make sure when the time comes and wait for you to come to us, and then we'll ship things."

After discussing it properly, several people drove towards the direction of the star base. They only saw it when they passed by a place where people were resting. Those people should be on their way, but they had already left now.

At this moment, Lei Sen drove Wang Xin and the others led by the mecha to the vicinity of the overturned car that Murphy and the others passed by before.

"Boss, there is an overturned car ahead, we found some bits and pieces of food, do you want to take it with you?"

Because Murphy and the others had limited cars, they picked out the best ones and took them away. Some bags that were slightly damaged or cramped were left in the car.

"Take, take everything you can take away." After Wang Xin heard what his subordinates said, he gave an order, and everyone in the car got down and moved the odds and ends to the cart containing supplies, but Mo Fei and the others moved it relatively cleanly. So Wang Xin's people moved all the things in the car after a while.

Just as he was about to leave, a group of people drove towards him. This group of people turned the car across, and then many people jumped down from it. Some of them pulled away, while the other stood behind with their weapons on guard.

Among the people who came down, one person ran towards this side: "Did you move the supplies in that car?"

Wang Xin lowered the car window: "We moved out after seeing that there were not many things inside, what's wrong?"

"There are not many things? The tone is not small, dare to swallow our supplies." The man said, his face became more and more gloomy.

"If I say there is not much, there is not much. It would be a pity if the things in this barren mountain and wild ridge are left like this, I don't even bother to move."

"It's easy to talk about keeping the supplies, otherwise..." The man shook his head backwards, and those people surrounded the car with a huff.

It's just that there are obviously more people in the car than the other side, so Wang Xin is not very panicked, but he is a little baffled by what this person said.

"Most of the things on the back of the car are our own, and only a little bit of the pile in the front is yours. How dare you say more with such a small amount of things?"

"Nonsense, we have three big carts of stuff, and you still won't admit it when you snatch it."

Just when they both said that the other party spoke strangely, Lei Sen's huge mecha fell from the sky, and Wang Xin hurriedly ran over to the mecha and shouted: "Team Lei, help us judge."

The other party was a little stunned when they saw that it was the members of the Mech Team. As Lei Sen came out of the hatch, the team looked at Lei Sen: "So it's Captain Lei. We are members of the special operations team's auxiliary circle. This batch of supplies is for The base is preparing, please Captain Lei not to embarrass us."

Lei Sen was inspecting the surrounding situation in the sky before, and he will soon arrive at the star base. He is quite clear about the zombies here, and basically there are very few zombies, so he doesn't have to follow the convoy all the time. I was flying part of the time, and now I found that the convoy stopped to check the situation, so it is not very clear whether the convoy has received the supplies before.

"It turned out to be from the special operations team, but I just rescued the team from the outside. I'm not very clear about your supplies. They did have a batch of supplies in the first place. If this is the case, you can negotiate on your own. By the way, Captain Wang Xin , you can just go back to the base with the special operations team, and you will soon arrive at the base, this section is not dangerous, I have to go back and hand in the mission first."

Since he didn't know, Lei Sen simply pushed the matter to the special operations team.

Hearing what Lei Sen said, the members of the special operations team knew that Lei Sen had nothing to do with this team, so they nodded towards Lei Sen, and then walked towards Wang Xin.

"It seems that you are the leader of this team, so please help the leader Wang!"

It's not that Wang Xin didn't hear the conversation between Lei Sen and these people. It seems that these people are official people, and heroes don't suffer from immediate disadvantages. At this time, a little bit of grievance might be able to get in touch with these people.

Putting away the cold face just now, Wang Xin put on a smiling expression: "It's easy to say, what I just said is true, if you don't believe me, you can go to the supply cart behind to check, most of them are indeed our things. "

"It doesn't matter what you say, let's check it out." The visitor waved to the people behind, and some people quickly got on the supply truck.

Not long after, the first few people who went in poked their heads out: "Report, there are indeed some of our supplies in the car, but the quantity is not right."

"It doesn't matter so much, let's move our things out first." The visitor said bluntly, then ignored Wang Xin's expression, and opened the rear hatch of the car they drove.

(End of this chapter)

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