Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 239 Inquiry

Chapter 239 Inquiry
After the people in the car took orders, they started to move things down, but the things were piled up in a mess just now and there was no time to tidy them up, so when they were moving, they naturally also moved out some of Wang Xin's original supplies.

Wang Xin felt uncomfortable again when he saw it, but he dared not speak out.

The group of people finished moving their things: "The quantity difference is too great. I didn't find anyone entering the base before. I guess it might be divided up by the surrounding residents. Let's make up another truck today before going back."

After the confession, the group of people walked away, leaving only Wang Xin who was standing there with a helpless expression on his face.

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

Looking at the cars going away, Lei Sen had originally entrusted them to the special operations team. Unexpectedly, because of insufficient supplies, the special operations team set off to find new supplies. In the end, only Wang Xin and his team were left standing alone. on the way.

"What else can we do? That's a bad way to go! It's true that there are a lot fewer zombies near the base. Didn't you all see it? Let's go by ourselves!" Wang Xin glanced at his blind men and waved towards the car behind. He waved for everyone to get into the car, and then the car drove towards the star base.

After more than three hours' journey, Murphy and the others finally arrived at the star base.

"Wow, the star base is different, much better than the Cang base." The car approached the star base, and both cars stopped, Zhu Zhu couldn't help but sighed.

"We will be separated in a while. People who have not registered with the star base before will go to the door there. After entering, someone will take you to the isolation room. It only takes 48 hours, but you should try not to sleep at the same time. Some of the detainees will mutate, so you must be careful."

"Don't worry, Feifei, have you forgotten that we are all supernatural beings and mutants? Go quickly, settle down in two days and wait for you."

Mo Fei nodded, said goodbye to Zhu Zhu and the others, and then drove towards the main entrance of the star base.

I swiped my ID card on the instrument, but unexpectedly the door did not open, but a person came out from the duty room next to me: "Is it Miss Murphy?"

Murphy nodded in confusion.

"Great, please follow me." The man on duty showed a smile on his face, and then pressed a few times on the instrument before the door opened.Murphy drove into the base after him.

"Miss Murphy, please park the car here first, and wait a moment."

"Did something happen?" Murphy couldn't help feeling uneasy when he saw the person on duty detaining him. Could it be that Li Jiao sent someone?
About 15 minutes later, while Murphy was still thinking about it anxiously, a car sped up, and a person jumped off the car before it stopped.

The visitor was dressed in neat black, and his short, chopped hair half-hid his brows but could hardly hide his breathtaking eyes.

"Feifei, you're back. Where did you go?" the visitor asked before rushing to Murphy.

Seeing that it was Xiao Minyu, Mo Fei felt relieved: "Xiao Minyu, you scared me to death and locked me in the concierge. Who did I think was seeking revenge? I came back to go to your place!"

Before Mo Fei finished speaking, Xiao Minyu had already opened his arms and hugged Mo Fei in his arms: "I haven't heard from you for so long, I thought something happened to you."

A word of concern silenced Mo Fei, and it took a while to find his words: "It's because I stayed in the mountains for a while, and there is no signal over there."

"It's fine, old five. Murphy just came back, so let's go home first." Man Chengbin, who was following behind, saw the two people still standing where they were, and looked at the expression of the person on duty and quickly reminded him.

"Well, let's go back. Feifei, let the second child drive your car back, and you and I will ride in my car." Xiao Minyu couldn't help but pull Mo Fei into his car.

Seeing Xiao Minyu's agile skills, Mo Fei asked, "Your foot injury is recovering well, so there shouldn't be any major problems?"

"Of course it's almost better, it shows how long you've been gone." Xiao Minyu's tone was full of blame.

The car drove to Xiao Minyu's house. After the car stopped, Xiao Minyu got out of the car first, and then stretched out his hand to ask Mo Fei to pull his hand out of the car.

Murphy didn't help, and jumped out of the car quickly: "It's not that he has limited mobility." Then he looked around: "It's better to be in the base, too tired to live outside."

As Xiao Minyu entered the house, several other people also walked into Xiao Minyu's villa.

But at this time, not far away, a happy-looking man who was about to walk to Xiao Minyu's villa stopped in his tracks, looked at everything in front of him with surprise, then turned and left angrily.

Back in the villa, Murphy put the backpack on the ground, and Lao Zhao stepped forward to pick up Murphy's backpack and walked upstairs.

"Feifei, where have you been? Do you know how hard it was for me to contact you?" Xiao Minyu asked reproachfully in his tone.

"Actually, I went home to find some things. I didn't expect that the navigation on the road was misplaced and I got lost in a mountainous area. I stayed there for almost half a month before I found the way out." Most of what Murphy said was true, but She didn't make a wrong navigation, but went looking for it on purpose, but it was true that she was stuck there.

"It's good that I'm back. I've already told Lao Zhao to cook. Mo Fei must be hungry too. Hurry up and get something to eat." Man Chengbin, who came up from behind, smoothed things over.

"I'm really hungry, so I'll go upstairs for a while." Murphy saw someone speaking for him, so he quickly found an excuse and ran up.Xiao Minyu is indeed doing it for her own good, but the kind of care that comes to her face puts her under too much pressure.

After going upstairs to wash his face for a while, Murphy went downstairs.

As soon as they reached the stairs, they heard Man Chengbin and Xiao Minyu saying something: "It seems that we must strengthen our guard when we go in and out in the future. I heard that this isolation inspection will also take longer. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Isn't that person's identity bad enough? Is he alone?" Xiao Minyu asked after hearing Man Chengbin's words.

"Yes, I usually come back early in the morning and go out at noon. It seems that I will do tasks outside at night. He is a very strange person."

Hearing this, Mo Fei didn't know why he suddenly felt an ominous premonition, and walked down the stairs quickly: "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, there was a little accident at the base while you were away, so this quarantine inspection and entry and exit may have to be more vigilant." Xiao Minyu turned his head and said a word.

"Old Zhao, let's serve!" Man Chengbin instructed Butler Zhao who was standing aside.Old Zhao nodded, and quickly brought plates of hot dishes to the table.

"Second brother, you can go and have a look tomorrow." Xiao Minyu asked Man Chengbin endlessly.

Man Chengbin nodded knowingly, and then several people started to eat. Xiao Minyu kept bringing food to Mo Fei, so that Mo Fei had to move the chair to the side of Meng Zhibo, a burly man.

After dinner, Murphy went upstairs under the pretext of wanting to rest early, but Murphy, who was alone in the room, always had doubts in his heart. What exactly were Xiao Minyu and the others talking about just now?Since Xiao Minyu and the others refused to talk about it, Mo Fei decided to ask Lin Yixun tomorrow morning when he told Lin Yixun what he had accidentally thought of with Zhu Zhu last time.

Seeing that the time was still early, Mo Fei took out his father's electronic notebook that was fully charged but hadn't had time to read it from the storage amulet.

Before opening it, there was a knock on the door: "Feifei, are you asleep?"

Mo Fei put away the notebook again, stood up and opened the door for Xiao Minyu: "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly thought of one thing. I won't be at home in the next few days. Don't go out to do tasks recently. I heard that there seems to be something wrong. You should stay at home and rest recently."

"Well, I see. By the way, Xiao Minyu, you came at the right time. You said that the isolation inspection will take longer. How long will it take?"

"The details have not yet been decided, is there any question?"

"Yes, this time I met my roommates from my former school on the way back, so they came back with me, but it was their first time at the star base, so they had to be quarantined." There was nothing to hide, Mo Fei replied bluntly.

"You write me their names and some basic information, and I'll ask the second child to go there, but the initial isolation review time is still necessary, I can only try not to give them extra time." Hearing it was Murphy It wasn't a big deal for the former roommates, and if he could help Murphy, he would definitely gain more points, so Xiao Minyu directly proposed to reduce the quarantine time of a few people.

"That's all right, thank you!"

"Why are you being polite to me? There's nothing else to do. If you need anything recently, you can just go to the second child."

Hearing what Xiao Minyu said, Murphy was a little puzzled.Usually, these people are like conjoined twins, they are basically together everywhere, why didn't Man Chengbin follow this time?

Seeing the confusion on Murphy's face, Xiao Minyu explained with a smile: "There is a project that needs my help. I am actually still at the base, but I can't come back."

"That's it, I see, go to bed early." Mo Fei waved to Xiao Minyu, Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy again with some reluctance before leaving.

Turning back to the bed, Murphy took out his notebook again.I just pressed the button to turn it on, and now the screen of the electronic notebook is already on.

Looking at the connection password plus number password prompted above, Murphy first pressed a series of numbers, and then drew a flower pattern on the connection password.

With the unlocking of the password, the electronic notebook has also reached the cover page.

Turning over the cover page, according to the table of contents below, Mo Fei looked at the recorded time.When I turned to the last page, the recorded time was the night before my parents had an accident.

Taking a deep breath, Murphy checked his father's diary for the first time, but things have come to this point, and Murphy feels that he still needs to understand the situation.

With trembling fingers, Mo Fei gently opened the directory, and with a switch, the diary records of his father's last day appeared in front of Mo Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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