Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 240 Confidential

Chapter 240 Confidential
At this moment, Yulin's heart was as chaotic as if silk threads were entangled.

I have been observing Xiao Minyu's actions for nearly a month, and Yulin found that Murphy didn't come any more during this time, but Xiao Minyu's face became more serious day by day.

After finally adjusting her body, Yulin was waiting for the opportunity.

The man and his sister were not at home today, and Feng's mother seemed to be very busy today, Yulin felt that her chance had finally come.

After dressing up a bit, Yulin changed into a lush skirt and waited for Xiao Minyu at the window, wanting to meet him when he came back.

However, seeing the car turning from a distance, Yulin hurried downstairs, but when she was about to see Xiao Minyu, Mo Fei got out of the car.

Murphy, we used to be like sisters, why do you always destroy my good wishes?
Yulin couldn't help thinking that before she died, if Mo Fei hadn't rejected her, and she knew that she was going out with Xiao Minyu, maybe she wouldn't have rushed so far in that mission, and she wouldn't have nearly died because she didn't have time to escape later.

"Murphy!" Yulin's eyes were full of jealousy, and her reason had been suppressed in her heart. All she could think of now was Murphy's fault, and she felt more and more jealous.

"Miss Yulin, dinner is ready. Would you like to go down and eat with my master or serve it for you?" Mama Feng's voice interrupted Yulin's thoughts, coming from the door that hadn't been opened yet.

Yulin took a few deep breaths to calm her emotions, then stood up and replied in a calm tone: "Mama Feng, I'll be going down right away."

Feng's mother responded and turned to go downstairs. Yulin straightened her clothes and looked in the mirror. There was no sign of anything wrong before she opened the door and went downstairs.

Since Yulin recovered from her injury, she has been in contact with the siblings, and Yulin has discovered that the two siblings have completely different personalities.

The expression of the man who saved him was always the same, making people wonder what he was thinking. On the other hand, the younger sister is much more understanding and has a very cheerful personality. Although she is a bit talkative, Yulin is quite envious of her.She can say whatever she wants, and she looks like a well-protected, innocent girl who hasn't suffered too much.

It's just that there is already darkness in her heart. Although Yulin envies her, she seldom gets in touch with that younger sister.

"Come down, let's eat!" Seeing Yulin going downstairs, the man said something lightly, then looked down at the things in his hand.Although I have lived here for so long, Yulin still doesn't know what the man does. Although his status is definitely not ordinary based on the decoration of his home and being able to own a villa in the warning area, Yulin still doesn't know what the man does. What, even Feng's mother didn't know very clearly.

Although I heard that this man named Bai Sirui was the head of the personnel management department of the star base, but judging from his daily return, Yulin felt that this man was not such a simple job.

But no matter what, he is Yulin's biggest reliance now, so Yulin tries to be more cautious every time she sees this man surnamed Bai.

"Going out today?" Bai Sirui looked at the electronic report in his hand without squinting, but asked casually in his mouth.

Yulin was startled, had she been noticed for being so careful?

Nodding mechanically: "At first I thought it was almost all right and went out for a walk, but I didn't expect to go out and feel a little dizzy and then came back."

"En." Bai Sirui only responded once and then stopped talking, which made Yulin feel even more uneasy.

"Brother, you scare Yulin. Anyone who stays in the house for a long time will be bored. How about Yulin, you can raise it for a few more days, and I will go out with you later."

Bai Sirui's younger sister saw that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and hurriedly smoothed things over. You must know that although her brother is not top-notch handsome, he has an attractive flavor.Back then at school, and later at work, there were many women chasing after her, but she had never seen her brother have feelings for anyone, but this time he picked up such a beautiful woman from outside, how could she not feel Accident.

It seems that my brother is enlightened, and I have to take good care of him.

Bai Sirui glanced at his sister: "Eat."

After eating, Bai Sirui threw a second-order black crystal to Yulin: "This is for you to absorb well, it's good for your injuries."

Yulin quickly caught it, thanked Bai Sirui, then turned and went upstairs.Yes, I just have to absorb it well, and I must improve it so that I can have the ability to protect myself.Yulin thought to herself, holding the black crystal tightly in her hand.

Murphy, who roughly flipped through a few pages of his father's electronic notebook last night, got out of bed early in the morning.After washing up, Mo Fei changed his clothes and went downstairs. Except for Xiao Minyu, several other people downstairs were having breakfast.

"Why do you get up so early, don't you have to go out today?" Murphy asked after coming down to greet a few people and sitting down.

"Lao Wu is going to do this task in the morning. There are some things to talk about. After listening to it, our drowsiness has passed, so we should have breakfast earlier." Meng Zhibo, a burly man with a strong figure, replied.

"Oh, then you go ahead, I'm going to the research institute after I finish eating."

"Go to the research institute again?" Man Chengbin glanced at Murphy, this girl is really energetic.

"That's right, I haven't told Yixun when I came back, let alone I have something to ask her." Murphy replied vaguely to Man Chengbin, and stood up after finishing his breakfast with a bowl in his hand: "Then I Let's go, it shouldn't be too late to come back."

All the way to the research institute, Murphy went straight to the laboratory building.

"Feifei, you are back. Why have you been away for so long?" Seeing Murphy's return, Lin Yixun shouted excitedly.

"Hey, I got lost on the road, so I wasted a lot of time."

Lin Yixun held Mo Fei and talked for a long time, and then Mo Fei found an opportunity to ask Lin Yixun: "Yi Xun, do you know what the research institute is doing these days? Don't I live in the house of the special operations team?" , one of them seems to be unable to go home today."

"Feifei, are you talking about Xiao Minyu?" Lin Yixun suddenly asked teasingly: "What? Is there something special about you that you care so much about him?"

"What's the matter, but you can't go back in the base. I'm a little curious about what they are going to do, because I heard that something happened to the base before, and the entry and exit and quarantine inspections are stricter. I don't know what it is. I'm curious, so I'm curious."

When Lin Yixun heard what Mo Fei said, his face suddenly became serious: "Feifei, you don't know that although Xiao Minyu is the captain of the special operations team, he is called a 'mechanical ghost' because of the special incident that happened this time. , so the research institute has to speed up the development of new mechs, which is why Xiao Minyu was left behind."

It was the first time Mo Fei heard that Xiao Minyu had this special talent, and he also had a look of surprise on his face: "Xiao Minyu? Is he so good?" But thinking back, Xiao Minyu asked himself some questions about the accelerator car he modified before. Very professional, but Mo Fei just made it according to his grandfather's design drawings, and he was not very proficient, so he didn't realize it. Looking back now, Xiao Minyu really didn't understand it normally.

But thinking of that special event, Murphy asked again: "What happened? Why did the base take it so seriously?"

Lin Yixun went to Mo Fei's side and whispered in Mo Fei's ear: "Feifei, do you still remember how Cangji was destroyed?"

Not knowing the meaning of Lin Yixun's question, Murphy nodded: "Remember, does this have anything to do with this incident?"

"This time we found a semi-zombie person in the base, which was discovered by accident. When this person returned to the base at night, two people just exchanged two bottles of liquor from the market, and they drank too much, so they haven't returned home yet. , As a result, the two people who were drunk after bumping into this person were a little drunk. Unexpectedly, this person suddenly killed the two people like crazy. It happened that the passing guards found out and followed this person home. , and then sent someone to arrest this person. When he was arrested, this person was not conscious yet, just like a zombie when he was still unconscious. "

Lin Yixun paused at this point: "Feifei, I'm telling you this because you know something, but don't spread it everywhere, because once such things are known to the residents, they may cause panic."

"Of course I know that, but what about half-zombies?"

Lin Yixun thought for a while, but didn't know how to explain, so she dragged Mo Fei to the inner office: "Come with me."

When he came to the inner office, Lin Yixun took out an analysis map, pointed to the map and told Murphy, "Didn't I say before that, starting from C4 zombies, zombies are basically a new species, and the previous zombies all came from Human genetic mutations."

Murphy nodded: "I remember this."

"So, this red picture is a schematic diagram of a normal human being, and the blue picture next to it is a schematic diagram of a zombie, and this person..." Lin Yixun moved the analysis chart upwards, and arranged three pictures side by side : "This is the analysis chart of that person, can you see the difference?"

Murphy took the electronic analyzer from Lin Yixun's hand and compared the three pictures, he could see that the third picture was a red and blue schematic diagram.And the blue is still seeping into the capillaries little by little, as if it is gradually devouring the red.Murphy looked at Lin Yixun in surprise.

"It's clear at a glance with the icon, and this person's body is gradually turning into a zombie. The blue part of the zombie is swallowing the red part of the human being." Lin Yixun saw that Murphy understood Yes, close the graph and put away the electronic analyzer.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Murphy continued to ask after digesting the news.

"We are now analyzing why this person behaved like this, but because of the presence of such a person in the base, the base has stepped up its guard, and is planning to develop a new type of small mecha for the safety of the base." Lin Yixun said Wan Wan suddenly grabbed Mo Fei mysteriously: "By the way, Fei Fei, do you want to go and see that half-zombie?"

 Double 11, did everyone get what they wanted?

(End of this chapter)

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