Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 241 Unbelievable

Chapter 241 Unbelievable
Originally, Murphy was quite curious about this, but it was a secret of the base after all. It was not easy for him to know the general situation, and it was very difficult to see it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yixun brought up these words.

"Just in the afternoon, the research group came over for collective analysis. There is no one in the sample room in the laboratory at the moment, can you go?" Lin Yixun was not worried that Murphy would leak it out. People in the base were panicked, and those who suffered were not members of the base.

Furthermore, Lin Yixun believed in Murphy's character, and would ask Murphy to help with some things in the future. Lin Yixun had long regarded Murphy as a member of their laboratory.

"Of course I want to take a look, especially the characteristics. If something like this happens, I can find out earlier, but Yixun, is it really okay for me to go and see? Don't get you punished." Although Murphy wanted to see , but considering Lin Yixun, I still feel a little worried.

"It's okay, you are also a member of our laboratory, not to mention I have something to ask you these days, even if you don't know it now, you will know it in a few days."

Seeing that Mo Fei still wanted to see it, Lin Yixun didn't procrastinate, and grabbed Mo Fei's hand and walked towards the sample room in the laboratory.

The sample room is not too big. In the past, there were only zombie specimens, and very few living bodies were kept here.However, the sample room was built with living samples in mind, so it was built very sturdy, and it also had a fixed storage bin.

The half-zombie was locked in the storage bin where the living samples were stored.

"Feifei, try not to make any noise for a while, that semi-zombie is still very calm so far, so it will be easier for us to observe." Lin Yixun warned Murphy before entering the disinfection room.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

After entering the disinfection room, both Murphy and Lin Yixun were sprayed all over their bodies in the disinfection room, and then put on sterile clothes after being irradiated by the disinfection light.The two entered the sample room one after the other.

Murphy didn't know how he got out of the sample room, and the appearance of the living half-zombie was still shaking in front of his eyes.

After leaving the sample room, Lin Yixun asked Mo Fei to take off the sterile suit quickly and leave, and then the two returned to Lin Yixun's office.

"Fortunately, no one found out. It's really strange. Usually that semi-zombie is very quiet. Why is it so frenzied today? It just scared me to death." Lin Yixun muttered suspiciously but didn't hear Murphy's response, and turned his head. Seeing Murphy's absent-minded look, he thought that Murphy was frightened by what happened just now, so he turned around and patted Murphy on the back.

"Feifei, don't be afraid, that half-zombie can't get out at all despite its fierce roar. But it's strange to say, I haven't seen this half-zombie like this for several days, even I'm scared We're here." Lin Yixun said as he walked to the internal communicator, picked up the communicator to contact the people in the laboratory, told the situation just now, and asked the laboratory personnel to check.

Mo Fei seemed to come back to his senses at this moment: "Yi Xun, I'm a little tired, I'll go back first."

"Feifei, are you okay? You seemed to be really scared just now, so you go back early, do you want me to send someone to see you off?"

Mo Fei shook his head weakly: "No need, I can go back by myself, you are busy, by the way, you are not going to have a research meeting in the afternoon, and tell me about the analysis situation later."

"Okay, then you go back and have a good rest."

After seeing off Murphy, Lin Yixun tilted his head and thought about the situation just now.

This half-zombie has been very quiet since it was captured. Even when they extracted some body tissue from it, it just twitched symbolically. It had never been so emotional.

Just now she and Mo Fei went in, and when they walked to the translucent living sample storage bin, the semi-zombie suddenly opened its eyes wide, and then its body began to wriggle violently, even the storage bin that closed it shook.

If Lin Yixun hadn't quickly tightened the fixed valve, the half-zombie might have knocked open the hatch.

Thinking about it, I was covered in cold sweat, but what Lin Yixun didn't understand was that they had experimented with this half-zombie before, and most of the time it was still thinking, how could it suddenly become so irrational?Could it be that the zombification of the half-zombie is getting worse?
Murphy left the institute in a daze. She couldn't believe what she saw today.She suddenly sped up and left the star soul circle, walked through the star heart circle towards a residential area in the star people circle
But at this moment, the half-zombie was no longer restless, curled up and lying quietly in the storage bin of the sample room. If you approached it and looked at it, you could see a tear streaming down its face from the corner of its eye.After all, I was seen by the person I didn't want to be seen the most.

Murphy came to Xingmin Circle, looked at the building in front of him, and felt a little hesitant.She really wanted to make sure immediately whether what she saw was true, but she was very afraid that it was true.

After hesitating again and again, Murphy still walked upstairs.

When he came to the door of a house, Murphy knocked on the door, and after a moment of movement inside, a voice sounded: "Who is it?"

Although it wasn't the voice of the person he was looking for, Mo Fei still had hope in his heart: "Hello, I'm looking for Gao Qing."

"Gao Qing? I don't know you. I just moved here yesterday." The man replied without opening the door, and he had already left the door when he heard footsteps.

If it hadn't been for an accident, Uncle Gao would never have checked out. It seems that what he saw just now was really... Mo Fei's heart suddenly became sad, and he brought Gao Qing here from home. There are too many, but it is always a neighbor before the end of the world, and there is a sense of intimacy, but I didn't expect him to have...

The half-zombie just now was none other than Gao Qing.

It was precisely because of this that Gao Qing was so excited when he saw Murphy.

He didn't know when it started, but he felt that sometimes he would suddenly become stiff and move extremely slowly.There are also wounds. When doing missions in the field, any scratched wounds will not heal, so Gao Qing will be extra careful when going out.

In the past, he just mingled in the crowd of zombies without being noticed, but now his behavior and body are more and more like zombies, and Gao Qing is also very scared in his heart.

And on that day, after he ate people in confusion, Gao Qing knew that he was becoming more and more like a zombie, because he didn't reject the smell of blood at all.Although I felt very disgusted in my head, I felt a little thirsty for blood in my heart.

Therefore, when the people at the base came to arrest him, Gao Qing understood that he was no longer of the same kind as them.

But even so, there is still a clearest place in Gao Qing's heart, and that is Murphy who is like a daughter.

It's just that it's all over. He didn't expect Mo Fei to see such a self so soon. Seeing the panic and disbelief on Murphy's face, Gao Qing didn't want Murphy to continue to see such a self, so he hit it with all his strength. The storage warehouse that locked him was exactly as he had imagined, and another girl pulled Mo Fei out of here.

After confirming what he saw just now, Murphy felt a little sad. He felt sad for Gao Qing, who was about to turn into a zombie and was now a research subject in the laboratory.Unknowingly walked near the trading market.

Because of a quarrel, Mo Fei finally came back to his senses, and looked ahead, the two were arguing over an item.

"Obviously I saw this thing first, how could you do this?" A very beautiful girl who looked a bit like a mixed race shouted angrily.

"Hey, this is new. I picked it up and paid for it, but you didn't take it and didn't buy it. How can you say it's yours?" On the other side, a man with a bit of a sloppy look was playing with it. Holding one thing, it seems that this is what the two are fighting for.

"That's why I asked the shopkeeper politely first, how about you? After listening to the price I asked, you actually dropped the money and took it away. Don't you know how to come first, first come?" The girl argued hard, and it seemed that she still robbed the man. I am obsessed with what I want to buy.

"That's right, first come, first served. I pay first, so I come first." The man stopped talking to the girl after he finished speaking, turned around and left with his things.

"Don't go, return the things to me." The girl was extremely fast, and rushed over to snatch the things from the man who was caught off guard, and then threw the Mo Jing in his hand to the man: "The money is here for you."

Seeing that he was being robbed like this, the man felt unbalanced. He developed a superpower in his hand and threw it towards the girl.

The girl was obviously a speed mutant, but she should still be a speed mutant with a high level. While getting out of the way, she had already circled around the man: "Hmph." She snorted coldly and left the spot.

"Dare to grab my things, who? Chase me."

"Who wants to chase our team?"

Before the man gathered had time to leave, a slightly haughty voice came over.

A tall girl with a melon-shaped face and thin lips, wearing a casual jacket with lantern sleeves and a stand-up collar, walked over from the side with piercing eyes.

"There is still an organization, brothers, give it to me. If you catch this, are you afraid that you will get something back?" The man had a wicked look on his face, as if he was determined to get this girl if he caught her.

After seeing the girl come out, Murphy glanced at the arrogant man regretfully.

Similarly, after hearing what the man said, instead of being timid, the girl smiled softly: "Okay, okay, I haven't been arrested yet, I'll try what it feels like to be arrested."

Seeing the self-confidence on the girl's face and the taunting towards him in the words, the man's heart froze, and the power in his hand increased.

As the flames in the man's hand became more and more intense, everyone around couldn't help but gasp, and many people began to secretly worry about this girl.But who cares in this world?So even if you are worried, no one else will help.

Mo Fei saw the corner of the girl's mouth turned up, and then Mo Fei glanced at the man full of sympathy, thinking: This man is over...

 Double 11, are you having a good time?
(End of this chapter)

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