Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 242 Invited

Chapter 242 Invited
Needless to say, when Murphy was about to turn around and leave, a girl in the crowd stopped Murphy.

"Murphy, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Mo Fei looked back, and it was the girl who just took her things and left after the quarrel.

Just as he was about to answer, a scream drew Murphy's attention to the middle of the crowd.

The originally arrogant man fell to the ground convulsively at this time, exuding an unpleasant smell from his body.

And that tall, well-proportioned girl was holding back a whip-like purple band of light in her hand.

At this moment, someone with a little discernment in the crowd suddenly said, "It's Qu Yingluo, the lightning queen of Team Spark."

Hearing this shout, those who knew about it scattered away, and those who didn't know saw others scattered and knew that there must be something not to mess with, so they all left here one by one.

As soon as the people around left, they revealed Murphy who was still standing there and the girl who was holding Murphy.

"Ha, Mo Fei, long time no see." Qu Yingluo waved to Mo Fei and called out kindly.

It seemed that he couldn't leave for a while, so Mo Fei waved to Qu Yingluo.

And the girl who stopped Murphy was Li Lin, the speed mutant of Team Spark.

The Sparks team was ranked among the top three teams when they were in Cang Base. Because of their performance when they first entered the base, Sun Qiaofeng, the leader of the Sparks team and a fire-type supernatural being, wanted to invite Murphy to join the Sparks team. Because Mo Fei had just obtained the talisman, he still didn't understand many things, so he didn't agree to join for convenience.

At this time, the Spark team is still relatively well-known in the star base, but because the star base has more abilities and powerful weapons and equipment, so in comparison, the prestige and influence of the spark team in the star base is slightly smaller Some.

"Murphy, we've been here at the Star Base for so long, why can't we always miss each other? Since we bumped into each other today, let's go to our house for dinner tonight. Don't shirk this time, I'm going to be angry." Qu Yingluo was still the same as before Cheerful, he took Mo Fei's arm as soon as he came up.

"That's right, Mo Fei, you have never accepted our team's invitation. You won't refuse this time, will you?" Li Lin who was on the side added, seeing Murphy's slightly hesitant expression.

Murphy looked at the two people, they were also well-known teams, and they had known each other since the first day he entered Cang Base, Murphy nodded: "Okay, but I can't go now, please copy down the address, I will Must arrive at night."

Seeing that Mo Fei agreed, Qu Yingluo smiled and told Mo Fei the address: "We live in Building B, Building B, Xinghe District, Xingxin Circle. You will see it when you arrive. It is easy to find. By the way, If you can't get in, you can report the name of the Spark team, and they will ask you to record it with your ID card before you can get in."

Qu Yingluo added carefully.

"Well, I see." Murphy didn't say much, although she could enter and exit the Star Heart Circle at will, not to mention the Star Heart Circle, and even the Star Soul Circle now, but there is no need to tell others. Murphy just nodded slightly: "I remember this address, see you tonight."

After bidding farewell to Qu Yingluo and Li Lin, Murphy left the trading market. Since he was going to the residence of the Spark team at night, he still had to bring something.

On the way back, he passed by Gao Qing's former residence, and Mo Fei sighed. It's no problem for him to enter the research institute to rescue Gao Qing, but what about after Gao Qing, who has gradually turned into a zombie, is rescued by him?When Gao Qing turned into a zombie, his instinct would only hurt more people, and he would definitely be killed at that time.

Murphy knew that no matter what he did now, it would not help. He could only hope that the research institute could study the reasons for Gao Qing's zombification, and maybe learn something from it.

Mo Fei, who returned to the Xingxinquan warning area with heavy steps, went back to the villa to tell Man Chengbin that he would not come back at night, and then walked towards the vegetable market next to the Xingxinquan cafeteria.

The food market in the Xingxin circle is obviously richer than that in the Xingmin circle. There are even many dishes that are not considered popular before the end of the world, and you can occasionally see one or two.Since I'm going to the spark team's residence at night, I can't go there empty-handed. Buying vegetables is already a very high-end gift now.

It was the first time for Mo Fei to visit the vegetable market in Star Circle.I have been living in the Xingmin circle before. Since Xiao Minyu brought him to the Xingxin circle, Mo Fei basically lived a life of eating and opening his mouth. How could he come to buy food? Although he passed by before, he never came in, so today It was Murphy's first time entering the vegetable market.

After picking some fresh vegetables, Mo Fei paid Mo Jing, and then walked to the Xinghe District of the star circle with the vegetables.

The Xinghe District can be regarded as a relatively good area in the Star Heart Circle. There are well-known teams of supernatural beings living in this area, and some people who live here are not too internal base staff.

As Qu Yingluo said, it's easy to find here. Because most of the Xinghe District is for the whole team to live in, they are basically villas, but the difference is that the villas here are not as luxurious as in the security zone.

In fact, it is a villa, it is better to say it is a strip-shaped residential building.

According to the address that Qu Yingluo told him, Murphy found Building B No. [-]. This is a strip-shaped building similar to the surrounding ones. The difference is that there is a big kite hanging at the door.

Looking at the house number above, it was the home of Team Spark that he was looking for.

He pressed the doorbell, and the door lock opened automatically after a while. It should be that the people inside saw him and pushed the lock from the inside.

Pushing the door into the courtyard, Mo Fei climbed up the steps, and two girls came down from above: "Murphy, you are here, we are still worried that you will release our pigeons this time." Li Lin ran down first.

Of course, Qu Yingluo was not as fast as the speed mutant Li Lin, so she also walked down after her.

Mo Fei lifted the dish in his hand: "There's nothing to bring, let's add another dish."

"Why do you bring things when you come here? Come on, go in." Qu Yingluo and Li Lin pushed Mo Fei into the room.

After entering the room, he greeted Captain Sun of the Spark team, the lean power mutant Wang Dali, and the muffled ice-type power user Zhang Lekun, and then Mo Fei sat down and chatted with the two girls for a while.Soon, the food was ready, and Murphy ate around the table with the Spark team.

After dinner, Qu Yingluo and Li Lin took Mo Fei to Qu Yingluo's room to sit for a while before Mo Fei left.

But Qu Yingluo also made an appointment with Murphy to do a mission together next week.After several refusals, Murphy agreed after thinking that he didn't go out very often recently.

Saying goodbye to Team Spark, Mo Fei didn't let them see him off, and walked slowly back to Xiao Minyu's villa in the security area.

After practicing Qi, Murphy lay on the bed, tossing and turning for a long time before finally falling asleep.

After waking up early in the morning, Mo Fei tidied up a bit. Zhu Zhu and the others should come out of the observation room this afternoon. He originally planned to stay until today, and then choose a place to live with Zhu Zhu and the others as neighbors.It's just that Xiao Minyu didn't come back now. When I came back yesterday, I mentioned it to Man Chengbin, but Man Chengbin asked himself to wait for Xiao Minyu to come back.

Thinking about himself being brought back by Xiao Minyu, and he really wanted to say something when he left, Murphy decided to stay for a while longer.

By the afternoon, Man Chengbin and the others had already left the house, so Murphy told Steward Zhao and drove towards the reserved circle of the star base.

After waiting at the door for a long time, Mo Fei saw Zhu Zhu and the other four coming out.

"Feifei, you're here to pick us up!" Zhu Zhu saw Murphy as soon as he came out, and jumped towards him.

"Did you give you the car keys? Have you got all the things you collected earlier?" Murphy asked quickly when he saw a few people come out.

"Well, I've got them all. By the way, I heard that the quarantine inspection period has been extended, but we were released suddenly. Do you know what happened?" Li Suna knew that they couldn't be treated like this when they first arrived. , it must be related to Murphy.

Murphy smiled: "I know a friend who works at the base, because it happened to be strict at the beginning and no official notice has been issued, so he asked you to follow the original quarantine time."

"Let me just say, how can we be treated specially." Zhu Zhu suddenly realized from the side.

"Okay, don't talk so much, hurry up and go to your residence." Mo Fei patted Zhu Zhu, and the few of them walked to the place where the formalities were handled.

Because they all had ID cards when they were in Cang Base, so there is no need to apply for ID cards. Only Zhen Shunli’s ID card was damaged because the bound watch was damaged, so it took a while, and the others quickly entered new ID cards. material.

"Just choose Xingmin Circle. The price of Xingmin Circle is the most reasonable and relatively safe." Murphy pointed to Xingmin Circle and said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Suna and Zhu Zhu didn't say much. After all, Murphy has been here for the longest time, and it is true that the star circle is the best choice from the picture, so they simply chose I found a residence in the Star Min circle.

After choosing the location, Murphy took a few people to pick up the car that was inspected when they came in.

Naturally, some of the supplies in the car were taken away by the search personnel, but because they had already brought a lot, they didn't feel bad at all.What's more, they have other hidden things, and it will be enough for several people to live for a long time after they get them back in two days.

After taking a few people to the residence, Murphy went up to have a look.This location is not bad, it is not a house facing the street and it is not a dead corner location.After tidying up a bit, Murphy took a few people around the star people's circle, and introduced them to the place where the task was picked up, the canteen where they bought food, and the vegetable market next to them.

These places are the places that a few people will come into contact with frequently in the future, and other places can be explored slowly, but these places that are necessary for life, Murphy still brings a few people over to get to know the way first.

Walking and walking, several people came to the trading market.

Just after Murphy introduced that this is a trading market, when several people were about to go in and have a look, a group of people suddenly rushed from behind and surrounded Murphy and the others.

 It's cold and easy to sleep, I really don't want to crawl out of the warm blanket!

(End of this chapter)

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