Chapter 243
I didn't know what the visitor meant, but I heard one of them pointing at Mo Fei and shouting, "It's her, take me away."

Zhu Zhu took a step forward to stand in front of Murphy: "Who are you? What are you trying to do?"

The visitor glanced at Zhu Zhu: "Get out of the way, don't let Kai even arrest you."

Mo Fei pulled Zhu Zhu away. It seemed that these people came for him. Zhu Zhu and the others just came to the base, so they couldn't be dragged into the water.

"What's your business?" Murphy asked, staring at the speaker coldly.

"You are Murphy, right?" The visitor twitched with a half-smile.

"My name is Murphy, but are you sure you have misunderstood the person?" Murphy looked at these people, and none of them looked familiar. They probably didn't know each other, but how could someone who didn't know bother him and know himself? name?

The man turned his head and pouted at the person behind him. The person behind him quickly came over with a wrapped bag. The man took the bag and threw it at Mo Fei's feet: "See if this is yours?"

Murphy kicked the package suspiciously. It seemed to be something metal.

Glancing at the man, Murphy kicked the package up with one foot and caught it with both hands.She didn't want to bow her head to pick it up and be attacked by someone.

Taking the package in his hand, Mo Fei weighed it, feeling a little familiar with the weight.After quickly unpacking the package, the twisted and deformed Suying Spear inside appeared in front of Murphy.

Murphy's eyes narrowed. He cleared out some gangsters who wanted to rob him here before, and after one escaped, he chased after him, but when he came back, the Suying gun disappeared. Could it be those people's Friends, are you here to seek revenge on yourself?

Murphy kept thinking in his heart, and slowly separated his feet to fight back.

Seeing Murphy's wary expression, the man snorted coldly: "Hmph, can't you deny it now?" Then he waved his hand to the people behind him: "I'm here to murder Gu I will arrest you for the crime of Huaiyuan."

As soon as the man's words came out, Mo Fei was stunned for a moment: "Wait a minute, are you talking about Gu Huaiyuan? This has nothing to do with me, does it?"

Mo Fei didn't know how his Suying gun had something to do with Gu Huaiyuan. Although Gu Huaiyuan's death was indeed caused by himself, he deserved it. What's more, he was indeed bitten to death by zombies. It will involve his plain spear.

The transformation of his Suying spear was obviously in the base, when cleaning up the group of gangsters, one of them was a metal-type supernatural being who broke his Suying spear.

"Sorry, did I hear you right? You said Gu Huaiyuan? I murdered you? Could it be that you said this Suying gun was a murder weapon?" Murphy

"Yes, it's Gu Huaiyuan. You can explain it properly when you go to the case trial and investigation office of the base." After the man said this to Murphy, he motioned for the people behind him to take away the package of the Suying gun, because at this time The plain tasseled gun exists as evidence.

"Feifei, what's going on, why is your Suying gun..." Zhu Zhu asked anxiously when he saw that Mo Fei was about to be taken away.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I lost the Suying gun in the base. It has nothing to do with me." Mo Fei patted Zhu Zhu: "You can go shopping or go back to rest, and I will look for you later .”

"Stop dawdling and leave quickly." The man urged.

Murphy turned his head and followed the man out of the trading market. A car was parked at the entrance of the trading market.The man opened the car door and pushed Murphy up.

As the car started, Murphy was thinking about the connection between these two things in his mind.But after thinking for a long time, there is no similarity, so this incident should be a coincidence.

Mo Fei guessed that he was taken to the mountains by Gu Huaiyuan before, and then designed to make Gu Huaiyuan and others fall into the mouth of the zombies.

Although there are many doubts about this matter, it will not be caught by anyone. As for the Suying gun, Murphy must have lost it in the base, so the only explanation is that he should be being followed or something, and then he went to When chasing that person, the person who followed him came out and took the Suying gun away.

But guesses are guesswork. What Murphy has to do now is how to explain to people that he has nothing to do with Gu Huaiyuan's disappearance. After all, with Li He as the director, those people in the base will definitely take it seriously.

Following the car to the Star Soul Circle, the car stopped slowly.

The door was opened and Murphy got out of the car.Pushing and shoving, let Murphy enter the door on the left hand side of the office area.Murphy glanced at the right side, which led to the laboratory, so he ran to that side if he had nothing to do. This was the first time he came to the review room on the left.

As the few people who escorted him walked in, they came to a metal door. The man stood at the door and shook a pass sign on the monitor above it, and then the metal door opened.

"Captain Liu, what happened to the person brought back this time?" the person in charge of security stuck his head out and asked.After all, it is the end of the world, and many legal systems are not very strict.Those who were actually caught were usually those who made serious mistakes, so when the cell boss saw a little girl like Murphy, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's not serious, but it's just that I offended the big shots above. That's all, let's take it in. Someone will come for interrogation in the afternoon, so I'll go first." Pushing the door, he greeted the cell leader and left.

"Come in with me." The door behind Murphy closed slowly after the man surnamed Liu who brought her left, as if it had never been opened.

With such a closure, I'm afraid not even a fly can fly in, let alone a person.

Following the guard, Murphy looked at the detention rooms on both sides.The detention room here is not like the detention room of the sea base investigation team. The investigation room of the sea base investigation team is like a single room in a hotel. It is a place dedicated to house arrest for particularly suspicious people, but here, it can already be regarded as a real one. The cell is gone.

However, Murphy hadn't been convicted yet and didn't need to be locked up with some people, but came to a separate room.

The guard opened the lock outside: "Go in, someone will come for interrogation in the afternoon." After the guard finished speaking, he was about to leave.

Murphy hurriedly asked: "Excuse me, I didn't do those things, can I hire a lawyer?"

The prison head glanced at Mo Fei as if looking at an alien: "Little girl, no matter whether it's true or not that you didn't commit a crime, since I brought you here, there should be [-]% proof, unless you have a background , otherwise, do you think there will be someone to uphold justice in the last days?"

"Then it's okay to convict anyone casually like this?"

"Let me tell you this, in this world, people with power, power and ability, even if they blatantly kill people, they will only be mentioned verbally, otherwise..." The prison chief didn't continue, but the meaning behind the words Already obvious.

Seeing that Murphy was still standing at the door, the cell boss gave Murphy a push: "Go in, unless you have any executives you know, otherwise you can stay here honestly!"

"Is there no other way? Not even a defense?" Murphy asked again.

The jailer shook his head: "No, oh, it's not completely absent. If you are capable enough, you can escape, but if you offend the executives, after you are wanted, you may not be able to enter any base." The jailer said while Lock the door again, leaving only Murphy himself in the cell.

Mo Fei turned around and glanced at the detention room. The dark gray walls and the dim light gave the place an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Frowning, Murphy smelled a foul smell.

Looking around, there is a somewhat damaged door. Behind the door seems to be a convenient place. Because of the damage to the door, the smell wafts out from there.

Looking at the room again, there is a narrow bed with only one bed board, and there is a table next to it, but the legs of the table are a little damaged, and it will be unstable if you put things on it.There are only these things and nothing else. Although it is simple to a certain extent, it is particularly good compared to the few people who passed by before sharing a room.

Mo Fei has nothing in her hand now. When she was in the car before, all of Mo Fei's weapons were searched away, but it was just a single knife and a dagger in her boots. She didn't even put a black crystal on her body.

Frozen flakes appeared in his hands, and Mo Fei covered the narrow bed with ice, and then broke the ice off with his hands. The side of the ice next to the bed board was covered with dirty things, which could be regarded as cleaning the bed.

After wiping with another cloth, Murphy sat down.

Listening to the tone of the cell boss just now, it seems that there is almost no possibility of trying to justify through formal channels, so I can only find a way to get out of here.

Just how to get out is also a problem.rush out?Murphy shook his head. This is definitely not a good way. From the outside door just now, it can be seen that the door here is not generally strong, so how can he get out?
While Mo Fei was thinking about it, a girl raised her eyebrows and laughed sharply in a villa in the star circle security area: "Hmph, Mo Fei, I caught you."

"Miss Li, what do you think we should do next? What kind of punishment do you think is appropriate to sentence her?" A white and fat man asked with a smile on his face towards the girl who was sitting on the sofa and smiled strangely.The already fat and fleshy faces squeezed together because of this beyond-limit smile.

Seeing that the girl was still laughing, the chubby man asked tentatively, "Should I be sentenced to death?"

Hearing the question, the girl's face changed: "Death penalty? That's not cheap for her. The death penalty is too simple. I want you to torture her to death." The girl's eyes showed a fierce look while speaking.

"Understood, I understand, I will definitely do it, then you have a good rest, I will report to you after I deal with her in the past two days." The man took a few steps back and prepared to leave.

The girl rolled her eyes and suddenly said, "Wait a minute..."

 I didn't expect that the items taken on Double 11 will arrive today. The main task recently is to receive express delivery

(End of this chapter)

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