Chapter 244
Hearing the girl calling to stop him again, the fat man quickly stopped in his steps to move away.

"Miss Li, what else can I order?" The fat man leaned over and hurriedly asked. There was nothing on his expression, but he had some expectations in his heart.

"It's too cheap for her to be judged like this. You should interrogate her first, and I will go to ask her in person tomorrow morning. I am still very worried about my husband. If she hides her, I might be able to find him." The girl said here When the time came, the voice softened.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, I know how to do it. Does Miss Li have anything else to do?"

The girl waved to the fat white man: "Go, I will go there tomorrow morning and find me a separate soundproof room."

"Okay, I must be ready."

The fat man nodded towards the girl, and left the villa with a bow.

The girl stood up after the white and fat man left, went straight to the window and looked at the brighter green outside the window and muttered to herself: "Murphy, I want to see where you got Huaiyuan?" After finishing speaking, the girl He touched his relatively flat stomach with his hand.

This girl is none other than Li Jiao, daughter of Li He, Director of the Earth Alliance Security Department, and also Gu Huaiyuan's girlfriend.

Ever since Gu Huaiyuan angrily led a group of people away to find Mo Fei that day, he never came back, and none of the people who followed Gu Huaiyuan came back, which made Li Jiao start to think about it.

So Li Jiao took people to smash Murphy's house, but in the report later, it was heard that Murphy had never returned home.

Hearing that even Murphy hadn't come back, Li Jiao thought of the fact that Murphy and Gu Huaiyuan used to be a couple, and couldn't help thinking about this relationship.

The things in the house were smashed because he was angry. Li He couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to use his relationship to investigate.

It was only then that it was discovered that Murphy was still in the base, but his current address could not be found.

The failure to find the address in the base can only mean that this person has either gone to the outer circle, the kind of place where people who have no money to pay the rent stay, or the other is that he may have stayed overnight.

I just searched and couldn't find a place for Murphy to stay, but at least I knew that Murphy was still alive, and he didn't seem to be with Gu Huaiyuan.

Later, by chance, one of Li He's team found Murphy's trail, and then followed him.

This is also why Murphy's Suying gun appeared in the hands of investigators later, and became the reason why she was framed as evidence.

The man found that Murphy was very similar to the girl he was looking for that he had shown him before, so he followed Murphy.

It's just that I didn't expect that Murphy was so fast that he accidentally lost it. When he found Murphy again, it happened that Murphy was chasing the runaway gangster, and the man picked up Murphy's twisted Suying gun and handed it to him. Li Jiao.

Li Jiao thought of this plan after she got Murphy's Suying gun, but it happened to be when Murphy left the base to go home, and Li Jiao, who couldn't find anyone, had to shelve this plan.

This time, Li Jiao received the news after Mo Fei swiped the entry card, so she recently handed over Su Ying Gun and Mo Fei's photos, accusing Mo Fei of murdering Gu Huaiyuan.

"Huaiyuan, have you been hidden by that girl Mo Fei or..." Li Jiao covered her mouth with her stomach churning at the thought, and her reaction has become more and more serious lately.

Rubbing her stomach, Li Jiao showed a look of sadness on her face: "Huaiyuan, you will definitely not betray me and the child, right?" At this point, a stern look appeared on Li Jiao's originally sad face: " It must be that little bitch Murphy, and this time she must make her life worse than death."

Mo Fei secretly took out some food from the storage amulet and ate it. The rice served by the prison head just now was really disgusting. There was something mixed in it. After looking through it, Mo Fei didn't dare to eat it.Not to mention whether the person who framed him will be poisoned, as far as the thing in front of him is concerned, eating it will probably make his stomach feel uncomfortable.

"New here, if you don't want to eat, give it to me!" A person on the opposite side saw Murphy put the food intact in the special opening that can only accommodate plates, and shouted towards this side.

Mo Fei wiped the dregs from his mouth, stood up and walked towards the door.

Following the viewing window above, Murphy saw a man with messy and dirty hair shouting towards him.

"You can take it if you want to eat it."

"Thank you, can you push the plate over for me?" the man begged again.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand from the delivery port, touched the plate and pushed it forward vigorously, and the plate slid past with the sound of friction.There was only a "dang" sound, and the dinner plate hit the opposite metal door.

Hearing the sound, the man quickly reached out from the delivery port to touch it, but Mo Fei's plate was pushed out a bit out of position, and the man couldn't reach it, so he had to lie on the ground and stretch his hand a little longer to touch it.

After touching the plate, the man took the plate in and pushed the empty plate out within a few minutes.

Murphy grinned disgustedly: She still can't eat this kind of food.

Turning around and going back to the bed, he raised his watch and looked at the time. It was just after twelve o'clock, and the interrogator in the afternoon didn't know when he would arrive, so he thought of Murphy sitting cross-legged to practice his breath.

Since the last big improvement, Murphy's qi training ability has been greatly improved, which made Murphy feel that it was a particularly wise choice to enter that mountain.

It's a pity that I can't take out the book on qi training here to study, otherwise it wouldn't be boring to be locked up here.

Of course, the premise is that the bed can be cleaner, and it will not only provide such a meal that people don't even want to look at it, let alone eat it.

Murphy practiced his breath for three rounds, guessing that it would be almost two o'clock, and then slowly calmed down his breath.

He opened his eyes to check the time, and it was almost as he had guessed.I have calculated the approximate time required to run a circle before, but according to the abundance of the surrounding breath, the time of a circle will also vary, but the difference is generally not too much.

Just about to get up and move his hands and feet, the sound of footsteps from far to near came from the corridor.Hearing the footsteps of more than one person, there are also subtle conversations in the middle.

After a while, the footsteps stopped, as if they had stopped in front of the door of the room he was in.

"The one named Murphy is right here, do you think I need to arrange an interrogation room for you?"

A voice sounded at the door, and Murphy recognized that it was the voice of the guard who brought him here before.

The people outside didn't speak, there should be some body movements, anyway, the door was opened immediately.The metal hinges squeaked as the door opened. Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to add a kind of vitality to this very quiet cell.

"Murphy, come out." The prison chief shouted to Murphy who was sitting inside in the darkness.

Mo Fei stood up and looked towards the door. Because there were no windows here, the light came from the other side. The people standing at the door with the door open happened to have their backs to the light, and they could only see the outline of the person clearly. But he couldn't see his face clearly.

Judging from his body shape, he is a tall and well-proportioned man.

Mo Fei got up and walked to the door. The man had already turned and walked back, leaving only his back.

"Let's go, go to the interrogation room." Seeing that Mo Fei was still standing at the door, the cell boss called to Mo Fei impolitely.

Murphy didn't look at the cell leader, but chased after the man with only his back in a few steps. The other two seemed to be guards and followed behind Murphy with energy guns. Quickly followed up.

All the way to the interrogation room, Murphy was brought into a room by two guards, after which the two guards walked out, and only Murphy was left in the room.

Murphy looked around. The interrogation room was quite clean, but there was only one chair here, and nothing else.

The left, right and back are all walls, only the place facing it is a glass window with a dialogue hole.

After a while, the man opened the door and walked in. Murphy saw the two guards standing at the door.

"Are you really going to interrogate here?" The prison chief chased after him, and pointed to the man next door through the glass: "Isn't it safer to go over there?"

The man replied coldly: "No need, she can't hurt me."

Seeing the man's insistence, the prison chief didn't say anything anymore, turned around and walked towards the door, not forgetting to close the door when he went out.

Murphy only saw the man's appearance clearly now. He didn't expect this man to be handsome, but he had a very obvious scar on his face.

You know, before the end of the world, such scars can be removed in a hospital with very little money, unless the person likes such marks.But Mo Fei looked at the hideous scar that was as ugly as a twisted tree root, and really couldn't imagine who would have such a hobby and would like such a big scar.

So if it is not a strange hobby, there is only one explanation, and it must have been formed after the end of the world.

Realizing that Mo Fei had been staring at him, the man's eyes sharpened: "Confess your crimes, don't try to get away with it, you have all the witnesses and evidences now."

Seeing the serious expression on the man's business-like face, Murphy laughed instead: "If I say that I have nothing to confess, and those are all false accusations, will you hire a lawyer for me?"

Murphy's meaning couldn't be more obvious. The cell boss had already made it clear to Murphy before that her situation was based on the materials submitted by an executive above, which means that the credibility is [-]% high. Even if it is not, you can only accept your fate.

So, Murphy couldn't help laughing when he heard the scarred man say "the evidence is complete".This is no longer the case where she said no, and the purpose of the above is so obvious, do you still need to defend yourself?

But after hearing what Mo Fei said, the man put down the electronic notebook he was supposed to record: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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