Chapter 245

Murphy never expected that he would chat with this strange man for more than two hours.

And the man with the scar also listened earnestly for more than two hours, asking for some details in the middle, and then recorded everything in his electronic notebook.

The man with a long scar on his face closed the electronic notebook and stood up: "I understand the general situation, and I will learn more about it later, if it is really like what you said, I will try my best to help. "

Murphy looked at the man, and the man's expression did not look like he was joking.

"Is there anything else I haven't added?" The man asked, seeing that Murphy was just staring at him without speaking.

Murphy shook his head: "It seems that's all for now, but I don't understand, why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you, I just want to restore the truth, go out, no matter what you said is true or not, you still have to go to the detention room." After the man finished speaking, he opened the door of the interrogation room. A guard turned around immediately.

The man nodded, and then left the interrogation room, while the two guards came in and escorted Murphy out of the room.

Murphy was taken all the way back to the cell where he was held. After the door was locked again, Murphy started to practice Qi again as he had nothing else to do. Since he couldn't do anything now, he might as well improve himself quickly.

At this time, in the monitoring department of the office area, a fat middle-aged man was furious at his subordinates: "You bastards, how can you let him go? That person is stubborn and always insists on the truth Yes, you actually asked him to investigate, what are they doing for food?"

The white and fat man was already fat, but now he was slightly short of breath because he was yelling at his subordinates in one breath, coupled with anger, his chest and that bloated stomach were constantly heaving.

"Section Chief, don't be angry, we didn't ask him to go, he went by himself, but it doesn't matter, he just made a record, and he didn't let us judge when he came back." One of them seemed to be only about 30 Years old, the man with a shiny face leaned over to the side of the fat white man and comforted him.

"Hmph, is it just his bad temper that will agree? You guys don't have brains." The oily man's words are somewhat useful, but the white and fat man's mouth is still unrelenting.

"Section Chief, Yan Rui is back." A person retreated to the door because he saw the fat man lose his temper, and now he saw the person they were talking about coming back, and hurriedly reported it as if he wanted to take credit.

"Then why are you still standing there in a daze, what should you do? You, try your best to get the transcript and come over to take over this case." The fat and white man patted the oily man in front of him and said.

When the oily man heard this, an excited expression appeared on his face: I am going to post this!You know, not everyone can take on a case, especially this case was sent down from above, there must be no shortage of oil and water, and now the section chief entrusts this matter to himself... The oily man has even seen his own money.

Downstairs, a man came up from "deng deng deng". The man was tall and had a good figure. From the neckline of the shirt, he could faintly see the bronzed skin inside. It is material that even a model is rich, but a long scar on the man's face ruined all of this.

After the scarred man Yan Rui went upstairs, he found that although everyone in the room was at their desks, they were all staring at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Putting the electronic record book on the table, when Yan Rui opened the chair and was about to sit down, a man with a greasy face came over: "Yan Rui, how is the record of the case? Has the woman recruited?"

Yan Rui, the scarred man, looked up at the oily man who was close to him. This man never took the initiative to talk to him, didn't he surround the section chief all day long?Why... Yan Rui's heart was like a mirror, and he glanced at the electronic notebook on his desk.

Answering the wrong question, Yan Rui replied to the oily man: "It's all recorded."

It was recorded that this sentence was regarded as a reply to the oily man, but he didn't say whether he was recruiting or resisting, which made the oily man's face unnatural, because he still wanted to know more, but Yan Rui was low. The first one: I'm busy!look.

"Then you are busy first, and you can tell me about the case when you have time later." Seeing that Yan Rui didn't talk to him anymore, the oily man had to leave Yan Rui's desk embarrassingly.

The fat section chief, who was watching the two secretly from a distance, saw that the oily man was defeated just like that, and couldn't help cursing again in his heart.

It's just that I can only curse in my heart, since I have been entrusted, I will handle this matter well, otherwise such trivial matters will be messed up, how should Miss Li's father treat him.

This white and fat man is Ji Dan, the section chief of the supervision department who met Li Jiao in the villa before. After receiving this case, Ji Dan discovered the transferer. He has been in the officialdom for many years. Ji Dan himself Naturally, knowing how to do this is the best way to gain the favor of the above.

Moreover, the person who submitted the evidence this time, Ji Dan, quickly found Li Jiao, the daughter of Li He, the director of the Earth Alliance Security Agency, and the victim this time seemed to be Li Jiao's lover.Ji Dan went to meet Li Jiao directly, so that Li He would not feel embarrassed, and he could get some useful information.

That's why Ji Dan went to Li He's villa today, but when he was understanding the situation with Li Jiao, Yan Rui, who was the most serious in Corey, took the case away.

Now if he wants to take over, he has to find someone to try, because he can't just let Yan Rui give up and hand over the case to others, or he will lose the handle. This is not his move for Ji Dan.

Ji Dan glared fiercely at the oily man who had failed, and turned his head to look around the department, hoping to find someone who could take over smoothly. At that time, as long as he sent a more complicated case to Yan Rui, it might be possible to reverse the situation.

In a flash, the afternoon passed, and it was evening.

In Xiao Minyu's villa, Man Chengbin frowned and waited for Murphy to come back.It's been a whole day. Although Murphy said that he would pick up his friends from the observation room and maybe have dinner together in the evening, it's past ten o'clock now, so he should be back anyway, and Murphy is not the kind of person who has no sense of time. Even if there is something, I will definitely come to let you know.

Watching the time go by little by little, Meng Zhibo, a burly man, couldn't sit still: "Second boy, don't just walk around, quickly check those friends of Murphy, let's go ask them and we'll know gone."

Man Chengbin glanced at Meng Zhibo: "Third brother, it's time for you to use your brain." He hurriedly walked upstairs to the study room, and the burly man Meng Zhibo, the dark brother Geng Yunwei and the ugly Fang Xingping all followed.

Because Xiao Minyu wanted to help Zhu Zhu and the others shorten their detention time before, Man Chengbin naturally knew the basic information of the names of several people and the date of entry into the base.

The registration records of several people were quickly searched: "Here is the Star People Circle, let's go."

He drove out of the villa and went straight to Zhu Zhu's residence.

When they came to the place where Zhu Zhu and the others lived, Man Chengbin asked a few people to wait below, and went upstairs and knocked on the door by himself.

"Who is it?" Zhu Zhu opened the door, and saw a man wearing a pair of glasses standing outside the door, a tall and polite man: "Who are you looking for?"

"Excuse me, is Murphy here?" Man Chengbin asked politely seeing Zhu Zhu's timid eyes.

"Feifei is not here, ah! Are you the friend of Feifei who helped us come out early?" Zhu Zhu jumped out of the door and asked emotionally.Zhu Zhu who came out from behind the door was wearing a set of pink pajamas, which looked very cute against her fair little face.

Man Chengbin nodded: "Yes, so I saw that she hadn't returned at this time, so I found your address and came to ask."

"Great, someone finally took care of her. Feifei was taken away." Standing at the door, Zhu Zhu quickly told Man Chengbin what happened in the afternoon: "We didn't know who to look for when we first entered the base. Just be in a hurry."

"I understand, you guys rest first, I will investigate this matter." Knowing about Murphy's situation, Man Chengbin hurriedly said goodbye, turned and left the door.

"Nana, do you think this person can rescue Feifei?" Zhu Zhu turned around, and Li Suna and others were already standing behind him.

"It's definitely possible. He can help us get out of the observation room, and he can definitely help Feifei." Li Suna replied with certainty, secretly praying that Murphy could escape smoothly.

At night, Murphy sat on the bed and fell asleep against the wall.She still gave the dinner to the person opposite, while she secretly ate a little of the food in the storage amulet.

Early the next morning, Murphy was woken up, and then came to the interrogation room.

It's just that this time, instead of the man with the scar, it was Li Jiao who waited.

Li Jiao sat behind a layer of strong explosion-proof glass and looked at Murphy with resentment.

Murphy was not surprised at all, she had long thought that Li Jiao did this.

"Murphy, where is Huaiyuan? Tell me the truth." Seeing Murphy's calm look, Li Jiao was furious.

Although Li Jiao's family was also very rich before the end of the world, they did not have the temperament of a family like Murphy.What's more, Murphy, who practiced Qi after the end of the world, has improved to a new level in terms of figure and temperament, so Li Jiao became more and more displeased when he saw Murphy.

Murphy raised his eyelids: "You don't know where he is, how could I know?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it was obviously because of you that he went out so late that day, what happened afterwards? Did you hide Huaiyuan? Or did you put Huaiyuan..." Li Jiao's aggressive barrage Asked Murphy on the glass side.

"I said I don't know anymore. Besides, you should know better than me what happened to the Suying gun. Since you framed me for murder, why did you ask me about the whereabouts of the murdered person? You are not acquainted." Contradictory?"

"You, you..." Li Jiao was a little annoyed by what Mo Fei said, her stomach was churning, and she retched while holding the window.

(End of this chapter)

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