Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 246 Visitors

Chapter 246 Visitors
Seeing that Li Jiao was uncomfortable, the people behind hurriedly brought something to Li Jiao.

Li Jiao sat down and drank something before restraining herself. She couldn't help but wait for a long time before continuing: "Murphy, don't think that no one can cure you. Don't let me go if you don't explain the matter clearly this time." Want to get out of here."

At the same time, Man Chengbin went to the secret research institute early in the morning to wake up Xiao Minyu who was still resting.

"Fifth, something happened to Murphy."

Xiao Minyu, who was originally very dissatisfied by being shouted early in the morning, jumped up when he heard Man Chengbin's words: "What happened?"

Man Chengbin hurriedly told Xiao Minyu exactly what he heard from Zhu Zhu yesterday: "I checked later, it seems that Murphy was locked in the detention room, it's not that we didn't go in there to see, how bad it is The place."

"Of course I know, I'll go right away." Xiao Minyu quickly put on his clothes and was about to go out, when a few staff members from the secret research institute came to the door.

"Mr. Xiao, you are up, there was a fault last night, please go and have a look." The staff handed a set of clean work clothes to Xiao Minyu.

"I have something to go out today, so come here later." Xiao Minyu threw the work clothes back to the staff member and ran downstairs.

Man Chengbin looked at the staff who were looking at each other in dismay and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, he will be back in a while. Give me the work clothes first!"

Mo Fei looked at Li Jiao, whose face was getting paler and her breathing was getting heavier on the other side of the glass, and asked, "Li Jiao, are you okay?"

"Don't worry about it, tell me where Huaiyuan is? What did you do to him?" Li Jiao asked pantingly while clutching her chest.

Seeing that Li Jiao's condition was not good, the people behind Li Jiao hurried forward: "Miss, go back, you are not alone now, it is cold here and you still get so angry is not good for the fetus."

Murphy also heard these words: "Li Jiao, are you pregnant?"

"You don't need to be hypocritical, hurry up..." Li Jiao fainted when she said this.

"Miss fainted, quickly take the lady home." The people behind shouted quickly.

People around rushed to help Li Jiao out.

Looking at Li Jiao, Murphy suddenly felt sympathy for this woman.

Just because of that scumbag Gu Huaiyuan, a woman conceived a child for him, but he still plotted against others outside. Such a person really deserves his death, but it's a pity that the child was born without a father.

Although he sympathized with Li Jiao, Mo Fei didn't think there was any regret about Gu Huaiyuan's death.

"Murphy, come out!"

Murphy was lost in thought when someone shouted at Murphy from outside.

Sighing, Murphy knew that he was going back to that dark cell again.

Just standing up, a person came in suddenly: "Feifei, you didn't suffer, did you?"

A petite figure rushed towards Murphy.

Only then did Murphy see the person who was rushing towards him: "Yi Xun, why are you here?" Murphy knew that someone would try to save him after he disappeared, especially Man Chengbin's information should not be underestimated. Hui will definitely start an investigation, but he didn't expect that it was Lin Yixun who came to save him.

"What's more, I came early in the morning, and I heard that you were interrogated. I was so scared that I was worried about your abuse." Lin Yixun patted his chest, and then looked Mo Fei up and down: "It's good that you are fine."

"Of course I'm fine, but how do you know I'm here?"

Only then did Lin Yixun realize that she was going to deliver a report yesterday, because there are fewer people in the supervision department and more people in the research institute, so there are several departments of the research institute here.

It's just that Lin Yixun suddenly heard Murphy's name when she passed by a surveillance department, and then she listened carefully, only to find out unexpectedly that Murphy was locked in the surveillance department's detention room.

"Feifei, I heard from those people that you are dead. I will definitely find a way to get you out, but for the time being, I can only let you go out first, but I can't save you from leaving completely." Lin Yixun lowered his voice and attached himself to Mo Mo. Fei whispered.

"Yeah." Murphy nodded with a smile. It's good if he can leave first, at least he can eat and sleep well.

Lin Yixun pulled Mo Fei out with his backhand: "Who is the person in charge here? I want to take this person away." Lin Yixun walked out of the door of the inquiry room and shouted.

"Dr. Lin, I'm in charge here." The cell boss who opened the door before walked over from the side and replied with a smile on his face.

"Well, I want to take this person away. The research institute has a task for her to do. What procedures do I need to go through?" Lin Yixun asked the cell manager.

"Dr. Lin, although you can assign prisoners to perform some tasks, you need to have supervision. You must provide supervisors who are capable of executing them." The cell leader replied with the same smile.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yixun replied without any hesitation: "Yes, people from the mecha team are in charge of supervision."

"Well, Dr. Lin, please wait a moment, I'll confirm and give you an answer right away." The cell leader turned around and walked to the back office, dialed the internal line inside, and took out a stamped card after a while: "Dr. Lin, you take this. After the task is over, you need to enter the content, and then return it together with the prisoner. If you die in battle..."

"Bah, bah, you just died! Feifei, let's go." Lin Yixun took the card and pulled Mo Fei away.

As soon as Lin Yixun took Mo Fei away, Xiao Minyu drove to the prison cell of the Supervision Section.

After parking the car, Xiao Minyu quickly jumped out of the car, took his ID card to the cell and swiped it, and the cell opened without anyone else driving it.

The cell leader inside quickly stood up again as soon as he sat down. He knew that there were only a handful of people who could open this door.

"Mr. Xiao." The prison chief recognized Xiao Minyu at a glance.

"Old Jia, did you take in a newcomer yesterday, a girl named Mo Fei?" Xiao Minyu walked up to the cell boss and asked.

The prison boss, Lao Jia, couldn't help but look at Mo Fei with admiration. He only came in for a day, and seeing that the people who came to her were all high-ranking people, he quickly replied: "Yes, Mr. Xiao, but Dr. Lin Yixun has just brought her to I left, saying that there is a task for her to do."

Hearing that the cell boss Lao Jia said that Murphy was taken away by Lin Yixun, Xiao Minyu felt more at ease: "Then I know, who is in charge of this case this time?"

"Mr. Xiao, it's Yan Rui, the special supervisor of the Supervision Section." Old Jia replied respectfully.

"It turned out to be him..." As for this Yan Rui, Xiao Minyu had heard something about him.This person is quite agile and objective. It seems that Murphy's case may have a turning point.

Thinking that he still had something to do in his confidential research institute, Xiao Minyu didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the cell.

Lin Yixun pulled Mo Fei back to his office: "Fei Fei, you can only stay with me for the time being and cannot go out, but I will arrange for you to go on a mission recently, and try to delay it for you before thinking of other ways. But I can't let you go, because I took the sign, and if I let you go, I will be punished."

Murphy nodded: "I understand, don't worry, it's good if you can come out, it's really not a place for people to stay." Murphy understood that it would be very difficult for Lin Yixun to bring himself out, of course he would not let Lin Yixun was in a dilemma.

"Feifei, are you hungry, eat something first, and sleep well in the back room in a while. I really want to arrange tasks for you in the past two days, not only to let you go out to get some air, but there are really not many materials in the laboratory I'm going to communicate with the people from the Mech Team, because you can't go out alone, and I don't have anyone to send you here. I think it's safer for you to go out with the people from the Mecha Team, so don't worry, I It will be well arranged."

Lin Yixun looked at the time in his hand while talking to Murphy.

"Yixun, if you're going to be busy, just do your own thing. Is the bathroom in the room available? I'll take a shower." Murphy saw that Lin Yixun looked at the time in his hands from time to time, so he must be busy with something. Said.

Lin Yixun glanced at the time again: "Feifei, I have a meeting in the morning. The change of clothes is in the closet over there. You can find the unopened ones and put them on. I'm leaving first."

"Well, I see, let's go and do your work!" Mo Fei responded and told Lin Yixun to go to work quickly, while he turned around and entered a suite in Lin Yixun's office.

As I said before, because Lin Yixun is relatively busy, he often simply lives here to save trouble.So a suite inside is actually a two bedroom suite with bathroom and bathroom.

Murphy had come in before, so he went into the room with ease, found a clean coat, and went into the bathroom.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Mo Fei saw that a small pastry had been placed on the table in Lin Yixun's office outside, and a note was pressed on it: Feifei, I guess I won't be back until after noon. It's the snacks I asked someone to bring to you. You need to make do with it first.

"Yixun is getting more and more caring now." Mo Fei smiled and erased the words on the note, then put the electronic note by Lin Yixun's table, and started to eat with snacks.

In the morning, because Li Jiao made a fuss early in the morning, Mo Fei hadn't had time to get something to eat from the storage talisman, so he was really hungry right now.

After eating, Mo Fei lay down on the sofa in the living room in Lin Yixun's inner room. Last night, he had been leaning against the wall and didn't sleep well. He was called up again in the morning, so he just had a nap at this moment.

Besides, Xiao Minyu returned to the confidential research institute after he came out of the detention center.

"Fifth, you're back, how are you?" Man Chengbin was still waiting for Xiao Minyu at his residence.

"Temporarily taken away by Dr. Lin Yixun of the research institute. The relationship between the two is not very good. It should be safe now. I can't leave for the time being. You go to check the situation and see how Feifei's case is handled. If necessary, go to As a witness, by the way, this case was taken over by Yan Rui from the Supervision Section."

Xiao Minyu explained to Man Chengbin while changing his work clothes.

"Okay, I understand." Man Chengbin responded, and when Xiao Minyu changed into his work clothes and left, he also left Xiao Minyu's residence in the secret research institute.

(End of this chapter)

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