Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 247 Four-Person Mission

Chapter 247 Two-person Mission
Because no one was here, it was quieter, and the laboratory was safer than the office building, so Mo Fei had a good night's sleep, and when he opened his eyes to check the time on his watch, he realized that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Standing up and taking a look outside, it seems that Lin Yixun hasn't come back yet.

After a little activity, Murphy came to Lin Yixun's office to look through the books on the shelf.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Dr. Lin, I am Xiao Wang who delivered the materials."

After several knocks, no one answered, he opened the door and came in: "Dr. Lin, are you there?" The man didn't see Lin Yixun when he came in, but he saw Murphy standing at the door of the office with a book in his hands.

"Excuse me, is this Dr. Lin's office?" The person who came was a round-faced girl with a ponytail, who looked only in her early 20s.Seeing Murphy, she froze for a moment. She probably didn't come to Lin Yixun's office very often. When she saw Lin Yixun, she thought she had gone wrong.

"It's Dr. Lin's office, but she hasn't come back from the meeting. What's the matter?" Murphy asked the round-faced girl with a smile.

The man saw that Murphy was calmly in Lin Yixun's office, and he thought it was a staff member here, so he handed over the documents: "Hi, I'm from the testing laboratory, and this is what our director wants to give to Lin Yixun. An inspection report from Dr. Lin, can you pass it on to me when Dr. Lin comes back?"

Mo Fei nodded: "Just put it on the table, and I will remind her to read it when she comes back." Mo Fei pointed to the clean test bench in front of him and said.

"Okay." The round-faced girl smiled sweetly, with two dimples appearing on her face, nodded to Mo Fei, carefully placed the report in her hand on the table, and then smiled at Mo Fei: "Then I'll go back , thank you!" Then he trotted away from Lin Yixun's office.

Murphy walked to the chair in front of the test bench and was about to sit down and read the e-book in his hand. He inadvertently glanced at the test report on the table: the report clearly read "Cell test report of semi-zombie living sample"

After seeing the word half-zombie, Murphy's heart trembled, and the air around him seemed to freeze at this moment: This should be the inspection report about Gao Qing.

The e-book in his hand immediately lost its flavor, and Murphy stood up from the chair and walked to the inspection report lying quietly on the table.Looking at the inspection report, Murphy could not restrain himself and pressed down on the button.

"Please enter the password." Although the screen was lit up, a line of words on the screen made Mo Fei a little discouraged.

But think about it, who would take such important information without locking it?

Although he couldn't see the contents of the inspection report, Murphy could no longer be interested in reading the e-book at this time.

After waiting for another hour, Lin Yixun came back from the outside sweating profusely: "Oh, I'm so exhausted. I could have come back after the meeting, but I didn't expect someone to bring back a mutated grass today. In order to maintain the freshness of the grass, we were all crowded in the pure ecological environment room, but we were covered with sterile clothes and an anti-oxidation coating, which smothered me to death."

Lin Yixun yelled as soon as he entered the room.

"You're back. By the way, there is an inspection report. Don't forget to read it later." Mo Fei pointed to the inspection report on the test bench and said to Lin Yixun.

"I see, but I'm going to take a shower first. I feel so sticky and uncomfortable that I can't even think." Lin Yixun said while rushing into the back room in a hurry.

After washing, Lin Yixun came out of the room with a flushed face: "It's still so comfortable, Feifei brought the report for me." Lin Yixun was in the mood to read the report at this time.

Murphy handed the inspection report outside to Lin Yixun.Lin Yixun skillfully pressed the password after receiving the inspection report: "This is a piece of half-zombie body tissue that I sent over for inspection before. I didn't expect it to be sent back so soon."

Murphy stared nervously at the inspection report in Lin Yixun's hand, she really wanted to know Gao Qing's current situation.

"Why are you so nervous, Feifei?" Lin Yixun looked up just in time to find that Murphy's eyes were fixed on his inspection report.

"I just saw the words 'half-zombie living sample cells' on the outside. The half-zombie went crazy when I went there last time, so I also want to know the transformation of this half-zombie."

"Oh, let's sit down and read it together. The semi-zombie's inspection report is not a secret, but it's just not convenient to tell the public." Lin Yixun waved to Murphy, leaving a space beside him for Murphy to come over watch together.

After a whole day like this, although I was still not free, it was still much better than being in a prison cell.

"By the way, Feifei, I've already communicated with Mecha Team, and you will go on a mission tomorrow." Lin Yixun said to Murphy as if he just remembered before going to bed.

"Tomorrow morning? Well, I see."

After saying good night to each other, Murphy lay down.After Lin Yixun returned to her master bedroom, Murphy got up again. After sleeping during the day, she was not so sleepy for the time being, so Murphy got up again to practice Qi and did not fall asleep until nearly twelve o'clock.

When Murphy got up and followed Lin Yixun outside, Murphy only saw Lei Sen.

"Captain Lei, why are you the only one?" Lin Yixun was also very surprised after seeing Lei Sen: "Didn't people from Mecha Team go together?"

"Today I suddenly received another mission, not to mention collecting. This kind of mission doesn't need so many mecha players to go together. I just go along with me." Lei Sen replied.

"But the last time you went there to carry out a mission, it was pretty miserable, didn't you? Or change the time." Lin Yixun was a little worried, so he became rude when speaking.

"I also saw that forest last time. It shouldn't be a big problem. It's still some distance away from that area. What's more, the Silver Wing has not strengthened its flight function, so there shouldn't be any problem." Lei Sen replied confidently.

Hearing what Lei Sen said, Lin Yixun turned around and said, "Feifei, then you should be more careful, if you encounter something, don't worry about the materials and evacuate immediately."

"Don't worry, I went to clean it up last time and it's not that dangerous anymore. Besides, I'm usually fine by myself, not to mention Captain Lei's Silver Wing." Murphy comforted Lin Yixun with a smile.

After Lin Yixun directly assigned a material task to Murphy's identity card, Murphy followed Lei Sen to the place where the mecha was parked.

"What's the matter with you?" Lei Sen asked suddenly when he walked to a quieter place.

Lei Sen didn't know the details of this time. He only knew that Lin Yixun came to him yesterday and said that he needed the mecha team to assist the research institute with a collection task, because this collector needs to be supervised, but it's not safe to be in charge of others, let alone In that place, only members of the Mecha Squadron have the ability to assist.

At that time, Lei Sen didn't pay much attention, because the location was in that mountainous area, so he agreed to come down.However, after receiving the task from Lin Yixun from the research institute, it was discovered that the person being supervised was actually Murphy. You must know that generally only prisoners need to be supervised.

So early this morning, Lei Sen sent an inspection mission, and Lei Sen simply handed it over to the people below, and he drove the Silver Wing to take charge of the mission of the research institute.

"Captain Lei, what's going on? Is it a mission?" Murphy didn't turn around for a moment. In fact, she didn't have any consciousness of being a prisoner at all, so she didn't understand Lei Sen's words.

"I'm talking about how you need to supervise when you are doing the task." Lei Sen shook his head and explained.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about!" Murphy suddenly realized, but there was no guilty expression on his face.

"Otherwise, what's the matter?" Lei Sen was almost speechless. Is this girl too open-minded or doesn't know the seriousness at all?
"It's like this. I must have been framed." Murphy walked a few steps parallel to Leisen, and told Leisen the general situation and his own analysis.

After listening to what Mo Fei said, Lei Sen nodded: "That is to say, that man went to trouble you again that night and threw you in the mountain area. Later, it was Xiao Minyu who rescued you, and your plain gun was in the base Lost, the two are actually not related, is someone else insisting on adding it to you?"

"That's right. By the way! You should also know about this. That person disappeared that night, and I met you when I came to look for Yixun later. I was still carrying a Suying gun to do the mission. , I left the base after handing in a mission, and then I went home, and I met you on the way back, and I just changed weapons at that time, do you still have any memory?" Murphy suddenly seemed to think of it Something grabbed Leisen's arm.

Lei Sen thought about it carefully in his mind, and it seems that it is indeed: "It seems to be, but it is just a general impression. By the way, there is a surveillance at the gate of the research institute. When we come back this time, we will adjust it. If we get it It can be proved that you met my monitoring with Suying gun on your back and the timing is uncertain."

"Great!" Murphy's expression suddenly became lively, and he shook Lei Sen's arm unconsciously.

It was only then that Leisen noticed the interaction between himself and Murphy, his face wrinkled unnaturally, then he pretended to cough and pulled his arm out, clenched his hand into a fist and coughed twice.

"Let's go, the carrying compartment of the new Silver Wing has retractable seats, and there is a windshield outside, so you don't have to sit so hard this time." Lei Sen turned his face aside and said to Murphy.

"Well, let's go." Because the charges may be cleared soon, Mo Fei's heart suddenly became clear. Although she thought that she should not be punished too severely for this matter, it was still an annoying thing after all. The matter seemed to be resolved now, and Murphy was naturally happy.

Just after the two continued to walk towards the tarmac and left the spot, a person walked down the stairs from upstairs, staring thoughtfully at Murphy and Leisen who had gone away.

 It's even later today, I've been eating crabs for a day, I just finished writing, sin, sin...

(End of this chapter)

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