Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 248 The Sudden Rain

Chapter 248 The Sudden Rain
Murphy happily followed Lei Sen to the place where the mecha was parked. After all, Murphy was only 17 years old. Even if his parents died early and he experienced the end of the world when he was young, the little girl's nature was still there.

Walking up to Silver Wing, Mo Fei looked up. The shiny silver armor had black patterns on it. The light reflected from the sunlight on the armor made the Silver Wing shine brightly. The widened back wings and smooth lines And the newly added weapon loadout makes Silverwing seem better looking and more capable than before.

"Has the Silver Wing been transformed again?" Murphy stared at the Silver Wing for a while, and suddenly felt that it was different from what he saw when he returned to the base from home last time.

Lei Sen nodded, and stared at Silver Wing with tender eyes as if looking at his own child: "I went out for a test last time, but when I came back, I found that some parts were not perfect, so I specially replaced it this time. By the way, Xiao Minyu recently also participated in the transformation.”

"I've heard about this, but I didn't expect Xiao Minyu to have this ability." Murphy replied with a smile.

"That's right, although this guy doesn't quite deal with me, but the name of this mechanical ghost is not for nothing. Okay, let's not talk so much, go up, go back early." Lei Sen said and walked up Mech's feet.

Press something like a remote control on the wrist, and soon a climbing ladder is lowered from above.

Leisen walked up the stairs, and there was a platform at the waist of the mecha. On the platform, Leisen put away the steps again, opened the control hatch of the mecha, and Leisen stepped into the interior of the mecha.

The carrying compartment controlling the legs of the mech opened, and Murphy climbed up along the outside.

Sure enough, as Leisen said, there are not only armrests but also a small seat.

The seat is obviously adjustable. If you need to place items, it will retract to the bottom and become a plane. If you carry people, it can be used as a seat.

Murphy climbed in and sat down, and then lowered a baffle from above.

The side of the translucent baffle has some side ventilation holes like fish gills, which can block the wind in front without hindering the ventilation.

Murphy looked left and right curiously. This was the third time she sat in the carrying compartment of the Silver Wing, but this time the feeling was quite different.

After waiting for a while, a voice came from behind Murphy: "Murphy, are you seated?"

Murphy turned his head to look, only to find that there was actually a communicator installed here.

"Sit down, let's go." Murphy replied quickly.

"Okay, let's go." Following Lei Sen's words, Silver Wing hummed a few times and ran forward.The huge flying wings spread out, and the entire mecha jumped up like a roc bird, flying into the blue sky.

Through the translucent windshield, Murphy really enjoyed the panoramic view of the Star Base.

I didn’t have this opportunity in the past, but when I was sitting in the carrying compartment, the surrounding wind was blowing in, so I had to hold on to the edge firmly, there was no place to sit underneath, but when I stood up completely, I exposed too much, and I might fall if I was not careful. Go out, so there is no time to look at the scenery outside.

The Silver Wing only wobbled a little when it took off, and then it became very stable. Sitting in it is similar to flying, except that the space is a little narrow.

Since the two flew from the sky according to the route, they avoided a lot of detours, so they arrived near the mountain area very quickly.

"Captain Lei, fly to the right." Murphy looked out the window and communicated with Lei Sen through the built-in communicator. Murphy commanded the route skillfully.After all, she often comes and goes to this mountainous area.

Soon, the mecha came to the top of the valley in front of the ginkgo tree, and it would be able to reach the forest after a short flight.

"It's here, go a little further." Murphy shouted towards the communicator.

But at this moment, lightning suddenly struck in the sky without warning, followed by rumbling thunder, and the sound of thunder resounded through the sky, making people tremble with fear.

"Murphy, there's thunder and lightning. It's not safe up there. I'm about to land early. Hold on tight." A thick voice came through the communicator.Since the mecha flies at low altitude and has a metal shell, although it has a lightning protection device, if it is struck by lightning, it will still cause some damage to the mecha. Seeing that it will arrive, there is no need to continue flying, so Lei Sen chose Landing forward.

"Understood." After Murphy responded, he felt that the mecha was landing quickly, and it seemed that it was about to hit the ground.

Following a jolt, the mecha stood firmly on an open space.

"Murphy, I only have a pair of rain gear on this mecha. I'll go down first. You wait a moment." After Lei Sen finished speaking, he pressed the button, and the translucent baffle of the carrying compartment slowly opened.However, the rain has not yet fallen, and the sky is gradually covered with dark clouds, and the lightning and thunder alternately, as if playing a symphony.

It seems that the rain will not be small for a while.

Strange to say, the end of the world has ushered in since the implementation of the Sunny Project, and just like the name of the Qingliang Project, since the end of the days, there has been very little rain.

Previously, because of the warmer weather, the reclaimed land was used to grow food, but because it hadn't rained, watering could only be done manually and mechanically, so the yield was extremely low.But looking at the momentum today, the rain is a bit overwhelming.

There was another burst of lightning and thunder, and the originally azure sky had turned into a dark cloud.The dark clouds gathered together, as if they were about to fall from above.

Lei Sen came down the stairs, carrying a stretchable rain gear in his hand.

"Let's go inside before we get down!" Lei Sen said when he saw that Murphy had already climbed down.

Murphy nodded, and after Lei Sen closed the mech, he and Murphy walked towards the ginkgo forest.

I just walked into the forest and passed through here to reach the valley where the ginkgo trees are. At this time, there was another loud noise in the sky, and heavy rain poured down like cats and dogs.However, not only the rain, but also fist-sized hailstones also fell.

"Oh my god, what a big hail." Murphy shouted in surprise as he saw the hail falling to the ground.

Although Lei Sen has propped up the rain gear now, the rain gear was shaken by the huge hailstones, and Lei Sen had to hold it with both hands: "Let's find a place to hide quickly."

Mo Fei thought for a while, there really was a cave around here, and she remembered that the direction was southwest of the ginkgo forest.

"Go over there, there is a cave over there." Although this cave is closer to another cave, Murphy has not forgotten that that place is the base of giant zombies.It's not enough for two people to go in like this, and those giant zombies are stuck between their teeth.

Stumbling towards the cave in Murphy's memory, the ground was already muddy.

If it wasn't for Leisen's fairly good arm strength, and the official rain gear was relatively strong, I'm afraid the rain gear would have been smashed through.

"It's here, it's over there." Murphy wiped the rain from his face.Although there is rain gear, but because of the relationship of driving all the way, the rain gear only helps the two people block the hail that fell from above, while the rainwater flew in along the edge.

So now both of them are mostly soaked, and their feet are getting heavier and heavier from stepping on the mud in the mountains.

When he got closer, Lei Sen realized that this cave was not outside, but was separated by a small stream, and there were some leaves blocking it. It was a good place, but there was a ravine in the middle that needed to be turned over.

"Captain Lei, I'll go there first. Be careful with your umbrella." After Murphy said something to Lei Sen, he put his hand to cover his head, and then jumped into the ravine.

"Murphy, be careful." Lei Sen hurriedly stretched out the umbrella. Being hit by such a big hailstone was no joke.

But I didn't expect that Mo Fei jumped over with his body looking very light, and he was not hit by the hail. It seemed that when the hail fell, it always fell right next to Murphy.

Lei Sen only thought that it was Murphy's luck. In fact, what Lei Sen didn't know was that it was because Murphy had activated the Speed ​​Talisman long ago and kept his eyes on the sky.

But it was tiring to concentrate like this, so Mo Fei pushed aside the branches and got into the hole.

The entrance of this cave was not big, it could even be considered small, and Murphy had to squat down to get in.

After entering the cave, Murphy moved his head to the entrance of the cave and waved to Lei Sen: "Captain Lei, come quickly."

Seeing that Murphy had entered the hole safely, Leisen nodded, pulled the support frame under the rain gear and fixed it on his shoulders, and then with his hands free, pulled the edge of the ravine and jumped across.

However, the soil on the opposite side had already become muddy and slippery due to the rain. Lei Sen stepped up but fell backwards because the ground was too slippery.

Murphy was also quick-sighted, and quickly stretched out half of his body to pull Lei Sen back.

But because he couldn't dodge like this, Murphy was hit solidly by a piece of hail the size of a steamed bun.

It's no wonder that Lei Sen is a member of the Mecha Team, and his reaction speed is considered sensitive. When Mo Fei held him, he suddenly borrowed Mo Fei's strength to stand firm.Seeing that Murphy was smashed, Lei Sen's heart ached for some reason, and he hurriedly urged Murphy to retreat to the cave as soon as possible.

At this time, Lei Sen had already grabbed the branch at the entrance of the hole. Lei Sen removed the rain gear on his shoulders, and then wanted to duck into the hole.

But Murphy, who is 1.6 meters tall, has to squat down and squat to get in, and Lei Sen is 1.8 meters tall, so he must not be able to get in.There was no other way but to crawl in along the entrance of the cave.

After finally getting into the hole, Leisen saw that Murphy was rubbing the back of his head vigorously.

After shaking off the water droplets on the rain gear, Lei Sen put the rain gear into his backpack, took out something from the backpack, and walked towards Murphy.

(End of this chapter)

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