Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 249 Bloodmark

Chapter 249 Bloodmark

It was quite painful to be hit by such a big hailstone just now, and Mo Fei secretly thanked that he had practiced, not the kind of weak and ordinary girl, otherwise he might have been knocked out on the spot by such a heavy blow.

He rubbed the smashed area vigorously, although because of his improved physique, this didn't cause too much damage to himself, and even the skin didn't break.But it was hard to hit, and it still hurts.

"Idiot, that's not how you get hurt. Why did you use so much force?" Lei Sen came over, grabbed Mo Fei's hand, and took Mo Fei's hand away from the place where it was hit.Although suspiciously unbroken, it was red and swollen, and a lump seemed to be faintly bulging.

"It's okay, it's just a little pain, neither broken nor swollen." Murphy replied with a heartless smile, and was ready to attach his hand again while speaking.

"This is for you, don't rub it hard with your hands." Lei Sen didn't say anything else, and threw the rice ball-like thing that he had just taken out of his backpack to Murphy.

This thing is white and soft, and it has a kind of toughness in the hand, but it is not sticky at all.This is the best material for removing blood stasis, and there is a layer of coagulated ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis that does not melt but can slowly penetrate.

It is not surprising that Leisen has such things and Murphy, for official combat personnel, these things are necessary and common items.

Thanking Leisen, Murphy put the white and soft blood stasis product on the place where it was smashed and rolled it gently. It felt soft like a balloon filled with water. Such a gentle massage made the injured The place is indeed much more comfortable.

After Lei Sen gave the things to Mo Fei, he looked at the entrance of the cave. It was still raining heavily outside, and it seemed that he could not go out for a while, so he turned around and said, "It is estimated that the outside will not be able to stop in a short time. Take a good rest here, and wait for the rain to stop before collecting.”

"Yeah." Murphy responded and stopped talking. He kept rubbing the wound with his hands, and Murphy, who had calmed down, gradually pushed the breath in his body to the injured part.

Seeing Murphy rubbing the injured part intently, Lei Sen thought that the injured part of Murphy might be more serious.After all, the hailstone was not small, so he stopped talking and let Murphy handle it by himself.The cave was silent for a while.

Because of the silence around him, Lei Sen heard the sound of "tick-tick-tick" water droplets coming from the depths of the cave.Turning up the brightness of the light source in his hand, Lei Sen looked around.

Different from what it looks like from the outside, this cave is not a narrow and crowded cave. Although the entrance of the cave is small, there is something special inside.

It's just that the two of them are in a relatively low position now, and they haven't had time to check because of panic just now. Now, while Murphy is still recovering from his injuries, Lei Sen carefully observes the situation in the cave.

The entrance is only a very low soil layer, some of the roots of some plants with deep roots are exposed, but these roots spread along the edge of the soil layer, which will not hinder their nutrient and water absorption.

Murphy's breath was very effective for such small bumps, and it didn't reach the sore spot, and the original painful place didn't feel much.

Holding the desilting dumpling in his hand, Mo Fei stood up and turned to look at Lei Sen who was looking around: "Captain Lei, I'm fine, put away this desilting thing!"

As soon as Mo Fei finished speaking, he heard a sputtering sound from outside, and then in the originally dark cave, only the light from the flashlight in Lei Sen's hand was left in an instant.

Lei Sen and Murphy looked towards the entrance of the cave at the same time, it was already pitch black, and it was completely blocked by something that rolled down.

"It should be due to the landslide due to the heavy rain outside. We can dig it up when the rain stops. It will collapse now." Lei Sen glanced at the narrow hole that had been integrated with the surroundings. It's not big, and it's even more difficult to distinguish the location after being blocked.

"While I can still remember the location, find something to insert there, so that I don't have to remember to dig for a long time." Murphy is quite calm. It's not the first time she has encountered such a thing, so she is relatively safe. experience.

Lei Sen nodded in agreement with Murphy's statement, and took out a portable tool for digging from his backpack.

This kind of tool is retractable. Twist the connecting screw port to form a long handle, and it can be packed into a large backpack when it is put away.No need to guess, this should also be the official self-rescue equipment, so there is nothing to say about the quality.

It was only Lei Sen who took two steps, and the top shook for a while, and the originally low roof fell down all of a sudden, and smashed towards Lei Sen and Murphy together with the roots coiled on it.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mo Fei pulled Lei Sen out at once, and dragged Lei Sen to the depths of the cave before the entire front cave roof collapsed.

However, the two of them ran more and more darkly, because they didn't have time to go to the light source flashlight just now, and the two of them kept moving forward in the dark.

Lei Sen only felt the warmth and softness of the little hand that was holding him, and the senses of people in the dark were more acute.The two ran to some unknown place. Murphy was about to stop when he couldn't hear the sound of soil falling. Unexpectedly, there was no space under his feet. Murphy dragged Leisen and fell from above.

Murphy hurriedly picked up the flying talisman, but the pit didn't seem to be deep. Before Murphy's flying talisman took effect, the two of them had already fallen to the ground.However, the flying talisman somewhat acted as a buffer, and although it fell suddenly, it didn't hurt too much.

"Captain Lei, do you still have the light tube?" Murphy took a deep breath. The smell here is a bit weird, but it's impossible to see in this dark area. Although Murphy's night vision ability is also good, but in the There is still no way to do it in places where there is no light source at all.

"Yes, let me touch it. It's in the backpack." Leisen took off the backpack and groped in the dark.

"I found it." Lei Sen finally spoke out after a long silence, and his voice was full of joy.

The soft and non-glare light spread in Lei Sen's hands. Only then did the two realize that they seemed to have fallen into the pit in the cave, and looked up again. It was absolutely impossible to climb up from here unless they flew up.

Because there are stone walls all around, this cave should be formed naturally. Thousands of years of polishing have made the surface of the stone wall very smooth. Although it has a curvature, there is no place to hold hands.

Fortunately, this is not a dead end, there are cross roads on both sides.

Mo Fei listened carefully, and there was the sound of dripping water and wind on one side, but the other side was very quiet.

Murphy was naturally going to choose a place with water droplets and wind noises, but he didn't come in alone. After thinking about it, Murphy told Leisen about the two roads and discussed with Leisen which way to go.

Probably the position they were in before belonged to the tip of the horn in the cave, so Leisen heard the sound of water droplets from the narrow entrance of the cave just now. direction to go.

Walking forward cautiously, the criss-cross passages in the cave made the two of them stop from time to time to decide how to go next.

But soon Mo Fei discovered that these roads looked quite chaotic, but in fact they always crossed and met somewhere, so no matter which road they chose, they should be able to reach the end in the end.

In this way, Murphy and Leisen tried to choose a smoother path to move forward.

We came to another intersection, where the sound of the water was weaker than before.

"This cave seems to be circular, and the sound of water we heard seemed to be in the middle, so we went in layer by layer, but the direction of the wind is not sure, should we find the sound of water first, and save it Look for the sound of the water to find the direction of the wind." After stopping, Murphy suggested to Lei Sen.

"I'm not very good at finding the way, but what you said makes sense. This area seems to be able to hear the sound of water droplets no matter from which angle, but the direction of the wind is different. We turned a few arcs and it was almost the same turn. directional."

After unifying their opinions, the two of them simply walked forward in the same direction this time. As expected, the sound of water soon seemed to be loud again.

The two looked at each other, seeing hope in each other's eyes.

Continue walking in this direction, and you will come to a four-way intersection in a short time.

But at this moment, the two people had different opinions. Murphy said that he should go along the left hole, while Lei Sen felt that the upper intersection was more likely.

Because there was no danger along the way, Murphy also took out a light tube from his backpack, which was actually taken out of a storage talisman.The two decided to look for it separately. Whether they found it or not, they had to return to the intersection in 10 minutes.

Lei Sen also agreed, and the two walked down the intersection they chose.

Mo Fei looked at his watch while walking, and after about ten minutes, the road actually turned in another direction. Obviously, the road he chose didn't work.

Using the light tube to carefully look around, there was indeed no intersection leading to the inside, so Murphy had no choice but to give up.Then he raised his wrist to check the time, almost 10 minutes had passed, and he quickly turned around and went back.

It's just that before going out of this passage, Murphy heard an unusual sound outside.

"Roar, roar..."

Murphy heard it clearly, it was definitely the roar of zombies.Quickly taking out the weapon from the storage talisman, Murphy strode towards the fork with the energy gun in his hand.

When Murphy hurried to the fork, Murphy's face showed a little panic.

What came out of this forked intersection was not ordinary zombies, but giant zombies.Lying crookedly on the ground emitting light was Leisen's light tube.

Murphy looked around worriedly, but couldn't find Lei Sen's shadow.But now that this group of huge guys are stuck here, it is impossible for Murphy to go out to find Lei Sen's whereabouts.

When he was at a loss, Mo Fei suddenly found that the giant zombies were not looking at him, but were surrounding a grotto, with huge claws constantly scratching in, but the grotto blocked the giant zombies.

Mo Fei tiptoed along the edge and looked in. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen inside, but Mo Fei saw a very eye-catching bright red bloody handprint on the edge of the grotto, which made people dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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