Chapter 250
Seeing the shocking marks, Murphy was almost certain that Lei Sen was hiding in the grotto that the zombies kept trying to dig out.

Mo Fei looked around for a look at the terrain. The caves were crisscrossed and narrow.Wanting to face this group of stone caves that were just high enough to accommodate giant zombies, Murphy really couldn't imagine how to fight.

Even if the mecha is summoned to fight, there is no place to dodge here. It is hard to guarantee that the mecha will be destroyed because it cannot withstand the attacks of giant zombies in turn, and there is really no way at that time.

However, although he was unable to eliminate the zombies for the time being, he still had the ability to attract the attention of the zombies before escaping. What's more, not every part of the road was so high, and when he ran to the giant zombies, he couldn't get through. The place is fine.

Thinking of this, Murphy turned on the light tube that had been turned off.After turning on the speed talisman, Murphy pointed the light tube at the giant zombies.

The lights flickered, and Murphy yelled while running the same way he came and went.

"Hey, you big ugly guys, look here." Murphy shouted loudly.

It's just that the smell of blood in the cave made the giant zombies ignore Murphy's shouts, and continued to shoot around the location. The rocks on the edge of the cave had cracks, and they might be cut open at some point.

Murphy thought for a while and continued to shout, popping some ice chips while shouting.

Although Murphy's current level was too low, these ice flakes were not a big threat to the giant zombies in front of him, but they managed to attract the attention of the zombies.

Seeing that the giant zombie finally responded, Murphy hurriedly accelerated the speed of the ice sheet.

One of them was right in the eye of a giant zombie.

The zombie roared angrily, and rushed towards Murphy.

Seeing this, Murphy hurriedly ran back, but in order for other zombies not to give up chasing because he ran too fast, Murphy threw ice chips back while running.

It's just that he was looking at the back but didn't pay attention to the front. Murphy hit a stone pillar in the middle of the connecting passage with a "bang".

Fortunately, he turned his face sideways and didn't hit his nose, otherwise his nose would probably be crooked at such a fast speed.

But Mo Fei didn't have time to think about it right now, he rubbed his cheeks and continued to run forward.Just as she ran into it and was delayed, the giant zombie behind her drew closer to her, and the giant zombie's hand slapped down on Murphy.

Murphy dodged quickly, relying on the speed talisman to give Murphy an unparalleled speed advantage, so he easily dodged the giant zombie's attack.

A few pieces of ice shot again, and Murphy dragged five or six giant zombies through the cave, until they ran a long way to a relatively low place, and the group of giant zombies roared at Murphy inside unwillingly.However, after roaring for a while, a few giant zombies began to bump into the grotto with their bodies, making the whole cave tremble.

Murphy was so scared that he quickly ran out from another place, and ran in the original direction before the giant zombies noticed him.

Fortunately, these caves are all connected, allowing Murphy to go back to the four-way passageway just now.

"Captain Lei?" Murphy called softly when he came to the cave with bloody handprints.

He just called a few times but no one responded, so Mo Fei picked up the light source torch that had fallen on the ground and took a look inside. The opening of the hole was very small. I didn’t expect that there was a bit of depth inside, but it got narrower as we went in, but Mo Fei It was obvious to see the corner of the clothes caught in the gap of the hole, and the clothes on Lei Sen's body were torn at this time, the wound was obviously on the back, and the blood had already stained the front clothes red along the back.

"Team Lei? Leisen, are you still awake?" Murphy raised his voice when he saw Leisen's state.

It's just that Lei Sen was already in a coma at this time, and he didn't respond to Murphy at all.

Just when Murphy was about to drill in, the slight shaking of the ground made Murphy's face darken.

It was obvious that those giant zombies were coming back. It would be inconvenient for him to escape with Leisen, but there was no room for two people to hide here, and Leisen was so seriously injured that the strong smell couldn't be concealed at all.

Murphy's mind was spinning quickly. The main problem now was how to deal with those zombies.

Suddenly, Murphy thought of something that he hadn't considered just now. He and Lei Sen split up before to find an exit.And it was confirmed that he was in the wrong place, and there were actually giant zombies on the road that Leisen went to.

Murphy was sure that the path they took before would be impossible for those giant zombies, which meant that the path Leisen chose might be the exit.

Thinking of this, Murphy left the entrance of the cave, and put a defensive talisman on the entrance of the cave before leaving, so that at least during his return, the cave entrance would not be smashed by giant zombies.

After wiping off the bloody handprints at the entrance of the cave, Mo Fei ran to the road that Lei Sen had chosen before without looking back.

Lei Sen's choice was indeed correct. Murphy didn't go far, and a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The open cave, the gurgling inland river, some plants and a ray of light in the distance surprised Mo Fei a little, but besides these, there were two or three giant zombies and some ordinary C1 zombies swaying in front of him.

It seems that Lei Sen's arrival just now alarmed a few of these zombies that were near the entrance of the cave.

However, Mo Fei is quite satisfied with this landform, and it is definitely possible to move around here. In this case, let’s move around well. Since I stepped up the mountain last time, I drew some symbols to improve the mecha, because the chores are too complicated. I haven't tried it yet, but today I just tried to deal with the effect of C3 zombies.

Murphy ran to the corner close to the side, quickly summoned the mecha, and pasted the defense and speed symbols on the mecha.It's a pity that the mecha can't use the flying talisman. It's not that Murphy has never tried it before, but it's a pity that the flying talisman can't drive such a heavy mech.

Before Murphy was fully prepared, a C3 zombie in the distance had spotted Murphy and rushed up from below with a roar.

Not to be outdone, Murphy quickly pasted a weapon strengthening talisman on the replacement axe, and rushed up to the C3 zombie.

The mecha with the defensive talisman on it was indeed very competitive. Murphy successfully resisted the impact of the C3 zombie. With the strength of his arms, the huge ax fell and hit the head of the C3 zombie.

The C3 zombie sensed something was wrong, and flicked its thick tail, trying to entangle Murphy's mecha.

Mo Fei turned on the speed talisman and jumped, and the entire mecha flashed past nimbly.

While the C3 zombie hadn't retracted its tail due to inertia, Murphy slashed at the same position again.

After being hit twice in a row, the C3 zombie was obviously injured. Its huge head kept shaking, and its footsteps also staggered a little, as if it was drunk.

Mo Fei saw the timing, and slashed down with the ax again, pressing down the center of gravity of the body, and the C3 zombie finally died under Murphy's ax.

However, before Murphy had time to catch his breath, another C2 zombie came up right behind him.

Murphy looked at the C2 zombie below, because the place he was in was too narrow to accommodate three behemoths at the same time, so the C2 couldn't come up.

In this way, Murphy can easily solve them one by one.

The C2 zombie that came up opened its oversized mouth towards Murphy, as if Murphy was expressing his anger.

Murphy was about to attack, but unexpectedly, the C2 zombie took a step back, and then roared at Murphy.

"It's useless to scare me, hurry up and fight! After cleaning you up, there's still one behind you." Murphy stood in the mecha and muttered, facing the C2 zombies, she didn't have any pressure at all.

It's just that Murphy's thinking is too simple.

The C2 zombie turned around and ran down after roaring.

Naturally, Mo Fei couldn't let it succeed, so he chased after him with an ax in hand, and chopped off the head of the C2 zombie with all his strength.

Although the heads of the C2 zombies were chopped off, the zombies that hadn't damaged their brains were still alive, so the heads that fell to the ground opened and closed their huge mouths, as if looking for an opportunity to bite off Murphy's foot.

Of course, Murphy wouldn't give it this chance. The ax smashed down, and the C2 zombie finally stopped moving after its head was smashed to pieces.

Seeing that there was only one C2 zombie in front of him, and the remaining C1 zombies, Murphy could kill them even without the mech, so he only focused on the C2 zombie for now.

But at this moment, Murphy felt a strange feeling behind him, turned his head suddenly, and found a C3 zombie standing behind him at some point.

Now Murphy finally knew why the C2 zombie ran away after yelling in this direction. It should be the five giant zombies that left after chasing Lei Sen before calling.

At this time, a C3 zombie appeared behind him silently. If it wasn't because his mecha was different from ordinary ones, and it was connected to his body, I'm afraid it would have been possible if he hadn't switched the front-view camera to a rear-view camera. Under such circumstances, there is no way to detect this C3 zombie that sneaks up from behind.

Murphy ran forward quickly, and the ax nimbly smashed towards the target C2 zombie.No matter what, only one can be eliminated.

Because the speed talisman was turned on, Murphy hit the C2 zombie almost instantly.Although the C2 zombie could not be eliminated instantly, the C2 zombie had obviously lost its combat effectiveness.

Murphy struck while the iron was hot, and wiped out the C2 zombie, then turned around and faced the C3 zombie that had already exited the cave.

It's just that there were five giant zombies chasing after them just now, and it's impossible for only one to be called back from the entrance of the cave by the previous C2 zombie.

These giant zombies came out of the hole one after another, and Murphy quickly stopped in his tracks. A C3 zombie could still resist with its newly strengthened mecha, but five C2 and C3 zombies were not so easy to deal with. .

Murphy took a few steps back, observing the surrounding situation with the help of the falling light, trying to find a more favorable position.

What made Mo Fei a little disappointed was that there was nothing but a flat river here, except for the entrance of the cave that came down earlier, which was considered a high ground, and there was not even a stone.

While worrying, Mo Fei's eyes suddenly fell beside the shallow river.

(End of this chapter)

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