Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 251 Don't Die

Chapter 251 Don't Die
In fact, there is nothing special about this river beach itself. Even the river water is so shallow that one can see the bottom of it at a glance, and even the rocks of any shape can be seen clearly below.

However, there is a gully on the edge of this river beach, which is neither deep nor shallow.

Murphy stared at the gully and made up his mind.

Stabilizing his figure, Murphy let the mecha back slowly, while those giant zombies surrounded the mecha that was heading towards Murphy one by one.

After retreating to the front of the ditch, Murphy stopped, and the ax in the mech's hand was replaced by a meteor hammer. Murphy swung it towards the surrounding zombies.

The frontmost one of those zombies was hit unpreparedly, while the zombies in the back retreated.

Murphy didn't expect to be able to kill a zombie in this way, but he didn't want to be besieged, he just wanted to disperse these zombies.

The zombie that was hit was really enraged by Murphy's action, and it didn't care whether the zombies behind him followed or not, and rushed towards Murphy's mecha at an accelerated speed.

Murphy dodged lightly, and the giant zombie rushed into the ravine without being able to dodge in time.

The huge body didn't struggle for a long time, and Mo Fei didn't care about it, and continued to swing the meteor hammer in his hand.

The IQ of the C2 zombies is indeed much lower than that of the C3 zombies. Among the five giant zombies, there are three C3 zombies. Seeing that the first C3 zombie suffered a loss, they stopped rushing forward, but after being provoked by Murphy, the two C2 zombies were angry. But he ran towards Murphy regardless.

Murphy did the same, and after dodging one, the meteor hammer swung out and hit the head of the second C2 zombie.

The first C2 zombie and the previous C3 zombie both fell into the ravine, but because of this, the C2 zombie fell not as deep as the C3 zombie, and was struggling to climb up.

However, it could be seen that the huge body couldn't get up for a while, and Murphy ignored it for the time being. The head of another C2 zombie that was hit was smashed out of a hollow place, and the shell of the head was already broken. It was a little damaged, which made Murphy pull away the meteor hammer and smash it down again, and the C2 zombie was killed.

There are only two C3 zombies left, but these two C3 zombies are obviously not that easy to deal with, not to mention that the gully, which is not too big, has been almost filled by a C3 zombie and a C2 zombie up.

Murphy stepped back, and the weapon in his hand was replaced by an axe from a meteor hammer.

The two C3s pressed on step by step, surrounding Murphy all the way to the side of the cave.

Murphy raised the ax above his head, and two C3 zombies rushed towards Murphy's mecha.But Murphy just made a feint, taking advantage of the gap between the attacks of the two C3 zombies, he rushed out along the middle.

Because the speed talisman was turned on, Murphy ran back to the hole he just came out of.

This is the highest point in the cave, and there is only one way up. Here, Murphy can destroy them one by one, so Murphy seized the highest point again when he found the right time.

The two C3 zombies were just about to attack, but found that the prey had run away all of a sudden, and angrily flicked their thick tails towards Murphy.

At this time, Murphy was inside the mecha, showing a smile. Although he was using the surroundings, his mecha was much stronger this time than before, but it still had some damage.

Just as he was thinking about it, the first C3 zombie appeared in front of Murphy. Before it could stand still, Murphy slashed at its vitals with an axe.

It was hard to hit the first one, but a C3 zombie behind it attacked.

Although there was no way to come over because the road was narrow, the C3 zombie was smart enough to turn around and use the tail behind it to attack Murphy.

While Murphy secretly thought that he made a mistake in his judgment, the fuselage was also slammed firmly.The C3 zombie that he fought against just now was also damaged a little bit, but now the left side of Murphy's mecha was severely damaged.After the battle is over, you must find a chance to repair it again, otherwise you will definitely not be able to carry out the next battle.

Murphy's mecha shook for a while, and he quickly stabilized the mecha, and then the ax slashed at the tail of the C3 zombie.

The C3 zombie's tail was very flexible, and it quickly recovered after hitting Murphy, while the C3 zombie standing in front quickly grabbed Murphy.

Murphy's ax missed, but his reaction was not slow. He quickly turned around and hit the head of the C3 zombie that was smashed just now.

It's a pity that this time it didn't hit the original position because of the angle. The other side of the C3 zombie was damaged but not seriously injured.

Seeing that the action just now was effective, the C3 zombies in the back prepared to launch an attack again.

Murphy had already noticed the movement of the C3 zombie behind him. He had suffered a loss just now but could not suffer a second time. Murphy ran back along the edge and soon reached the entrance of the hole she came down from.

The C3 zombie in the front didn't know whether it was knocked twice on the head by Murphy or what was the reason. In short, the C3 zombie didn't move, but the C3 zombie in the back roared anxiously because Murphy left. .

In Murphy's surprised eyes, he saw the C3 zombie pushing the C3 zombie in front of him down the road, and the C3 zombie that Murphy smashed fell to the bottom of the slope and struggled.

But Mo Fei didn't care if they would fight among themselves, it was a blessing to have one less opponent.

The ax in his hand was clenched again and ready to fight, but the damaged part was unexpectedly losing energy, and Murphy could feel the energy bar dropping rapidly.

"Oops, oops, we have to solve it quickly." Murphy stared at the energy Glenn and yelled, but the C3 zombies were getting closer, and Murphy only hoped that he could find the right time to solve it quickly.

The C3 zombie walked towards Murphy's mecha very cautiously. Such a move made it difficult for Murphy to find an opening and hit it.

Looking at the energy of the energy grid again, more than half of it was consumed, and it was inconvenient for Murphy to absorb energy at this time.

"Fight." Seeing that the C3 zombie refused to attack first, Murphy had to rush out first.

Sure enough, the C3 zombie was waiting for Murphy to attack first. Its huge and flexible tail was already ready to go, and it rushed towards Murphy's mecha from behind.

At this time, Mo Fei was once again thankful that his mecha was very dexterous in body manipulation. With one hand, he used an ax to resist the tail drawn by the C3 zombie, and the mecha jumped up. A rolled over the huge C3 zombie.

After jumping over, Murphy didn't pause for half a second, turned around and swung the ax in one go, and slapped the ax on the back of the C3 zombie's head.

The C3 zombie was hit by the ax all of a sudden, but it retracted its tail in time, and drew it towards Murphy's mecha.

Murphy let the mecha jump back, and at the same time as the tail swept away, Murphy used the speed of the speed talisman to rush to the C3 zombie after landing on one foot, and then went down with the axe, a deep gap appeared in the same position .

At this moment, Murphy's mech had already started to call the police, and Murphy didn't dare to stop at all. The ax in his hand hit the head of the C3 zombie one after another.

It wasn't until the C3 zombie fell to the ground that Murphy quickly took out a third-level blue black crystal and directly replenished a thousand points of energy.

But right now, Murphy didn't have time to repair the mecha. The first C3 zombie that rushed over just now was still alive, and another C3 zombie and a C2 zombie were trying hard to climb out of the ravine.

Murphy directly used the speed of the speed talisman to rush down the steep slope. The dying C3 zombie was stepped on by Murphy, and the ax slammed down a few times before the C3 zombie finally stopped moving.

Afterwards, Murphy quickly rushed to the side of the C3 and C2 zombies that were about to climb up. Taking advantage of his commanding position, Murphy fiercely smashed the two giant zombies' vital parts with an axe.

It wasn't until the heads of two giant zombies were smashed that Murphy finally stopped.

Mo Fei was a little bit out of strength at the moment, but she couldn't rest yet.

After cleaning up all the C1 zombies present, Murphy returned to the hole where he came in, put away the mecha that was still losing energy, and ran to the hole where Leisen was hiding.

"Team Lei, how are you?" Murphy shouted from the entrance, but there was still no response from the inside.

He won't be... Mo Fei couldn't think any more, took back the defensive talisman, and got into it.

After Mo Fei got in, he moved sideways. Lei Sen's body was stuck in a narrow place, and he closed his eyes without any response.

"Captain Lei?" Murphy pushed Lei Sen with his hands, but Lei Sen didn't move. He used a light tube to illuminate Lei Sen's face. His face was as pale as paper. He reached out and touched Lei Sen's hanging hands, which were like dead people. cold.

Murphy withdrew his hand nervously, because Leisen was stuck there and his clothes were also damaged, and it was impossible to see whether his chest was still heaving.

Squeezing into the hole again, Murphy tremblingly stretched out his hand under Leisen's nose.

what!Not breathing yet?

After putting his hand away, Murphy was startled, but as his hand rested under Leisen's nose, Murphy finally felt Leisen's faint breath.

"You can't die, you have to hold on, I'll get you out now." Murphy realized that Leisen was still breathing, and while muttering, he took out tools from the storage talisman.

At this time, Leisen squeezed his body in as much as he could because he was avoiding giant zombies to prevent them from catching them. Now, he was stuck stronger, because he was injured behind, and Murphy didn't dare to drag him out, so he flipped over. Get out the tools to knock down some of the stone walls around Leisen, and then drag Leisen out with a larger gap.

Murphy carefully pried off all the raised stones around Leisen's body. Because there was enough space, Leisen's weak body fell to the other side.

Now that he was farther away from Murphy, Murphy had no choice but to back out, summoned the mecha again and used the meteor hammer to try to dig a hole in the grotto. After calculating the location, Murphy's meteor hammer fell down.

It's just that the location is correct, but the grotto was almost scattered by the group of giant zombies just now. Although a big hole was dug right next to Lei Sen, some rocks fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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