Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 252 First Aid

Chapter 252 First Aid
Seeing that the hole was dug open, Murphy quickly took back the mecha that was still leaking energy.

This waste of energy is really distressing, but now that human life is at stake, there is really no time to repair the body.Fortunately, after the mecha is put away, the energy will not continue to be lost.

Murphy threw the rocks beside the hole aside, and burrowed in along the hole.

"Ah! Captain Lei." Murphy exclaimed as soon as he entered.

A lot of falling rocks fell on Lei Sen's body. Although they were not too big, they might be fatal to such a dying person.

Murphy quickly threw the stone away from Leisen's body, and tested Leisen's breathing again.

After confirming that Leisen was fine, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly dragging Lei Sen out of the grotto, Mo Fei took out a clean cloth from the storage talisman, dipped some water in it and wiped Lei Sen slightly.

After lifting Lei Sen up, Murphy could clearly see the shocking wound on Lei Sen's back.

Lei Sen's back was already bloody and bloody, because Murphy wasted a lot of time cleaning up the zombies, so now the clothes and part of the dried blood stains have stuck together.

Murphy didn't dare to move, so he had to find something from the storage talisman that could transport Leisen.

Finally, I found a shopping cart from the supermarket. This shopping cart was put in together when I went to the supermarket to find things.

After digging out a few old quilts and stuffing them in the car, Murphy moved Leisen to the shopping cart.

It's dark and damp here, definitely not a good place to recover.

Murphy pushed the unconscious Leisen to the hole leading to the exit where the zombies had just been cleaned.

At the entrance of the cave, because there was a slope below, Murphy turned the shopping cart upside down and pushed it down slowly backwards.

Push Leisen directly to the side of a big rock. Mophy noticed this rock just now. It is also very clean beside the river bed. The rock is large and flat, and one end is high and the other end is low, which is very suitable for patients to lie on.

First, he dug out some large pieces of plastic sheeting and laid them on the boulder, and then pulled out a few quilts to cover them, and then Mo Fei dragged Lei Sen, who was still lying on the quilt of the shopping cart, to the boulder. superior.

After everything was ready, Murphy took out the hemostatic bandages, medical disinfectant, and some anti-inflammatory drugs that he had collected before.

After finding some branches that were previously stored in the storage talisman, he took out a lighter and set up a fire next to the big rock. Mo Fei boiled a pot of water.

Use gauze dipped in water to help Leisen separate the wound from the place where the clothes stick together, sprinkle powder on it, and wrap Leisen tightly with a hemostatic bandage.

It's just that Murphy's dressing skills are really not very good. Lei Sen's body is covered with a bump on the left side and a concave bump on the right side, but the wound is finally treated.

Murphy had a big meal, sweating profusely on his head.I raised my hand to wipe off the sweat, only to find that it was covered with blood.

Glancing at Lei Sen, he seemed to feel weaker than before.But it's no wonder that he suffered such a serious injury, and the one who had just treated the wound was Murphy who had no medical experience.

The ability to stop the bleeding should be thanks to the good hemostatic bandage that Mo Fei snatched back.

"By the way, there must be a lot of emergency things in Leisen's backpack." Murphy only remembered Leisen's backpack at this moment. He was busy moving Leisen just now, and forgot to take out the inner backpack.

Glancing around, Murphy added some branches to the fire, then took out the defensive talisman that had been pasted to the hole from the storage talisman, and pasted the defensive talisman on Lei Sen's body.

After dealing with it, Murphy turned on the speed talisman and quickly ran towards the hole where he came in.

Back in the previous grotto, Murphy illuminated the entrance of the grotto with a light tube, and finally found Leisen's backpack behind where Leisen was originally stuck.

But the strange thing is that the backpack was not broken or bloodstained.

Murphy thought about it, perhaps Leisen had thrown his backpack into the grotto before entering here, after all, it was more strenuous to run with a backpack on his back.

Taking out the backpack, Mo Fei put the backpack on and went back quickly.

Returning to the stone, Mo Fei dumped the contents of his backpack on the ground.

Pick out something that can be used, such as a military-style one-button inflatable tent, which is much faster than Murphy's previous one.As long as you press it, it only takes 1 minute to form a complete tent, and press it again, it will light up and shrink into a small bag in about 1 minute.

After the tent was completed, Murphy moved Leisen into the tent. It would definitely be cold outside at night.

After Leisen settled down, Murphy finally took a breath.

Looking around again, the corpses of giant zombies and C1 zombies are still staggering in places far or near.

He took out a long spear from the storage amulet. Although it was not as heavy as the plain spear, Mo Fei chose this spear because he was used to long handles.

Holding a spear, Murphy walked towards the corpses of the dead zombies.

After collecting merit points and Mo Jing, Mo Fei hid in a clean corner.

My mech was seriously damaged before, so I quickly repair it now, otherwise if there is any sudden situation, it will really be over.

After digging out the gold in the storage talisman, and taking out a lot of black crystals, Mo Fei laid them on the floor.

Then he summoned the mecha, and quickly absorbed the materials to repair the mecha.

Unexpectedly, the damage was more serious this time. The materials that Mo Fei took out were not enough, so Mo Fei had to put away the mecha and dig out a pile of gold and black crystals again.

After taking it repeatedly like this three times, the mecha was finally repaired, and because the energy absorbed by Murphy's last one was full, the mecha was also upgraded to a level, but then it absorbed a lot of black crystals and gold to completely repair the mecha. Reinforce it again.

Murphy didn't notice it because there was nothing to reflect it at this time. Her mech was already rosy and exuding a more intense golden light. The original black pattern was gradually fading, as if it was about to become transparent.

Seeing that the defense level has increased again, although he feels sorry for the loss of so much hard-earned gold and black crystals, Mo Fei still feels that it is worth it.

Looking through the black crystals in the storage talisman, the number of black crystals has decreased a lot, and the injury this time is really serious.

If he hadn't used it carefully, and had taken a lot of Mo Jing embezzled from Ye Yonghang's secret room that time, Mo Fei's Mo Jing would have been stretched long ago.

It's just gold, the amount used this time is really huge, I did not know how many boxes of gold I brought out from the gold mine at the beginning, but now I have used at least one-third of it.

The frequency of gold use is not high, but as the level of mechs gets higher and higher, whether it is upgrading or repairing, the amount of gold required is quite large.

Mo Fei sighed, his mecha is indeed useful, but it is indeed a luxury item!It seems that we still need to find more gold to store in the future, after all, the current storage talisman can almost be regarded as unlimited capacity.

After the mecha was repaired and put away again, Mo Fei raised his wrist, and the time displayed on the watch was already past two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Running back to the tent, Murphy opened the door of the tent and got in.

Lei Sen's face inside was still pale, but his breathing was much more stable.Murphy pulled out a quilt and lay down in the corner of the tent.

Sleeping in a daze until midnight, Murphy could hear any movement because he didn't dare to sleep too soundly outside.

Hearing only a slight sound, Murphy quickly opened his eyes.


Lei Sen on the other side of the inflatable bed let out weak and intermittent moans of pain.

Mo Fei got up and crawled along the mat: "Captain Lei, are you awake?"

After patting Lei Sen, Murphy turned on the light tube.Looking at Lei Sen along the light, I saw that Lei Sen was frowning at the moment, as if he was in pain.

He reached out and touched Lei Sen's forehead. Lei Sen's forehead was hot, probably because of the wound.

Pulling the quilt that Lei Sen had put on before to wrap it tightly around him, Mo Fei saw that Lei Sen's lips were chapped and some dry skin was hanging on them, Mo Fei dug out a little water.Feed Lei Sen with a bottle cap: "Captain Lei, drink some water."

Holding up Leisen's head, Murphy poured the water in the bottle cap to Leisen.

Losing so much blood, not eating or drinking, and now having a fever, Lei Sen only felt extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a ray of coolness came in, and Lei Sen sucked it in desperately.

Seeing that Lei Sen's throat moved and the water he had fed had been drunk, Mo Fei was overjoyed and quickly fed some more.

"That's right!" Mo Fei slapped his forehead, quickly found some anti-inflammatory medicines, put the white pills in the lid, took out a chopstick to smash the pills, poured water and stirred it, and then gave it to Lei with the water. Sen fed it.

Lei Sen had a bitter taste in his mouth, and instinctively wanted to vomit it out. Murphy quickly added some water and washed it down.

Seeing that Leisen also took the medicine, this medicine was dug out from Leisen's backpack, and the official auxiliary items for the members of the mecha team are all top-notch.

In a daze, Murphy fell asleep while sitting next to him.

Wei Wei woke up abruptly after feeling a bit chilly, and saw that Lei Sen was sweating a lot on the bed, but it obviously eased up a lot.

Murphy covered Leisen with the quilt in the middle, and the innermost quilt was already damp with sweat.Murphy simply dragged the quilt to the big rock outside the tent.

As soon as he got out of the tent, Murphy couldn't help covering his nose.

I didn't feel anything yesterday, but now I can smell the rancid smell of zombie corpses outside as soon as I come out of the tent.

"These zombie corpses can't be left like this." Murphy muttered, spreading the quilt to dry, while he summoned the mecha, and dragged the zombie corpses that were completely useless to the other side of the cave. Go to the hole.

Murphy thought about throwing the corpses of these zombies far away. After walking for a long time along the corridor behind the cave, Murphy suddenly discovered that there was a dazzling light at the end of the cave tunnel.

(End of this chapter)

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