Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 253 Lost Contact

Chapter 253 Lost Contact
In the star base at this moment, Lin Yixun rubbed his eyes and looked outside, the sky outside was already bright.

Lin Yixun went to bed very late last night because he was really sleepy.Yesterday, there was sudden heavy rain and rare hail. Not only was a lot of equipment in the base destroyed, but I heard that after the warming up this year, the food and vegetables grown on the reclaimed land outside were also devastated.

Lin Yixun was just listening to these, but she was most worried about Murphy.

One must know that Murphy was going to the mountains to do a mission, how would he hide from such a large hailstorm?
However, the communication equipment in the base was also affected. There was no way, Lin Yixun could only pray that Murphy and Lei Sen would survive safely.

Murphy and Leisen were in the tunnel, so they didn't know it at all. The hailstorm outside was quite serious.

After Murphy and Leisen got into the cave, the hail became bigger and bigger, so after Murphy treated his smashed head, the whole cave caved in.

Moreover, the large hailstorm lasted for more than ten hours. It was not just a matter of the hailstorm hurting people and destroying buildings and equipment. Many low-lying places were also flooded.

So after ten o'clock last night, the hail gradually stopped and the rain became less and less, Lin Yixun hoped that Murphy would come back soon.

It's just that when Murphy didn't come back until midnight, Lin Yixun couldn't bear the sleepiness so he fell on the bed and slept.

Waking up early in the morning to see the warm sun rising outside as usual, Lin Yixun hurriedly washed up and got up, wanting to ask about the restoration of the communication equipment and see if he could contact Murphy.

It's a pity that the answers received are all regrettable. Most of the star base is undergoing repairs, especially the damaged city walls. This is a matter related to the survival of the entire base, so no one has time to think about other things.

Lin Yixun turned around helplessly and came back, because there was still something that needed help from the research institute, and Lin Yixun was called to do other things before he felt sad for a long time.

Murphy's eyes lit up, did he find the exit?Speeding up his pace, Murphy's mecha dragged the zombie's body and ran out.

Soon, Murphy was getting closer and closer to that light spot.

When we came to the entrance of the lighted cave, the terrain here was quite high, but it was nothing to Murphy who was driving the mecha.

There is a very steep slope leading down here, but at the moment the bottom is covered with mud, and the location has been flooded.The water was muddy, and it was impossible to see how deep it was.

Murphy threw the corpses of the zombies in the hands of the mecha to the side of the slope, where they would not be contaminated with muddy water, and dragged them out in a while and burned them together.

Before returning, Murphy took another general look at the surrounding terrain, and it seemed safer than expected.Except for the zombies in the original cave, there is a lush forest on the outside, and there is rushing water in front of it, with yellow mud.

Not to mention that zombies who are a little afraid of water can't get through, I'm afraid ordinary mechs may not be able to get through.

There are mountains in the distance. Although Murphy doesn't know where it is, but Lei Sen has not woken up yet, the most important thing is that they are all safe for the time being.

Turning back to the cave, Murphy dragged some zombie corpses out again.

After going back and forth several times, all the zombies were finally cleared out.

A fire ignited the corpses of the zombies, and Mo Fei didn't bother to see how they were burnt. Anyway, Mo Jing had been pried away, and these zombies would definitely not come back to life. Thinking of this, he turned and left the place.

Back in the cave, Murphy cooked some food for himself. Since he entered the cave yesterday, he basically had nothing to eat or drink. Murphy was already hungry, and Lei Sen hadn’t woken up yet, so no one would be there. After investigating the source of his food, Mo Fei cooked with confidence.

It's just that when the rice was stewing, Mo Fei deliberately put in more water first, and when the water boiled, Mo Fei poured out two bowls of the rice soup on top before continuing to stew the rice.

He took two bowls of rice soup for himself to keep out the cold overnight, and Mo Fei brought the other bowl into the tent.

After getting a little cold, Murphy found a clean baby bottle.

This should have been accidentally put into the storage talisman when I put other things last time.

Cutting the mouth of the bottle wider, Mo Fei poured the rice soup into it, opened Lei Sen's mouth, and squeezed the rice soup in little by little.

Fortunately, Lei Sen knew how to swallow, which saved Murphy a lot of trouble.

A bowl of rice soup was fed little by little, and at the end of the feeding, Mo Fei crushed some anti-inflammatory drugs and sent them into Lei Sen's mouth.Although there are very few super anti-inflammatory drugs that are officially distributed, the effect is really fast.

But it will be gone after eating today, and the rest can only take the ordinary anti-inflammatory drugs that I searched for from the pharmacy.

After feeding Leisen the medicine and rice soup, he turned Leisen's body, which had been propped up with pillows, into a prone position, and removed the hemostatic bandage he had tied yesterday. Murphy took a look at the wound. Bleeding, but the wound still feels bloody.

The wound didn't heal, but luckily it wasn't infected either.

Taking out the healing medicine again, Murphy evenly sprinkled it on Lei Sen's injured area.After the medicine powder touched the wound, it quickly fused with the blood, making the wound that was slightly oozing with blood become a mess again.

No matter what Mo Fei said, she didn't know whether it was good or bad. Anyway, the medicine was sprinkled on, the hemostatic bandage was tied, and she even specially sent a defensive talisman to Lei Sen. It was up to Lei Sen himself.

After changing a hemostatic bandage, Murphy turned Lei Sen to rest on his side again, and then he got out of the tent.

After finding the spot where a ray of light came through, Murphy sat down.

He took out the satellite communicator from the storage amulet, and then Mo Fei began to dial Lin Yixun's number.

It's just that no matter how Murphy dialed, the signal couldn't be sent out.Murphy thought of the signal booster he bought at the trading market last time.

Taking out the booster, Murphy dialed Lin Yixun's satellite contact number again.But the signal on Murphy's satellite contactor was clearly strong, but he still couldn't get through.

"Strange, where did Yixun go, even the signal was blocked?" Murphy muttered, but thinking that Lin Yixun sometimes had to do some more dangerous experiments, the isolation effect of those laboratories was super Qiang didn't care too much.

After thinking about it, Murphy dialed Xiao Minyu's satellite contactor again.However, Xiao Minyu's satellite contactor still hasn't been dialed.

"Well, probably he's still working in the secret laboratory. It must be very confidential and it's impossible to allow contact with the outside world." Murphy muttered to himself again.

The two people he could contact couldn't get in touch, and Zhu Zhu and the others didn't have a satellite contact device, so Murphy simply gave up.

Originally, she wanted to send a plane or something to take Leisen back for treatment after contacting the base, but now she can only give up this idea, and can only wait for Leisen to recover from his injury and move a little before carrying him back to the mech.

Since he couldn't leave for the time being, Murphy simply closed his eyes and practiced well. He used up all the defensive symbols and speed symbols he had stored, so he had to draw another one as a backup.

According to the detailed method described in the qi training book he found from Tashan, Murphy slowly closed his eyes.

When the breath began to use the breath of the surrounding environment, Murphy was surprised to find that the air here was relatively pure. Compared with the city, the air available here was like the difference between a warehouse and a treasure house.

When I was stepping on the mountain, I could understand it from the introduction in the book.In the past, Murphy practiced Qi just by using his own breath to move a little bit, and the increase of breath could only be increased very slowly by his own breathing.

But the book he found in the mountain taught Mo Fei how to use his body to take in breath, that is, every pore in his body could be used to absorb the surrounding air.

However, when Murphy is usually in the urban area or the base, because of the originally deposited air around and the exhaust gas circulated by the human body, the air is mixed with a lot of miscellaneous things. Whenever the breath flows in, these things must be filtered out first. So although the progress is much faster than before just relying on breathing, it still cannot achieve high efficiency.

It was only when Murphy came here that he realized that the air here was quite clear, and basically more than 90.00% of the absorbed air could be used.Such high efficiency made Murphy happy.

Immediately adjusting his mentality, Murphy calmed down and quietly absorbed the surrounding atmosphere. In one afternoon, Murphy achieved rapid progress.

Opening his eyes, Mo Fei looked at the time. It was almost time for dinner. Although he hadn't moved an inch all afternoon, his stomach was still growling regularly.

Standing up and moving his body and limbs, Mo Fei looked up at the small hole above which the light could pass through. After losing the light, the hole looked like a small animal with its mouth open.

"Huh, if it wasn't too cold here, it would really be a good place to practice Qi." Mo Fei slightly rubbed his cold hands, turned around and walked to the place where the fire was made and cooked.

After re-igniting a fire, Mo Fei boiled some boiling water for Leisen to clean up later, and kept some for himself to wipe his body with a towel.

Although you can't take a bath, it's comfortable to be able to wipe off a little.

While boiling water, Mo Fei sat around the fire and ate the leftovers at noon while roasting the fire.Lei Sen still didn't wake up, and although his condition didn't get worse, it didn't get better either.

However, with the compressed food in Leisen's backpack, Murphy can live for many days, not to mention that the things in Murphy's storage talisman are far more abundant than those.

It was still very cold in the mountains at night, especially after the hail and heavy rain yesterday, the air smelled fresh and earthy, but I also felt a slight chill on my body, as if spring had returned to early winter overnight.

After finishing his dinner, Murphy found some high-energy liquid food. Although these things are tasteless, they can definitely provide the energy the body needs.These are just right for Lei Sen to eat.

I turned over a bag of high-energy liquid food, because there was no need to cook, and Mo Fei's fire was not strong, so before the water boiled, Murphy squeezed a bag of liquid food into the tent.

When he entered, he heard a murmur.

(End of this chapter)

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