Chapter 254
Murphy even forgot to take off his shoes, raised his feet, and moved in on his knees.

Moving to the air bed in the tent, Murphy hurriedly checked Leisen's condition.

Lei Sen was muttering in his mouth, slurred and didn't know what he was talking about, but to Murphy's disappointment, he didn't wake up.

"What's the matter? Are you dreaming?" Murphy had no experience in taking care of patients. At first, he thought that Lei Sen had finally woken up, but when he came over, he was disappointed to find that he was still in a coma.

It's just that Mo Fei didn't know that this was already quite remarkable. How could he wake up so quickly after suffering such a serious injury and even survived half his life?

If it was a person with a weak constitution and without so many top-notch medical items, let alone sober, he would have died a long time ago.

Fortunately, Lei Sen was born in the team himself, and his physical fitness is good. After the end of the world, he did not lack nutrition.In addition, Murphy's rescue was timely this time, and he used very good potions equipped by the team. Moreover, Murphy also had a lot of items in his storage talisman, which saved Lei Sen's life.

It went on like this for two days. During these two days, Murphy spent most of his time practicing Qi, because the breath here was pure, and Murphy's ability had been greatly improved.Murphy found that the load-bearing capacity of his flying talisman had increased a bit, and now the flying talisman attached to his body could lift some large boulders when he flew again.

If it goes on like this, Murphy curled the corner of his mouth, maybe in the future...

Just thinking about it, suddenly the satellite communicator placed outside rang.With the signal booster on all the time, the signal here is ok.

Mo Fei quickly picked it up and connected it, and there were messy noises and Lin Yixun's anxious voice: "Fei... Fei... Zizi... Are you... okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, but Captain Lei is injured." Murphy replied quickly.

"What? I hear... sizzling... I don't know." Lin Yixun seemed to have a poor signal, and he still replied intermittently.

"I said..." Mo Fei was about to respond loudly, but unexpectedly, the signal was cut off again, and there was a disconnection sound of "rustling, rustling" from the satellite communicator.

Reluctantly hanging up the satellite communicator, Murphy looked at the satellite communicator in his hand. The signal in the past two days was not particularly good, but it was definitely not at all, but he couldn't contact Lin Yixun and the others at all. But today, Lin Yixun finally got through to her but cut off before finishing speaking. Could it be that the base's signal is not good?
Murphy's random guess was not wrong at all.

Because of the heavy rain and hailstorm, the satellite base damaged a lot of things, and some things in the communication and reception also had problems to varying degrees. Even the satellite controller was affected, so the signal has not been good.

Today, Lin Yixun finally heard that the communicator had been repaired and contacted Mo Fei for a while, but it turned out to be bad again before he had time to speak after it was connected.

But after hearing Murphy's voice, Lin Yixun was somewhat relieved, at least it meant that Murphy was still alive.Moreover, from the intermittent signal, Lin Yixun could hear that Murphy's speech was still quite powerful, but his tone was a little anxious. Unfortunately, he didn't hear clearly later, but he must have been anxious because he hadn't contacted him before.

Lin Yixun confirmed that Murphy was still alive, but had to leave the communication group first because he couldn't hear what he said later.

Seeing that the communication signal on Lin Yixun's side was cut off quickly, Murphy had no choice but to put the communicator aside again.

It's better not to expect people to come to rescue him. Mo Fei stood up and looked at the time and it was time to eat. Then Mo Fei packed up his things and took out some ingredients to cook.

After eating for himself, Mo Fei dialed the liquid food.Although it was only Lei Sen who ate it alone, there were not many liquid foods. Murphy could only add rice soup and some vegetable soup to Lei Sen's meal.

After two or three days of recuperation, Lei Sen's complexion improved a lot. Although the wound recovered slowly due to the relatively large area of ​​the injury, it could finally be seen that it was slowly healing.

Murphy wasn't too anxious, he practiced Qi whenever he had time, and his progress was improving by leaps and bounds.

When Murphy's aura had reached the peak of the breakthrough layer, the carrying weight of Murphy's flying talisman had also reached an astonishing figure.

It's just that I still can't bring up the mecha, it seems that only the breakthrough layer that breaks through the breath can reach the heart training period described in the book.

If the first three basic layers, the stable layer and the breakthrough layer belong to the basic stage for physical training, then the next five stages are not only physical changes, but also enhanced Qi changes, also known as the heart training stage.

In the past few days, he had repeatedly tempered the edge of the last breakthrough layer in the foundation, and Murphy was preparing for the promotion.

In fact, Murphy has always had a faint feeling that the energy in her body after stepping out of the mountain is not as small as the energy she obtained by herself, but because her cultivation base is too low to accept these energies, so these energies are Became an outsider attached to Murphy.

If you want to use this kind of energy, I am afraid that the key is to improve.

Because he failed to contact Lin Yixun twice more, Mo Fei didn't think too much about it anymore. Except for changing Lei Sen's medicine and feeding him every day, the rest of the time was spent practicing Qi.

When a faint light shone in through the only light-transmitting hole in the cave, Murphy still closed his eyes slightly.The soft light shone on Mo Fei's body, giving him a holy look.

Murphy didn't sleep all night last night, and he vaguely touched the threshold of that floor but was still a little short. In order to improve as soon as possible, Murphy chose to continue practicing Qi.

When the light changed from dim to bright, a cyclone formed around Murphy's body, driving the surrounding small rocks to fly together.

But it only lasted a few seconds, and Mo Fei opened his eyes suddenly, with a faint smile on his face.

That's right, I have improved, and finally broke through the breakthrough layer of the last layer of the foundation, and entered the first stage of the mind training period: the period of peace of mind.

The morning air was very fresh, and Murphy stood up and stretched himself.The results of one night were not in vain.

Glancing at the time, Mo Fei went to the river bed to wash his face while cooking breakfast.

It has been six days since he was trapped here. Although Lei Sen is improving day by day, he still hasn't woken up.

Repeating the same actions for the past few days, Murphy fed Lei Sen another bag of liquid food after eating. Although he didn't eat a single bag, this was already one of the few remaining bags up.

The nutrition in the rice soup is definitely not enough for this 1.8-meter man's meal. After thinking about it, Mo Fei plans to fly out today to find some fresh berries and come back to squeeze the juice. At least it can be regarded as supplementing some vitamins. The only benefit of being in the mountains and forests It is probably possible to find some fresh ingredients and medicinal materials.

Of course, most people don't dare to eat these things casually. This is also due to the fact that Mo Fei has read various books about plants in his father's plant cultivation laboratory since he was a child. Mouth stuffed.

After Leisen settled down, Murphy summoned the mecha, and then ran out of the cave.

This section of the road is really too long, and it would take a long time to run at Murphy's pace. Since the entrance of this cave can enter and exit giant zombies, the height is not low, so Murphy simply used the mecha instead of walking, and ran towards the outside with big strides. go out.

The mecha ran out in big strides, and the huge strides also shook the ground slightly.Inside the tent, Lei Sen lay on his back little by little following the slightly trembling ground.The wound touched the bed, causing Lei Sen, who had his eyes closed, to frown involuntarily.

Taking a deep breath, Lei Sen woke up from the pain in his back.

It took less than a minute to prop up the body with difficulty, and the body fell on the inflatable bed again, and there was no strength in the body.

Looking around, it was obvious that he was in the inflatable tent he brought out.Looking at the quilt on his body again, Lei Sen recalled in his mind what happened before he passed out.

By the way, after I came to do the task with Mo Fei, I encountered heavy rain and hail, and then they hid in the cave. I didn't expect the cave to collapse and the two of them could only go in. Later, when they came to a fork in the road, the two searched separately. Unexpectedly I accidentally broke into the cave of the zombies and was hunted down by a group of giant zombies.

Because the mecha was still outside the cave, and Lei Sen himself was not a supernatural being. During the avoidance process, his clothes were ripped off by the zombies, and then he was scratched by the sharp stalagmites photographed by the giant zombies. back.

While awake, he hid in the grotto where the backpack was hidden, then passed out, and now he is lying in the tent. Could it be that Murphy saved him?

Lei Sen really couldn't think of anyone else who would find himself unconscious in this cave in the barren mountains, but what about those giant zombies?What about Murphy?A series of questions circled in Lei Sen's mind, but the injury and weak body made Lei Sen have to continue to lie down.

Lying sideways on the inflatable bed, Leisen saw the bottles and cans beside him, all of which were some medicines in his backpack, which seemed to be taken out by Murphy when he was treating him.

Slowly stretching his hand out of the quilt, he tapped on the side of the tent to make some noises. Leisen estimated that Mo Fei might be outside the tent trying to make a sound to get Mo Fei's attention.

It's just that after struggling for a long time, no one came to respond. Lei Sen didn't know the situation outside, so he could only continue to lie quietly.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was the sound of "dong dong dong" footsteps outside, which sounded like the steps of a giant. Following the slight shaking of the ground, Lei Sen's expression froze.Lei Sen couldn't think of anything other than giant zombies like this.

After struggling to climb off the inflatable bed, Leisen came to the position in the middle of the tent.There is a hidden window here, which is usually closed with a hidden zipper, but can be used as an observation window when needed.

Enduring the pain, he opened the chain of the observation window.

(End of this chapter)

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