Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 255 Exposed

Chapter 255 Exposed

After Murphy came out of the cave, he put the mecha into his body, unfolded the flying talisman and jumped up. Murphy soared like a bird under the blue sky.

In addition to looking for some edible things when he came out, Mo Fei also planned to find the direction of the ginkgo tree. One was to collect it later. Leisen still didn't know when he would be able to recover. He had a lot of time. put it.

However, the collection is only one way. The most important thing is that Mo Fei needs to use the ginkgo forest to confirm their approximate location.You must know that now Murphy has no way to determine where they are, although they will not come out of this mountainous area.

Previously, Leisen and Lei Sen walked in a crooked way in the cave. Although every road in the cave leads to the cave they live in now, the direction is long gone.

Now that the sky is clear and the water level has receded, it is convenient for Murphy to find places she is more familiar with.

Coming out of the cave, Murphy quickly found a fruit forest due to his commanding position.But when it fell, Mo Fei realized that most of the fruits were incomplete, and they should have been injured by the hail.

After picking and picking some relatively complete storage symbols, Murphy took off again.

After circling this area for a long time, Mo Fei realized that the slope that was far away but still visible was full of ginkgo trees. It seemed that that was the place he was looking for.However, after checking the distance with his eyes, this trip was a bit far away. Thinking about the berries he picked, Mo Fei decided to go back to the cave first, and come out again when he was free in the afternoon.

Returning to the previous cave entrance, Murphy summoned the mecha again. Using the mecha's pace and the speed talisman, Murphy could quickly walk into the cave.

Back in the cave, Murphy put away the mecha, picked up a pot from the ground that he had placed here, and poured all the berries he picked into it.

Humming a song, Mo Fei walked to the clear stream with a basin in his hand.

After walking a few steps, Murphy's improved hearing ability also improved. He suddenly heard a sound in the tent, and hurriedly put down the basin and walked towards the tent.

At this moment, Lei Sen inside was a little dazed, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief: Did he hallucinate?Looking out of the observation window just now, he actually saw the special mecha that he had been chasing for a long time. Although the appearance was different, the overall shape was that mecha.

But the huge mecha suddenly disappeared, and it was Murphy who appeared in his eyes as the mecha disappeared.

Leisen was a little overwhelmed and crawled on the bed, but his injured and heavy body made Leisen bump into those medicine bottles, and the collision of the medicine bottles caused a sound, which also attracted Murphy's attention.

Mo Fei stepped forward and opened the door of the tent, and saw Leisen half kneeling in the tent and about to climb onto the inflatable bed.

"You're finally awake." Murphy exclaimed in surprise.But immediately, Murphy also saw the dark window that had been slightly opened and had not been closed again.

This dark window Murphy didn't know.This tent is not hers, and this is a dark window that is not very obvious, and it is impossible for her to study the structure of the tent, so she does not know the existence of this window.

But after seeing this dark window, Mo Fei also understood, Lei Sen probably saw it.

Without the excited tone just now, Murphy asked in a flat tone: "Did you see it?"

Lei Sen nodded, but his weak body couldn't turn around as he wished.

Murphy walked over and helped Lei Sen to the bed: "That's why I can't show up."

Lei Sen didn't respond. He didn't know what was going on in his mind. Murphy paused. He was about to say something but finally stopped. Just as he was about to turn around and leave the tent, Lei Sen behind him suddenly spoke and shouted in a weak voice. Murphy.

"Wait...wait." There was a hint of hesitation in Lei Sen's tone, but he still said: "I will keep it a secret for you."

Murphy was a little surprised. To be honest, Lei Sen was a very disciplined person in her impression. Even Murphy felt that he was a bit rigid, so when Lei Sen discovered the mecha, Murphy basically did it. Well, mentally prepare to leave the base.

It's just that Lei Sen only hesitated for a moment, and actually said that he wanted to keep it a secret for himself.

Seeing the disbelief revealed in Murphy's big black eyes, Lei Sen coughed slightly, and added with insufficient strength: "If you don't believe me, I can give you the key of my mecha energy assembler, if I If you regret it, you can destroy my silver wings."

Murphy knew that the Silver Wing could be regarded as one of the few top mechs in the Earth Alliance, and after this new assembly, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the best mecha in the world. Not only is it a blow to Leisen, but it is also a huge loss to the Earth Alliance.

Murphy didn't doubt Leisen at all. Judging from his previous performance, Leisen was not the kind of person who would make casual promises just to survive, let alone what he said.

It's just... Murphy hooked the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand straight towards Leisen: "Okay, give me the key."

Without hesitation, Lei Sen stretched out his hand to grope under the quilt for a long time before he dug out a sophisticated electronic key from a bag hidden somewhere and handed it to Mo Fei.

Murphy didn't pick up the key, but laughed instead: "Okay, whoever wants your key, I don't care how much better my mecha is than yours. Now that you wake up and take a rest, I'll cook something , it seems that you finally don’t have to live on liquid food today.”

Before Leisen could react, Murphy turned around and left the tent.

Lei Sen retracted the hand holding the key in a daze, glanced at the electronic key in his hand and at the still shaking door curtain, Lei Sen was in a daze.

Murphy washed the berries and crushed them with two clean bowls, allowing the juice to flow along the sides of the bowls into another cup.

Gathering a lot of berries is only enough to squeeze out a little more than two cups of juice.

Put the rest of the pulp Mofei into a basin, marinate it with sugar, and then walk into the tent with the juice: "This is the juice I squeezed from the berries I just went out to find, you drink a little first, the rice is already stewed I'll reheat some canned food later and we'll have dinner."

Lei Sen took the glass full of juice with his trembling hand, but he didn't have the strength in his hand, and the juice almost spilled out.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Mo Fei caught the cup: "Forget it, let me feed you! Anyway, I've been feeding you for several days, and it's not too late."

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Lei Sen had a look of embarrassment on his face.

Murphy didn't pay much attention, and skillfully picked up a spoon, scooped up the bright red juice in the cup and brought it to Lei Sen's mouth.

"Open your mouth, this is used to supplement vitamins. You can only feed some liquid food these days, so I went to find these fruits to squeeze the juice. Eating those liquid foods alone can't keep up with the nutrition, and the recovery of physical strength will be slow. .”

For almost a week, Mo Fei was alone, and after finally waking up, Lei Sen began to talk on his own.

Lei Sen originally wanted to say that he would come by himself, but when he saw Murphy's meticulous and serious expression, he opened his mouth unconsciously.

After drinking the juice spoon by spoon, Mo Fei smiled with satisfaction.

Mo Fei's smile suddenly bloomed, but the expression at this moment was deeply imprinted in Lei Sen's heart.

"Lie down for a while, I'll finish our dinner." Murphy tucked the quilt into Leisen, and left the tent with an empty juice glass.

Suddenly, Lei Sen felt that he saw a picture of a warm family.Shaking his head, he really slept a lot after being injured, and now he actually started to daydream.

Mo Fei quickly finished the meal, because Lei Sen woke up suddenly, and Murphy couldn't get any more food out, so he had to take out the canned food from Lei Sen's backpack.

Bringing the food in, Mo Fei put away the medicines that were originally on the small table next to the bed in the tent, and then brought the food up.

"I'll use this spoon for you. I usually like to use spoons when I eat, so I brought out one specially for you. You must not have the strength to use the chopsticks right now. The spoon should be fine, right?" Murphy turned towards Lei Sen asked, and conveniently put a shiny, clean spoon in front of Lei Sen.

"Well, yes, thank you." Lei Sen sincerely thanked Murphy.

You can imagine it with your toes, those giant zombies must have been handled by Murphy, which once again proves how strong Murphy's mecha is. Leisen estimated it himself, even if he was driving the mecha when he encountered those giant zombies. Looking at Silver Wing, it is estimated that the final result is not much better, maybe it is because the plane crashed in the Silver Wing could not escape the final death.

Moreover, Murphy not only dealt with those giant zombies, but also cleaned his wounds, healed his wounds, and fed him. From the activated anti-inflammatory medicine bottles on the table, it can be seen that he should have also been fed anti-inflammatory medicines. This life-saving kindness Lei Sen I feel that saying thank you really can't express anything, but I really have nothing to repay Murphy for the time being.

"You don't need to be so polite. You came out to supervise me. We are also a mission team. Of course we did our best when we encountered such a thing. Besides, thanks to your good medicine, otherwise I would just watch you die. gone."

Mo Fei smiled nonchalantly: "Eat it while it's hot. Eat something warm to keep your body warm."

Pushing the side dishes that went with the meal towards Lei Sen, the two finished their meal silently.

After eating the warm meal, Lei Sen's spirit was obviously much better.Because although they didn't eat at all these days, they were all liquid food fed by Mo Fei.

Worried about digestive problems, Lei Sen didn't dare to eat too much, but even so, he felt much better.

Mo Fei got up to collect the bowls and chopsticks, but Lei Sen stretched out his hand and said, "Don't rush to collect things, tell me about your mecha!"

After a little hesitation, Mo Fei sat down again, reached out and stroked the fallen hair behind his ears: "Okay, but I don't know where to start, why don't you ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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