Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 256 Signal Notification

Chapter 256 Signal Notification
It has never been discovered since he got the mecha. The secret has been squeezed in Murphy's heart for so long, and now he can find someone to talk about it, which relieves Murphy a lot of burden.

However, Murphy still kept the biggest secret about the mech, which was the sealing talisman.

Because once the sealing talisman was brought up, it might involve his own talisman. This was Murphy's most kept secret.

But being able to have one more person to share what's in his heart made Murphy feel like he couldn't vomit, and almost everything that could be said on the mech was talked to Lei Sen.

In addition, Murphy explained why the mecha was in his body as a mysterious power, similar to a form of recognition.

But Mo Fei wasn't lying, the power recorded in the talisman was indeed mysterious enough.Moreover, when the mecha entered Murphy's body, it was because of Murphy's own gene that the talisman was activated, so he took it for his own use.

Leisen listened quietly to Murphy's narration from the first series of questions, and would ask a sentence or two when he talked about some mysterious points.

Every time Murphy said something about the mecha, Lei Sen was surprised. This mecha is really amazing but also too expensive.This was Lei Sen's summary of Murphy's mysterious mech, but it was exactly what he said.

Hearing Mo Fei talking about the severe damage to the mecha in order to eliminate those zombies, and the subsequent consumption of a lot of black crystals and gold, Lei Sen couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Where are your gold and black crystals?" of?"

Mo Fei was stunned when he heard that, those things were naturally stored in his storage talisman, how could he have neglected this matter.Turning his eyes, he quickly replied: "The mech itself has a storage place. I don't know why that place can hold it so well. Usually these consumables are stored there, and they are taken out when they are used."

Mo Fei turned his eyes elsewhere, but he was still a little cautious inside.

But the mecha is already so magical, it wouldn't be surprising if there was an extra place to store energy, so Lei Sen didn't doubt it.

"By the way, what is your control like? I think you are very flexible in controlling the mecha." Recalling the previous contact with Mo Fei's mecha, Lei Sen couldn't help asking again.

"Actually, there is no special joystick inside that mecha, the movements of the whole mecha are my movements."

Hearing that Murphy said that the mecha was controlled by her own movements, Lei Sen finally understood how the incredible movements of Murphy's mecha came from before. He went back and tried it with the Silver Wing repeatedly, but no matter how he operated it, it would not work. He couldn't complete the actions made by Murphy's mech, and now he finally understood the reason.

Lei Sen couldn't help nodding: "So that's the case, it seems that your adventure is not simple!"

Murphy did not tell Lei Sen that this mecha was left by his grandfather, but that he got it by accident.

The two chatted for a long time, from the mech matter to some trivial matters after the end of the world. It wasn't until Leisen was out of breath that Mo Fei realized that he was chatting with a seriously injured patient.

Let Lei Sen lie down, and Murphy put away the dishes.

The berries that had just been pickled in sugar and squeezed out of juice, Mophy sealed them with a layer of plastic wrap and put them in the cold stream water. After washing his face a little, Mophy returned to the tent.

Before Lei Sen didn't wake up, he didn't feel it, but now Mo Fei came in to go to bed again, but felt a little embarrassed.

"Block the table to this side." Leisen lay on the inflatable bed, saw Murphy's hesitation, and said.

"Yeah." Murphy didn't refute, but his face was slightly red when someone saw through his mind.

Murphy was very busy all day today, and last night because he wanted to break through, he didn't sleep all night, so Murphy fell into a deep sleep soon after lying down.

Listening to Murphy's steady breathing, Lei Sen's eyes softened a lot, and he, who was still very weak, fell asleep with Murphy's steady breathing.

Early the next morning, Murphy was soundly asleep, but was awakened by the sound of music.

The voice came from outside the tent. Murphy originally wanted to tiptoe out of the tent, but Lei Sen woke up one step earlier than Murphy: "Murphy, have you brought a satellite communicator?"

"Well, yes, I'll pick it up later." The voice was urgent, and before Mo Fei could say anything else, he unzipped the tent and ran out with his shoes on.

Grabbing the satellite communicator that was still thrown on the ground where he practiced Qi before, Mo Fei hurriedly said, "Yi Xun?"

It was not Lin Yixun's voice that came from the satellite communicator, but a seductive and anxious man's voice: "Feifei, where are you now?... Zizi... Are you... okay?"

The signal is also not stable, and there are noises coming from inside from time to time, but it is much stronger than when talking with Lin Yixun before.

"Xiao Minyu, I'm in a mountainous area, but I don't know the exact location for the time being. I got lost while avoiding heavy rain and hail, and I couldn't get through to you and Yixun." Murphy recognized Xiao Minyu's voice and quickly replied , who knows if the signal will be cut off again in the next moment.

"Your... Zizi... Do you have any... signal flares... that send... Zizi... alarms... something like... Zizi... or something that can... ignite a fire?" Xiao Minyu's intermittent voice went smoothly Although it was confusing, Mo Fei still understood.

"Yes." Murphy replied quickly.

"Well, you... Zizi... Find a piece of... Zizi... high ground tomorrow... Release... Zizi... some signals... I will send..." With another rustling sound, the signal resumed Interrupted, but Mo Fei already understood Xiao Minyu's meaning.

It should be to tell her to find a high ground to send a signal, and someone should come to the rescue tomorrow morning.

Today, when Mo Fei flew out, he saw that the water in this area had receded after these days. If it was a short period of time, even if he wanted to send someone to rescue them, it would be impossible, because there was no place to stay.

Holding the satellite communicator, Murphy froze, turned and ran towards the tent.

Lifting the curtain of the tent, Mo Fei shouted happily: "We can go back tomorrow, and someone will come to search and rescue tomorrow morning, and we can finally go back. You go back and recuperate."

Infected by Murphy's joy, Lei Sen also raised the corners of his mouth.

"Wipe your face first, we'll have breakfast later." Mo Fei turned around with a smile and walked in after a while carrying a basin full of clean water.

"Fortunately, there is a very shallow river next to us, otherwise we only have so little drinking water is not enough." Murphy threw a towel in and soaked the water, and naturally went to wipe it for Lei Sen, and then responded By the time Lei Sen had come to his senses, he didn't need to wipe it himself.

Lowering his head, Murphy put down the hand that was holding the towel to wipe: "You wipe it yourself, I'll go prepare breakfast." Throwing the towel to Lei Sen, Murphy turned around and walked out of the tent with some embarrassment.

After coming out, Murphy was stunned for a while, and then shook his head: What's wrong with being woken up in the morning?How confused.

After knocking on the head, Murphy decided to wash his face with cold and clear river water to refresh himself.

When he came to the river, Murphy stretched his hand into the crystal-clear water, and the cold feeling made Murphy shiver.Withdrawing his hand, Murphy patted on the cheek.

A trace of coolness fell on the cheeks, and the cheeks that had felt a little hot instantly cooled down, and the person became much clearer.

"Okay, let's start preparing breakfast. We can finally go back to the base tomorrow." Thinking about it, Mo Fei took out the basin that was soaked by the river yesterday.

Putting the basin aside, Mo Fei wiped the wet drops on his face, then picked up the covered basin and walked towards the fire.

Taking out a little rice to cook a pot of porridge, Mo Fei took out a bag of sliced ​​bread from the storage amulet.This bag of bread is not too big. It can be said that Mo Fei put it in his backpack, so he took it out.

After the rice porridge was ready, Mo Fei brought in the rice porridge, bread and the previous pot.

Lei Sen looked at the white rice porridge and bread in front of him, and turned his eyes to the pot with a lid.

"What's here?"

Mo Fei chuckled, "Let me show you what it means to turn waste into treasure." He reached out and lifted the lid of the basin, revealing a purple-red fruit with a faint sweet smell.

Putting the lid aside, Mo Fei took out his chopsticks and took out another piece of bread: "After pressing the juice yesterday, because the juice can only be squeezed out by rubbing bowls against each other, the pulp still contains a lot of water. It was not easy, because of the hailstorm in that place, most of the fruits were smashed, so I marinated these fruits with sugar, and it was just served with bread this morning, let’s eat it as jam, this is the freshest and freshest jam .”

Spread the jam evenly on a piece of bread, and Murphy took out another piece and put it on it and handed it to Leisen.

"I didn't expect that besides the big secret of having a mecha, you are also a food creative expert?" Lei Sen said with a smile as he took the jam bread that Murphy handed over.

Murphy picked up another piece of bread and began to spread it.

The two of them ate a few slices of bread and drank some white rice porridge. After a fairly rich breakfast, Murphy put the remaining jam into glass bottles.

I put two bottles in my backpack for show, and put all the others in storage charms.Because Mo Fei found that this kind of jam is not only fresh, but also tastes much better than the jam with those chemicals added.

After scrubbing the pots and tableware, Murphy didn't put them away. There are still two meals today, and there may be another meal tomorrow morning.

After collecting his things and returning to the tent, Murphy tidied up his side, and then walked to Leisen's bed with some embarrassment.

"Inside...Captain Lei."

"What's the matter?" Lei Sen heard Murphy speak, turned his head and asked.

"Can you take off your clothes?"

When Murphy's words came out, Lei Sen's expression was stunned, and then he burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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