Chapter 257

After saying this, Murphy wanted to bite his tongue off.

Seeing Lei Sen's expression again, Murphy waved his hand quickly: "Don't get me wrong, I mean, can you take off your shirt."

Lei Sen smiled: "I understand what you mean, but my side is too painful to move, so please help me!"

Murphy nodded and stopped explaining. She always felt that she should belong to the typical one who explained more and more black.

He helped Leisen take off his shirt. In fact, because Leisen's arm was not easy to move before, Mo Fei only put one sleeve on Leisen, and the other sleeve was tied to the end where the bandage was thrown out.

Because the wound on Lei Sen's back was relatively deep, although it had begun to heal after a few days, it hadn't scabbed yet, so Mo Fei didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands, and sprinkled the medicine powder along the wound on his back.

After applying the medicine and retying the bandage, Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing Lei Sen Chiguo's upper body just now, she didn't dare to breathe.

Although these days, Lei Sen's injuries were all taken care of by her, but at that time Lei Sen was only breathing more than a dead man, but now he is a real big man, so Murphy felt a little nervous for no reason.

"Okay, put on your clothes, we have to go back early tomorrow morning, it's not convenient for you." Murphy glanced at Lei Sen who had put on a new sleeve.

"Alright." Lei Sen nodded, slowly supported his body, and moved his legs to the ground.

Murphy reached out to support Lei Sen, and helped him lean to the side of the bed.

"Thank you these days. If it wasn't for you, I guess I was either eaten by zombies or died of excessive blood loss."

What Lei Sen said was true, but right now he was talking to Murphy with his eyes, which made Murphy's face a little red again.

"I said you don't have to be so polite, get dressed!" Murphy changed the subject and said, pulling up the other sleeve that wasn't on.

After getting dressed, Murphy asked Leisen to lie down again, while he walked out of the tent.

After leaving the tent, Murphy walked away and came to the position of the light transmission port.

Murphy liked this position very much. Every time he practiced Qi from here, he had the illusion of absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

Sit under the side of the cave, because there is a stone here, which is just right for Mo Fei to meditate on.

It couldn't be seen from the window of the tent, so Mo Fei didn't have to worry about Lei Sen noticing her weird behavior.Even if he did find out, Murphy would just say that he was ready to bask in the sun.

Sitting cross-legged, the breath is integrated with the surrounding environment, and the qi in the body is still vigorous after a while.

After an unknown period of time, Mo Fei felt that his body had gradually reached saturation, and then he gradually restrained his breath.

Slowly letting out a foul breath, Murphy opened his eyes.

My aura has been improved to a higher level, and the next step is my talisman issue.

After upgrading, all the talismans he had learned before were automatically upgraded, so Murphy was also planning to redraw some important ones from these talismans.

Calm down first, Murphy chose the speed talisman. This talisman was used most frequently to save his life and fight, so Murphy chose to draw a new speed talisman first.

Recalling the graphic of the speed talisman in his mind, Murphy steadily used his own Qi to guide the surrounding breath, and drew it with one hand out of thin air in nothingness.

The strokes were connected continuously, and a talisman from virtual to real fell gently into Mo Fei's hands.

"It's done." Murphy raised his eyebrows in surprise, and his big eyes lit up accordingly.

This is the first talisman after I ascended to the first level of the mind training period, after the peace of mind period.

Carefully put away the talisman. The speed talisman on him was enough for the time being and it hadn't expired yet. Murphy didn't want to waste it, so he put the new talisman into the storage talisman.This is a good thing to save your life. In case something happens in the future, these stored talismans are the key.

I used to prepare more practical symbols such as defense symbols and speed symbols for mechs, and I will continue to prepare more.

However, there is a limit to drawing a good talisman. Mo Fei, who has poured out his breath today, put away the speed talisman and stood up in satisfaction. Now he has no extra energy to draw the next talisman. Even if he can draw it, That effect is also greatly reduced.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. It seemed that he had spent a lot of time practicing Qi.

Murphy walked to the tent again.

Raising his hand to open the door of the tent, Lei Sen lay quietly on his side inside, it seemed that he was sleeping.

This is also good, eat more food and rest more will get better sooner.

Murphy didn't disturb the sleeping Lei Sen, and left the cave lightly. She wanted to go out to find some more food. Even if she didn't find it outside, she still had an excuse to take out the food in the storage talisman.

After walking a long way, Murphy summoned the mecha, and ran to the entrance of the cave with great strides.

Putting away the mecha, Murphy jumped up and flew towards the sky.

"What's there to eat?" Murphy flew all the way down and looked around, checking if there was anything edible.

At this moment, Mo Fei suddenly found a gray-black fur animal lying there quietly in a sparse forest directly below. If it wasn't for Mo Fei's good eyesight, he would have thought it was a rock.

Murphy's face brightened. This animal is very familiar, and judging from its size, it should not have mutated.Before the end of the world, it was unthinkable for Mo Fei to catch such a wild animal with his bare hands, but now, it is absolutely easy to catch with his hands.

Murphy slowly controlled his body to move down towards the target, but the animals below were also alive, so they naturally wanted to escape when they sensed danger.

The snow-white animals fled into the denser woods with a jump.

How could Murphy let it run away? With a flash of light in his hand, a shiny rake appeared in his hand.

Using the rake as an interception, he poked in front of the fleeing animal, while Murphy fell behind.

The frightened little animal realized that the road ahead was blocked, and instinctively ran back, bumping into Murphy's hand.

Picking up a pair of long and big ears, Mo Fei looked at the spoils in his hand with a smile: "Hey, I can't escape this time!"

This is a rabbit with gray and black fur, long ears, and a short tail like a pompom. I don’t know if it’s because the mountains and forests are rich in materials, water and grass are fertile or what, but this rabbit is big and fat.

This kind of hare was rarely found in the mountains and forests before the end of the world, and it is generally not allowed to be hunted. It is a pity that in this era, everyone has problems with food and clothing. Who would let such a fat and big one go? rabbit.

"Little rabbit, you are unlucky, but don't worry, we will eat your food with gratitude, and it will never be wasted." After Murphy finished speaking, he stuffed the rabbit into the backpack he brought out.

After fastening the straps of the backpack, Murphy put it on his shoulders and was ready to fly up to look for other things.

Just as he was about to fly, Mo Fei found out of the corner of his eyes that there was a large mushroom behind a tree shade.

The gray and flat surface of the mushroom told Mo Fei that it was an edible mushroom.

Mo Fei ran over in a few steps and dug out the whole mushroom on the ground.

Generally, there will be some around the places where mushrooms grow.Murphy searched along the edge, and as expected, she found a few more big mushrooms.

After picking mushrooms and rabbits, Mo Fei felt that tonight's dinner was settled.

With his spoils on his back, Mo Fei jumped and flew towards the cave.

After landing, Murphy summoned the mecha and strode back into the cave. At this time, Lei Sen had already woken up and was looking out of the window of the tent.

Although I saw it once before and heard about it from Mo Fei, Lei Sen still couldn't help sighing when he saw a huge mech instantly transform into Mo Fei again.

"Murphy, what did you bring back when you went out this time?" Leisen couldn't help asking when he saw Murphy throw something on the ground.

Hearing Lei Sen's voice, Murphy turned his head. Lei Sen was sticking his head out of the tent to look at Murphy.

Murphy smiled at Leisen, and at the same time put his hand into the side pocket of the backpack: "Look, it's an edible mushroom. You can make mushroom soup to drink at night."

Seeing Murphy's cheerful look, Lei Sen also smiled infectedly: "I like mushroom soup, too."

Mo Fei waved his hand: "Mushroom soup is nothing, I'll show you the highlight."

"Oh? What else?" Leisen stared at Murphy curiously and asked.

"Wait a minute!" Mo Fei untied the strap of the backpack, then reached in with his hand, touched it for a while before suddenly lifting it up: "Dangdangdangdang! Come and see, there is no pollution, no pollution, natural forests grow, pure One big gray rabbit in the wild."

With Murphy's exaggerated expression, the fat gray rabbit was pulled out of the backpack.

"Hey, it's really not small." Lei Sen also responded to Murphy's exaggerated movements, and said with a smile.

"Of course, we have meat to eat at night." Murphy shook his head at Lei Sen: "Wounded, you just wait! Let's cook something delicious tonight."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Leisen nodded, hooked the door of the tent, and then sat inside and watched Murphy busy, always feeling happy to watch from the sidelines.

And in the star base at this time, Xiao Minyu and his people are making final preparations: "Are the ambulance supplies, medical kits, and first aid packages ready?"


"Well, let's all go back and rest. Come and gather early tomorrow morning, and we'll set off." Xiao Minyu looked at the things prepared below, nodded with satisfaction, and ordered those who prepared to go back, while he returned to the rest room of the secret laboratory.

"Mr. Xiao, doctor, please go over immediately. It seems that the circuit No. [-] is not normal."

As soon as Xiao Minyu sat down, a staff member of the laboratory came to Xiao Minyu.

"Why is it the No. [-] circuit again? I have already told the doctor. If it is the No. [-] circuit, don't worry about it for now. I will deal with it when I come back tomorrow." Xiao Minyu frowned and replied.

The staff was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Xiao, this time it was an order directly from above, saying that it should be done as soon as possible. It seems that there is an abnormality in the report, so we need to speed up the progress. Please take a look!"

"What? Could it be...?" Xiao Minyu didn't finish speaking, stood up and followed the staff member towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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