Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 258 Not All Dinners Are Wonderful

Chapter 258 Not All Dinners Are Wonderful

After Xiao Minyu heard what the staff member said, the expression on his face instantly became serious. He finally knew why he was called over now. It seemed that the situation was not optimistic.Xiao Minyu motioned for the staff member to leave, and the two hurried towards the secret laboratory.

As soon as he stepped in, the people inside quickly surrounded him.

"Mr. Xiao, there are frequent abnormalities in the No. [-] circuit. I'm afraid we need to use a different method." One of the personnel wearing a white coat and holding an instrument in his hand spoke first, and said to Xiao Minyu.

"Change? If you want to change, all the positions have to be recalculated. It's too time-consuming. I'll figure out a way. By the way, I heard that the situation reported back is not optimistic. What's the problem?" Xiao Minyu said while changing his work clothes. asked.

"This is also the reason why we have to speed up. I heard that it was an early warning from the Earth Alliance General Office's Meteorological Bureau. The last heavy rain and hail was not the strongest. The strongest wave is expected in a few days. So we This plan has to be completed ahead of schedule.”

The man's tone was quick, and he couldn't hide his anxiety.

Xiao Minyu sighed: "Understood, you go and remove the red wire of the No. [-] circuit first, and I will come right away."

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Minyu is helpless, if he speeds up like this, he probably won't have time to leave, maybe he won't even have time to sleep.

He freed his hand and walked to the internal contactor, because it is forbidden to carry the contactor privately here, and this contactor is monitored, but it is not a secret, Xiao Minyu dialed Man Chengbin's satellite contactor.

"Old Five, why did you use this communicator to call?" Man Chengbin naturally knew what this number represented.

Xiao Minyu hurriedly told Man Chengbin about his temporary assignment: "Second brother, I will leave the task of picking up Feifei tomorrow, and I'm afraid I won't be able to leave here again."

"Understood, but why are you in such a hurry, didn't you just leave for a while?" Man Chengbin asked suspiciously, since Xiao Minyu was planning to go in person before, it must have been arranged, but why would he not go now.

"The situation of the reply report this time is not optimistic. Well, you must arrange it tomorrow. I will go to work. I will talk about the details later." After Xiao Minyu told Man Chengbin a few more words, he hung up the communicator and walked towards the experiment. Room area.

Murphy peeled off the gray rabbit's skin and dealt with the whole rabbit.

Although I haven't done it before, I don't know what to throw away and what to keep. In the end, I kept all the things I knew, and wrapped the rest up and threw it away when I got out of the cave.

After all, the smell of blood might attract some strange things, and putting it in the hole would also affect the air.

After processing it, Murphy washed it with water again and then salted the rabbit.

Afterwards, Mo Fei was cleaning the mushrooms again, removing the hard stalks of the mushrooms, tearing off the remaining parts little by little, washing them with water several times, and finally boiling a pot of water, and took out a packet of seasoning powder from the storage talisman Sprinkle it in, then pour the mushrooms in and boil slowly.

Because things are limited, it can only do so.

After the mushroom soup was boiled, Murphy set up a fire next to the big rock next to the tent, and then skewered the marinated rabbits and roasted them on the fire.While roasting and turning, after a while, the aroma overflowed, and the fat sizzled out along the meat.

Murphy got into the tent and helped Lei Sen out: "Today we are eating barbecue outside, and you just came out to get some air."

A quilt was placed on the big rock, Lei Sen was helped to sit on it, and then Mo Fei began to cut the outer layer of meat and handed it to Lei Sen.

Although only some salt was sprinkled, but the wild rabbit was so fresh, the taste was not bad at all.

The outermost layer has been roasted to a golden brown color, and the meaty aroma overflows the mouth after one bite.

"It's delicious!" Murphy seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece. After taking a bite, he turned to look at Lei Sen and asked Lei Sen for his opinion.

Lei Sen nodded: "I didn't expect the taste to be so good. You don't need to take compulsory courses when you get married with this kind of craftsmanship."

"It's nothing, it's just that if you make too much, you will master the amount of seasoning." A blush appeared on Murphy's face.

It was only then that Lei Sen realized what he had said: Isn't this implying that Murphy can marry?Before the end of the world, except for the praise of the elders, only boyfriends would use such words to imply that girlfriends can marry.

Both of them fell silent, quietly eating the barbecue in the bowl in their hands.

Before the end of the world, due to the shortening of the human curriculum, the legal age of marriage has also been advanced, but most young people do not want to get married so early, so the actual age of marriage is still not very early.

And because except for childhood, most of the subsequent courses are completed in school. Although there is no after-school homework, the rich life makes people have no time to take care of life education.

So the model that came into being is pre-marital training, not only for the bride-to-be, but also for the groom-to-be, but the training is separate and the training directions are different.

And one of the bride-to-be training is food matching, which is why after Lei Sen mentioned this matter, the two of them became embarrassed instead.

It's not that Murphy wants to practice hard in the future.Because Murphy's parents passed away early, when other people's family was happy, the boring Murphy could only learn how to cook from the hired nanny. This is also the reason why Murphy's food tastes good.

In the end, it was Lei Sen who broke the silence, pointed to the rabbit that was still roasting on the fire and said, "Murphy, it seems to be better over there, do you want to turn around again?"

Mo Fei hurriedly put down the bowl in his hand and turned the metal skewer on the fire. This is actually a metal stick used for mountaineering and piercing the small gaps in the rock wall. rabbit.

It's just that I didn't move it for a long time, and the metal stick was burned hot.

Murphy grabbed it quickly and burned his hand.

The scorched hand quickly retracted, and Mo Fei opened his palm, and a red mark appeared in the white palm.

"What's wrong? Got burned? Hurry up and rinse with cold water." Lei Sen saw Murphy's movement, and quickly looked this way, and found an obvious mark on Murphy's hand, and stood up quickly regardless of the injury on his body.

It's just that this violent action caused Lei Sen's back to tear like pain, and his weak body, which had not yet recovered, swayed and fell back to the quilt on the boulder.

"I'm fine. I'll just go and wash it. Don't move around. What if the wound that has finally begun to heal explodes?" Murphy said, before turning around and running towards the river.

Stretching his hand into the cold river water, the cool feeling repeatedly washed the scalded part of his hand, making the original burning feeling disappear instantly.

Murphy's physique was originally stronger than ordinary people because of his promotion, and he reacted quickly just now. He didn't clenched his hands tightly, but quickly retracted them when they were hot, so there is no serious problem now.

After soaking his hands in the icy river for a while, Mo Fei left the river and shook his wet hands.

When Mo Fei returned to the fire, he was surprised to find that the roasted rabbit on the shelf had disappeared, leaving only some broken bones and pieces of roasted meat in the bowl.

"Have you roasted all the rabbits?" Mo Fei asked looking at the fragrant meat in the bowl.

"Of course, otherwise you think they all flew in by themselves?" Lei Sen smiled: "Okay, eat quickly! Are your hands okay?"

"No, fortunately, I didn't hold it tightly. I left after touching it. I'll be fine after being frozen in cold water for a while. Besides, don't you know that I recover faster than ordinary people!" Murphy spread out his palms to Lei Sen, smiling replied.

"It's fine, let's eat!"

"Yeah." Murphy sat down and picked up his own bowl, and put the pieces of meat in the bowl into his mouth, chewing vigorously.

When Mo Fei lowered his head to eat the meat in his bowl, Lei Sen lowered his head slowly, with imperceptible pain showing on his face, frowning, Lei Sen's upper and lower teeth were clenched tightly, not letting Make a sound yourself.

After Lei Sen took a deep breath, he pretended to be nonchalant and put the meat into his mouth.

After eating the barbecue, Murphy brought out a small pot of mushroom soup.When the lid was lifted, the strong mushroom smell wafted out: "Very fragrant mushrooms, but the soup might be a bit clear, so drink it to warm up your body."

Murphy filled a big bowl for Leisen, and then filled another bowl for himself and drank while blowing.

"Huh, I didn't expect the taste to be good, not as weak as I thought." Murphy took a sip and showed a happy expression.

It's just that Lei Sen didn't reply, a little too quiet.

Murphy raised his head and looked at Lei Sen: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, I guess my physique is too weak, and I'm a little tired after sitting for a long time." Lei Sen forced a smile on the corner of his mouth. The smile was very stiff, and it seemed that it was just to comfort Mo Fei.

"No, your condition is not quite right. What's the matter with you?" Murphy realized that Lei Sen was a little strange at this time, his face was as pale as a translucent white paper, such a tall man now looked weak as if It looked like a five-year-old child could push it down.

"Really not..." Lei Sen wanted to refute, but when his eyes went dark, his whole body fell forward.

Mo Fei turned on the Speed ​​Talisman without even thinking about it, and rushed over to catch Lei Sen. Lei Sen's tall body was heavily pressed on Murphy's delicate shoulders.

"Captain Lei, what's the matter with you?" Murphy exclaimed, but Lei Sen didn't wake up, his head fell heavily on Murphy's shoulder, and his hands dropped powerlessly.

At this time, Lei Sen almost fell on Murphy's shoulders, and Murphy worked very hard to prop up his body and lift his head up.Looking down Lei Sen's shoulder, Murphy realized that, down Lei Sen's shoulder, the entire back was gradually spreading blood, and the blood had already infected a large area through layers of bandages and clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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