Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 259 Choose to Stay

Chapter 259 Choose to Stay
Putting Lei Sen back into the tent, Murphy complained to himself in a bit of annoyance.

Really, knowing that his wound can't heal as fast as his own, he actually let such a seriously injured patient go out to eat, so he should have baked it and sent it in. Now it's fine, the wound seems to have burst open.

Looking at Lei Sen's face, there was no blood at all. The old wound had just begun to heal, but now it was broken again. The situation is definitely not optimistic.

Complaining didn't help at the moment, and Murphy hurriedly prepared hot water and medicine to clean Lei Sen's wound again.

Fortunately, after these days, he is very proficient in dealing with wounds.

After treating the wound on Lei Sen's back and applying medicine, Mo Fei rewrapped a new hemostatic bandage, and he was relieved.

Pad Lei Sen with things on the side so that he wouldn't directly hit the bed with his back, and then covered the quilt before going out to pack up the leftovers from the evening meal.

After putting away his things, Mo Fei stood around the fire and watched the flames jumping quietly. The warm light burned his face slightly.

Lei Sen was lying quietly on the bed. When Mo Fei was scalded just now, Lei Sen stood up abruptly. Unexpectedly, the wound on his back was slightly opened.

But Lei Sen didn't want Mo Fei to worry, and was worried that Mo Fei would burn again, so he pretended nothing to do and cut up the roasted rabbit meat, and the wound became more and more serious.

When Murphy came back, Lei Sen was eating the food in the bowl as if nothing had happened, but in fact his back was in unbearable pain.

He forced himself to smile at Murphy. Lei Sen originally wanted to last until sleep, so as long as he had a good rest, he would be fine.In the end, I couldn't hold it back, and passed out from the pain.

Murphy sat in front of the fire for a while, ready to put out the fire and go to sleep, but unexpectedly heard thunder "rumbling" from outside.

Murphy who heard the thunder hurriedly ran to the only light-transmitting hole and looked up. A burst of lightning pierced the sky, and the blue-purple light was particularly dazzling.

"It's not going to rain again, is it?" Murphy stared out of the hole.

It's just that it didn't take long for the voice to fall, and the raindrops began to fall, and fell on Murphy's face along the light-transmitting position.

Mo Fei hurriedly dodged, and after a while, the large piece of hailstone fell down again.

Fortunately, there is a river next to the light-transmitting opening. The terrain of the river is relatively low, and the rainwater flows out along the river, but the mud also muddies the river.

"It's raining again, it's not good." Murphy grunted, but stopping the rain was not something she could do.

At the place where the rain fell, Murphy took out a small shovel for planting flowers and opened a ditch, so that the rain would not spread, so Murphy returned to the tent to rest in peace.

I don't know how long it has been raining, but when Murphy opened his eyes early in the morning, the sun was shining through the light-transmitting hole, and it seemed that the rain had passed.

Murphy has not forgotten what happened today, and they will be able to return to the base today.

Seeing that Lei Sen was still sleeping, Murphy got up gently and got out of the tent, took out two flares from Lei Sen's backpack and ran out of the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, Murphy jumped onto a platform, and flew to a flat ground halfway up the mountain a few times.

The location here is just big enough to park a helicopter.

Murphy lit a fire on the ground, then took out some things that were easy to smoke and burned it, and looked at the time, guessing that the personnel dispatched at this moment should be approaching, so Murphy lit it. Flares, fiery red smoke went up the platform and exploded in the blue sky.

"Over there, heading southwest." Geng Yunwei, the black brother on the helicopter, had night vision and his vision was slightly better than ordinary people during the day, so he was the first to spot the signal flare fired by Murphy.

The signal bomb exploded five times in a row, so after more than ten seconds, the signal bomb released by Murphy exploded in the air for the second time.

The rest of the people also found the location of the signal flare this time, and the nose turned and flew in the direction where Murphy fired the signal flare.

Murphy saw the helicopter flying over from a distance, and shouted loudly with his hands crossed: "This way, this way!"

The helicopter flew closer, Man Chengbin poked his head out and was very happy to see that Murphy was intact: "Murphy, as long as you are fine, come up quickly!"

"You all stop first. Captain Lei Sen is still in the cave. He is injured. I can't get him out by myself. I need your help." Murphy desperately shouted at Man Chengbin, because the huge propeller was spinning If the voice is a little quieter, the other party may not be able to hear it.

"Captain Lei is injured? Okay, get out of the way, let's land." Man Chengbin also yelled at Murphy.

Murphy stepped back slightly to make room for the helicopter.

The helicopter landed slowly, and the landing gear had landed on the open space.

But, something unexpected happened.

I don’t know if it’s because of the heavy rain and hail last night, part of the mountain below this platform has been lost. It’s no problem to carry a person, but when the helicopter landed, the ground broke, and the suspended platform actually had a tendency to crack. .

The pilot of the helicopter was just about to go down, but found that in the video of the bottom of the probe, the ground was gradually cracking, and it was about to sink.The driver had to leave the ground again, and at the same time as he left the ground, a large platform rolled down the mountain, leaving only half of the original platform.

"Murphy, there is no way to land here, you go up first!" Seeing this, Man Chengbin could only urge Murphy.

"No, what about Captain Lei?" Murphy shook his head.

"Captain Lei can't move at all? Why don't the boss and I go down and help him out?" Man Chengbin thought for a while, but he really couldn't ignore Lei Sen and replied, but the space inside the helicopter is not big, only the pilot, Man Cheng Bin and Geng Yunwei, and now the driver can't leave, so he can only go with Geng Yunwei.

"But he's still in a coma, and he's probably going to be lifted out. If the helicopter doesn't land, how can he be lifted up?" Murphy quickly explained to Man Chengbin that the helicopter can't land now, so he can only jump on it by the ladder thrown out. How can a person with no physical strength get on the plane?

What's more, Lei Sen's current back injury can't move casually at all.

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Man Chengbin lost his mind: "Then you come up first, and we will send someone to pick him up later."

Murphy still shook his head: "I don't care what he says, he won't make it through."

"Then let's do this!" Seeing that Lei Sen couldn't come up, and Murphy refused to go by himself, Man Chengbin could only say: "We also know the location, you are in the cave below, right? Let's think of a way to come." Help you, the medical team has a plane that can directly levitate and has a conveyor belt, we will go back and try to drive that one over."

"Well, that's fine, then let's hold on." Murphy finally nodded after listening to Man Chengbin's suggestion.

"Then you keep these two boxes of rescue supplies first, we will come to rescue you as soon as possible." Man Chengbin said while throwing down the two boxes with Geng Yunwei.

"Okay, then we'll wait for you in the cave below." Mo Fei looked at the two boxes. At least there were some medical items and food here, enough for them to last a while.

Watching the helicopter slowly leave, Murphy jumped straight down the mountain with a box in one hand.

The toes landed lightly, and the body was as light as a feather.

Mo Fei took a breath and summoned the mech, then ran into the cave.

Back in the cave, Murphy took back the mecha, and the two boxes containing the relief supplies appeared in his hand again.

After opening the box, Murphy looked inside the box. In addition to medicine and food, there were also purified water, waterproof felt cloth, signal flares and energy guns.It seems that Man Chengbin and the others are well prepared.

In fact, these were prepared by Xiao Minyu for the rescue. He was worried that Murphy would be injured so he brought medical supplies, and he was afraid that they would not eat or drink these days, so he prepared food and so on. Unexpectedly, these actually became rescue supplies.

Murphy quickly found out the anti-inflammatory medicine and hemostatic powder, these two things Lei Sen will need later.

Mo Fei put all the things he didn't need temporarily into the storage talisman, and then dragged two boxes to the tent.

After finding some energy supplements and capsules to supplement the body's vitamins, Mo Fei took these things and got into the tent.

Lei Sen in the tent still didn't wake up, and a sick look appeared on his handsome face.

Murphy walked to the bed, opened the energy bottle, and crushed the anti-inflammatory medicine.

After prying Leisen's mouth open, Murphy sprinkled the crushed anti-inflammatory medicine into Leisen's mouth, and then poured the energy potion into Leisen's mouth.

But this time, Lei Sen didn't respond, he didn't spit or swallow, just kept it in his mouth.The liquid energy agent overflowed and flowed down the corner of the mouth.

Murphy was in a hurry, and quickly wiped it off with his hands, but the other corner of his mouth began to flow out again.

"Lei Sen, swallow it!" Murphy yelled loudly while blocking the flow of the energy potion with his hand.

However, Leisen still didn't respond at all. If it wasn't for him still breathing, Murphy would have thought Leisen was dead.

"Lei Sen, swallow this and drink it!" Murphy began to pinch Lei Sen's cheeks, hoping to cause swallowing, but the result was that the energy potion in Lei Sen's mouth flowed out more.

Mo Fei frowned. How could the person who was finally saved be let him die like this?Going on like this is not an option, Lei Sen is now in a coma and has even forgotten the instinct to swallow, so going on like this is sure to die.

Heartbroken, Murphy gathered his breath, and then slowly approached Lei Sen.

It was the first time for Murphy to take the initiative to approach a man at such a close distance, but thinking of his life being at stake, Murphy closed his eyes and pressed his small lips to Lei Sen's mouth.

Breathing out with his mouth, Murphy exhaled and used the breath in his body to push the medicine in Leisen's mouth.

"Gulu" rolled up and down along Lei Sen's throat, and Lei Sen swallowed all the remaining anti-inflammatory powder mixed with energy doses in his mouth.

At the same time, a ray of Murphy's breath entered Leisen's body as Leisen swallowed.

(End of this chapter)

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