Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 260 Zombie Moving

Chapter 260 Zombie Moving
Mo Fei only noticed that Lei Sen finally drank the potion, but he didn't realize that even a trace of his breath had been transferred into Lei Sen's body.

"I finally drank it." A smile appeared on Murphy's face, and he poured the remaining energy dose into Lei Sen's mouth. With the previous push, Lei Sen successfully mixed the energy dose without pushing it this time. Take vitamin capsules together.

After Lei Sen ate everything Murphy had prepared, Murphy stopped.

Turning Lei Sen's body over carefully, Mo Fei cut off the hemostatic bandage, applied new medicine powder to Lei Sen, and then tied it with a new hemostatic bandage.

Everything was ready, slight beads of sweat had already oozed from Murphy's head.

Taking care of patients is actually a heavy physical work.

After taking care of Lei Sen, Murphy took care of himself.I got up early in the morning and went out. I didn't eat anything and I felt a little hungry.

After getting out of the tent, Murphy rummaged through the boxes for something with a slightly better taste to fill his stomach.

After finding a pack of instant noodles, Murphy boiled some water to cook the noodles.

After a while, the water boiled, and Murphy threw in the seasoning and the bread. When the pot was boiled again, Murphy put some mushrooms in.

After a while, the fragrant noodles were cooked, and Mo Fei blew on the hot air from them and started to eat them.

After eating enough, his body became much warmer. After washing the pot, Mo Fei walked towards the usual place for practicing Qi.

Besides, Man Chengbin returned to the star base by helicopter, because Xiao Minyu was adjusting the plan in the secret laboratory at this time, so he couldn't be contacted at all.

There was no way, Man Chengbin had to mobilize members of the special operations team to collect some medical supplies, and then he asked for approval of a special medical plane to pick up people.

Unfortunately, the director of the hospital is not here, and the use of this special plane must be personally approved by the director of the hospital.

If Xiao Minyu was around, he could use the special authority to call first and then submit the application, but Xiao Minyu couldn't be contacted now, Man Chengbin could only pray that Murphy and Lei Sen were all right.

Mo Fei sat cross-legged on a stone to practice Qi, but the feeling of practicing Qi today was not as smooth as it was a few days ago.

Feeling strange, Murphy didn't think too much about it, and proceeded according to the previous method of Qi training.

It's just that although the breath still flows into the body from the surroundings of the body, it can't be fully condensed, and it will slowly be lost after absorbing a small part.

Murphy had never encountered such a situation since practicing Qi, so he had no choice but to complete a circle and return the breath to all parts of his body.

Shaking his head, Murphy was puzzled: "Forget it, why don't you go out and see if there is any game." It's useless to worry here, maybe it's not suitable to practice Qi today, and Murphy searched randomly For this reason, he stood up and walked out of the cave.

Using the mecha to get out of the long passage, Mo Fei put away the mecha and jumped out.

Looking around, Mo Fei didn't find anything special. It's still early today and he just finished eating. Mo Fei thought about going to the ginkgo forest. Maybe an ambulance plane will be sent to pick her and Lei Sen tomorrow. Now go to collect some and bring them back for later use, and I will also have an explanation to Lin Yixun when I go back.

Thinking of this, Murphy turned around and flew towards the ginkgo forest.

When he arrived at the ginkgo forest, Mo Fei was a little dumbfounded!
I don't know if it was because of the thunder and lightning yesterday, this ginkgo forest caught fire and burned down no less than a hundred trees.

Fortunately, the rain later was relatively heavy, so the entire forest was not burned down. However, the burning of so many ginkgo trees still made Mo Fei feel a little distressed.

How many substances these trees can provide for research, if all of them are used for research, there may be a big breakthrough.

But it's useless to feel distressed, and the tree can't be saved even if it burns down.

Mo Fei landed next to a burnt black tree trunk, and reached out to touch the charred ginkgo tree.

What Mo Fei didn't expect was that the scorched bark on the outside of the ginkgo tree fell off, revealing the heart of the tree.

The snow-white heart of the tree actually exudes a lustrous luster like jade.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand to touch it. Not only did the center of the tree look warm and translucent like jade, but it even felt as cold as jade.

Mo Fei hurriedly peeled off the scorched black bark in other places around him, and gradually discarded the charcoal-like bark around him to reveal the heart of the tree inside.This jade-like tree heart is only as thick as an arm, slightly pointed up and down in an olive shape, about one meter long.

Mo Fei held the jade-like heart of the tree in one hand, and peeled off the scorched black bark underneath with the other. Mo Fei held the whole intact heart of the tree in his hand.

It is like the heart of yushu emitting soft light under the light, like holding a jade gui, or holding an ivory.It's just that the two are slightly different in that the heart of this tree has points at both ends.

"What on earth is this? The product of the mutation after the electric shock?" Murphy muttered puzzledly, but he also conveniently put Ru Yushu's heart into the storage talisman.

Then he used a small shovel to search among the charred trees around. Among the hundreds of trees, Mo Fei only found three such Yushuxin.

Two of the storage symbols were stored and only one was stuffed into the backpack. This one was brought back to Lin Yixun for research.

After clearing so many trees, the time passed quickly.Mo Fei quickly found a tree that was not burnt and cut off some ginkgo branches and leaves. This time, Mo Fei didn't hesitate to cut a lot. Anyway, he gave some of them to Lin Yixun, and the rest would be stored in the storage talisman. spoiled.

But if we encounter such a situation again, it may be difficult to find ginkgo trees in the future.

After collecting a lot of ginkgo branches and leaves, Mo Fei jumped to the entrance of the cave where they lived.

On the way, Mo Fei passed the berry forest again, but it was a pity that there were rotten fruits all over the ground, and most of the leaves on the trees were knocked off, which looked a bit miserable.

"It seems that it rained quite heavily last night, and there are no berries left. It's no wonder the platform above collapsed." Murphy's berries were not found, and he was secretly glad that Man Chengbin thoughtfully left supplies for himself, otherwise It's really difficult.

Turning around and leaving the berry forest, Murphy hurried back all the way, but before reaching the entrance of the cave, Murphy found a large group of giant zombies heading in the same direction as him.

They don't want to go to the cave where they live, do they?Mo Fei secretly said that it was not good. I am afraid that the other caves where these giant zombies were in before collapsed, so they are going to move.The reason for this judgment was that Murphy saw the C4 zombie.

That C4 zombie, Mo Fei, was no stranger. Mo Fei once snatched the C5 zombie from it, and he had a deep memory of it, and that C4 zombie probably hated him to the bone.

No, it would be dangerous, but that cave is indeed a very good hiding spot.

Mo Fei rolled his eyes and got an idea. Taking advantage of the slow movement of these big guys, Murphy quickly activated the speed talisman and cooperated with the flying talisman to accelerate and fly out.

Falling in front of the cave where he and Lei Sen stayed, Murphy summoned the mecha and moved a stone with mud around it to block the entrance of the cave.

It was not good to think about it, so I took a lot of small stones and stuffed them into a deeper place, and then blocked the hole with the mud stone just now, and then filled it with mud at the edge to make the hole and the surrounding mountains form a seamless pattern. One, even if you look carefully, you can't find it.

Murphy also disguised it as a collapsed place. Although the IQ of the C4 zombies was almost like that of ordinary humans, Murphy also took advantage of this.

Putting away the mecha, Murphy flew to the top at once, and continued to fly up the mountain until it reached the light-transmitting opening at the top.Although the light-transmitting hole is not big, Murphy's body wants to get out of it, although it is a bit strenuous, it is not a big problem.

Flying down through the light opening, Murphy quickly put away his things, and then came to the tent.

Leisen was still in a coma. Murphy looked around, and Leisen didn't move for the time being. Anyway, all the things were packed, and at most, he would use the mecha to drag Leisen away.

After tidying up his things and knowing how to arrange for Leisen in case something goes wrong, Murphy drilled out through the light-transmitting opening.Fly back to a rock above the hole and wait for the zombies to move.

After waiting for a short time, the group of huge zombies finally swayed nearby.

The C4 zombies seemed dissatisfied with the situation in front of them, and roared at the giant zombies behind them, wagging their tails.

One of the C3 zombies passed behind the C4 zombies and rushed forward.

He bumped his head into the mountain, startling Mo Fei.But then Murphy laughed.

The road was not straight to the entrance of the cave, but the zombies rushing up probably didn't know it, so they slammed straight into it. Naturally, what they hit was a hard rocky mountain.This made the C3 zombie even fail to rupture the front.

The C3 zombie obviously came out to show its performance. Now that it didn't succeed, it naturally refused to give up. If its head failed, it changed to a flexible and thick tail, and beat desperately towards the mountain.

It's a pity that the location where it whipped was a real mountain, and it was not so easy to dig a hole in the mountain.

After looking at it for a while, the C4 zombie yelled at the C3 zombie, and the C3 zombie stopped, turned around and returned to the C4 zombie.

Murphy was a little happy about this, after all, they might soon return without success.

It's just that the C4 zombie didn't know what it was thinking, and after staring at the mountain for a long time, it roared again.

Then the three C3 zombies came out together. It seemed that they were thinking about the strength of the zombies, so this time they simply let the three C3 zombies go together.

The three C3 zombies were ordered to go up the slope together, but the steep slope was not easy to climb, and the width was not enough for the three C3 zombies to walk together, so they could only rush up one by one.

One slammed into the mountain with its huge body, while the other slammed into the previous one, and the last C3 zombie slammed into the second one.

It's also thanks to the fact that these zombies don't feel much pain, otherwise they would die from pain alone.

Just when Murphy hid behind the stone and secretly laughed that those zombies had been hitting the mountain all the time, the outermost rocks at the entrance of the cave that had been covered by Murphy were loosened due to the repeated impacts of giant zombies.

"Boom" fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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