Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 261 Wounds

Chapter 261 Wounds
With a loud bang, the hole hidden by Murphy appeared in front of the zombies.

Murphy, who was hiding behind the huge boulder, changed his face slightly. Worse, the entrance of the cave was discovered. Although there were a lot of boulders behind him, it would be a matter of time before they were cleared.

Murphy flew to the top of the mountain in a hurry, found the light hole and got back. She wanted to transfer Lei Sen first.

Back in the cave, Murphy summoned the mecha, and the mecha directly lifted up the tent and ran towards the place where Leisen was besieged by several giant zombies.

Temporarily settled Leisen in a grotto that was the farthest the mecha could reach, and Mo Fei ran out again. She should think of a way at the entrance of the cave.

Murphy drove the mech to the exit. The stones were piled up fairly deep by him, but he could already faintly feel the shock of the impact from outside on the stones.

Walking to the side of the pile, Murphy used the mecha to support the stones at the entrance of the cave.

However, the impact outside became more and more intense.

There was a sound of "cracking" and Mo Fei thought badly. The mecha exerted force, and the huge mechanical feet of the mecha had already stepped into the soil, forming a pit.

However, after this burst of sound, the vibration outside became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped.

Murphy waited quietly for about 10 minutes, but it was still quiet outside. Only then did Murphy leave the support position, then ran back to the cave, put away the mecha and drilled out along the light-transmitting opening.

Murphy, who flew back to the front, was surprised to find that those giant zombies had left and walked in other directions.

Murphy waited for the giant zombies to disappear before flying to the entrance of the cave.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Mo Fei couldn't help but smile knowingly: Sure enough, before he mixed stones and mud and piled them up, and the pile was relatively deep, it was effective, so that he finally managed to hide from those giant zombies.

It was said that he was hiding from those giant zombies, but in fact Murphy mainly wanted to hide from the C4 zombies.

C2 zombies themselves do not have such intelligence, they do not know how to find a place to live in hiding, while C3 zombies do not have the ability to think fully although they understand a little bit.

If it is really a group of C3 zombies, then blocking the hole will not help, because the C3 zombies will hit hard after they are identified, and they will not leave until they are physically damaged and feel that they cannot be completed.

But the C4 zombies are different. The C4 zombies have the ability to think. After discovering the hole, the C4 zombies direct the rest of the giant zombies to hit the hole in turn.

However, the entrance of the cave has not been knocked open for a long time, and the stones piled up behind are mixed with mud, which makes the C4 zombies mistakenly think that this place is the same as the place where they collapsed before, and it collapsed from the inside to the outside, so there is Instead, it no longer expends much effort in thinking, and when it was still rocks and mud after several attempts, the C4 zombie decisively gave up here.

Murphy also wanted to take advantage of this at the beginning, but after all, the variables of zombies were relatively large, so when Murphy saw the entrance of the cave was found, he moved Lei Sen first.

Looking into the distance, Murphy flew up and followed the giant zombies for a while. After finding that they had settled in a cave farther away, Murphy was relieved.

When speeding up and flying back, Murphy found some new mushrooms that had grown after the rain, and picked some back for vegetables.

Back at the entrance of the cave, Murphy was a little embarrassed again.If the stones are removed now, those giant zombies will be in trouble if they come again.But if you don't dismantle it, it will be very troublesome if someone comes to rescue and can't find the entrance.

After squatting at the door and thinking for a long time, Murphy finally decided to adopt a compromise method: dig out only a hole where people can walk through the stones at the entrance of the cave, and keep the rest of the place as it is.

It's just that it's easy to pile up, but it's harder to dig a passage among these scattered stones than to tear it down.

For safety's sake, endure hardships.Murphy stopped and stopped, and finally dug half of it.

Looking at the time, it was very late before I knew it.

After observing the place I dug, I can clearly see the traces of manual excavation, so let's just leave it at that, at least someone came to rescue and knew they were inside.

Murphy drew another arrow at the entrance with a subtitle S written on it, looked it over, and then flew back to the cave along the light opening.

Re-summoning the mecha dragged Lei Sen back to the original place. Lei Sen was still awake at this time, but this was also good, and it was more convenient for Mo Fei to move.

After cooking something for himself, he took out some nutrient solution and poured it down for Lei Sen. After that, Mo Fei washed up and lay down to rest.

The next day, Murphy came here in the same way. When he got up in the morning and took care of Lei Sen, Murphy went to work as a tunnel digger, and came back to eat and rest when the time came. However, before the tunnel was dug, it started to rain heavily again.

Judging by the rain, it is impossible for anyone to come to the rescue, because the rescuers may be washed down by the heavy rain before they fly out.

Mo Fei sat on the big rock, and the rock at the light transmission port was already wet because of the rain on it, so she could only sit on the big rock next to the tent and look at the sky.

It's not that Murphy doesn't want to do other things, but the practice of Qi training before going to bed these two days has not been going well. Let nature take its course first.

At night after it rained heavily all day, Lei Sen finally woke up, but his body was so weak that he could barely speak.

"Murphy..." Seeing that he was still lying in the tent and Murphy was there, Lei Sen knew that there must be some question about the rescue and wanted to ask, but Murphy stopped him from speaking.

"Okay, lie down, and I won't care about you if you make yourself like this again. Take the medicine first." Murphy took out the pills and nutritional supplements and handed them to Leisen's mouth.

Lei Sen looked at the nutrient and recalled it in his mind. This nutrient was provided in the rescue supplies, and he didn't bring these when he came out.That is to say, the rescuers came, but they failed to leave, could it be because of their serious injuries.

If so, then he was dragging Murphy down.

Lei Sen's face was slightly ashamed: "I..."

"Shut up, talk less and eat more, you can go back soon after you recover!" Murphy interrupted Lei Sen again, and simply stuffed the pill into Lei Sen's mouth.

Pass the nutrient solution over: "Drink this."

The pill in Lei Sen's mouth began to taste bitter, Lei Sen had no choice but to open his mouth obediently, allowing Murphy to pour the nutrient solution into his mouth.

Seeing that Lei Sen finished eating the medicine and nutritional supplements in cooperation, Mo Fei nodded in satisfaction: "You can drink some hot soup at night, these nutrient solutions should be enough to maintain the body's needs, but drinking some hot soup will warm you up A lot, lie down well!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Fei turned around and left the tent, and came in with a pot of steaming soup after a while.

Serving a bowl for Lei Sen and helping him finish it, Mo Fei started to eat the soup in the pot with the rice bowl in his hands.

"Murphy... How many days have I been in a coma?" Lei Sen spoke in a very soft voice, and he really didn't have the strength to speak loudly after bleeding so much.

"It's only two days, but what's the matter with you, let me cut the meat, it's okay now, the wound has collapsed again, I still need to take care of you, from now on, lie down for me, and heal the wound Let's talk." Murphy put down the bowl and stared at Lei Sen, and said with resentment on his face.

"Understood Dr. Mo, I promise to follow the doctor's advice." Seeing Murphy's serious expression, Lei Sen replied with a faint smile on his face, but his voice was still very soft.

"Oh, it seems to be better, and I'm going to be joking, but what I said is true, and a few more troubles with the gods will not be able to save you."

"Well, I understand, I'm sorry, I have worked hard for you these days."

"It's good to know, I've written down this account, and I'll pay it back slowly in the future!" Murphy pretended to be calculating, and snapped his fingers back.

Lei Sen smiled and said nothing, and asked after a long while: "By the way, what's wrong with the rescue? Why are there only rescue supplies?"

Only then did Murphy tell Leisen how the helicopter docked that day, and then the platform collapsed, and then he had no choice but to drop the supplies and go back: "It was supposed to go back to call the special plane for medical care, but it started to rain again. It is estimated that it will be delayed due to the weather."

After listening to Lei Sen, he immediately understood that it was because of him that Murphy did not make it. According to what Murphy said, the platform did not fall off completely. Murphy could climb up the ladder, but he must not be able to leave if he was unconscious. .Murphy actually chose to stay and take care of him, Lei Sen said in his heart that it would be a lie if he was not moved.

"It's not so easy to deploy a special machine for medical care. I guess they will need to apply for it when they go back. The best way is actually for me to be able to move around freely. I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"I said I wrote it down, so you don't have to be so polite. This day has passed again, and I should change your medicine." Murphy said, went to the medicine box and took out the gauze, medicine powder, etc. to be used .

Lei Sen turned sideways and let Murphy change the medicine on his body.

Murphy carefully opened the previous hemostatic bandage. Since the hemostatic bandage itself has a hemostatic effect that can last for 48 hours, unless it is a person who is bleeding heavily, and although Lei Sen's wound burst open again before, it did not cause blood to flow into a river. There was a lot of blood slowly oozing out, and Lei Sen's body was still in a weak stage, so he fell into a coma again.

Slowly unwrapping the hemostatic bandage, Murphy was stunned when he was about to pour the medicine powder on the wound with the medicine bottle.

The entire wound on Lei Sen's back has healed a lot. It took only two days to heal better than the one week last time. Even the small scratches have begun to scab.

Feeling the chill behind him, but Murphy didn't move, Lei Sen couldn't help asking: "Murphy, what's the matter? Is the situation not good?"

It was only then that Mo Fei came to his senses: "No, no, it has recovered a lot. I'm a little surprised at how fast it is. It seems that the medicine powder and nutritional supplements in the supplies this time are working well." Shaking, the powder is evenly sprinkled on the wound.

After re-bandaging Leisen, Murphy packed up his things, said good night to Leisen, and lay down on the side, but the scene just now caused a cloud of doubts in Murphy's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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