Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 262 Inside the Cave

Chapter 262 Inside the Cave
I originally thought that the rain would stop slowly, but unexpectedly, it became heavier and heavier.

After three full days, the rain gradually subsided.

Mo Fei has been stuffy in the cave for several days, because it is raining and it is not convenient to go out, and the stones blocking the entrance of the cave have collapsed because of the mud being washed by the rain, and the original passage has been re-pressed. The only thing left that leads to the outside is the light-transmitting port.

"Finally it's not raining anymore, and I'm going to grow mushrooms if I keep doing this." Mo Fei threw stones into the river boredly, but the stagnant water still flows down from the light-transmitting opening, and even if the stones are thrown in, they will only enter the water Sometimes it sparked a little splash, and then it was submerged by the fast-moving current.

"Let's eat fried mushrooms tonight!" Lei Sen's brisk tone came from behind Murphy.

"I can't go out for a few days. We can only eat those dry and hard first aid foods. I'm a little tired of eating them." Murphy pouted.

"Well, I'll cook today's meal. We used to train harder than this, and we didn't like to eat these emergency foods. Later, we thought of a way to make these foods taste better. Today I will cook them. Let's go to the head office!" Lei Sen smiled and patted Murphy's head, as if coaxing a child.

"Okay! Then I'll eat a ready-made one today." Murphy was not polite.

Lei Sen cheerfully walked to the box to pick out the things he was going to make.

In the past three days, in just three days, Lei Sen's injury has recovered as quickly as if he was on a rocket. He couldn't even get out of bed until last night, but he was able to move around early this morning, and now he can cook at dinner time up.

Although the wound has not fully healed, thick scabs have formed all over it. As long as the scabs are not scratched vigorously, they will definitely not split open again.

Lei Sen was also surprised at his recovery speed, and joked that he must have stayed with Murphy for a long time and infected Murphy's recovery physique.

Only Mo Fei knew that this was not a joke, it was indeed because of himself that Lei Sen recovered so quickly.

When Leisen couldn't swallow before, Murphy once breathed for Leisen to let Leisen eat, but because Murphy didn't control it well, this breath was not just an ordinary breath, but mixed with Murphy's practiced breath. A ray of qi in the heart period, which is why Mo Fei always felt unsmooth when practicing qi afterwards.

Mo Fei noticed that something was wrong when he changed Lei Sen's medicine for the first time that day, and then he turned to the green paper on Qi training that he got from Yuxia Palace, and finally discovered this through some small reminders, that is to say, he Part of the breath was given to Lei Sen, and he had to get it back to recover.

But what annoyed Mo Fei was that it was not so easy to get back that wisp of breath. He had to practice a special way to get breath first, otherwise not only the breath would be damaged, but even the person who was breathed would be hurt.

So Murphy had to start practicing this method of breathing recently. Fortunately, this method of breathing was not difficult to learn, but there was still one thing that gave Murphy a headache, and that was to get breath after he was proficient in this method.

You know, the method of getting air is the same as the method of sending it, but the steps are different, but...Murphy's face was a little red, when Lei Sen was in a coma when sending air, his life was a last resort, how to get it back now Woolen cloth?Could it be possible to knock him out again someday?
In short, the method of obtaining Qi has not been practiced yet, so Murphy will try not to think so much, let's talk about it when he is familiar with it!
"Okay, let's get ready to eat!" Lei Sen's voice interrupted Murphy's thoughts.

"So soon, let me see." Murphy stood up from the river and walked towards the fire.

Going to the fire and squatting down, Mo Fei twitched his nose and smelled it: "Huh? It seems to be quite fragrant."

"Of course, this is also a survival skill." Lei Sen unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, picked up a bowl and poured a big bowl for Mo Fei: "Taste it."

Murphy picked up a small spoon and dug a spoonful into his mouth.

"How is it? Isn't it good?" Lei Sen asked quickly.

"Um... I can only say that it tastes a little better than the original one, but it's still quite unpalatable." Murphy replied honestly.

"Of course, you think I can really turn these things into delicious delicacies, but from unpalatable to passable." Lei Sen was not at all angry with Murphy's truth, and smiled to himself a bowl.

But having something to eat is better than nothing. In fact, Mo Fei really wanted to take out the delicious food in the storage amulet, but he was still worried about a lot of problems. Finally, after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so he reluctantly continued to eat.

The two of them didn't eat less, and the whole pot was eaten.

"The rain has stopped, maybe someone will come to rescue us the day after tomorrow." Lying in the tent, because Lei Sen's injury was no longer serious, he insisted on letting Murphy sleep on the bed, while he slept on the mat laid on the ground.He just lay down now, and Mo Fei probably spoke before he fell asleep.

"Well, I guess it's about the same. After so many days, we can finally apply, but now even if we can't apply, we can leave, but the passage is still a problem." Murphy replied, thinking that the road was blocked by himself The passage was originally intended to guard against zombies, but ended up guarding himself inside.

"It's okay, we two will take turns digging a little bit starting tomorrow, and we should dig slowly." Lei Sen comforted him. In fact, Lei Sen was very anxious because they were running out of food.

"Go to sleep, let's talk about tomorrow." Mo Fei didn't know what was going on in Lei Sen's mind at the moment, because Mo Fei had never considered such things as food shortages, and she always had enough food and Water, but Lei Sen didn't know about it.

Early the next morning, when Murphy opened his eyes, Lei Sen was no longer in the tent.

Mo Fei got up and got out of the tent, looking around, he saw a pot on the fire, filled with steaming white rice porridge.But Lei Sen's figure was still not seen.

Turning down the fire under the pot, Murphy yelled loudly: "Lei Sen! Lei Sen!" Because they are familiar with each other these days, Lei Sen asked Murphy to call his name directly, don't always call the captain or something, Murphy He was not a hypocritical person at all, and when Lei Sen asked him to say that, Murphy called out his name.

"Wake up! I guess it's almost time to come back, but I didn't expect it to be just right. I'll come over later!" Lei Sen's figure appeared at the entrance to the outside, but his body was a little dirty, and he still held a shovel.

"Isn't it? You went to dig the tunnel so early?" Murphy stared at Lei Sen and understood what Lei Sen was doing.

"Hey, I went to bed early yesterday and woke up early, I thought I had nothing to do, so I just started earlier." Lei Sen replied with a smile.

Leisen came back and washed his hands and face, then changed his clothes and sat on the big rock beside the fire to have breakfast.

"Is the wound okay? It's okay for a small amount of activity, but this is physical work. You can rest after eating. I'll come later!" Murphy asked Lei Sen while eating.

"Really think I'm made of paper? I'm a big man anyway. It's embarrassing enough to let you take care of me before. Now that I'm in good health, it's really nothing if I don't work." Lei Sen raised his arms and curled up. The arm exposed by the sleeve of his hand showed some tendons with the lifting, and it looked very strong, so as to prove that he was completely fine.

Mo Fei couldn't help lowering his head and pursing his lips and smiling: "Okay, then you come in the morning, and I will come in the afternoon. Besides, I didn't dig it myself, I can use the mecha!"

"Oh, yes!" Lei Sen seemed to have forgotten about it: "In my own impression, mechas are used for patrolling and fighting. I never thought that mechas can be used like this."

It's no wonder that Lei Sen didn't expect it. After all, ordinary mechas need to be manipulated, and the possibility of doing such delicate and simple things is very small.

"However, we only need to dig a small passage. In your words, what if those giant zombies come again? How about this, I will be in charge of digging, how about you use the mech to help me transport the dug stones aside? "Lei Sen said after thinking about it and felt that it was inappropriate to use mechas.

In fact, Mo Fei didn't intend to use mechas at first. With her physique during the training period, digging a passage is just a trivial matter, but it has been raining for the past few days and Mo Fei doesn't want to go out in the rain, let alone the hole washed by the rain relatively slippery.

"Let's dig together, it's faster with two people." Murphy thought for a while and finally said.

"Well, that's fine, hurry up and dig through, at least you don't have to worry about rescue." Lei Sen nodded, then stopped talking, lowered his head and drank the rice porridge in the bowl.

The two took a break after eating, and then ran towards the entrance of the cave together.

The two of them were digging the tunnel all afternoon. What Lei Sen didn't expect was that a little girl like Murphy dug the tunnel without any effort, even slightly better than him.

But when Lei Sen mentioned it to Mo Fei with a smile, Mo Fei didn't take it seriously, saying that it was because Lei Sen had just recovered from a serious illness, and his body was naturally not comparable to his own, not to mention that she blocked these things, so naturally he knew where it was easy to attack.

Lei Sen was right when he thought about it. Although he felt that he had recovered very well, he had lost so much blood and was in a coma for a long time before, so he also agreed with Murphy's words.

The two dug for more than half of it in the afternoon, and Mo Fei looked at the time and it was already late, so he asked Lei Sen to return together.

"Go back, cook something to eat and have a rest." Murphy suggested to Lei Sen.

"Then you go cook it, I'll dig a little longer, I think we've been digging for a long time, maybe we'll reach the exit soon." Lei Sen waved his hand.

"Okay then, but take it easy. After digging for a while, you can go back. I'll go back and cook first."

"Okay." Lei Sen nodded in response.

Murphy turned around and walked back. After reaching a position where Lei Sen could not see, Murphy activated the speed symbol to speed up his pace, and ran back to the tent in a hurry.

After lighting the fire to cook, Mo Fei secretly took out two cans of condiments from the storage amulet and put them in the pot to heat up.

A scent wafted out, and Murphy nodded in satisfaction. If Lei Sen asked, he would say that he found it from the pile of clothes in his backpack, maybe he didn't find it before.

Just as he was thinking of calling Lei Sen to come back for dinner, Mo Fei, who had super good hearing, suddenly heard a "bang" sound of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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