Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 263 Unexpected Calls

Chapter 263 Unexpected Calls
The loud noise made Murphy's heart twitch instantly.

Quickly put the pot on the ground, turned on the speed talisman and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

"Raisen!" Murphy shouted loudly, but no one responded to her.

Mo Fei hurriedly drilled into the passage, and soon came to the place where they dug, but the hole did not collapse.

"Lei Sen, Lei Sen!" Murphy shouted out along the passage.

"Murphy, come here quickly." From the other end of the hole, a joyful voice called into it.

Hearing Lei Sen's voice, Mo Fei finally felt relieved, and then walked along the passage.

"You scared me to death. I thought the tunnel had collapsed." After Mo Fei came out, he saw Lei Sen who was covered in mud and complained.

"You can't blame me. The outer layer of mud that was probably washed by the rain is too soft. As soon as I shoveled down, the whole side fell down. But because of this, it was opened up at once, and I happened to come out to get some air first." Lei Sen He pointed to the fallen mud wall and said.

Murphy also saw the situation next to him at this time, because the outermost layers of Murphy were piled with larger stones, so when they were dug outside, the fixed mud fell down all at once because of the rain. Yes, it made a sound.

In fact, if someone else was in the cave, I might not be able to hear it, but Mo Fei has better hearing and pays more attention to the situation here. When he heard the sound, he thought it was a problem with the passage.

It was only then that Lei Sen realized that Murphy came back so quickly, and hurriedly said, "Are you startled when you heard the noise while walking? I'll go down and find something to eat. Wait for me."

Murphy was worrying that it would be difficult to go back now and tell him that everything was done after dinner, so he nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, but don't go too far, it will be bad if you encounter zombies, you can look down below to see if there is anything you can do." If you don’t eat plants, come back sooner.”

Lei Sen nodded, and then Murphy turned around and went back into the hole.

Back in the cave, Mo Fei stewed the rice, and put the vegetable pot next to the fire to keep warm.

It took about an hour for Lei Sen to come back. What Murphy didn't expect was that Lei Sen didn't return empty-handed.

Originally, Mo Fei had already looked around, and there was nothing to eat, so Mo Fei didn't plan to bring Lei Sen back. He just didn't expect to be rewarded after spending an hour here.

Lei Sen shook his hand slightly in satisfaction: "How about it, do you think I'm particularly powerful now?"

After so many days of contact, Leisen was no longer as rigid as an old man in Murphy's impression, occasionally Leisen would joke, and he was no longer so serious at ordinary times.Lei Sen handed the fish to Murphy, and Murphy took it.

"It's ok, Captain Lei. Not only is the mech well operated, but the fish is also good at catching!" Murphy opened the clothes wrapped in Lei Sen's hand, and there were actually three big fish inside.

"I guess it's been raining recently, and it finally stopped and came up to take a breath. If I didn't have tools just now, I guess I could catch more, but these three are enough for us to eat two meals. I'll weave a basket in a while. They are kept hanging by the river, and we will eat two tonight."

"Let's eat one. I just dug out some food from the pile of clothes in my backpack. Adding another fish will make it very rich. I will raise the remaining two first."

"Okay, I'll weave the baskets." Lei Sen was already dirty, so he simply sat on the ground and weaved the baskets with the soft branches picked together from outside.

Murphy peeked at Leisen, but he didn't expect Leisen to weave baskets flexibly and proficiently.

"Lei Sen, where did you learn how to weave baskets?" Murphy asked quickly as he watched a basket take shape.

"This can be regarded as a survival skill. Sometimes in the wild, there is no convenient basket to hold things, so we have to do it ourselves. In addition to these, we can also find some stones and sticks to make tools. It is very primitive! Oh, primitive people are human beings who have not yet fully formed a social dynasty." After Lei Sen finished speaking, he explained in the end that he was afraid that Mo Fei would not understand.

"Of course I know. My major can be learned from ancient times. Even if I don't understand everything in detail, I still know some."

Mo Fei tidied up a piece of fish neatly, and because there was food, Mo Fei simply boiled the fish into soup.

Leisen has already put the remaining two fish into baskets and tied them to the river, where they are kept in running water.Seeing that his body was too dirty, Lei Sen took a towel dipped in water and washed it a little.

After the two of them ate, Mo Fei boiled a large pot of boiling water. His body was dirty after digging a tunnel today. Mo Fei originally wanted to take a bath every day, but he had no conditions when he came here. He took advantage of Lei Sen's coma before I washed it twice in that narrow cave at that time, so I must wash it well after it gets so dirty today.

"Go wash first, and go to bed early after washing." Lei Sen said seeing that Murphy's water was almost boiling.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei slept on the bed, and the bed was on the inside, so he didn't refuse.

After Mophy came out of the shower, he helped Leisen check the wound, and saw that the scabs on Leisen's back were already hard, as long as he didn't soak in the water for a long time, it would be fine to just wash it: "Then wash it Pay attention to the wound, I'll go to sleep first."

Murphy had just returned to the tent when a pleasant bell rang.Mo Fei quickly got out of the tent, and picked up the communicator from the nearby rock.Looks like the signal is finally good again.

"Hey, Mo Fei, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing?" I thought it was Lin Yixun or Xiao Minyu, but I didn't expect that it was Shao Qing from the sea base who contacted me.

"Shao Qing? It's been a long time, but I'm not well and I'm trapped in the mountains." Murphy replied.

"Why are you trapped in the mountains? Where is it, do you need my help?"

The last time Shao Qing contacted Mo Fei, he was hung up by Mo Fei. Then he heard that Mo Fei was doing a mission outside and almost attracted zombies.Of course, Murphy didn't tell Shao Qing that the zombies had been attracted at that time, but they escaped without any danger.So this time, Shao Qing deliberately chose a later time to call, because Murphy once said that he would not stay outside at night without special circumstances.

"Don't mention it. When I came out to do the mission, I encountered a heavy rain. Later, the people who went with me were injured, and I couldn't contact the Star Base." Murphy replied quickly.

"So that's how it is. Wait a moment, and I'll call you later." Shao Qing quickly hung up on Murphy's phone after hearing this, and then went out of the residence to the office area, and found the personnel of the sea base communication team: " Help me contact the star base."

"Good team leader Shao." The correspondent quickly pressed the contact button and then tuned in gradually.

After only half a ring, the communication team looked at Shao Qing with regret: "Group leader Shao, it seems that there is something wrong with the communicator at the star base, and the frequency cannot be searched at all."

"Understood, I'm sorry to trouble you." Shao Qing nodded and left the communication group again.

Mo Fei was sitting on the bed, holding the communicator in his hand, and Lei Sen walked in after taking a shower.

"Murphy, why are you still up?"

"I'm waiting for a call." Murphy replied casually.

"Has the Star Base sent someone?" Lei Sen asked hastily.

Mo Fei shook his head. Before he could explain, the communicator beeped again, and Mo Fei hurriedly pressed the answer button: "How is it?"

"It seems that there is a problem with the communicator of the star base, and the people in our communication team have not been able to communicate with the frequency band." Shao Qing replied truthfully.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder I haven't contacted anyone at the star base these days. It's fine. I can last a while." Murphy replied.

"Murphy, or I'll send someone from the sea base to pick you up. Anyway, it won't take long if you use the plane." Shao Qing suggested again.

However, Murphy refused. The weather here is very strange recently. If the plane sent by the star base may be able to go back and forth in an hour or two, but the personnel of the sea base will take longer. The accident was all Shao Qing's responsibility. I had received a lot of care from Shao Qing at the sea base before, so I couldn't cause trouble for Shao Qing here.

"No, it's really okay. I eat wild mushrooms here every day, and I caught fish today. I think the food is better than in the base. I have contacted friends in the base before, and they know where we are. It may not be convenient to send someone out due to the bad weather for two days, and it is estimated that someone will come directly even if they cannot be contacted."

"Then...Okay! But if you need anything, please contact me immediately?"

"Okay, I see. How are you doing recently? Is your base okay?" Murphy changed the subject with a smile.

"I'm still the same. The zombies haven't come to besiege recently. The pressure on the sea base has been reduced a lot. We have started to develop and clean up the outer areas. Recently, we are building a new gate, and the gate has been expanded to the bottom of the slope." Shao Qing heard Murphy. He changed the subject and didn't ask any more questions. Recently, he took more time to run the communication group. After all, the frequency band contact is more reliable than other contacts.

"That's good. It seems that your base is good. I don't want to consider immigration." Murphy replied half-jokingly.

"Okay, I welcome you very much."

The two chatted for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, Shao Qing said goodbye to Murphy.

Turning off the communicator, Lei Sen raised his lying head again: "Murphy, where are you going?"

Stunned by Lei Sen's question, and recalling the conversation with Shao Qing just now, Mo Fei replied with a smile: "Just kidding, I thought you fell asleep."

Only then did Lei Sen let out an "oh", then wrapped the quilt up and lay down again.

Murphy put the communicator by his feet and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, the two of them were woken up by loud noises outside before they woke up.

Although Murphy moved quickly, he was still not as agile as the soldiers in the team. Lei Sen got up quickly and rushed out faster than Murphy.

I only felt a vibration like a mountain shaking for a while, and then heard the sound of "dong dong" digging into the wall. With a burst of noise, it was obvious that the wall that Murphy had built with mechas had been pushed to the ground.

Murphy was startled: Could it be that group of giant zombies came back?

(End of this chapter)

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