Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 264 Awareness

Chapter 264 Awareness
Murphy hurriedly came out and exchanged a glance with Lei Sen, and the two ran towards the entrance of the cave together.

Just when the two talents ran halfway, the last wall of the blocked gap also fell down.

"Be careful." Seeing the stones falling down, Murphy hurriedly dragged Lei Sen back.

After a burst of mud, the hole gradually became clear.

At this time, a huge figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, which made the two of them a little nervous.

"Let me recruit the mecha!"

When Murphy was about to summon his mecha to fight, Lei Sen pulled Murphy: "Wait, it doesn't seem to be a giant zombie."

Murphy stopped to watch carefully. As expected, the huge monster that appeared in front of the two of them after a while was not a giant zombie, but a mecha.

"Team Lei, I'm here." A pleasantly surprised voice came from the mech, and greeted Lei Sen cheerfully.

Lei Sen waved his hand upwards, and then explained to Murphy: "It's from our Mech Team."

Seeing that he was a member of Mecha Team, Murphy relaxed: "Great, I can finally leave."

Afterwards, the people on the mecha came down, and what got off was a boy who seemed to be about the same age as Murphy, and ran towards Lei Sen in a bouncing manner: "Lei team, I heard that you were injured, we are so anxious to death, But it looks like you're recovering pretty well, that's great." After speaking, he threw himself on Lei Sen.

"Hey, your captain's back is hurt, be careful." Murphy looked at this overly enthusiastic man and couldn't help but remind him.

"Hmph, it's you. It's not to supervise you, the prisoner, so our Thunder team won't be injured." The boy glanced at Murphy and said disdainfully.

"Okay, Xiao Guo, hurry up and help pack up." Lei Sen interrupted the boy surnamed Guo, urging him to come and help.

"Team Thunder is here." Xiao Guo made a face at Murphy and ran towards Lei Sen.

Murphy didn't bother to argue with him, so he turned and followed.

"Team Lei, how are you doing here? Are your injuries okay? Team Lei, the base is in a mess recently..." Xiao Guo kept reporting to Lei Sen while helping two people pack their things.

Murphy felt a little noisy, so he simply got into the tent and folded the things inside, and when he came out again, he found that Xiao Guo was still talking, and Lei Sen obviously had a helpless look on his face.Murphy smiled gloatingly, but Lei Sen happened to see him unexpectedly.

"Murphy, have you packed up there? Come and help me get this bag." Lei Sen simply called Murphy over, thinking how he could afford to suffer together these days when he was alone.

And Xiao Guo was obviously unhappy when he saw Lei Sen calling Murphy over: "Captain Lei, why do you keep calling that prisoner?"

Lei Sen sternly said, "What about the prisoner? Murphy was wronged in the first place, let alone this time without her, I would have died a long time ago. Otherwise, how do you think my injury is good?"

Seeing that Lei Sen was a little angry, Xiao Guo just shut up and concentrated on collecting things.

After tidying up, Xiao Guo asked Lei Sen where the mecha was parked at that time, but Lei Sen didn't know it because he was here all the time, so it was Murphy who told Xiao Guo the coordinates.

After everything was ready, the two sat in the carrying compartment of the mecha driven by Xiao Guo.

When he got out of the cave, Lei Sen discovered that Xiao Guo's mecha should have been modified, and it actually has the function of flying, but it is not powered flight like Silver Wing, which means it can take off anywhere.

Xiao Guo started running from inside the cave. At first, Lei Sen thought he wanted to leave as soon as possible, but now he realized that he was using the passage in the cave as a runway.

It only flew up when it rushed out, but it didn't fly high, and it could only climb over some relatively low hills.

But even this is much more flexible than not being able to fly at all.

Xiao Guo quickly arrived at the location of Leisen's mecha according to the coordinates and address provided by Murphy. Murphy and Leisen switched to Leisen's mecha together.

"Murphy, do you still need some for your collection mission? It's still early, let's go back after collecting, let Xiao Guo go back first, anyway, the silver wings fly fast." Lei Sen said after starting the silver wings.

"Alright, let's go!" Murphy replied through the microphone inside.

After Lei Sen notified Xiao Guo with the mecha communicator, he took Murphy and flew to the ginkgo forest.

Soon after arriving at the ginkgo forest, Mo Fei looked around, and there was nothing unusual this time. You must know that there would be some problems every time she brought people here. I didn't expect that Lei Sen would be fine with her.

But it’s best if nothing happens. Murphy quickly collected a lot of branches and leaves into the collection bag. Although she collected them once before, because the giant zombies came to carry Leisen last time, Murphy put them into the storage talisman and forgot to take them out. Later, when Lei Sen woke up, it was not convenient to take it, so he simply treated it as if he hadn't collected it.

After filling the collection bag, Murphy waved to Leisen: "These are almost done, let's go!"

After getting on the mecha, Lei Sen drove Silver Wing and took Murphy to the star base.

Back at the star base, Lei Sen followed Murphy to Lin Yixun's laboratory. As soon as Lin Yixun saw Murphy, he rushed over: "Feifei, you are back."

"I'm fine, I'll give you the collection this time." Mo Fei said as he put the collection bag of ginkgo tree branches and leaves on the ground.

"Feifei, I am so touched. You have been trapped for so long and you still remember to collect it for me. The laboratory has long been useless. It's great." Lin Yixun hugged Murphy and cheered, and almost kissed him .

Lei Sen glanced at Murphy and then said to Lin Yixun: "Dr. Lin, I leave it to you. I'll go back first."

Only now did Lin Yixun remember that Lei Sen was still there: "Captain Lei, thank you this time, go get busy, I heard that all the mechs are being remodeled recently, your Silver Wing should be the first one, But you're not here, so go now!"

Lei Sen nodded slightly, and became the quiet Lei Sen again.After Leisen left, Murphy turned to look at Leisen's back.

"Feifei, have you suffered recently? Take a good rest for a while." Lin Yixun was talking to Murphy when he heard a knock on the door.

Lin Yixun looked towards the door: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and there was a staff member wearing black-rimmed square glasses: "Dr. Lin, Dr. Wan is here."

"Understood, I'll go over right away." Lin Yixun responded.

The staff member with black-rimmed glasses continued: "This is Dr. Lin. Dr. Wan said that he has a document for you to read. He has to come here first. Please wait here for a while."

"Okay, I see, I'll wait for Dr. Wan to come here, go get busy." Lin Yixun responded, and then looked at Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, I guess there must be some important information to read later, How about this, you go to my dedicated lounge to take a good shower and sleep, go to my house at night, let's have a good meal, I just want to go home tonight."

Murphy hesitated and nodded.After Lin Yixun told Murphy the location, Murphy was about to leave when the door was knocked again, and it was Dr. Wan who opened the door.

Wan Qiang glanced at Murphy and then at Lin Yixun: "Yixun, I have something more important to tell you."

"Well, she was about to leave." Lin Yixun responded and smiled at Murphy. Murphy waved to Lin Yixun, then turned around and went out the door, closing the door behind him.

Wan Qiang opened the door to make sure that Murphy had gone far away, and then closed the door again, and took out an information book from his arms.

There is a beautiful electronic key hanging on this information book, and Wan Qiang uses the key to unscrew the electronic lock on the book.

As the electronic key was unscrewed, Lin Yixun slapped his thigh: "It's broken, I forgot to give her the key." Lin Yixun then remembered that he didn't give Mo Fei the key to his own lounge, so Mo Fei couldn't enter at all go.

"Dr. Wan, please wait for two minutes." Lin Yixun took out the key in his pocket, then opened the door and shouted to a staff member, "Sister Xue, come and do me a favor."

A slightly affluent woman in her 30s came over and asked Lin Yixun with a smile on her face, "What's the matter with Dr. Lin?"

"Sister Xue, have you seen the girl who just walked out of my place?"

Sister Xue nodded: "I see, a little beauty, why didn't you pay attention. What's the matter?"

"She is my good friend. I asked her to rest in my lounge, but I forgot to give her the key. Can you send it there for me?" Lin Yixun said as she handed the key to Sister Xue.

"No problem, what's her name?" Sister Xue asked casually.

"Her name is Murphy, thank you, Sister Xue." Lin Yixun replied with a smile to Sister Xue.

"Hey, thank you. I just don't have any work in hand, so I'll go right away." It was obvious that Sister Xue was warm-hearted, and she walked directly towards the lounge with the key.

Lin Yixun closed the door again and faced Wan Qiang: "Dr. Wan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for being too sloppy. Let's start the analysis now!" After speaking, Lin Yixun sat down and held the data book in front of his eyes.

At this time, the expression on Wan Qiang's face was a bit strange, and after thinking for a while, he focused on discussing with Lin Yixun in the information book.

At this moment, Lei Sen, who drove the silver wing to the secret laboratory to modify the silver wing, met Xiao Minyu.

"I heard you're back, how is Feifei?" Xiao Minyu hasn't come out of the laboratory since he told Man Chengbin last time. Later, although he learned that Murphy was still trapped in the mountain area, but because of the weather, There is no way to rescue, and Xiao Minyu has no way to come forward for many things here, so he can only let Man Chengbin do it.

It wasn't until yesterday that a mecha of the mecha team was transformed into a half-flying mecha, and Xiao Minyu finally felt more at ease when he heard that this mecha was going to save Lei Sen. In this way, Murphy would definitely be rescued as well.

And just after learning that the next mecha he will help transform is Silver Wing, who just came back today, Xiao Minyu came to the lounge to ask Lei Sen to learn about Murphy's situation.

"She's fine, she's with Dr. Lin now, but what's going on with the case about Gu Huaiyuan? If you don't find any evidence, I'm afraid Murphy will still be locked up." Lei Sen replied and then asked Xiao Minyu.

"I'll take care of her affairs, don't worry about it, I'll go to entrance No. [-] for a test in one hour." Xiao Minyu turned and left the lounge after speaking.

Watching Xiao Minyu turn and leave, thinking of Xiao Minyu's tone of showing off his ownership just now, Lei Sen felt a little uncomfortable, and there were little ripples in his calm heart.

(End of this chapter)

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