Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 265 Unexpected

Chapter 265 Unexpected
Murphy came to the rest area according to the location given by Lin Yixun, found the room marked with Lin Yixun and walked over.

It was only when he reached the door that he realized that every room was locked. Mo Fei sighed: Yi Xun, a sloppy bastard, must have forgotten to give him the key.But now there is that person in Lin Yixun's office, and he is talking about something important, so it's hard for him to go back and ask Lin Yixun for the key.

Just as he was hesitating whether to go back, a well-built woman in her 30s walked up to him: "Is it Murphy?" The woman smiled kindly and asked Murphy.

Murphy nodded: "I am, who are you?"

The well-built woman then took out an electronic key from her pocket: "My surname is Xue. Dr. Lin asked me to come. She said she called you to come and rest and forgot to give you the key."

"Oh, thank you, sister Xue." Murphy quickly took the key and thanked the rich woman.

"It's nothing, take a good rest, it's quiet here and no one will make noise. Okay, I'm going back." Sister Xue was about to leave after speaking.

"Okay, I'll trouble Sister Xue to make this trip." Mo Fei waved to the rich woman politely.

After seeing Sister Xue's figure leave, Mo Fei pressed the electronic key to the door lock, and with a pleasant sound, the door was opened.

Mo Fei walked in. Although it was not as comfortable as the room behind Lin Yixun's office, it was clean and tidy. It could be seen that Lin Yixun rarely used it.But look at the surrounding environment, it is indeed quiet and suitable for rest.

After entering the room, Murphy locked the door, put his backpack on the ground, took a shower, changed his clothes, and lay down on the bed.

I've been sleeping in a tent recently. Although it's nice to be outside, it's still not as comfortable as a real bed.

After lying down for a while, Murphy sat cross-legged on the bed and continued to familiarize himself with the method of getting breath. Thinking about the breath he had lost, Murphy sighed, not knowing when it would be complete.

Not to mention that Murphy is familiar with his own exercises here, but also Lin Yixun's side.

Dr. Wan Qiang left Lin Yixun's office after explaining the results of this research to Lin Yixun, and Lin Yixun also packed up to go to the meeting.

After leaving, Wan Qiang did not participate in the next meeting. He had just discussed all the issues with Lin Yixun, and there was no need for him to attend.

Hurrying back to his office, Wan Qiang pressed the button for the internal line: "Call me in Wu Chen."

"Okay Dr. Wan," replied the sweet voice of the inside operator.

Not long after, the man named Wu Chen came to Wan Qiang's office door.

Wu Chen was wearing white overalls, but it could be seen that he was wearing a set of black clothes underneath.Wu Chen's face was a little thin, and he was obviously wearing the overalls of a laboratory worker, but the look in his eyes was very gloomy.

He knocked on the door of Wan Qiang's office, and when he heard Wan Qiang's response, he opened the door and walked in.

"Dr. Wan, you are looking for me." Wu Chen asked after entering the room, his voice turned out to be a hoarse voice, as unpleasant as a crow's croaking.

"You are here, don't worry about other things recently, go check someone for me." Wan Qiang turned to the window while speaking: "There is a girl in the star base, about seventeen or eight years old, named Mo Fei, I Ask for all her information."

The man named Wu Chen didn't ask Dr. Wan Qiang what he wanted the materials for, but just nodded quite habitually: "I see, do you have any other orders?"

"Not for the time being, but investigate carefully and be cautious." Wan Qiang urged.

"Understood." Wu Chen responded quickly, then turned and left Wan Qiang's office.

After Wu Chen left, Wan Qiang turned his eyes to the window: "Murphy...Murphy..." He muttered to himself thoughtfully, then Wan Qiang strode towards the inner room of his office.

When the time finally came, Leisen followed the prompts and went to the designated location to test the performance of the Silver Wing.

On the platform of the test window, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu brushed past each other, and then took their positions to conduct the first test of Silver Wing.

After the test lasted for nearly an hour, Leisen got off the silver wing and came to the monitoring room: "I think the speed on the right side is out of sync with the left side, and the left side is more normal, and the feeling of movement seems to be a little slow. The way it was shot." Lei Sen mentioned his feelings as a driver.

Xiao Minyu nodded: "Yes, there is indeed a problem over there, we still need to adjust it again, you go to the lounge first, and the second test will be conducted in half an hour."

Just when Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu were testing the mecha, and Lin Yixun was in a meeting, a woman with a slightly bloated body appeared in the office of the Chief of the Supervision Section: "I heard that the person who was dispatched this time The prisoner who went out came back, why is the prisoner allowed outside, is the detention room of your supervision section so easy to enter and exit?"

The woman's voice was a little sharp, which stimulated the eardrums of the people sitting in the office.

"Oh, Ms. Li, this is really wronging me. That girl has some skills. The doctor at the research institute appointed her to take on the task. Not to mention, I heard that the task could not be done by others, so the people at the research institute It is said that the materials will be used from time to time, and there must be no shortage of people, so they will be withheld. Ms. Li, you should also know that the role played by the people in the research institute at the base, in case there is no material, and the test cannot be carried out as scheduled, such a large I can't hold the hat down!" A fat, oily man hurriedly replied, his face was full of helplessness and he seemed to have no place to complain about his suffering.

"So, my family died in vain? Can you still do something serious?" The woman's face was full of anger.

"How can you ignore everything like you said? I heard that Dr. Wan of the research institute has new results. Maybe this matter will be settled soon. When the time comes..."

"No." Before the fat man finished speaking, the woman interrupted the man decisively: "I can't wait that long, I will give you another week to settle this matter for me." After the woman finished speaking , without waiting for the fat man to explain, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Seeing the woman walk out of the room, the fat and white man snorted coldly: "Bah! What the hell, I can let you in here without relying on my own father." His father had no choice but to rub his temples with a headache: "How can this matter be so difficult? I shouldn't have come down before I knew it."

The woman is Li Jiao.It was hard to persuade the people from the Supervision Section to catch Murphy before, but unexpectedly, Murphy was picked up by the people from the research institute in just two days, saying that he was going to do some mission.

Later, the base encountered heavy rain and hail, and many facilities were damaged, and Murphy, who was doing the task, never came back.At that time, Li Jiao thought that maybe Murphy died just like this. Although it was cheaper for her, it could be regarded as revenge for Gu Huaiyuan.

But what Li Jiao didn't expect was that after more than half a month, not only did Murphy not die, but he came back alive and well, and he stayed in the research institute as soon as he came back, and he didn't mean to be sent back to the detention room at all.

Li Jiao couldn't sit still after hearing the news.In fact, Li Jiao is still a little bit unwilling to give up. After all, Gu Huaiyuan has not been found until now, and even the body has not been found, which means that the person may still be alive, so Li Jiao really wants to pry Murphy's mouth open and find out what kind of Gu Huaiyuan is. Case.

Due to the damage of the communication facilities, only some internal lines in the office area can be connected. Li Jiao couldn't call Ji Dan, the section chief of the supervision department, that is, the fat man, so she drove to the office of Ji Dan of the supervision department in person. Only then did the conversation above occur.

Ji Dan, the Chief of the Supervision Section, was a little embarrassed. After Murphy was detained, he didn't pay much attention at first. After all, girls who were targeted by the woman of the Director of the Earth Alliance's Security Department could basically be sentenced to death.But what Ji Dan didn't expect was that the girl was released on bail after only one day in jail.

And the person who released her on bail was Dr. Lin from the research institute, so Ji Dan began to pay attention to Murphy's situation.

When Ji Dan got to know Murphy's situation a little bit, he felt a little strange, because Murphy had no organization and no relatives in the star base, and he always acted alone. Even when Ji Dan found out that Murphy's residence had been canceled In other words, Murphy doesn't have a rented house of his own at all.

A girl who doesn't even have a place to live has a relationship with Dr. Lin of the research institute.But Ji Dan finally found something that Murphy could relate to Lin Yixun, that is, both Murphy and Lin Yixun came from Cang base.

Maybe they met when they were in Cangji, but Ji Dan guessed right.

It was just that when he got to know more about Murphy's situation, Ji Dan encountered doubts again, because he found that someone seemed to have discovered that he was looking up Murphy's information, and actually locked Murphy's information.

You must know that there are only a handful of people in the star base who can lock personnel information.

But soon Ji Dan was surprised again, because it is said that after Dr. Lin from the research institute picked up Murphy that day, another person came to ask about Murphy's situation, and it turned out to be Mr. Xiao from the special operations team.

Although Ji Dan is only a section chief, he is the section chief of the Supervision Section. Although he is not particularly clear about Xiao Minyu's identity, Ji Dan is quite clear about the level of people who can have the qualification to pass the detention room of the Supervision Section. .

In fact, there is one more thing, Ji Dan didn't tell Li Jiao or anyone else.

On the day Murphy left the star base to go on a mission, the figure at the corner of the stairs was Ji Dan.

Although he didn't hear exactly what Murphy and Leisen said, but the vague Ji Dan did hear Leisen asking Murphy if he would help to testify.

Ji Dan really didn't expect that a little girl like Murphy would be involved in so many relationships, so Ji Dan regretted it a bit, and shouldn't have agreed to Li Jiao in the first place.But now that everything has been said, it is not easy to take it back. Ji Dan really has a headache how to solve this matter.

Just when Ji Yi was at his wit's end, a mysterious call came from the inside.

(End of this chapter)

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