Chapter 266
After practicing the qi-gathering formula, Murphy lay down on the bed and fell asleep for a while, and it was nearly four o'clock when he woke up.

Just as he was wondering if he should go to see if Lin Yixun was done with his work, the alarm bell suddenly rang sharply.

Not knowing what happened, Murphy quickly grabbed his clothes and ran out.

There was still no one coming and going in the rest room, but Murphy could already hear the noise outside.

Suddenly, after a female voice screamed in an octave-high pitch, the surroundings became even more chaotic, and even the aisle of the lounge on Murphy's side began to run in.

Murphy quickly grabbed a female staff member who was about to enter the lounge next to Murphy and asked, "What happened?"

The woman originally had pretty features, but now her face was full of panic because of her panic. When Mo Fei pulled her hand, she subconsciously wanted to yell.

Mo Fei hurriedly comforted the woman: "Don't shout, what happened outside?"

The woman turned her head to see Mo Fei before replying in a panic: "Morning, zombie, the zombie has come out." After finishing speaking, the woman broke free from Murphy's hand, twisted open the door next door and got in without making a sound. .

Murphy's heart was suspended at this time, and an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

Crossing the aisle, Murphy quickly ran towards Lin Yixun's office.

Murphy didn't knock on the door. After running to Lin Yixun's office, he opened the door and walked in. Lin Yixun was not in the office.

"Yixun, Yixun." The crowd was chaotic, with some running in and some running out.Murphy looked for Lin Yixun in the crowd.

"Feifei, I'm here." Lin Yixun's voice came from a distance, and Murphy saw Lin Yixun waving to him through a window.

Seeing that Lin Yixun was safe and sound, Murphy let go of his thoughts and ran towards Lin Yixun.

The glass door opened, and Lin Yixun let Murphy in.

"Yixun, what happened? Why did the zombies come out?" Murphy asked in confusion. You must know that the defense measures in the laboratory of the research institute are very strong.

Lin Yixun sighed when he heard Murphy's question: "Oh, don't mention it, we just finished the meeting and wanted to compare the research report that Dr. Wan gave me today with the data of that zombie, but unexpectedly opened the outer layer of isolation The barrier wanted to control some joysticks inside, but the zombie seemed to go crazy and broke through the inner barrier. A doctor who was with him was scratched and is still being treated in the isolation room. I don’t know if it will Mutated into a zombie."

Lin Yixun replied sadly that the doctor who was scratched should be a member of Lin Yixun's same group.

However, Mo Fei's heart tightened when he heard these words: his ominous premonition came true, and the zombie that rushed out was indeed Gao Qing.

When Murphy heard about it from the woman who stopped him, he thought about it. Ordinary zombie research institutes usually use specimens directly, and as far as Murphy knows, there are only three living specimens.One of them is Gao Qing, and the other is a special type of zombie, which is between C1 zombie and C2 zombie.

While thinking about it, someone came to inform Lin Yixun: "Dr. Lin, Dr. Xia died and there were signs of mutation. We put Dr. Xia into the living specimen cabin." Dr. Xia was sad.

After hearing this, Lin Yixun's eyes were slightly red: "Understood, hurry up and send someone to capture sample No. 00319. It is allowed to kill it if it is necessary, and don't let it hurt other people." Lin Yixun pointed at the The man ordered.

"Dr. Lin, the guards have been notified about this, but it is said that the zombie has already rushed out of the research institute area, and now it is rushing towards the periphery. Someone in the base has already known about it, and now it is sending people to encircle and suppress it." Another person happened to run from the outside Come in, and reply after hearing Lin Yixun's words.

"Yixun, I'll go and see, I'll be back." Because Murphy's current status is still on bail, she can't come and go freely.But Mo Fei couldn't let go, so he had to tell Lin Yixun quickly, and then ran out in a hurry.

"Where are you going, Feifei?" Lin Yixun looked at Mo Fei's back in a hurry, but Mo Fei ran as fast as Li Xuan's arrow, so Lin Yixun had to tell the person who just reported: "Go quickly!" , report any situation at any time.”

Now the laboratory is a little quieter, the people who hid have already hidden, and the injured people have been brought into the independent sample room of the laboratory, and finally the zombified ones are being sorted out.

Murphy quickly ran outside, and he was out of the research institute building in a short while.

It was known from the person who reported to Lin Yixun before that Gao Qing should have broken through the gate of the Star Base Star Soul Circle.

Because they hurt people along the way, the most important thing now is to prevent ordinary residents from increasing the number of casualties, because once these ordinary residents are injured and die, there is a high probability that they will mutate into zombies. When the number of zombies increases, it will be difficult to deal with.

The Cang Base was destroyed because of this, so the Star Base has learned a lesson and cannot repeat the same mistakes.

After the order to give way was issued, the on-duty personnel still cleared the road and let all the people outside go home. However, because there was no one to stop them for the time being, Gao Qing rushed through several levels and came to the big building in the outermost circle of the star base. the door.

Going out along the gate, the Star Base ordered the team to be dispatched, because this semi-zombie is still of high value to their research, especially the analysis of Gao Qing's body in this short period of time allowed the people in the research institute to come up with Many of the reasons for the zombification are about to enter a higher level of in-depth research, and no one wants to have something happen at this time.

Because there was no obstacle, Gao Qing ran out of the star base.

The special operations team is currently led by Geng Yunwei, the captain of the first team, Man Chengbin, the captain of the second team, Meng Zhibo, the captain of the third team, and Fang Xingping, the captain of the fourth team. Because the order from above is to capture as much as possible alive, there is really no way to kill them, so special operations People in the team can't completely let go of their hands to attack, and most of the time they adopt a capture offensive.

At this time, Gao Qing's consciousness was a little clearer, but he didn't know who he was, he only knew that someone was chasing him and attacking him.

Gao Qing, who was originally in a zombie state, was fighting against the special operations team behind him. At this time, he had slightly recovered into a half-zombie, knowing that this was not something he could resist. He turned around with a roar, and jumped on a car. The jumping ability has exceeded the standard of C1.

Gao Qing who jumped into one of the cars screamed and dragged the people in the car out on his back, so that others did not dare to act rashly and could only watch Gao Qing's next move.

As the man was carried on his back by Gao Qing as a shield, Gao Qing jumped out of the car and ran towards the distance. After running a long distance, he threw the man on his back to the ground. Then he strode into a sheltered place next to him.

"Go and see what's going on with that person. Some of the rest of the people chased from the road, and the other followed me down to the building to check." Man Chengbin ordered his subordinates when he saw this.

Some people continued to follow Geng Yunwei's first team, while Man Chengbin led his second team and Fang Xingping led his fourth team to chase down the road.

Because there is only one Gao Qing, the target is not obvious, and it is difficult to track, so the tracking started a tug-of-war.

After chasing it to the vicinity of the mountain, Man Chengbin secretly said that it was not good, once the half-zombie entered the dense forest in the mountain, it would be even more difficult to find it.

"Second!" Geng Yunwei's car approached Man Chengbin's car at some point.

"What's wrong?" Man Chengbin asked quickly.

"Just now, a visually mutated member of our first team said that he spotted the half-zombie not far away. If we speed up, we might be able to catch up."

"Chasing after them, send another person back to inform the base of the whereabouts of the semi-zombies and ask for support." Man Chengbin continued.

Geng Yunwei nodded, the car speeded up and chased forward, and after a while, he saw a car stop along the side, and then turned around and drove back.

Because it is no longer possible to contact the base to inform the situation here, so I can only ask people to go back and inform.

It wasn't long before the person from the special operations team who had returned to the base to inform him drove out when he suddenly found a snow-white car driving towards him.The speed of the car was extremely fast, and he ran towards the mountain. He glanced at the car strangely. He originally wanted to see the people in the car, but the speed of the car was so fast that it flew towards his car like a gust of wind. .

"Who will go to the mountains at this time? I wanted to remind this person, but I drove so fast. Forget it, I still have tasks, and I can't manage so much." The person sent by Geng Yunwei to inform the base ignored the others , Speed ​​up the car and rush to the star base.

It was none other than Murphy who was chasing him.

Because Murphy's car was still parked behind a residential building in the Xingmin Circle of the Star Base. She drove out to pick up Zhu Zhu and the others, and was arrested when she walked to the trading market, so the car was still parked where it was. , Because of this, it took a while to drive the car out.

After driving out, Murphy first passed the outer circle and left the star base, and then accelerated to chase out.

Because of the traces of the battle and the traces of a large number of cars, Murphy quickly found his way and quickly chased him along the road.Seeing the official car returning head-on, Murphy became more certain of the direction and drove forward quickly.

At this moment, Gao Qing had reached the gap where Murphy usually went down the mountain to the dense forest area, ran down the artificially opened road, and disappeared after a while.

"This is terrible. That half-zombie ran into the dense forest, so it will be more difficult to catch. We have been there before, and it is difficult to drive there, but there will be an open space after that. Some of you guard here, and the other Some of them will go down with me, third child, you choose some members of your team to go down empty-handed, and follow us." Man Chengbin ordered to the special operations team.

After the arrangements were made, Man Chengbin ordered the driver of his car to drive down the slope.

(End of this chapter)

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