Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 267 Tracking

Chapter 267 Tracking
Under the arrangement of Man Chengbin, members of the special operations team went down to the dense forest to hunt down the semi-zombie Gao Qing.

Murphy, who was behind, quickly caught up and found that the road he often walked was surrounded by crowds. Murphy stopped the car and got out of the car.

She should be the most familiar person in this area, and Murphy knew how to leave after looking around.

Get in the car again, reverse the car for a while, drive along a small fork, and hide the car in the small woods beside the fork.

Coming out of the woods, Mo Fei turned on the speed talisman, went down the edge, and ran all the way to the dense forest ahead.

At this time, Gao Qing's mind was confused for a while. He knew that he would probably return to the impulsive self at the beginning. Although he didn't know who he was and why he had to suffer such treatment, he also knew that if he didn't run away quickly, He will be caught by the people chasing him. He doesn't know what will happen, but he also knows that it won't be good.

Feeling that the people behind him were constantly chasing him, a place suddenly appeared in Gao Qing's mind for some reason.He is not familiar with that place, but he feels that it is very kind.Gao Qing knew that place was nearby.

Thinking of this, the body involuntarily ran towards that place in his mind.

The person who reported back to the star base ran all the way back to the star base, and learned that the semi-zombies had entered the mountain forest, and the command staff began to mobilize the dispatched personnel. Of course, the members of the special operations team were already very good-quality personnel. So there are no more additions in terms of personnel.

Only the members of the Mecha Squadron can be dispatched to assist the Special Operations Squad to carry out this encirclement and suppression.

Leisen's Silver Wing was still being debugged when he received the order, but because Xiao Guo's mecha was not sent to the Ya base for special missions because of the debugging, the rest of the mechas were all The cliff base has not come back yet.

It is impossible to let Xiao Guo go alone, so Lei Sen decided to suspend the debugging and drive Silver Wing to carry out this mission together.

"No, your mech has not been debugged yet, so it is an incomplete product and cannot perform the task." Xiao Minyu was in charge of the general transformation task of the Silver Wing, and expressed his disapproval.

"But there is only one mecha in the mecha team at the star base, and that half-zombie seems to still retain human intelligence, so it absolutely needs cooperation."

Under Lei Sen's repeated insistence, the staff who came to inform Lei Sen also helped to persuade Xiao Minyu to agree to temporarily suspend the debugging of Silver Wing: "But you have to remember, don't worry about the follow-up after the task is completed, you must come back immediately, because now The energy inside the silver wing won't last long."

"Okay, I got it." Lei Sen responded and jumped onto the platform, and quickly walked along the platform to the inside of the mech.

Under the action of the machine, the ceiling of the laboratory opened slowly like a flower blooming, and the silver wings soared into the sky, flying straight out along the top.

After receiving the signal, Xiao Guo drove his mecha to catch up with Silver Wing. Although he couldn't fly like Silver Wing, the modified mecha also increased his speed a lot.

The two mechs drove towards the mountain, one after the other.

At this moment, Murphy was already running along the woods to the clearing, because when she flew up to the top of the tree to check, she found Gao Qing's trace and Man Chengbin's car following Gao Qing.

Gao Qing was obviously running towards the mountain he often went to. Mo Fei suddenly remembered that the last time he took Gao Qing to do a mission was that way. Has he regained consciousness?Does he still remember?Murphy wasn't sure, but she already understood Gao Qing's goal.

Murphy took a shortcut and flew forward along the stone wall of the mountain, stopping from time to time to take a look at Gao Qing's movements. Sure enough, he was running towards the mountain pass that he took him to last time, and Murphy also accelerated to run there. past.

Because Gao Qing's speed is not slow, the speed has already surpassed the speed of the C1 zombie, and even faintly comparable to the speeder S-type zombie, and the more you drive into the dense forest, the denser the trees, and finally Man Chengbin had to give up the car to follow on foot.

This made it even slower, seeing the half-zombie out of sight.

Man Chengbin raised his hand behind him to signal everyone to stop: "Since we can't catch up, we should simply expand the search area and don't let that half-zombie turn around. We have already sent people to the base to notify us. We'll be there soon, as long as we don't let half-zombies slip back from the side."

Man Chengbin reckoned that the star base would send mecha teams to assist, after all, no amount of manpower is useless, not to mention who is stronger than the special operations team in terms of manpower alone?

Since the mecha team is being dispatched, the only two mechas left at the base are Lei Sen's Silver Wing and the semi-flying mecha that one of their members has just remodeled, so the mecha search from the sky will be much smoother.

Man Chengbin's analysis was good, and the Star Base really considered it this way, so as long as it was encircled by a net and waited for Silver Wing to come over, the half-zombie would definitely not be able to escape.

Gao Qing ran desperately, he felt that the more he ran, the smoother he ran, the more familiar the surroundings became, as if he had been here before.

After running for a long time, Gao Qing suddenly raised his head, a little spark burst out in his slightly blurred eyes: he was very familiar with this place, as if something was calling him.

That mountain, yes, that mountain, it seems that I should climb over that mountain.

Gao Qing used his hands and feet to climb up, but because his body was already a half-zombie, his hands and feet were a little stiff, and he was not very coordinated when he climbed the mountain.

Just as he was trying to climb up from other places, a figure ran over from a distance.

The figure was the same as those who were chasing him, but there was something different.Gao Qing didn't know what was different, but he seemed to feel that the person running over was somewhat familiar to him.

Murphy saw Gao Qing from a distance, released the flying talisman and ran along the stone wall towards the side of the mountain. When he was approaching the side of the mountain, Murphy finally noticed the confusion in Gao Qing's eyes: he didn't know himself anymore.

Gao Qing didn't move or attack, he always felt that there was something different about the person running over, but when Mo Fei continued to approach him, Gao Qing couldn't help but roar at Mo Fei, strictly forbidding Mo Fei to get closer.

Mo Fei stopped, and she looked at Gao Qing cautiously. Gao Qing's appearance made Mo Fei feel a little uncomfortable.

"Uncle Gao, I'm Murphy!" Murphy's eyes were slightly red, and he shouted at Gao Qing who was deadlocked with him.

The sound was not loud, but it seemed to hit the soul.Gao Qing's body shook suddenly, his eyes were fixed on Mo Fei but he didn't respond.

Murphy tentatively took two steps forward: "Uncle Gao?"

It's just that Gao Qing roared again, which seemed to tell Murphy not to approach him.

Gao Qing's roar gave Man Chengbin and others a signal. Man Chengbin confirmed the general direction, and then asked the team members to run towards the mountain pass here.

"Uncle Gao, I know you have not completely lost your human consciousness. I am Murphy, do you remember? Your name is Gao Qing. We used to be neighbors. You came to the Star Base with me." Murphy stopped walking. , but kept talking, helping Gao Qing remember.

"Gao...Qing..." Two words suddenly popped out of Gao Qing's mouth. Although his voice was hoarse and indistinct, Murphy, who had a good ear, could hear it clearly.

"Yes, Uncle Gao, your name is Gao Qing, do you remember? You... Your name is Gao Qing." Murphy hurriedly repeated his name to Gao Qing emphatically.

"Gao... Qing..." Gao Qing said it again, then looked at Murphy, and said word by word: "Fei... Fei..."

"Yes, it's me. I'm Murphy. Uncle Gao, do you remember?" Murphy asked excitedly.

At this time, Gao Qing's sanity recovered a little bit, his head hurt a little, the girl in front of him was very familiar, and the name that came out of his mouth was very familiar in his mind, as if it was his relative.

loved ones?Gao Qing's brain ached violently, he put his head in his hands, and gradually curled up his body.

"Uncle Gao, what's wrong with you?" Murphy didn't dare to move forward, but asked anxiously.

Gao Qing raised his head again, his eyes were bloodshot, but at this moment, there was no trace of confusion in his eyes.

"Fei... Fei..." Gao Qing pronounced Murphy's name again, although it was still not fluent.

"Uncle Gao, are you finally awake?" Mo Fei asked, taking a few steps forward.

This time, Gao Qing did not stop Mo Fei from moving forward, but instead sighed: "Fei...Fei..., hopeless..."

"No, Uncle Gao, let's go back with them this time. The people in the laboratory have discovered some problems. Maybe you can recover. You haven't completely turned into a zombie yet. I think you can recover." Momo Fei's eyes were filled with tears at some point, she shook her head and said to Gao Qing.

"It's... late, while... my consciousness... is still clear, I'd better... kill me, I don't want... to become... an inhuman zombie." Gao Qing said these words a little bit Struggle, although it is a half-zombie, but a part of the body has begun to mutate.

"Uncle Gao, you still have hope, don't give up, okay? As long as you control it and go back with them, my friend said that the experiment is going to the next step, and I think we should find out a solution soon." Murphy Encouraging Gao Qing, although he has seen many people mutate into zombies, but Gao Qing is different, not only because he is his friend like a relative, but more importantly, Gao Qing is different from ordinary zombies, so Murphy always feels that Gao Qing Qing is still saved.

When Murphy and Gao Qing were talking, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance, and Man Chengbin and his people had already rushed towards this side.

Seeing this, Gao Qing subconsciously climbed up the mountain, and Murphy hurriedly followed: "Uncle Gao, don't run away, can you go back?" Once Gao Qing really escaped, he really couldn't be rescued. is the result.

But Gao Qing couldn't listen to Murphy's words at this time, and his mind became a little confused again, only remembering that the people behind him were all chasing and killing him.

Just when Mo Fei was about to catch up with Gao Qing, Gao Qing turned around sharply and patted Murphy with his paw.

(End of this chapter)

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