Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 268 Strike

Chapter 268 Strike
Murphy originally wanted to dissuade Gao Qing from going back. If Gao Qing was allowed to enter the mountainous area and the mutated cells spread, then Gao Qing would really become an unconscious zombie.Even if Gao Qing didn't turn into a zombie, Gao Qing who could fool ordinary zombies might not be able to fool the C4 zombie. You must know that there is still a C4 zombie in this mountain area.

What Mo Fei didn't expect was that Gao Qing would suddenly turn around and attack him.

One inattentive, although Murphy reacted quickly and dodged Gao Qing's claws, but now they were on the hillside, and Murphy rolled down with his feet empty.

Rolling all the way to the foot of the mountain, Murphy's clothes were scratched, and his face and hands were covered with mud.

The moment Murphy rolled down the mountain, dozens of energy guns were aimed at Murphy.

Man Chengbin pushed through the crowd and came over. When he saw it was Murphy, he was a little surprised: "Murphy? Why are you here?" Then he turned around and ordered those people to continue chasing up, and he reached out to help Murphy up.

Mo Fei didn't care to brush off the dirt on his body, but raised his hand slightly, and wiped the mud on his face with the back of his hand: "I'll explain later, that half-zombie needs to be captured alive, don't kill him." After finishing speaking, Murphy didn't explain any further. , turned around towards Gao Qing and chased after him.

Man Chengbin was only a little surprised by Murphy's appearance, and then he understood: After all, Murphy was granted bail because he was doing a task for the research institute, so it should be that the research institute sent Murphy this time.

Thinking of this, Man Chengbin was relieved, and he accelerated and chased forward.

Murphy was quite familiar with the terrain here, not to mention the speed talisman he had activated. Taking advantage of the fact that the people in front were far away and the people behind hadn't caught up, he rushed towards another road all at once.

Gao Qing walked randomly, unknowingly walked to the position where he froze last time.

He seemed to have been here before, and with someone else.Gao Qing had a faint feeling in his heart that he knew this place, but he couldn't remember who it was.

A figure swayed before his eyes, and that figure stopped, staring at him anxiously.

Gao Qing's eyes suddenly became clear again: "Fei...Fei..." He remembered that he had been here with this girl in front of him before, and it seemed to be for some mission.

"Uncle Gao, don't run away, come back with us! Otherwise, you really won't be able to go back." Seeing that Gao Qing's eyes were a little more sober, Mo Fei quickly persuaded Gao Qing in front of him earnestly.

Gao Qing's eyes gradually softened: "I..." But before the words came out, the chaser ran over again.

Mo Fei frowned slightly, and stood in front of Gao Qing a few steps: "Don't come here, I'm trying to communicate with him, you stay where you are first."

Meng Zhibo, who was in the team, glanced at Mo Fei out of breath, raised his hand towards the surrounding teams, and signaled them to stay still, and then asked heavily: "Fei... Feifei, you are also hunting this half Zombies?"

Murphy stretched out his hand to gesture to Meng Zhibo for silence, and then turned around: "Come back with us! OK?"

Gao Qing looked at Mo Fei hesitantly, the sincere and firm expression in Mo Fei's eyes made Gao Qing hesitantly reach out his hand.It was only then that Mo Fei saw that Gao Qing's hand had mutated slightly, with a slightly bluish color and sharp, sharp fingernails.

It seemed that he was startled by his own hand, and the hand that had been stretched out was retracted again.

"Uncle Gao, don't be afraid, we just want to take you back."

At this moment, there was a sound in the sky, and everyone looked up to see a huge silver wing and another mecha descending from the sky.

The huge sense of oppression stimulated Gao Qing again, Gao Qing's eyes were once again covered with a strange blood color, and his sharp claws swung towards Mo Fei to attack.

Only then did Lei Sen in the Silver Wing realize that the one standing next to the half-zombie was actually Murphy.

Seeing the half-zombie attacking Murphy, Lei Sen speeded up and swooped down towards the hill.

Murphy waved at Leisen anxiously, trying to tell Leisen not to attack.Lei Sen understood that there was no attack, but the semi-flying mech driven by Xiao Guo who came after Lei Sen only saw the half-zombie attacking people, aimed the weapon in his hand, and attacked Gao Qing's feet.

The emission of the laser weapon fell to Gao Qing's feet, and the rocks at his feet were shattered and stones splashed.

Gao Qing was irritated at this time, and the clarity in his eyes became less and less, he pushed Murphy hard, then turned and ran to a higher place.

Because Murphy was on guard this time, he didn't push him down, but because Gao Qing stayed away from Murphy, the others also chased him freely.

Mo Fei was almost dying of anxiety, and it seemed that he was about to successfully persuade Gao Qing to go back, why... But there was nothing he could do about it, so Murphy had to follow the large army to chase after him.

When chasing to the front, Murphy suddenly found that the large army had stopped moving.

Looking forward, I found a gap between the mountains on both sides. Gao Qing had already leaped over it at this moment, but the gap was so wide that it blocked other people.

Mo Fei was overjoyed, this was his chance, if he jumped over by another way, he would be the first to stop Gao Qing.

Thinking of this, Murphy quietly walked around behind the team. When everyone was staring at the direction of Gao Qing's escape, Murphy slipped along the back to the turning, and then activated the flying talisman, flying past the mountain.

The silver wings in the sky and the semi-flying mecha driven by Xiao Guo saw that everyone couldn't get through it at the moment, and hurriedly chased to the other side.Xiao Guo suddenly ran out of power while skating, so he had to stop on a hill to prepare for the next flight. The half-flying mech was not good at this, and could not fly for a long time.

Seeing that Xiao Guo also stopped, Lei Sen drove Silver Wing to accelerate forward.

At this time, Lei Sen didn't know that the interior of the Silver Wing was gradually losing power. Before the Silver Wing went on a mission without being well-adjusted, Xiao Minyu estimated that the Silver Wing could only last for one or two hours. Unexpectedly, Lei Sen The rapid dive and pull caused the accelerated loss of the silver wings.

Murphy flew quickly all the way, but because he wanted to avoid the sight of others, Murphy circled around.Fei finally saw Gao Qing after a while, but Mo Fei found that Lei Sen's Silver Wing had also arrived and was trying to capture Gao Qing.

It is easy to kill, but it is somewhat difficult to capture, which is why there are not many living specimens in the research institute, not to mention that Gao Qing is not a pure zombie, which is why the research institute needs to capture Gao Qing alive.

If the detoxification test is carried out on Gao Qing, a half-zombie, and once it succeeds, Gao Qing will slowly recover into a human being, then the disaster of genetic mutation caused by the "Sunny Project" will be completely resolved, and This is why Murphy wanted to take Gao Qing back.She didn't want to watch Gao Qing turn into a zombie. Although the laboratory used Gao Qing for detoxification experiments, it was still indirectly helping Gao Qing recover.

At this time, the accuracy of the Silver Wing began to deteriorate. Lei Sen aimed several times but failed to catch the half-zombie.

Gao Qing was annoyed by the huge monster in front of him at the moment, a voice in his body told him: Hurry up and evolve!Evolve quickly!

Facing Silver Wing's continuous attack, Gao Qing finally broke out.Shouting up to the sky, the sound echoed continuously in the valley, and then Gao Qing's body continued to swell, and the original clothes on his body began to shatter into pieces.Gao Qing is constantly changing, his body shape is changing, his physical characteristics are changing.

Murphy covered his mouth with both hands in disbelief: No, it's impossible.

As Gao Qing's body continued to change, a completed C2 zombie appeared in front of the Silver Wing driven by Lei Sen.

Gao Qing evolved, and he actually evolved into a huge C2 zombie in an instant.Although Murphy has never seen the evolution process of C2 zombies, according to the report of Lin Yixun's research institute, it should be a gradual transformation process of at least a week.

But just now, in front of his own eyes, Gao Qing evolved from a half-zombie to a complete C2 zombie.It took only a short two or three minutes.

Lei Sen was also stunned by the scene in front of him. He had never encountered a zombie that suddenly evolved and mutated on the spot. However, because of this mutation, Lei Sen was sure that the one in front of him was no longer a half-zombie, but a real zombie. giant C2 zombies.

No more hesitation, Lei Sen controlled Silver Wing to keep a distance from Gao Qing's transformed C2 zombie.After replacing Silver Wing's weapon, Lei Sen pointed the weapon at the high-changing C2 zombie.

C2 Gao Qing, who had already evolved and mutated, was not to be outdone by Lei Sen's actions, and swung his fist towards Silver Wing.

Under Lei Sen's control, Silver Wing jumped up and dodged C2 Gao Qing's attack, and the prepared weapon Silver Wing also mercilessly attacked C2 Gao Qing.

Murphy couldn't move her footsteps, she had no idea that Gao Qing turned into a real zombie.Gao Qing called her name just now, which proved that Gao Qing was still conscious at that time, but the earth-shaking changes took place in just ten minutes, which made Mo Fei feel a little unacceptable.

Lei Sen in the Silver Wing is a little tired to control now. Because the Silver Wing is not fully controlled, not only the accuracy is gradually getting more and more deviated, but even the movement of the Silver Wing is a bit slow. Now he has been hit by giant C2 zombies several times. I'm afraid the outer shell will be greatly damaged.

Just when Lei Sen in the Silver Wing was anxious, Xiao Guo's voice came from the internal communicator of the mecha: "Team Lei, I'm here."

Lei Sen's expression was slightly relaxed. If Xiao Guo came to help, there would be no problem: "Okay, I'm behind the mountain in the northeast direction, come here quickly."

It wasn't long before Xiao Guo's helpless voice came from the communicator: "Team Lei, because I didn't have enough run-up, I didn't fly and fell into the valley. I can only find a higher place to take off again. Oh, this one Half-flying trouble is dead." Xiao Guo muttered, and then fell silent.

Lei Sen glanced at the C2 zombie attacking again in front of him, and quickly controlled the silver wing to take off again.It's just that this time it didn't get what it wanted, Silver Wing was completely out of control, and stayed in place in a daze.

C2 Gao Qing's blow was very heavy, because Lei Sen didn't dodge, and Silver Wing took it firmly.

Murphy, who had been hit by Gao Qing's sudden change, realized at this moment: What's wrong with Silver Wing?
(End of this chapter)

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