Chapter 269
In Silver Wings, Lei Sen's body was also affected by the heavy blow from C2 Gaoqing.

Thanks to the slightly different heights, the blow from C2 Gaoqing did not hit the cockpit.

Lei Sen controlled Silver Wing to move sideways, but Silver Wing had completely disobeyed the command at this moment and stood quietly on the spot.

Gao Qing, who had mutated into a C2 zombie, struck out again, facing the control room located in the chest of the mecha and savagely gouged it down.

"Damn it!" Lei Sen cursed in a low voice, and pressed the forced eject button, and the man bounced out from above the mecha's head like a cannonball.

Sensing something coming out, C2 raised his fist and punched the mecha, and grabbed Lei Sen with the other hand.

Lei Sen saw that he was about to be arrested because he had just popped out and hadn't stood still, and Xiao Guo didn't seem to be able to arrive at this time, Lei Sen thought to himself: I'm afraid this time his life will be handed over here.

Just when Lei Sen was ready to die, the giant zombie's hand did not fall down as expected.

With a "bang" impact, the giant zombie seemed to collide with something.

Is Xiao Guo here?Lei Sen opened his eyes, but saw Murphy's mech standing in front of him.

However, Lei Sen's reaction was also quick, and he quickly took off the things that cushioned the landing on his body, and then ran out towards the back.

Seeing the danger of Lei Sen's escape, Murphy raised the mechanical arm of the mecha, and the giant C2 zombie evolved from Gao Qing was pushed out by Murphy's mecha.After saving Lei Sen last time, Murphy's mecha spent a lot of gold and black crystals to strengthen and upgrade its level, so Gao Qing, who is now a C2 zombie, is no match at all.

In fact, Gao Qing, who had just become a C2 zombie, would not even be able to match the Silver Wing if Lei Sen's Silver Wing hadn't had a problem.

Looking at Gao Qing who had completely turned into a zombie, Murphy's heart was heavy.

"Roar... Roar..." C2 Gao Qing was furious because the huge monster in front of him hindered him, and the roar became more and more intense.

However, for Murphy's mecha, Gao Qing was no threat at all.Murphy didn't take out his weapon, but clamped Gao Qing, who had turned into a C2 zombie, so that he couldn't move.

At this moment, more roars suddenly echoed below the valley, and the sounds were getting closer.

Lei Sen on the ground also heard the bursts of loud voices, and hurriedly came out from behind, waved at Mo Fei and shouted: "Murphy, the roar of this zombie just now attracted other zombies, we need to fight quickly!" .”

Mo Fei stared at C2 Gao Qing, who was struggling under the arm of the mech on the ground: "Uncle Gao, I'm sorry, I couldn't save you."

The weapon: ax was called up on the screen, and a huge ax appeared on the arm of Murphy's mech.

With tears in his eyes, Murphy raised the ax high, closed his eyes, and smashed the ax heavily towards the key parts of the zombie.

The zombie under Murphy's mech struggled fiercely, and a huge force pushed Murphy's arm away. Although the ax fell and hit Gao Qing's head, which had become a giant C2 zombie, it didn't break through.

However, Gao Qing, the giant C2 zombie who had been hit hard, shrunk rapidly like a leaking balloon at this time, and quickly returned to its original human size.

Seeing this, Mo Fei quickly put away the mecha, and ran towards Gao Qing: "Uncle Gao."

Gao Qing, who was already injured, felt something approaching him, sat up suddenly, and stared at Murphy with fierce eyes.

"Murphy, be careful." Lei Sen, who was in the distance, saw this scene and reminded Murphy before he had time to come over.

Mo Fei paused slightly, and looked carefully at Gao Qing: "Uncle Gao? Are you still awake? I'm Murphy!"

Gao Qing's ferocious eyes gradually calmed down, and with a hoarse voice, he read in an indistinct voice: "Black... black... goose... steamed... beat up. (Feifei, I really didn't saved)"

"No, no, come back with me, there must be a way." Tears welled up in Mo Fei's eyes, shaking his head desperately.

"Sprinkle the goose! (Kill me)" Gao Qing's eyes were full of determination and he pulled the corners of his mouth at Mo Fei, showing a smile that was uglier than crying: "Death debt you search for mud... also pay death debt to others Soni... ok. (Death by your hands is better than someone else's)"

Murphy couldn't help crying. Although he didn't contact Gao Qing often after arriving at the Star Base, as a former neighbor and all the way to the Star Base, Murphy thought Gao Qing was his elder and relative.

After Gao Qing finished speaking, he suddenly reached out his hand to Mo Fei and grabbed Mo Fei with all his strength. However, because of Mo Fei's improved physique, a half-zombie who was dying could not cause much damage to Mo Fei. He tore his clothes.

"Murphy." Lei Sen rushed over, holding a portable hand-held energy gun in his hand, which was used by members of the mecha team for self-defense.

The Leisen energy gun pointed at Gao Qing, and pulled Mophy behind him: "Murphy, it's already a zombie, you have to be careful."

At this time, Gao Qing seemed to be sober again. Looking at Mo Fei who had his clothes scratched by himself, his eyes were full of sadness: "Hei Hei...scattered geese! You can't hurt others with debts. (Feifei, kill me! Don't kill me anymore!) It hurts)"

Murphy walked around Lei Sen, nodded towards Gao Qing, and took out the dagger from his boots: "Uncle Gao, farewell!" Murphy finished crying, and the dagger pierced Gao Qing's eyebrows , that is the most vulnerable place for zombies.

Gao Qing stiffened all of a sudden, and then slowly fell down.

Murphy burst into tears with a "wow", and Lei Sen silently walked to Murphy's side, reached out and patted Murphy's shoulder: "It's over, he's tired of living like this."

After such a long time, Lei Sen had already seen that Murphy seemed to know this half-zombie before it turned into a zombie, so he comforted him softly.

"Call Team Lei, has your location changed? I'll be right there." A voice suddenly came from inside Lei Sen's mecha.

Lei Sen patted Murphy: "How did you come here? Xiao Guo is coming soon, will you come with us?"

Only then did Murphy stand up: "No, I'm leaving first. My car is still parked in the woods, and I have to rush back to the base. Please take his body back!" Murphy turned towards Lei Sen After finishing speaking, he took another look at Gao Qing's body, turned around and ran towards the back of the mountain.

"Captain Lei, you are here, why don't you answer me, I thought you were not here." A brisk voice sounded from behind Lei Sen, and Xiao Guo finally arrived at the top of the mountain in a semi-flying mech.

"The silver wing is not working, and it is seriously damaged. Help me drag the silver wing back to the star base." After Lei Sen finished speaking, he walked towards Gao Qing's body and ordered Xiao Guo to open the specimen compartment of the carrying cabin and take Gao Qing's body After moving in, Lei Sen returned to his mecha, Xiao Guo controlled the semi-flying mecha to fix the silver wing, and dragged the silver wing down.

However, the weight of the Silver Wing was not something that Xiao Guo's semi-flying mech could bear, so he had to go up and down, and finally landed on the road, dragging the Silver Wing back.

At this time, Murphy had already driven to the star base, her eyes were still red, but she couldn't change anything.

The car drove back to the star base, and Murphy simply put the car in the outer circle.

After walking back to the research institute, Murphy came to Lin Yixun's office.Knocking on the door and entering, Lin Yixun was flipping through a data board. Seeing that it was Murphy who came back, she quickly stood up: "Feifei, you ran out suddenly just now, what happened?"

Murphy shook his head listlessly at Lin Yixun, and then replied, "Yixun, the semi-zombie who escaped is still dead, and he couldn't bring it back alive."

"Hey, what did I think it was? It turned out to be this matter. It doesn't matter. We took a lot of live samples before, and now the research can continue, but I saw a set of very strange data today. The composition of the zombie's body looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it, and I have to go to Dr. Wan to look up the information recently."

After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he took Mo Fei's hand: "I thought something was wrong with you just now, so it turned out that you were going to help me catch zombies, it's okay, it's okay."

Mo Fei opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, leaning his head on Lin Yixun's shoulder: "Yixun, I'm so tired, when will the world return to normal?"

"Go to sleep for a while when you're tired. I think it will be very fast. Our information volume has doubled recently. I have a hunch that we will be able to get rid of the current situation soon." When Lin Yixun said this, his eyes were It's clear, but she didn't expect it at all, what she said was indeed fulfilled, and soon they got rid of the current situation, but fell into a more terrifying world.

Murphy didn't answer Lin Yixun's words, half closed his eyes, but his mind was full of the images just now.

Lin Yixun only thought that Murphy was tired of chasing zombies, so she didn't bother her, and continued to flip through the information board in her hand until she felt a warm liquid soaking her clothes. To Murphy.

Mo Fei's face was covered with tears, his brows were furrowed, as if he had dreamed of something sad.

Lin Yixun gently wiped the tears from Mo Fei's face with his hands. No matter how strong and brave Mo Fei is, she is still a girl younger than herself, yes!When will the world return to normal?
At this time, Silver Wing was sent to the secret laboratory again. Seeing the miserable situation of Silver Wing, Xiao Minyu couldn't help frowning, and pointed at Lei Sen, wanting to curse. Lei Sen's mecha is the last one of the mecha team to be modified. Now that the mechas are so damaged, they must be overhauled. He can't leave here until these mechas can be remodeled.

This is the most irritating thing for Xiao Minyu. You know, he still has a lot to do, and he hasn't seen Murphy for a long time.

Suppressing his anger, Xiao Minyu called the maintenance personnel over: "Speed ​​up the repairs for me, and it must be repaired by tomorrow afternoon." After speaking, he took off his gloves, threw them at Lei Sen's feet, turned and left the debugging room.

At the same time, at the other end of the office area, in an office close to the research institute, Wu Chen stood at Dr. Wan Qiang's desk and handed a chip in his hand to Wan Qiang: "Doctor, here is a part of Mo Fei's information is just a little strange, many of them are hidden, and they cannot be opened even with the backup password."

Wan Qiang nodded: "That doesn't matter, there is only one thing I want to know, you can go out."

Wu Chen nodded towards Wan Qiang, turned around and left the office neatly.

(End of this chapter)

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