Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 270 Data Comparison

Chapter 270 Data Comparison
Wan Qiang was the only one left in the office. He reached out to pick up the chip and put it into his personal reading computer. Soon, Murphy's information appeared in front of Wan Qiang's eyes one by one.

Wan Qiang stretched out his hand to check Murphy's data column bit by bit, and after a while, his finger stopped at a certain position.

He tapped lightly on the spot three times with his fingers, and Wan Qiang showed a clear look on his face: It really was her.

Putting down the data to read the computer, Wan Qiang stood up and paced back and forth in front of the desk, turning his head from time to time to glance at the still lit screen, Murphy's data sheet.

She is indeed the daughter of Zhengqing and Chenyu, and she is still alive.Wan Qiang raised his eyebrows, recalling that Murphy often appeared in Lin Yixun's office, and the way Murphy stared at him for a long time when he went to get his notebook, Wan Qiang's face darkened.

At that time, I felt strange why a strange girl looked at me like that. Only now did Wan Qiang understand that it was probably because Murphy saw the notebook.

"How much does she know?" Although judging from Mo Fei's expression at the time, it seemed that Mo Fei didn't know, but Wan Qiang was not prepared to take the risk.

It is not easy for an orphan girl to come to the star base after traveling thousands of miles without joining any team.

Wan Qiang was not prepared to let such a big threat appear around him, so he destroyed Murphy's information, and then called Wu Chen again.

"Doctor, have you finished reading?" Wu Chen asked after entering the room.

Wan Qiang nodded, then walked up to Wu Chen and whispered a few words before turning around: "Don't let others know about this, you understand?"

Wu Chen nodded slightly, his eyelids drooped, and his eyes fell on Wan Qiang's computer: "Doctor, after reading the information..."

"You don't need to talk too much, I've already dealt with it." Before Wu Chen finished speaking, Wan Qiang replied impatiently: "Okay, go, but she is currently on bail at the research institute, let me Do something."

"I understand." Wu Chen was not annoyed, and after calmly answering, he left Wan Qiang's office.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei woke up from Lin Yixun's office room. After waking up, Mo Fei felt not well at all, his head was a little heavy, and he had been having all kinds of dreams since he fell asleep last night, but whether it was What kind of dream, the final result is very sad.

Mo Fei got up and rubbed his head, then went to the bathroom with his slippers on.When he saw himself in the mirror, he was startled, and Mo Fei realized that he must have cried for a long time in his dream last night, his eyes were swollen like peaches, and there were still tears on his cheeks.

Gao Qing's death yesterday aroused Mo Fei's mind, thinking of the tragic situation when his parents died.

A basin of cold water was placed, and Murphy immersed his entire face in it. The icy cold water stimulated every pore on his face.

When Murphy raised his head again, he was already sober.

After washing up, Mo Fei came out and changed his clothes, walked along the office door to Lin Yixun's office.

"Feifei, you're up!" Lin Yixun asked Mo Fei with a smile like a flower. She didn't see that Mo Fei had been crying yesterday, even whimpering softly in his sleep, so seeing Murphy get up, Lin Yixun instinctively Avoiding the sad topic, he took the lead in giving Murphy a big smile.

"Well, I'm a little hungry." Murphy gave Lin Yixun a smile back. She understood Lin Yixun's intentions, and Lin Yixun probably saw herself crying in her dream yesterday.

"I knew you would be hungry, here it is!" Lin Yixun took out two wrapped cakes and a bag of milk from the desk drawer and gave them to Murphy.These things are usually special offers, and most people can't buy them if they want to buy them.

Mo Fei didn't ask any further questions, and took the food and sat aside. Under Lin Yixun's eager eyes, Mo Fei started to eat with the cake in one hand and the milk in the other.

Lin Yixun narrowed his eyes and smiled, then looked down at the data sheet.

But looking at it, Lin Yixun suddenly let out a "huh", which caught Murphy's attention.

"What's wrong, Yixun?"

Lin Yixun raised his eyes and looked at Mo Fei: "Feifei, I went to Dr. Wan's place yesterday to get some information. Didn't I tell you yesterday that there are some places in that half-zombie's body that I feel very familiar but I can't remember for a while. , I finally found the crux of the problem by comparing it today, come and help me see, are these few data similar?"

Murphy stuffed the last piece of cake into his mouth, then stood up and walked to Lin Yixun's desk.

Lin Yixun handed the two watches in his hand to Mo Fei, and pointed to some of them for Mo Fei to compare.

Mo Fei quickly searched the tables on both sides alternately with her eyes, and she found that not only some of the places pointed out by Lin Yixun were the same, but there were more of the same places below.

While watching, Murphy pointed out the same position behind to Lin Yixun: "Yixun, there are so many identical data, by the way, what is this compared with?" Murphy asked hurriedly, and then asked again : "Is it a C5 zombie?"

"Ah! C5 zombie." Lin Yixun seemed to think of something: "Feifei, wait a moment, I will transfer the information of C5 zombie, you sit here and help me find anything similar, use this label Mark it." After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he handed Mo Fei an electronic marker, and then ran out without explaining anything.

Murphy looked at the two data sheets in his hand: So, this is not the data of C5 zombies, so what kind of comparison is this?It's so similar to the half-zombie's data.

But at this moment, Murphy still has the task that Lin Yixun entrusted to her. With an electronic marker, Murphy marked all the same places that she found before, and then Murphy continued to search, she was surprised It is found that the data between the two tables are really similar.

It was almost the end of the mark, and Lin Yixuncai ran back panting: "I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I ran a lot."

Mo Fei laughed out of breath watching Lin Yixun running away: "You are a doctor, you won't order others to get it for you!"

Lin Yixun managed to catch his breath before replying: "It's not that I want to make this trip, the main reason is that if someone else gets these important materials for me, it will take a lot of time, and I have to write an application and then appoint If someone goes, that person will have to mark a temporary backup record on the identity card, etc. In short, it will be troublesome, so I might as well get it myself."

While talking, Lin Yixun had already put a large stack of data cards on the table, and took out some reading computers: "Feifei, these reading computers are not enough, I will get some more reading computers, you help me first I put these data cards in."

Mo Fei nodded, marked the data on the last two groups of comparison forms, and then put the data cards that Lin Yixun took out into the reading computer.

Soon, several data cards were installed, and Murphy turned on each reading computer.

Not long after, Lin Yixun was carrying a bag full of reading computers.

In fact, you can store up to 10 data cards that can be read by the reading computer itself, but because Lin Yixun wants to compare, he still chooses to put each data card in the reading computer.

After Mo Fei helped Lin Yixun put all the remaining data cards in, the table in front of the two of them could no longer be placed.

"Feifei, let's put these on the test bench, there is a bigger space." Lin Yixun couldn't help suggesting, looking at the reading computers in his hands, the table, and the chair.

Murphy followed Lin Yixun and moved all the reading computers to the test bench outside.

"Feifei, you use that marker to mark the first time, and I'll take the place you marked in for analysis." Lin Yixun pointed to a reading computer with a bright light on the table and said to Murphy.

"No way, so many?" Murphy shouted exaggeratedly.

"Hey, because you don't know how to deal with it further, by the way, all of them are based on the semi-zombie data, and each one is marked with a color." Lin Yixun said to Murphy.

Murphy nodded: "Got it, that's right, where is the color palette of your marker pen?" The electronic marker pen can mark any color, as long as you adjust the color in the color palette inside the partition and then draw When read on the computer, the adjusted color can be displayed.

Lin Yixun pointed to a shiny button on the end of the pen: "It's here, press it twice quickly to get the color palette."

"Understood, you take this one away first, I've finished drawing this one." Murphy handed the previous material to Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun nodded, took the file into the room, and transferred the same data one by one to her work computer for processing.

Murphy changed the color and continued to mark, and soon made another copy and handed it to Lin Yixun.

In this way, the two of them had been busy for a day, and they even took two bites of food in a hurry, and then continued to tidy up.

At night, Murphy still had two sets in hand.

Rubbing his sore eyes, Mo Fei stood up and stretched, and looked into the inner office: "Yi Xun, how is your analysis going?"

Lin Yixun frowned: "Feifei, the result is not very good, it can even be said to be bad, but this is only a preliminary judgment, and we need to confirm it further." Lin Yixun said this, and Murphy didn't continue to ask. Things are generally not fully disclosed to others until they are confirmed.

"I still have two copies in my hand, and I'll give them to you when I'm done." Murphy didn't say anything, and quickly marked up the two copies in his hand and handed them to Lin Yixun.

"Feifei, thank you for today. Go to sleep first. I'll save this before I go." Lin Yixun looked at Mo Fei. If it wasn't for Mo Fei who helped him tidy up today, I really don't know what to do with so many things when.

"Why are you being polite, not to mention that I was bailed out by you in the name of doing a task, so I can't just do nothing!" Mo Fei smiled, then turned and entered Lin Yixun's rest room on the innermost floor.

After taking a shower, Murphy lay down on the sofa bed. After reading the materials for a day, his eyes were a little tired. After a while, Murphy fell asleep.

At this moment, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu haven't rested yet, and they are still checking the damage of Silver Wing this time.

The damage to the Silver Wing was more serious than imagined. There might be nothing left to repair it, and because it hurt the control room, Xiao Minyu ordered that even the control room be replaced with a new one.

However, it also caused Xiao Minyu to have a lot of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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