Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 271 Information Sent

Chapter 271 Information Sent

"Lei Sen, I have a question." Xiao Minyu said while watching the transformation of Silver Wing.

"When did you ask for my opinion when you have a question? Don't you always ask whenever you want?" Lei Sen turned his head to look at Xiao Minyu and said.

"How did that half-zombie hurt your control room like this?" Xiao Minyu asked suspiciously, you know, that half-zombie is only as tall as one person, no matter how well that half-zombie bounces, it can't reach the bottom of the mech The chest area, not to mention the strength, is enough to cause such serious damage to the control room.

Lei Sen pondered for a while: "Actually, that half-zombie was completely zombified once, and it even mutated."

"You mean, that half-zombie once became huge when it attacked you?" Xiao Minyu almost shouted out in surprise.

Lei Sen nodded: "That's right."

"Then how did you subdue that half-zombie later? If you could still control it, it would not have been damaged to this extent. If you couldn't move, it would explain why you used the escape button to escape, but I really want to No idea, how did you deal with that half-zombie without the mech?"

Xiao Minyu's question was very sharp, and Lei Sen didn't know how to answer it for a while.If Xiao Minyu was told exactly what happened, then Murphy's mecha would be exposed, but if he didn't tell him, there was really no way to make things right.

Xiao Minyu glanced at Lei Sen coldly: "It seems that the newly modified semi-flying mecha has helped you a lot this time, thank you for transforming such a mecha, otherwise no one will save you came back."

Xiao Minyu thought that Lei Sen didn't answer because he was rescued by his subordinates and his face was a little embarrassing, so he gave Lei Sen a contemptuous look.

Originally, Lei Sen didn't have an excuse, but he didn't refute when he heard Xiao Minyu say that, so he agreed by keeping silent.

Seeing Lei Sen's deflated look, Xiao Minyu was in a good mood: "Okay, you can go back first, this part of the renovation will be debugged tomorrow, you can just come over tomorrow afternoon."

Lei Sen left the secret laboratory and drove towards the residence of the star circle.

The next morning, when Mo Fei got up, Lin Yixun was still sleeping, and it seemed that he had seen it very late last night.

Murphy didn't bother her, and tiptoed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then left the room.

Seeing the data pads piled up in the inner office, Murphy classified them while looking at them.

When it was almost done, Lin Yixun came out from the door.Yawning and waving at Mo Fei: "Morning, Fei Fei, you are the best, Fei Fei, and you helped me tidy up. I got a headache from watching it last night."

"Have you reached a conclusion?" Murphy asked, looking at Lin Yixun's tired face.

Lin Yixun shook his head: "It's not that easy. I have to sort out these things today. If it's really about the same as my judgment, I can't draw a conclusion. I have to hold a meeting to discuss it with several doctors." Hair: "I'm going to get breakfast, Feifei, please help me divide these up, and then help me do it later, I can't stand doing it myself."

"Okay, you go!" Looking at Lin Yixun's appearance, Murphy couldn't help but shook his head, and responded with a smile.

Lin Yixun moved his arms and walked out, leaving Murphy alone in the office to sort out the materials.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Murphy poked his head out from the inner office: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a tall man walked in: "Hi, are you Dr. Lin?"

Murphy shook his head: "No, Dr. Lin just went out, do you have anything to do with her? Sit on the sofa and wait a while, she will be back soon." Murphy motioned the man to sit down on the sofa in the outer office.

"Oh, Dr. Lin is not here, so what should I do? I'm going to work elsewhere soon." The man had a troubled expression on his face.

"Is it something important? Otherwise, I'll pass it on to you." Murphy asked when he saw that the man seemed anxious.

Then the man took out a data card from the bag in his hand: "Then please help me hand this data card to Dr. Lin!"

Murphy put down the reading computer in his hand, and walked out from the inner room: "I see, but leave your name and office, otherwise how will I know who handed it over." Murphy took it and asked.

At this moment, the man stood up in a hurry: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry and I'm too late. I'll go first." After speaking, he opened the door and walked outside.

Murphy narrowed his eyes, this man always felt weird.He conveniently put the data card on the table, and then returned to the inner office.

Not long after, Lin Yixun, who went to get breakfast, came back with a big plate: "Feifei, help me quickly." After kicking open the office door, Lin Yixun shouted.

Murphy took the things and looked at the data card on the test bench: "That data card was brought by a man just now. I asked him what his name was and which office he was in. He didn't say anything, and he seemed to be in a hurry and left. gone."

"Really? Let me take a look." Lin Yixun walked over and picked up the data card, and then looked at it: "There is no mark, it doesn't look like it belongs to any office, I will find a free reading computer and look at it later."

"Well, let's eat breakfast first, and watch after eating." Murphy had already brought the plate to the table.

The two sat and finished their breakfast, and then Mo Fei continued to help Lin Yixun sort out the data, while Lin Yixun took out an empty reading computer and put the data card in it.

Lin Yixun turned on the computer and turned a few pages, then looked at Mo Fei with a pale face: "Fei Fei, do you still remember what that man looked like just now?"

Murphy nodded: "Remember, that person is about 1.7 meters [-]. He is thin but very energetic. Although he is wearing a work clothes outside, he can see through the work clothes what seems to be black clothes inside, which feels very straight. , should be wearing a suit, and that person's eyes are a bit cold, although he has a smile on his face, but his eyes seem to be very serious."

Murphy described while recalling.

Lin Yixun searched in his mind for a long time but still couldn't figure out who this person was.

Seeing Lin Yixun's serious face and not speaking for a long time, Mo Fei quickly asked, "Yixun, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with this person?"

Lin Yixun glanced at Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, it's not that this person is wrong, it's that there is something wrong with the things he sent."

"What's the problem?" Murphy also became curious. After the data card was delivered just now, Murphy threw it on the test bench, so he didn't know what was inside.

"This is a project that is still kept secret. There are no more than [-] people in the world who know about this matter. And once this matter is made public, I am afraid it will cause a series of things to happen." Lin Yixun said seriously Said to Murphy.

Mo Fei also understood Lin Yixun's meaning at this moment, that is to say, this extremely confidential data card should not appear here, and even if it is researched, a few people who know it must be present.

"Yixun, what does it mean that this data card was sent over? Are you okay?" Murphy couldn't help asking worriedly.

"I don't know what the purpose of sending it over is, but this matter doesn't have much impact on me, after all, I am also one of the insiders." Lin Yixun replied.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's good that you're fine, then you have to keep this data card, maybe it's because you're going to do some research and send it here first, it might be used for a meeting in the next few days." Murphy He comforted Lin Yixun and told her not to think too much.

Lin Yixun nodded: "I hope so, really, whoever sent it here, I didn't say in advance." Lin Yixun muttered and locked the data card into the safe in the office.

"Yixun, I've sorted it out here, you read it first, and I'll classify the rest." Murphy waited for Lin Yixun to lock the data card, and then handed some of the sorted data to Lin Yixun.

The two of them worked hard all day, and Lin Yixun deleted and deleted the information again and again, and finally came up with the last set of information comparison charts.

"That's all, I can't believe my eyes." Lin Yixun put the comparison pictures together and screamed.

Murphy leaned over and took a look: "The process of these pictures is almost exactly the same."

Lin Yixun nodded: "Yes, that's why I was surprised. It seems that my prediction may be right, but this is the last thing I want to happen." Lin Yixun's tone became more and more serious when he spoke. aggravated.

"Is it so serious? Yixun, whose data are these?" Although Murphy helped sort out the data according to Lin Yixun's words, he really couldn't understand the data, especially some professional terminology codes, which were even more incomprehensible. can not read it.

Lin Yixun straightened his expression when he heard Murphy's question: "Feifei, I can't say anything about this matter until it's confirmed, and even if it's confirmed, it's probably a confidential matter, but I have a favor that I need your help with. "

"Come on, why are you being so polite with me?" Seeing that Lin Yixun's usual childish look was gone, Mo Fei stared at himself very seriously, and asked Lin Yixun with a smile.

"You know that we need a lot of ginkgo branches and leaves for our experiments, but we always have to collect them because there is no suitable soil for cultivation. But recently, some soil suitable for planting has been cultivated by the environmental science side. I want you to bring me some The ginkgo tree came back."

"I thought what was the matter? You're so serious, it's okay." Murphy answered straight away.But when it comes to ginkgo trees, Mo Fei suddenly remembered the jade tree heart he found in the ginkgo forest last time.At that time, many ginkgo trees were burned after the thunder and lightning, and I found a few pieces of watery and shiny cores like jade among the burned ginkgo trees.

"By the way, Yixun, I almost forgot one thing if you didn't mention the ginkgo tree." After finishing speaking, Mo Fei ran towards the back room, found his backpack, and took out the tree heart left outside.

When he came out, he was in a hurry, but Mo Fei couldn't catch it all at once, and the jade-like tree heart fell to the ground with a "slap".

(End of this chapter)

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