Chapter 272

In the secret laboratory at this time, Lei Sen came to the debugging platform at ten o'clock in the afternoon according to the time Xiao Minyu said yesterday.

After trying several times, although the silver wing finally works normally, Xiao Minyu is still not satisfied with the transformation of the silver wing.

"Lei Sen, how do you feel after you go up? I always feel that there seems to be something missing, but I can't tell. Do you, a person who stays inside all day long, have no idea?" Xiao Minyu frowned. , staring at the video screen without squinting, but said to Lei Sen who was standing aside.

"I only feel that the overall movement of the Silver Wing is not so smooth, and there are no other problems." Lei Sen replied after thinking for a while.

"By the way, that's the problem." Xiao Minyu seemed to wake up suddenly, and then stopped talking to Lei Sen, and got busy by himself.

After working for an hour, Xiao Minyu remembered that Lei Sen was still there: "Come back to do debugging tomorrow, there is still a little bit to improve." After speaking, he ignored Lei Sen again.

The way Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu get along has never been very good, so he doesn't mind. He knows that although Xiao Minyu is targeting him, he is absolutely unambiguous in his work, so he is very relieved to give Silver Wing to him for debugging.

Without speaking, Lei Sen left the laboratory again.

Murphy, who came out of the inner room, tripped because he didn't pay attention to his feet, and the jade-like tree heart he was about to show Lin Yixun fell to the ground.

With a crisp sound, Murphy's heart sank: won't it be broken?
Because the shape and texture of the heart of the tree were too similar to white jade, Mo Fei was a little worried that the heart of the tree would be broken.

Quickly squatting down to pick up the jade-like heart, Mo Fei looked carefully.The heart of the tree seems to be much stronger than it looks, without even a single crack, and it is still warm and clear.

"Feifei, this is so pretty, what kind of jade is this?" Lin Yixun asked quickly when he saw Murphy running out with something as clear as white jade in his hand.

"This is not jade, it's the heart of that ginkgo tree." Mo Fei handed the jade-like heart to Lin Yixun.

Later, Mo Fei found that a batch of ginkgo trees had been burned when he went to collect them last time, and later he accidentally found this from a tree.

"It's a pity that after looking for so many trees, we only found this one." Murphy replied.

Lin Yixun, who took the tree heart, touched it repeatedly: "This is the tree heart? How is it possible?"

"I also thought it was impossible to bring it back. You study what it is."

"En!" Lin Yixun looked and looked at it like a treasure.

"Okay, let's study this later. Anyway, I will leave it to you. Just let me know after the research has some clues. Let's sort out the rest first." Murphy smiled at Lin Yixun Said.

"Okay!" Lin Yixun happily put away the tree heart, and then continued to sort out the data.

The two of them had been busy all day, and they didn't tidy up until after nine o'clock in the evening.

"Finally, I have gained something. I will take these over and discuss them tomorrow before we can do a formal experiment." Lin Yixun stretched his waist, his face full of a sense of accomplishment.

"That's good, go to bed early!"

After saying goodnight to each other, the two went back to rest.

And in Wanqiang's office at this time, a figure came to the office like a ghost at this time.

"How, how is it going?"

"Don't worry doctor, everything is fine."

"Okay, go out, don't show up recently."

The figure nodded, and left Wan Qiang's office without a sound.

Murphy got up early the next morning, and Lin Yixun also got up early in the morning. She sorted out the data to be studied yesterday, and she will submit it in the afternoon for further research. Now Lin Yixun's interest is in full swing. Focus on the jade-like tree heart that Murphy gave her last night.

"Feifei, Feifei, help me later, I want to test the material of this tree heart." Lin Yixun excitedly shouted at Murphy who also just woke up.

"Okay, but shall we have breakfast first?"

"Well, I'll get it." Lin Yixun ran out quickly and came back soon.

The two of them were moving instruments to the test bench after breakfast. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by a male voice: "Is Dr. Lin there?"

Lin Yixun responded, the door of the office was pushed open, and a staff member said to Lin Yixun: "Dr. Lin, Dr. Wan is here, and they said they would hold a meeting earlier, please come over."

"Okay, I see, I'll be there right away." After Lin Yixun finished speaking, the staff member left.

"Feifei, I'm going to a meeting. I took these materials with me. Please sort them out for me. We will continue the experiment when I come back." Lin Yixun said as he entered the inner office and brought the results of the two of them last night.

"Go ahead, these will all be brought out, right?" Mo Fei asked, pointing to the instruments in the cabinet.

"Except for the orange base, I have to take out everything else. I'm going to the meeting first." After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he walked outside holding the data card and reading computer.

Mo Fei was left alone in the office. Mo Fei moved out all the things and tidied them up, and then cleaned the emptied cabinets a little bit. Usually, Lin Yixun didn't have much time for sanitation, but usually did the cleaning work. The staff in the lab are just doing a general cleaning, after all, many things in the lab cannot be touched.

After tidying up, Murphy picked up an e-book and sat in the outer office to read it. Normally, Lin Yixun would take at least an hour for a meeting. What's more, Lin Yixun brought a lot of materials, so Murphy had Take plenty of time to rest indoors.

After reading most of the e-book, Mo Fei's eyes were a little tired, so he got up and walked to the window, watching the movement outside.

Unexpectedly, only forty minutes later, Lin Yixun hurried back.

"Yixun, you're back. Today's meeting is short." Mo Fei asked with a smile.

"That's not true. Dr. Wan sent someone to deliver the data card yesterday, and now it is needed for the meeting. I came back to get the data card." Lin Yixun replied after taking a breath.

"Oh." Murphy nodded and said nothing else, but at this moment, Lin Yixun suddenly stood in front of Murphy and looked at Murphy.

"Didn't you take the data card? What's the matter?"

"Feifei, I just submitted the information. They want to carry out the experiment as soon as possible. I would like to trouble you to bring back the whole ginkgo tree today." Lin Yixun then said.

"It's okay, it's still early enough to go back and forth, but don't you want to send someone to keep an eye on me?" Murphy didn't forget that he was released on bail.

"But now, no one in the mecha team can go out on missions. The half-flying mecha is reporting on the driving situation during this period. The damage area in this mission is quite large." Lin Yixun replied, and then patted Murphy on the shoulder: "Feifei, I believe in you, so I am going to guarantee you in my name, you must come back, otherwise I will be punished."

Facing Lin Yixun's trust, Murphy solemnly nodded towards Lin Yixun: "Okay, I promise to come back after completing the task, but at least find me an excavator? Do you think I can bring a tree back by myself?" ?"

Lin Yixun laughed amused by Murphy's expression: "It's been prepared a long time ago, a new type of excavating robot, if you go out with me in a while, someone will teach you how to use it, that excavator can be used for transportation directly, and the speed is not slow of."

After speaking, Lin Yixun opened the safe and took out the data card, then led Mo Fei to the outside.

After leaving Lin Yixun's office, Murphy was taken away by a sharp-faced staff member, and soon left the institute.

"Miss Murphy, the new excavating robot you are going to ride has just been assembled, so you need to adjust some data first, and someone will teach you how to operate it. I heard it is very simple, so you don't have to worry." A staff member introduced Murphy while walking.

Murphy followed behind, walked through several corridors and came to an elevator.

Enter the elevator, and the elevator goes up quickly. There are only two floors here, but the height of the second floor is almost as high as the tenth floor of an ordinary building.

After reaching the super high second floor, Murphy followed him out of the elevator.

"Murphy? Why are you here?"

Murphy just got out of the elevator when he heard a familiar male voice shout.

Turning his head and looking over, it was Lei Sen.

Seeing acquaintances always seemed a lot more cordial, Mo Fei smiled and raised his hand to Lei Sen: "Is your mech repaired?"

"It's almost there, and the final debugging is about to be done, but why are you here?"

"Oh, I have a mission to use a new type of digging robot, so let's get familiar with the operation."

Leisen nodded after listening to Murphy's explanation: "I heard that the operation is very simple, it has one more digging function than operating a car."

Seeing that Murphy was still talking, the staff who stopped in front hurriedly urged: "Miss Murphy, we are in a hurry."

Murphy looked at the staff with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I'll be right over."

Turning his head and sticking out his tongue at Lei Sen: "Let's talk another day, I'm going to study." Then he turned and walked over with the staff.

Lei Sen was about to turn around when another man came up from the elevator and saw Lei Sen standing in front of him: "You're already here, what are you doing here? Hurry up and enter the control room. Today's tests need to be experienced by you yourself." Ignoring Leisen completely, turned around and walked towards the control room.

"Hey...Xiao..." Lei Sen wanted to stop the man.

The man turned his head and glanced at Lei Sen: "I'm very busy, come in and debug quickly, we're not good enough to chat at the elevator entrance." After finishing speaking, he left.

Leisen glanced at the back of the man who was walking away, and then looked at the direction where Murphy, who had turned a corner and was out of sight, was walking. Leisen didn't say anything else, and followed the man to the monitoring room.

(End of this chapter)

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