Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 273 Digging Robots

Chapter 273 Digging Robots

Murphy followed the staff all the way forward, and finally reached a door.

"Miss Murphy, you go in, that's all there is, I have other things to go first, you just need to tell them that you are sent by the research institute and need to use a new type of digging robot, and other things have been done by Dr. Lin Get in touch."

Murphy nodded to the staff member who brought him over, "Please bring me here." Then he entered the door.

Inside the door is a gray-silver world. Every metal structure is a straight line, which makes this place full of strict rules.

It is indeed a place to deal with high technology, but walking between these metal structures makes Murphy feel inexplicably cold.

"Stop, please show your ID." Murphy was stopped when he was looking around.

"Sorry, I was sent by the research institute, and I need to use a new type of digging robot to do the task." Murphy replied quickly.

The person who stopped Murphy searched for a message, and then a message appeared: "Your name."

"Murphy." Murphy replied truthfully.

After the man recorded it, he confirmed the situation on the information column, and then led Murphy to a further inside position.

Not long after, Murphy came to a circular platform.

"Please stand on the disc, we are going to disinfect and clean your body." A voice came from nowhere, and Murphy looked around. There was a console in the distance above, and the position behind him There is a sound diffuser.

Murphy stood on the metal disc as instructed, then put an isolation cover on it, and then dropped a respirator.

"Please put the respirator on your mouth and nose." The voice reminded again.

Murphy put the respirator on according to the prompts. After a while, the respirator started to work, and the disinfectant spray was sprayed out from the surroundings.Murphy quickly closed his eyes. After dozens of seconds, the voice reminded Murphy to open his eyes and take off the breathing mask, and Murphy did so.

After opening his eyes again, Murphy realized that a robot had appeared next to the empty metal disc. The difference was that the robot's hands were digging equipment.

Mo Fei looked up and down, and it turned out that this was a digging robot.

"After disinfection, please enter the excavating robot. A staff member will come in and explain to you how to use it." The voice came down again, and Murphy obediently entered the control room of the excavating robot from the platform.

In the control room, Murphy carefully looked inside the control room.

It's surprisingly spacious here, probably because it's not a combat robot, so there's no need for such intense action, only the wrapped seat is equipped with seat belts and some protective facilities.

Looking around, Murphy set his sights on the dashboard. The dashboard here looks similar to that of a car, but with a few more buttons and levers.

While Murphy was watching, someone came in from outside: "Sit down first, and I will teach you how to use it step by step in a while." A man's voice sounded from behind Murphy, and the voice sounded familiar to Murphy. .

Turning his head, Mo Fei was taken aback, and the man was also taken aback: "Xiao Fei?" the man shouted uncertainly.

"Brother Qisheng." Murphy couldn't help shouting.

"Xiao Fei, why are you at the star base? Are you doing well?" Mo Qisheng's voice revealed a hint of concern.

Mo Qisheng, the cousin of Uncle Murphy's family, was probably the only one who didn't speak harshly to Murphy after his parents passed away, and didn't reject the run-on.It's just that the uncle had an unpleasant fight with his father in order to fight for more shares. After his parents passed away, the uncle naturally didn't allow his cousin to continue to associate with him.

This is also after the end of the world. Although Murphy came to the star base, he didn't look for it. If there is no accident, he will definitely be in this cousin of the star base.

Earlier, when Lei Sen was looking for the special mecha, Murphy had mentioned the cousin of the armor maker. Later, Lei Sen said that Mo Qisheng was indeed at the star base, and asked Murphy if he wanted to meet, but Mo Fei Fei refused, not expecting to meet under such circumstances.

"I'm fine. By the way, is this digging robot designed by my cousin?" Murphy raised a smile and changed the topic to the digging robot.

Mo Qisheng showed a smile: "Yeah, I finally have something to do to support the family."

"Are uncle and aunt okay?" Mo Fei asked by the way when he heard Mo Qisheng say this.

"They are all gone, but I was married before the end of the world, and I have a child, a boy, I should call you aunt, but it is too young, your sister-in-law takes him at home." Mo Qisheng said about his wife and children. At that time, there was a happy smile on his face.

"Congratulations brother Qisheng, we haven't been in touch for many years, and I didn't even know you were married."

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Mo Qisheng was a little embarrassed. Back then, relatives in the family divided up Murphy's father's business. Although it was left by the old man, only Mo Zhengqing could manage it so well.

Later, when I got married, I originally wanted to invite Mo Fei, but my father threatened me: If you call that girl, you will call that girl if you are not afraid that your wedding will be ruined.Thinking of this, Mo Qisheng always felt a little ashamed of Murphy.

"Okay Brother Qisheng, my task today is to come back that day, you don't want me to live in the deep mountains and old forests, teach me how to do it!" Mo Fei patted Mo Qisheng's arm, and he had already walked in the driver's seat.

Mo Qisheng glanced at Murphy and followed him.

For the next half an hour, Mo Qisheng told Murphy everything he should and shouldn't say, including some small details.

Murphy remembered quickly, and quickly became familiar with the operation process.

"Brother Qisheng, there is nothing wrong with my operation just now!" Mo Fei operated it in the order Mo Qisheng described, but because it didn't start, the digging robot was still in place.

"That's right, Xiao Fei is still so smart." Mo Qisheng nodded approvingly.

"Then I'm leaving. When I come back, I will transport the things back to the research institute first, and then I will return to the digging robot."

"I know this, you go, be careful on the road." Mo Qisheng told Mo Fei some small details, and explained what to do in case of an emergency.

"I've remembered it all, don't worry, get ready to open the door!" Mo Fei gave his cousin Mo Qisheng a positive look.

Mo Qisheng walked out of the control room, and then the metal wall opposite slowly sank, and a light appeared after a while.

Murphy did a good job, put on the safety equipment, sat down and waited for the entire exit to be revealed.

As the exit gradually enlarged, Murphy also pressed the start button.

"The exit has been fully opened, you can leave." A voice from the podium came from the communicator.

Murphy controlled the digging robot and walked out of the docking pad of the test base step by step.

Driving the digging robot, Mo Fei felt a little strange. His mecha moved internally with his body. Even if he didn't cooperate at all, as long as his body could make movements, the mecha could do exactly as he wanted, but this A digging robot needs to rely on the cooperation of its own hands to complete.

Sitting in his seat, Murphy couldn't help thinking whether this was similar to Leisen's mech control.But after all, this is just a tool robot, and it is not at the same level as a battle mech.

But Murphy has never piloted a real mecha, so she doesn't mind operating this as a mecha.

Leaving the docking pad, Murphy speeded up and quickly left the star base along a dedicated passageway on the edge.

Along the road, Murphy set the position, and then the manipulator of the digging robot ran towards the target.

Along the way, I occasionally met some people who were doing tasks, and they all looked at the excavating robots passing above them in amazement.Although it is not as big as a real mecha, it is still not a little bit higher than an ordinary car, and it can be stepped over from above.

Murphy became more and more proficient in the operation. Although he was doing a task, Murphy was having a great time playing it.

The digging robot has a big stride and is not slow, so it is not slower than driving, and Murphy quickly reached the mountain.

"Okay, here it is, go down now." Murphy muttered to himself, and then ran down the usual route.

After controlling the digging robot to the foot of the mountain, Mo Fei realized that he couldn't go directly from here, but had to climb over a mountain.

However, Murphy had learned in detail from his cousin Mo Qisheng before, so of course Murphy also asked how to use the digging tool on his arm to crawl.

Press a combination of several buttons, and the feet of the digging robot become fixed feet like octopus-like claws. Then the arms plunge into the mountain, and then lift up the foot and step up to the side of the mountain.

While the feet were falling, the claws fixed the feet deeply into the soil, and Murphy switched feet alternately. In this way, Murphy manipulated the digging robot to slowly reach the top of the mountain.

Now Murphy finally understands what it means to go up a mountain is easy to go down a mountain.

After several attempts, Murphy finally found the best way to go down the mountain without rolling down directly.

When Murphy finally stood in front of the ginkgo grove, Murphy heaved a sigh of relief.She didn't expect that it would take a lot longer than expected to come here with a digging robot. She was really used to the convenience, as long as she flew over, she didn't expect that it would be quite difficult to control a big guy to come here.

Mo Fei took a breath, and this time he wanted to bring back at least one complete ginkgo tree with roots. Of course, Lin Yixun meant that the more the better.

First, he selected a ginkgo tree that was slightly to the side. Mophy calculated the angle and the range of the possible root spread, and then shouted with confidence: "Okay, let's start!"

At this time in the star base, a rumor was slowly spreading, and everyone who heard the rumor began to panic, and the shadow of people's hearts enveloped the entire star base.

(End of this chapter)

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