Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 275 Find the reason

Chapter 275 Find the reason

Seeing that Mo Fei walked in quietly, the cell boss locked the door and left the cell door without saying anything else to Mo Fei.

Murphy went straight to the bed. This room was probably the best type of room in the detention room. Although Murphy didn't quite understand why the treatment was different this time, it would be nice to live in a more comfortable place.

Throwing the backpack on her back at the corner of the bed, Murphy sat down. She still didn't quite understand what happened.

After searching in his mind carefully, Mo Fei didn't find any doubts. He didn't seem to have done anything to attract others' attention, except that he went out to chase Gao Qing that day, but even Lin Yixun didn't doubt that he chased him out. Motivation, not to mention the fact that Gao Qing has only met him very few times in the star base for so long.

Shaking his head, Murphy really couldn't think of what he would be caught in for.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much." At this moment, Mo Fei was a little bit regretful. If he knew he was arrested again, he should have seen Lei Sen in the morning... Thinking of this, Mo Fei laughed.What happened to me, why did I lose my pace before anything happened.

While Murphy was thinking about something, the cell chief's voice sounded outside: "Miss Murphy, it's time to eat."

As the food delivery port was opened, Mo Fei saw that the food delivery port here was different from the one he lived in before.The previous food delivery outlets were all on the ground. To put it bluntly, it was like feeding cats and dogs.However, the food delivery port in this single room is opened in the middle, and there is also a platform where meals can be placed.

Mo Fei got up to get her own dinner. She didn't expect that after a busy day, the first meal she ate was in the detention room.

I took my own dinner, although the dishes were not very good, but at least it was edible, unlike those in the previous detention room, who had no idea what it was.

"Cellmaster, wait a minute, I have something to ask you." Seeing that the prison boss turned to leave, Murphy hurriedly called to the prison boss.

The cell boss stopped and looked back at Mo Fei: "Ask if you have anything, but I may not be able to answer you."

"I just want to know why I was sent in." Murphy asked, watching the expression on the prisoner's face from time to time.

"This..." The cell leader hesitated for a moment: "Actually, I don't know too well, because the authority is not enough, the information you sent is confidential, and I only know that it is related to the research institute."

Seeing that the cell boss didn't seem to be deliberately concealing it, Mo Fei pouted, wondering when did he become an important person, and even the detention information was kept secret.

"Thank you, although I still don't know why I was sent in." After thanking the cell boss, Murphy walked in with his food plate.

In fact, these meals for Murphy were specially approved, and the cell boss didn't understand what the little girl had committed before she was sent in again.You must know that Murphy was bailed out by people from the research institute before, and later someone with high authority came to pay attention, so the cell boss thought that Murphy would not come back.

However, because of what happened last time, the cell boss paid attention and specially arranged for Mo Fei to be in the best single room in the detention room.As he expected, not long after Murphy was sent in, Xiao Minyu came.

It's just that this time the situation was special, even the information was sent in a confidential letter, and it said that bail was strictly prohibited, so the cell boss could only promise Xiao Minyu to take care of Mo Fei, but he couldn't let him release Mo Fei on bail, not even a visit.

Because the cell boss really didn't know why Murphy was arrested again, Xiao Minyu didn't find out the situation, and ran towards the Supervision Section again.

It's just that the door of the Supervision Section is closed at this moment, as long as all the departments related to the Supervision Section are closed, this makes Xiao Minyu angry and anxious, so he has no choice but to contact Man Chengbin for a secret investigation.

Lei Sen, who split up with Xiao Minyu, drove directly to the research institute, but he was not much better than Xiao Minyu, and did not see Lin Yixun at all.I just heard that Lin Yixun is also undergoing quarantine inspection now.

Even Lin Yixun was under scrutiny, Lei Sen only felt that something was wrong, so he drove back to the office area to discuss with Xiao Minyu.

The two met again, but unexpectedly, both of them got nothing.But the more this happened, the more they felt that things were not simple.

"I have sent my information network to collect the latest developments of the research institute. They will notify me as soon as there is news. Now we have to hurry up and finish your mech before I can officially leave the research institute. I don't have the freedom to act like this now, so I have to let others do it for me." Xiao Minyu said to Lei Sen with a straight face.

"Alright, if you haven't heard anything yet, just wait and see what happens. Have you confessed to the detention room? You won't make Murphy suffer, will you?"

"It's all explained, then go up first, and I will come out as soon as possible after you finish debugging your silver wing." After Xiao Minyu finished speaking, he pulled Leisen, and the two hurried back to the secret research institute.

After debugging until nearly 11 o'clock in the evening, the Silver Wing was finally able to move freely, only the last new spare part was loaded.

At this time, Xiao Minyu finally received a call from Man Chengbin.

Because the phone of the secret research institute was used, and the phone was monitored, Cheng Bin could only say that it was very troublesome.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Minyu pondered for a while: "Lei Sen, work overtime tonight to finish your mecha, I will go out tomorrow morning, my people have investigated something, but it is not convenient to call, I must go out tomorrow morning. "

Lei Sen nodded: "If you don't say it, I think so too. Finish the matter today. I will go with you to meet your people. I also want to know what happened."

The rare unification of the two people's opinions, just like that, the final finishing work was carried out overnight.

And the happiest person in the whole incident was Li Jiao.

After Li Jiao learned that Murphy was arrested again, a vicious smile appeared on her face after being depressed for a long time: "Murphy, retribution, hahahaha, retribution!" Gu Huaiyuan was still not found after such a long time, and Murphy was always there Base, this made Li Jiao believe even if she didn't believe it, Gu Huaiyuan might really be dead.

But her Huaiyuan died, but Mo Fei was still alive. This matter has always weighed on Li Jiao's heart.Li Jiao had tried many times before to catch Murphy again, but Murphy had been in the research institute all along, and she couldn't bring him out of the research institute at all.

Ji Dan, the only chief of the supervision section who had helped her get Murphy into the detention room before, suddenly turned into a turtle like a defector. No matter how Li Jiao approached him, he always told him with a embarrassed face. Li Jiao, who is in the research institute, can't do anything by herself.

Li Jiao knew that it was really difficult for Murphy to make a move in the research institute, but she still couldn't swallow it in her heart.

Unexpectedly, in a turn of events, Mo Fei didn't know why he was taken into the detention room again.Li Jiao felt that God was helping her, so she went to bed early in a good mood. How could she let go of such a good opportunity to humiliate Mo Fei.

The next morning, Li Jiao got up early. She was going to the detention room, and she wanted to make Mo Fei feel bad.

However, when she reached the door of the detention room, Li Jiao was turned away, and even she mentioned the name of her father Li He, but she couldn't get the cell boss to let her in.

Li Jiao, who ran excitedly, had no choice but to go back angrily.

Li Jiao couldn't see Murphy, and Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen couldn't see Murphy either.The two of them finished remodeling Lei Sen's silver wings overnight, and after finishing the final adjustments, Lei Sen dragged Xiao Minyu all the way out.

"It's strange. I didn't expect Team Lei, who had always been at odds, to reconcile with Mr. Xiao. The sun really came out from the west."

"Hey, how can I say that the two of you completed the transformation of the Silver Wing together this time, maybe they suddenly hit it off."

Seeing Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu leave in a hurry, the staff at the side couldn't help gossiping.

Those who know Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu must know that Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu are at odds.It didn't start from the end of the age, but discord before the end of the age.

It seems that the two were competitors when they were in the same school. Both of them were excellent, but their ideas were often different, which made the two of them dislike each other.But I didn't expect that after this transformation, they would work overtime together overnight and leave together early in the morning, which is really puzzling.

At this time, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu didn't care what others thought, they signed the signature quickly and then drove towards Xiao Minyu's villa in Xingxin Circle.

Speeding all the way, the car just stopped when Lei Sen jumped off the co-pilot.

Xiao Minyu got out of the car regardless of whether the car was still in the yard, and then the two entered Xiao Minyu's villa together.

When they saw Lei Sen coming in with Xiao Minyu, Man Chengbin, Geng Yunwei, Meng Zhibo, and Fang Xingping were slightly taken aback. They knew Xiao Minyu best, so how could they not know about Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen.

But seeing Xiao Minyu bring Lei Sen back in person, the few people were just a little stunned, and then recovered their expressions.

"Second brother, tell me quickly what happened and why Feifei was taken away again?" Xiao Minyu was impatient and urged Man Chengbin to speak quickly before he sat down.

Lei Sen followed suit and sat down, but his eyes were also fixed on Man Chengbin. He felt a little strange about this matter. Since returning from the last mission, Murphy has been staying in the research institute, that is, he went out to do a mission yesterday. There seemed to be nothing wrong when the mission was set out, so it is really puzzling why such a thing happened in one day.

Seeing Xiao Minyu's anxious expression, Man Chengbin opened the information he had learned so far, and pushed it to Xiao Minyu's eyes: "This is what I learned after talking with you. It looks very pessimistic. Take a look!"

Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen heard the words and looked at the screen at the same time, and scanned it roughly from top to bottom. Xiao Minyu slapped his thigh angrily and stood up abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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