Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 276 Storm Center

Chapter 276 Storm Center
"That's unreasonable, how is this possible? It's absolutely impossible for Feifei to do it. Besides, they have any evidence that Feifei did it to arrest people?" Xiao Minyu was about to explode, how could all hats be put on Murphy's head.

Lei Sen couldn't help shaking his head after reading it: "This matter is too strange, but now the blame is directed at Murphy, and we can only solve it unless we can find the root cause."

"That's right." Xiao Minyu suddenly turned his head to look at Man Chengbin: "Go and check on Li Jiao to see if it's her fault."

Because of what happened before, the first person Xiao Minyu associates with is Li Jiao.

But Man Chengbin immediately gave an answer.

"It's not Li Jiao. I thought of it too. Li Jiao didn't know the result of the investigation until after Mo Fei was arrested. She wanted to go to the detention room early this morning. She probably wanted to ridicule Mo Fei, but the detention room was also not available." Let her in." Man Chengbin replied truthfully.

"That's strange. In the star base, apart from the man surnamed Gu who caused Feifei some trouble, it seems that Feifei has no other opponents!" Xiao Minyu lowered his head, and the corners of his eyes moved slightly. Who will threaten Murphy.

It was Lei Sen who suddenly said: "By the way, Murphy has a cousin in the base. I heard that Murphy didn't get along well with those relatives before the end of the world. I don't have much contact with them, but will they find out that Murphy is in the base and move?" hands and feet?"

As soon as Lei Sen's words came out, although it gave a clue to the minds of the chaotic few people, Xiao Minyu looked at Lei Sen suspiciously: "How do you know that Feifei has relatives in the star base, and she has a bad relationship with Feifei?" ?”

Xiao Minyu's tone suddenly turned cold, causing the surrounding air to drop several degrees in an instant.

Lei Sen was very calm: "I asked Mo Fei to help me investigate some things about mechas. At that time, I asked her if she knew about their mecha masters before the end of the world, and she said that she had a cousin who was Mecha Master, if there is no accident, she is at the star base. Later, I contacted her cousin. I once asked Mo Fei if he would like to meet her cousin, but she refused. It seems that the relationship before the end of the world is not good. Very good."

After listening to Lei Sen's explanation, Xiao Minyu's heart relaxed a little. It seems that he knew it by accident, and it was not Murphy who took the initiative to tell Lei Sen.

"Then what are you waiting for, find out about Feifei's cousin." Xiao Minyu couldn't see Murphy at all at this time, even though he asked the prison boss, he was still a little worried.

"Well, let's go." Lei Sen also stood up.

Xiao Minyu told Man Chengbin to continue to collect relevant things, and contact him once he found something new.

After Man Chengbin agreed, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu left Xiao Minyu's villa together.

Seeing the two people leaving, Man Chengbin couldn't help sighing: Murphy is really amazing, he can make these two people finish one thing together calmly.

But Xiao Minyu didn't dare to relax. When the door closed, Man Chengbin asked Fang Xingping and Geng Yunwei to go out and inquire, while he continued to search for some relevant information in front of the computer.

Relying on Xiao Minyu's identity and Lei Sen's pass, the two came to another mechanical laboratory next to the secret laboratory.

This place is not as confidential as what is done in the secret laboratory, but it is definitely at the cutting edge of technology.That is, the gray-white metal world that Murphy came to for the mission yesterday.

Yesterday, Mo Fei came here to borrow the digging robot, and Mo Feisheng, Mo Fei's cousin, was in this laboratory. This made both Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu feel that maybe it was really related to Mo Qisheng.

But when the two of them met Mo Qisheng, they gave up this idea. Mo Qisheng didn't know anything about Mo Fei's situation. When he was digging the robot, he was already off work, so he didn't see Murphy.

And Mo Qisheng also realized that the two people in front of him came to ask Murphy specifically, and he was afraid that Murphy might be in trouble.

It's just that Mo Qisheng is just an ordinary staff member now, so naturally he can't help much, but Mo Qisheng told everything about Murphy's arrival, and finally said that Dr. Lin from the research institute It's arranged, and I only know part of it.

Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen looked at each other, and the two judged Mo Qisheng's words. There was indeed no doubt in it, so now the most important thing is Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun was the one who released Murphy on bail, and it was Lin Yixun who kept Murphy in the research institute. This time, it was Lin Yixun who arranged the mission. Now that something happened, it seemed that Murphy was all the blame. Let Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu be suspicious.

"Go to the research institute, we have to ask that Dr. Lin face to face, what's going on." After Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen left this metal world, in the elevator, Xiao Minyu said to Lei Sen.

"The problem is, it's very difficult to see Lin Yixun now. Didn't I go there once before, and they didn't let him in at all, saying that Lin Yixun was under quarantine inspection." Lei Sen pushed the question to Xiao Minyu again.

Xiao Minyu pondered for a while: "It's okay, it was you yourself yesterday, we will go together today, at least we will save face, at least we can see Dr. Lin Yixun, so we can listen to what she has to say."

The two made up their minds and drove to the research institute after getting off the elevator.

The atmosphere in the institute today is very dignified. It is no wonder that such a big incident has caused many people to panic.

"Excuse me, who are...?" Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen had just stepped into the gate of the research institute when they were stopped by the guards.

Lei Sen showed his pass, and Xiao Minyu also showed his special investigation certificate.

The guard quickly gave way to the road, and the two entered the institute smoothly.

A few more people passed by one after another, Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu finally met Lin Yixun.

When Lin Yixun saw Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu, he was a little excited, but because there were other people beside him, Lin Yixun couldn't say a lot.

"Dr. Lin, what's going on? Also, is that news true?" Xiao Minyu didn't say the content directly, but went straight to the point.

Lin Yixun shook his head: "I believe that Feifei did not do this, but I am also puzzled why such news spread. To tell you the truth, the news is true, and there are only a few people in the research institute. Few people know about this incident. In addition, the most important point is that the data card of this incident was sent by someone the day before the incident, and I was not there at that time, only Feifei was there."

After Lin Yixun finished speaking, he glanced at the staff standing aside, and then continued: "But I just left for a while and then came back. At that time, Feifei didn't know what was inside, so she just put it on the table casually." Yes, there is no label on it, and the person who sent it did not leave their name, but the meeting the next day asked me to bring that information card."

"So, Feifei only has a few minutes to get access to that data card." Xiao Minyu asked the crux of the problem.

Lin Yixun nodded: "Yes. That file has many layers. Even if you open it immediately after you get it, even if you already know where the file is, it will take some time. What's more, you have to find a computer to install a data card, and you have to read the file. I have to search, so it can't be Feifei at all. And I believe that even if Feifei knew about it, she wouldn't publicize it." Lin Yixun replied with certainty.

"In that case, why didn't you put forward your point of view?" Leisen asked after listening for a long time, but he didn't hear anything substantive.

"Of course I said it, but there is no evidence, and there are no other witnesses. The staff who sent the information card also said that I was not in the office at the time and gave the information card to Feifei." Lin Yixun replied helplessly, she Of course, he knew that Mo Fei would be exonerated, but he couldn't convince him without evidence.

"It seems that we still need to find the source of the dissemination. Only by finding the source can we get rid of Feifei." Xiao Minyu turned his charming eyes and said in thought.

Although seeing Lin Yixun this time did not solve the matter, but he already knew the ins and outs, at least he had a general idea in mind.

"Lei Sen, I'll ask my people to do a detailed investigation. Go and collect the information outside, and meet at my house at night." Xiao Minyu made a decisive decision, and Lei Sen nodded.

The two bid farewell to Lin Yixun, and told Lin Yixun to think about the details again and inform them if there was any situation. Then Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu left to find other clues.

"What did that Murphy do this time? Why can't I go see him?" In the villa of Xingxin Circle, Li Jiao sat on the sofa, facing a white and fat man, Ji, the chief of the supervision department. one.

"Miss Li, this matter was directly dispatched from above. Even the information is kept confidential. I really don't know. Let alone you, I can't even ask." Ji Dan replied as if complaining to Li Jiao.

"Then... is this serious?"

"It should be that people who even I can't manage are either very senior officials, or have committed particularly serious crimes, but this Murphy has not yet reached the level of senior officials, so it must be the latter." Ji Dan told Li Jiao analyzed, with a pondering expression on her face.

Originally thought that this Murphy would not come in after going out this time, but he didn't expect that it would be more serious when he came in this time. Now Ji Dan is not sure whether to help or trample on him.

But Li Jiao didn't care what Ji Dan was thinking, she was in a very happy mood at the moment: "Hmph, this is the retribution for hurting my Huaiyuan."

Murphy in the detention room was unable to practice qi, so she was still practicing the formulas on how to get qi. She had already memorized this set of formulas by heart, so she was just about to apply them.

However, Murphy was in the center of the vortex, but she didn't know how much disturbance was going on outside, and there were more cruel things waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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