Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 277 Unbelievable

Chapter 277 Unbelievable

In the conference hall in the command center of the star base, a group of people sat around an oval conference table. Although there were not many people, they were all the most important leaders of the base.

The purpose of these people today is to solve and deal with this storm.

Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, and other people who knew the cause of the turmoil.

"Fortunately, this matter was intercepted and suppressed by us in time. If ordinary people learn about such a matter, I'm afraid they don't know how to end it." Zhan resolutely looked at Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, with a serious face.

"This incident is indeed very dangerous. I have quarantined and reviewed all the relevant people. According to the current evidence, it should be a person who was released on bail. I am afraid that he thought of revenge because he was dissatisfied with being arrested before. Some people from the research institute." Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, reported the current investigation situation of his subordinates to Zhan Yiran.

"No matter what the reason is, leaking important information is a capital offense. You can deal with the rest yourself!" Zhan Yiran was still sullen. If other countries in the Earth Alliance knew about this matter, then the next data sharing might be difficult. There is no hope.

"Of course I understand the seriousness of this matter, but I still want to investigate it. If it is pure revenge, such means are simply harmful to others. After all, it is a big event, and I still hope to investigate more." Liao Hui said Standing up: "Everyone here is an insider of this incident, and everyone has some opinions."

The first person to speak was Qi Tongfu, the dean of the star base of the research institute: "First of all, I apologize for what happened to the research institute. In fact, I think that this matter may not be as simple as I imagined. Let's not say whether it is right or not." The guy who was released on bail did it, but that was not an easy thing to bring about."

Sitting next to Dean Qi Tongfu is Lin Leshan, the former dean of the Cangji Research Institute and now the deputy director of the Star-based Research Institute, who is Lin Yixun's father.Lin Leshan always felt that this incident was unusual.Don't you know who your daughter is?As for that Murphy, through several contacts, Lin Leshan also felt that Murphy was not that kind of person, but because there was no evidence, Lin Leshan couldn't say anything more.

At this moment, Lin Leshan heard Dean Qi Tongfu say this, and couldn't help saying: "Dean Qi is right, this matter itself is not easy to complete. First of all, this person was released on bail. She did this Undoubtedly, it is not good for her, and besides the issue of the information, she does not know what information it is, and she cannot let this information be controlled by her time and will, so there is only a coincidence."

Lin Leshan paused: "Let's assume that everything is accidental, and the person who was released on bail got it all by accident, but what is the motive for her to spread it after knowing it? If there is no such thing, she Now that she is constantly doing missions and doing meritorious service, and she has never been caught before, there is no conclusive evidence to prove that she is the murderer, so she will be released sooner or later, why do you have to take this risk?"

Because Lin Leshan not only understands the incident, but also understands the parties involved in this incident, so he analyzed it before and after.

Hao Jingqi, the deputy commander-in-chief of the star base, stood up: "Dean Lin, you can't say that, who said she has no motive. As you just said, there is no evidence for her conviction, so she may be wronged As far as I know, the suspect is just a 17-year-old girl, so it is reasonable to say that she is mentally immature. Maybe she didn't realize the seriousness of this matter at all, so she used her own knowledge What about retaliating against the information? After all, it was also the personnel of the base’s supervision section who mistakenly arrested her before.”

As soon as I heard that the Supervision Section was involved, Ma Jingyang, the higher-up management of the Supervision Section, that is, the director of the Base Security Department, stood up with a slightly displeased face: "Deputy Commander Hao, the people in our Supervision Section are not gods. But because of the case sent over from above, we detained her first to be more cautious, but we didn't do anything to her at that time, so you say, won't it become the responsibility of our supervision department?"

When Director Ma talked about the Supervision Section, he took a special look at Li He who was sitting next to Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base.At the beginning of this incident, it was because of Li He's relationship that he went directly to the detention room without going through the procedure. Later, Ma Jingyang heard a lot about Li Jiao's problems.

Seeing Ma Jingyang looking at him, Li He didn't say a word. Talking at this time will only become a target of public criticism.Although he was also angry with his daughter for not living up to expectations, Li He couldn't respond to Ma Jingyang's questioning.

"Okay, okay, what are you guys doing? I haven't made an outline of the matter, and my own people are about to fight." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Liao Hui, the commander-in-chief of the star base, stopped everyone from continuing to speak.

At this moment, Sun Peng, the executive officer of the star base, stood up.Sun Peng is a big fat man, at least two hundred catties. Because of his huge stature, when he stood up, his huge belly was pressed against the table, and the chair behind him made a harsh friction sound as it slid back.

"Everyone, don't get angry. Since there are many doubts about this matter, we will suppress the matter first, and then conduct an investigation. If there is evidence that the suspect is innocent, we will deal with it. It's just because there is no way to judge whether the suspect is innocent. Good or bad, it’s better to give her house arrest, the treatment is worse than that of a prisoner, but she can’t move freely, so that she won’t be too angry even if she is innocent in the future.”

What Sun Peng proposed was a compromise, not to convict Mo Fei, but not to let Mo Fei act freely.

Everyone agrees with such a result, especially Dean Lin Leshan, it is not easy to help Murphy achieve such a result.

Seeing that everyone didn't have too many opinions, Liao Hui asked Sun Peng, the executive officer of the star base, to arrange to find some profitable candidates to investigate the incident. No matter whether it was Murphy's work or not, this person must be found out.

After collecting the information of the day, Lei Sen went to Xiao Minyu's house at night.

After the two met, they realized that neither of them had any clues.

"It's even more suspicious now. If it was revealed by Feifei, it's impossible to have no clues at all. It seems that someone revealed it on purpose but it was hidden very deeply." Xiao Minyu was also a little worried.

"By the way, I heard that some people raised questions at today's high-level meeting, so now Murphy won't have a hard time, but he doesn't have freedom, and he can't contact anyone." After listening to Xiao Minyu's words, Lei Sen suddenly thought What he heard today.

"I've heard about this too. It seems that the matter is true, but someone from above suppressed it." Xiao Minyu replied, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Murphy, who was in the prison room, looked at the pieces of daily necessities such as furniture and bedding that were brought in, and even changed clothes and toiletries.

Murphy couldn't figure out what was going on at all.

Leaving aside the fact that she was in prison, why would she be provided with such a good thing? Such an arrangement, except that she was not allowed to come and go freely, was no different from a vacation.

Even Mo Fei thought, if it wasn't for a wisp of her qi being thrown into Lei Sen's body, she would be safe living here every day, with food and drink, and it would be a good choice to practice qi every day.

After everything was arranged, the cell boss brought the food again, which was obviously more abundant than before.

"Excuse me, what does that mean?" Murphy finally couldn't resist his curiosity, and asked the prisoner.

"Miss Mofei, you just want to eat and use. Don't ask so many questions. I don't know about this matter. It's all arranged by the superiors."This time, it was really a matter of arranging the deployment according to the order from the headquarters, so the cell boss looked at Murphy even more highly.

Hearing what the prison boss said, and then looking at the prison boss' expression, Murphy guessed that he really didn't know, so he didn't ask anymore.

Sitting at the clean dining table with his hearty meal, Mo Fei smiled wryly: If the people outside, especially the people in the star community, knew that the detention room still had such treatment, it is estimated that some people would want to come in if the detention room was overcrowded. .

It's a pity that Murphy still didn't understand why he was arrested.

If it was because of Gu Huaiyuan, the incident took so long and there is no evidence that it shouldn't be.What's more, if the evidence of that matter is conclusive, I should have been tried in court long ago, so I wouldn't want to be like this now.

If Murphy found it strange that he was arrested for no reason, then today's incident was even more unbelievable.

Which prisoner have you seen treated like her? Look at the brand new dining tables and chairs, wardrobes, and even new beds and bedding.There are even brand new clothes and shoes in the closet.

Even the head of the cell, who had just ordered people to move things in, had a look of disbelief, not to mention Murphy who didn't know anything.

What crime did you commit?Murphy now has no contact with anyone except the cell boss, and the cell boss himself doesn't seem to know much about it.But like he said, even if he knew it, he might not tell himself.

But he didn't even know why he was here, and Murphy didn't dare to act rashly.Because she never forgot that the person who captured him mentioned that Lin Yixun was involved in this matter.

Just when Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu were racking their brains to find evidence to excuse Mo Fei, and Mo Fei in the cell was still at a loss, he walked towards the headquarters with a few things alone.

The man's face was full of confidence. He believed that the thing he brought would definitely cause an uproar.

And he believed that, in this way, Murphy's charges would definitely be fulfilled.

Walking in front of the command post, the man hooked his lips. He didn't go straight up, but walked in another direction. Seeing that the guards weren't paying attention, the man walked around to the back and threw the things in his hand upwards, from the second The open window was thrown in.

Then the man pretended nothing happened and left the headquarters building.

(End of this chapter)

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